Physical Therapy Practice THE MAGAZINE OF THE ORTHOPAEDIC SECTION, APTA VOL. 21, NO. 1 2009 ORTHOPAEDIC ...... LLiivviinngg!! llaayy HH ... PP eellpp rrkk... yyoouurr o WWoo ppaattiieennttss ggeett bbaacckk tto “The ACTIVE S-I BELT® is the best support for pelvic instability conditions.” Richard Jackson, PT, OCS Physical Therapist Richard Jackson Seminars activeortho.com For more information or to place an order call 877-477-3248 Specht Orthopedic, Inc. | PO Box 23 | Swansea, MA 02777 2009 CONTINUING EDUCATION COURSES Orthopaedic Section Independent Study Courses: Bringing the Knowledge to You Designed for Individual Continuing Education 2009 Courses How it Works Each independent study course consists of 3, 6, or 12 monographs in • Update on Anterior Cruciate Ligament Injuries (April 2009) (6 monographs) a binder along with a final examination, an answer sheet, and a con- • The Female Athlete Triad (July 2009) (6 monographs) tinuing education form. Monographs are 16 to 28 pages in length • Orthopaedic Issues and Treatment Strategies for the Pediatric Patient (November 2009) and require 4 to 6 hours to complete. Ten multiple-choice review (6 monographs) questions are included in each monograph for your self assessment The Orthopaedic Section will be seeking CEU approval from the following states for the (answers are on the last page). The final examination consists of mul- 2009 courses listed above: Nevada, Ohio, Oklahoma, Pennsylvania, and Texas. tiple-choice test questions. Exams for 3- and 6-monograph courses must be returned within 3 months. Exams for Current Concepts of Current Courses Available Orthopaedic Physical Therapy must be returned in 4 months. If notification of cancellation is received in writing prior to the course, 3-Monograph Courses the registration fee will be refunded less a 20% administrative fee. • Basic Science for Animal Physical Therapists: Equine, 2nd Edition No refunds will be given after receipt of course materials. • Basic Science for Animal Physical Therapists: Canine, 2nd Edition • Reimbursement Strategies for Physical Therapists (Limited print quantity available.) Educational Credit • Diagnostic Imaging in Physical Therapy (Limited print quantity available.) To receive continuing education, registrants must complete the ex- amination and return the answer sheet and CEU form and must score 6-Monograph Courses 70% or higher on the examination. Registrants who successfully • Low-back Pain and the Evidence for Effectiveness of Physical Therapy Interventions complete the examination will receive a certificate recognizing the • Movement Disorders and Neuromuscular Interventions for the Trunk and Extremities contact hours earned. • Dance Medicine: Strategies for the Prevention and Care of Injuries to Dancers Number of monographs per course Contact hours earned • Vestibular Rehabilitation, Dizziness, Balance, and Associated Issues in Physical Therapy (Limited print copies available.) 3-monograph course 15 • Pharmacology (Limited print copies available.) 6-monograph course 30 • Strength and Conditioning (Only available on CD.) 12-monograph course 84 • Postoperative Management of Orthopaedic Surgeries (Only available on CD.) • Orthopaedic Interventions for Pediatric Patients: the Evidence for Effectiveness (Only Only the registrant named will obtain contact hours. No exceptions available on CD.) will be made. Registrants are responsible for applying to their State Licensure Board for CEUs. 12-Monograph Courses - Prepare For The OCS Exam! Registration Fees • Current Concepts of Orthopaedic Physical Therapy, 2nd Edition Orthopaedic APTA Non-APTA Section Members Members Members Additional Questions? 3-monograph courses $80 $155 $205 Call toll free: (800) 444-3982 or visit 6-monograph courses $160 $260 $335 our Web site at: www.orthopt.org. 12-monograph course $240 $490 $490 REGISTRATION FORM I am registering for course(s) _____________________________________________________________________________________________________________ Name _____________________________________________________________ Credentials (circle one) PT, PTA, other__________________________________ Mailing Address ____________________________________________________ City _____________________________ State ___________ Zip ______________ Billing Address for Credit Card (if applicable) ________________________________________________________________________________________________ Daytime Telephone Number (______) _______________________ APTA# ________________________ E-mail Address ___________________________________ For clarity, enclose a business card. Please make checks payable to: Orthopaedic Section, APTA Registration Fee ________________ Please check: I wish to join the Orthopaedic Section and Fax registration and Visa, MasterCard, American