LAST 12 MONTH PREVALENCE OF TOP 20 DRUGS Top 20 Drugs – Last 12 Months – Whole Sample (N=78,819) Poppers 3.8 Ritalin 3.9 Electronic THC 3.9 Mystery White Powders 4.7 Ketamine 5.7 Caffeine Tablets 6.2 Nitrous Oxide 6.3 Benzodiazepines 7.8 Opioid Painkillers 8.7 LSD 10.1 Magic Mushrooms 10.6 Amphetamines* 11.7 Electonic CigareJes 12.3 Cocaine 16.4 Shisha Tobacco 18.5 MDMA* 23.4 Caffeinated Energy Drinks 45.9 Cannabis* 48.2 Tobacco 56.7 Alcohol 90.8 0.0 10.0 20.0 30.0 40.0 50.0 60.0 70.0 80.0 90.0 100.0 % last year prevalence *Denotes all types and preparaons Global Drug Survey GDS2014© Not to be reproduced without authors permission Top 20 Drugs – Last 12 Months – Australia (N=5,943) Synthe2c Cannabis 4.1 Ketamine 4.1 Mystery White Powders 4.5 Nitrous Oxide 4.8 Caffeine Tablets 4.9 Viagra 5.1 Poppers 5.8 Shisha Tobacco 6.5 Electronic CigareJes 6.7 Magic Mushrooms 7.9 LSD 9.4 Amphetamines* 11.8 Benzodiazepines 16.2 Opioid Painkillers 17.9 Cocaine 20.6 MDMA* 23.0 Caffeinated Energy Drinks 33.2 Cannabis* 34.7 Tobacco 36.4 Alcohol 92.1 0.0 10.0 20.0 30.0 40.0 50.0 60.0 70.0 80.0 90.0 100.0 % last year prevalence *Denotes all types and preparaons Global Drug Survey GDS2014© Not to be reproduced without authors permission Top 20 Drugs – Last 12 Months – Belgium (N=2,717) Poppers 4.1 2CB 4.6 Mystery White Powders 4.7 Benzodiazepines 5.2 Nutmeg 5.2 Ritalin 5.5 LSD 5.9 Ketamine 6.5 Nitrous Oxide 6.9 Electronic CigareJes 7.6 Opioid Painkillers 8.3 Amphetamines* 8.5 Magic Mushrooms 8.7 Shisha Tobacco 12.5 Cocaine 19.9 MDMA* 23.6 Cannabis* 41.8 Caffeinated Energy Drinks 49.0 Tobacco 59.3 Alcohol 95.3 0.0 20.0 40.0 60.0 80.0 100.0 120.0 % last year prevalence *Denotes all types and preparaons Global Drug Survey GDS2014© Not to be reproduced without authors permission Top 20 Drugs – Last 12 Months – Brazil (N=1,088) Amphetamines* 2.6 DMT 3.2 Opioid Painkillers 3.2 Mystery White Powders 3.7 Salvia Divinorum 3.8 Ritalin 3.9 Caffeine Tablets 4.4 Shisha Tobacco 4.5 Viagra 4.8 Ayahuasca 4.9 Electronic CigareJes 5.2 Magic Mushrooms 7.5 Benzodiazepines 9.7 MDMA* 13.8 Cocaine* 19.2 LSD 33.0 Caffeinated Energy Drinks 51.1 Tobacco 51.8 Cannabis* 69.5 Alcohol 89.7 0.0 10.0 20.0 30.0 40.0 50.0 60.0 70.0 80.0 90.0 100.0 % last year prevalence *Denotes all types and preparaons Global Drug Survey GDS2014© Not to be reproduced without authors permission Top 20 Drugs – Last 12 Months – Denmark (N=1,647) Tramadol 3.6 DMT 3.6 Mystery White Powders 3.7 2CB 5.7 Caffeine Tablets 6.0 Benzodiazepines 6.5 Ketamine 7.3 Opioid Painkillers 8.1 Nitrous Oxide 8.3 Ritalin 8.7 LSD 11.9 Amphetamines* 16.7 Electronic CigareJes 18.2 Magic Mushrooms 21.2 MDMA* 22.5 Cocaine 24.2 Caffeinated Energy Drinks 49.0 Tobacco 65.4 Cannabis* 66.0 Alcohol 92.5 0.0 10.0 20.0 30.0 40.0 50.0 60.0 70.0 80.0 90.0 100.0 % last year prevalence *Denotes all types and preparaons Global Drug Survey GDS2014© Not to be reproduced without authors permission Top 20 Drugs – Last 12 Months – France (N=2,051) Opium 2.6 Mystery White Powders 3.1 Z Drugs 3.3 Tramadol 3.4 Salvia Divinorum 3.5 Ketamine 5.3 Benzodiazepines 7.2 Amphetamines* 8.3 Poppers 9.0 Opioid Painkillers 9.3 LSD 9.4 Magic Mushrooms 12.5 Shisha Tobacco 13.0 Electronic CigareJes 22.8 