Express, Orthopaedic Section Member take advantage of the membership rate. or Discover number to: (608) 788-3965 WI State Sales Tax ______________ (Note: must already be a member of APTA.) APTA Member Visa/MC/AmEx/Discover (circle one)# __________________________ WI County _____________________ Non-APTA Member I wish to become a PTA Member ($30). I wish to become a PT Member ($50). Expiration Date ___________________________________________ Membership Fee ______________ Signature ________________________________________________ TOTAL Where did you hear about the course? Brochure Orthopaedic Section Web site E-mail Other __________________ Mail check and registration to: Orthopaedic Section, APTA, 2920 East Avenue South, Suite 200, La Crosse, WI 54601 Toll Free 800-444-3982 Orthopaedic Practice Vol. 21;1:09 1 Stretching the limits of End Range of Motion since 1991 Motion get results, and get your patient back on track ERMI’s in-home mechanical therapy devices give patients control of getting motion so you can focus on strengthening, muscle coordination and other modalities during clinic sessions. Our Philosophy is Different. At ERMI we focus on patients with mild to severe motion loss. We provide patients with home-therapy devices that Featuring the • mimic in-clinic manual therapy ® • are easy and convenient to use ERMI Knee Extensionater • provide rapid motion increases The ERMI Knee Extensionater is a portable, easy-to-use device that allows patients Our results are proven... with flexion contractures to work on and the outcome is guaranteed! improving extension at home, at work or just about anywhere they go. The device uses a comfortably fitting air bladder to “The Knee Extensionater served accomplish overpressure therapy with as my therapist when I was more precision and without the discomfort away from physical therapy.” of the traditional hanging of weights. Sarah Jane Whitlock Other ERMI Devices include... Extensionater Devices Flexionater Devices MPJ Extension Elbow Extension Shoulder External Rotation Knee/Ankle Flexion and Flexion and Abduction (877) 503-0505 • GetMotion.com 2 Orthopaedic Practice Vol. 21;1:09 ORTHOPAEDIC Physical Therapy Practice VOL. 21, NO. 1 2009 inthisissue regularfeatures 9 | Functional Outcomes following Rotator Cuff Repair based on Tissue Quality: A Pilot Study Reg B. Wilcox, Bette Ann Harris, Linda E. Arslanian, 5 | Editor’s Message John A. Carrino, Peter J. Millett 6 | President’s Corner 17 | The Use of Rearfoot Positional Taping in the Treatment of 7 | Finance Committee Report Achilles and Peroneal Tendinitis in an Adolescent Female Soccer Player: A Case Report 42 | Book Reviews Melissa Eagleton 49 | Occupational Health SIG Newsletter 25 | The Use of a Clinical Prediction Rule for Diagnosis and 55 | Performing Arts SIG Newsletter Treatment Based Classification System for the Treatment of a Cervical Radiculopathy Patient: A Case Report 55 | Pain Management SIG Newsletter Alejandro Tamayo 57 | Animal Physical Therapist SIG Newsletter 33 | Treatment of Cervicogenic Headaches Using Mulligan “SNAGS” and Postural Reeducation: A Case Report 61 | Foot and Ankle SIG Newsletter C. Jason Richardson 66 | Index to Advertisers 40 | In the Spotlight Paul F. Beattie, PT, PhD, OCS optpmission publicationstaff Managing Editor & Advertising Advisory Council To serve as an advocate and resource for Sharon L. Klinski Lisa Eaton, DPT, OCS the practice of Orthopaedic Physical Therapy Orthopaedic Section, APTA Martha Espy, PTA 2920 East Ave So, Suite 200 John Garzione, PT, DPT, DAAPM by fostering quality patient/client care and La Crosse, Wisconsin 54601 Debbie King, PTA 800-444-3982 x 202 Tom McPoil, PT, PhD, ATC promoting professional growth. Lori Michener, PT, PhD, ATC, SCS 608-788-3965 FAX Becky Newton, MSPT Email: [email protected] Stephen Paulseth, PT, MS Editor Robert Rowe, PT, DMT, MHS, FAAOMPT Christopher Hughes, PT, PhD, OCS Michael Wooden, PT, MS, OCS Publication Title: Orthopaedic Physical Therapy Practice Statement of Frequency: Quarterly; January, April, July, and October Authorized Organization’s Name and Address: Orthopaedic Section, APTA, Inc., 2920 East Avenue South, Suite 200, La Crosse, WI 54601-7202 Orthopaedic Physical Therapy Practice (ISSN 1532-0871) is the official magazine of the Orthopaedic Section, APTA, Inc. Copyright 2009 by the Or tho paedic Sec tion/APTA. Non mem ber sub scrip tions are avail able for $50 per year (4 is sues). Opin ions ex pressed by the au thors are their own and do not nec es sar i ly re flect the views of the Or tho paedic Sec tion. The editor re serves the right to edit manu scripts as nec es sary for pub li ca tion. All re quests for change of ad dress should be di rect ed to the La Crosse Office. All advertisements
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