MDMA* 23.1 Cocaine 24.4 Caffeinated Energy Drinks 37.9 Cannabis* 66.6 Tobacco 74.2 Alcohol 94.3 0.0 10.0 20.0 30.0 40.0 50.0 60.0 70.0 80.0 90.0 100.0 % last year prevalence *Denotes all types and preparaons Global Drug Survey GDS2014© Not to be reproduced without authors permission Top 20 Drugs – Last 12 Months – Germany (N=22,801) Benzodiazepines 3.4 Nitrous Oxide 3.5 Mystery White Powders 3.5 Ritalin 4.0 Nutmeg 4.1 Ketamine 4.7 Intranasal Caffeine 5.4 Electronic THC 5.7 LSD 7.8 Magic Mushrooms 9.2 Caffeine Tablets 9.4 Electronic CigareJes 9.9 Cocaine 12.7 Amphetamines* 17.1 MDMA* 21.5 Shisha Tobacco 29.1 Cannabis* 45.8 Caffeinated Energy Drinks 51.0 Tobacco 65.6 Alcohol 95.5 0.0 10.0 20.0 30.0 40.0 50.0 60.0 70.0 80.0 90.0 100.0 % last year prevalence *Denotes all types and preparaons Global Drug Survey GDS2014© Not to be reproduced without authors permission Top 20 Drugs – Last 12 Months – Hungary (N=3,239) Tramadol 1.0 Salvia Divinorum 1.1 DMT 1.1 2CB 1.1 Mephedrone 1.2 Kratom 1.5 Ketamine 1.7 Viagra 1.8 Nutmeg 2.0 Nitrous Oxide 2.7 Poppers 2.8 Caffeine Tablets 3.9 Synthe2c Cannabis 4.1 Mystery White Powders 5.0 LSD 5.3 Benzodiazepines 6.0 Electronic CigareJes 8.5 Magic Mushrooms 9.7 Cocaine 10.1 Amphetamines* 12.8 MDMA* 12.8 Shisha Tobacco 21.5 Cannabis* 37.6 Caffeinated Energy Drinks 49.9 Tobacco 61.5 Alcohol 94.1 0.0 10.0 20.0 30.0 40.0 50.0 60.0 70.0 80.0 90.0 100.0 % last year prevalence *Denotes all types and preparaons Global Drug Survey GDS2014© Not to be reproduced without authors permission Top 20 Drugs – Last 12 Months – Mexico (N=643) Poppers 3.6 Viagra 3.6 Ayahuasca 4.0 Mescaline 4.4 DMT 4.5 Mystery White Powders 4.8 Peyote 6.4 Amphetamines* 8.1 Benzodiazepines 9.5 Electronic CigareJes 9.8 Magic Mushrooms 10.0 Salvia Divinorum 10.3 Shisha Tobacco 19.0 Cocaine 25.7 MDMA* 26.9 LSD 32.5 Caffeinated Energy Drinks 42.8 Tobacco 66.9 Cannabis* 77.5 Alcohol 94.1 0.0 10.0 20.0 30.0 40.0 50.0 60.0 70.0 80.0 90.0 100.0 % last year prevalence *Denotes all types and preparaons Global Drug Survey GDS2014© Not to be reproduced without authors permission Top 20 Drugs – Last 12 Months – Netherlands (N=2,807) Benzodiazepines 3.8 Mystery White Powders 4.7 Opioid Painkillers 4.9 Poppers 6.2 LSD 7.0 GHB / GBL 7.2 Ritalin 9.3 2CB 9.5 Ketamine 12.0 Magic Mushrooms 14.0 Electronic CigareJes 14.5 Amphetamines* 22.0 Shisha Tobacco 22.4 Cocaine 23.7 Nitrous Oxide 26.5 Cannabis* 46.0 MDMA* 50.6 Caffeinated Energy Drinks 61.8 Tobacco 66.0 Alcohol 96.7 0.0 10.0 20.0 30.0 40.0 50.0 60.0 70.0 80.0 90.0 100.0 % last year prevalence *Denotes all types and preparaons Global Drug Survey GDS2014© Not to be reproduced without authors permission Top 20 Drugs – Last 12 Months – New Zealand (N=5,731) Cocaine 3.2 Nitrous Oxide 3.2 Magic Mushrooms 4.6 Amphetamines* 4.9 Caffeine Tablets 5.0 Ritalin 5.1 Mystery White Powders 5.3 Z Drugs 5.5 Electronic CigareJes 6.2 Benzodiazepines 6.8 Synthe2c Cannabis 6.8 Shisha Tobacco 7.1 LSD 7.9 Tramadol 11.5 MDMA* 13.1 Opioid Painkillers 19.1 Tobacco 33.5 Cannabis* 35.3 Caffeinated Energy Drinks 46.2 Alcohol 91.0 0.0 10.0 20.0 30.0 40.0 50.0 60.0 70.0 80.0 90.0 100.0 % last year prevalence *Denotes all types and preparaons Global Drug Survey GDS2014© Not to be reproduced without authors permission Top 20 Drugs – Last 12 Months – Portugal (N=630) Nitrous Oxide 1.4 Crack Cocaine 1.4 2CB 1.6 Opioid Painkillers 1.6 Nutmeg 1.8 Synthe2c Cannabis 2.1 Salvia Divinorum 2.5 Mystery White Powders 2.7 Electronic CigareJes 3.2 Magic Mushrooms 4.1 Amphetamines* 4.3 LSD 8.1 Benzodiazepines 8.7 Cocaine 10.3 MDMA* 13.3 Shisha Tobacco 15.9 Caffeinated Energy Drinks 37.0 Cannabis* 51.3 Tobacco 63.8 Alcohol 92.2 0.0 10.0 20.0 30.0 40.0 50.0 60.0 70.0 80.0 90.0 100.0 % last year prevalence *Denotes all types and preparaons Global Drug Survey GDS2014© Not to be reproduced without authors permission Top 20 Drugs – Last 12 Months – Republic of Ireland (N=838) 2CI 4.3 Caffeine Tablets 4.8 Nitrous Oxide 5.1 Tramadol 5.9 Amphetamines* 8.2 Mystery White Powders 9.2 2CB 10.4 Ketamine 10.4 LSD 11.6 Magic Mushrooms 12.9 Benzodiazepines 13.1 Shisha Tobacco 14.4 Opioid Painkillers 14.7 Electronic CigareJes 19.0 Cocaine 24.3 MDMA* 45.2 Caffeinated Energy Drinks 50.1 Cannabis* 59.4 Tobacco 66.7 Alcohol 95.1 0.0 10.0 20.0 30.0 40.0 50.0 60.0 70.0 80.0 90.0 100.0 % last year prevalence *Denotes all types and preparaons Global Drug Survey GDS2014© Not to be reproduced without authors permission Top 20 Drugs – Last 12 Months – Scotland (N=631) Tramadol 7.0 Caffeine Tablets 8.1 2CB 9.0 Amphetamines* 9.2 Mystery White Powders 9.3 Nitrous Oxide 10.0 Poppers 10.8 Shisha Tobacco 10.9 Magic Mushrooms 11.3 LSD 12.7 Benzodiazepines 12.7 Ketamine 14.7 Opioid Painkillers 15.5 Electronic CigareJes 20.3 Cocaine 26.3 MDMA* 39.6 Caffeinated Energy Drinks 46.3 Cannabis* 55.8 Tobacco 57.2 Alcohol 94.3 0.0 10.0 20.0 30.0 40.0 50.0 60.0 70.0 80.0 90.0 100.0 % last year prevalence *Denotes all types and preparaons Global Drug Survey GDS2014© Not to be reproduced without authors permission Top 20 Drugs – Last 12 Months – Spain (N=1,318) Ritalin 2.6 Electronic THC 2.7 Opium 2.7 2CB 3.0 Poppers 3.1 Opioid Painkillers 4.2 Ketamine 5.5 Mystery White Powders 6.4 LSD 8.7 Benzodiazepines 10.2 Electronic CigareJes 11.2 Magic Mushrooms 13.3 Shisha Tobacco 14.2 Amphetamines* 16.9 Cocaine 29.4 MDMA* 32.9 Caffeinated Energy Drinks 42.2 Tobacco 66.5 Cannabis* 66.8 Alcohol 93.6 0.0 10.0 20.0 30.0 40.0 50.0 60.0 70.0 80.0 90.0 100.0 % last year prevalence *Denotes all types and preparaons Global Drug Survey GDS2014© Not to be reproduced without authors permission Top 20 Drugs – Last 12 Months – Switzerland (N=5,133) Opioid Painkillers 2.7 Nutmeg 3.3 Intranasal Caffeine 3.4 Benzodiazepines 3.4 Nitrous Oxide 3.6 Poppers 3.6 Ritalin 4.0 Electronic THC 4.5 Caffeine Tablets 4.6 Magic Mushrooms 5.7 LSD 6.5 Amphetamines* 9.1 Cocaine 12.1 Eletronic CigareJes 12.9 MDMA* 15.5 Shisha Tobacco 26.1 Cannabis* 41.0 Caffeinated Energy Drinks 52.3 Tobacco 63.8 Alcohol 93.1 0.0 10.0 20.0 30.0 40.0 50.0 60.0 70.0 80.0 90.0 100.0 % last year prevalence *Denotes all types and preparaons Global Drug Survey GDS2014© Not to be reproduced without authors permission Top 20 Drugs – Last 12 Months – United Kingdom (N=7,326) 2CB 7.7 Mephedrone 7.9 Caffeine Tablets 8.3 Amphetamines* 9.7 Poppers 9.7 Mystery White Powders 10.9 LSD 12.2 Benzodiazepines 12.4 Magic Mushrooms 13.7
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