i wistFiELti LEADER Th*Lmitmimi4M»* Widely Ciratlmted Weekly Newspaper In Union County YEAB — WISTFIKLD, NEW J1UUMDY, THURSDAY, OCTOBER », 1875 Brarj•rjr ThvnNUv 28 Pages—16 Cents GIBM ami Paper Residents, Council Oppose Recycling Redistricting for Schools? Decreasing enrollment grade classrooms at being (itudied, he said. supplemental text-material t a.m. *>*».•. and increased costs could Franklin School. In a move to set school selection will be considered •seek Ave. lead to redistricting in Redistricting is one of the policies "to guide the at the November meeting of Central Ave. Widening Mir Weetfield schools next fall, alternatives being con- system in future years," two the board. Clark Leslie, president of sidered to equalize class policies, one which imposes mealed, "appears to want program also came from the given to acceding to thy the Umanimously approved rirstBaastss Church the school board, warned at sites, Leslie said. litnitK on pilot project* and was a resolution opposing Ave.. a county the (aatosTand widest Westfield Area Chamber of request* far partial road a meeting of the Board of Large class sices are not the other which sets stand- State Senate Bill S-674 which . frees CUtea St. U streets In the State" Commerce whose changes... What plans art Aayeae aiiihn eetttea Education Tuesday night at' spokesman, Jay Wren, said picked «• for the only concern of the ards for part-time and would restructure the State Central Ave, mi vetoed at a Another tiiprtliww, Jamas there to siphon oft the in- lyelkig atayi call the Roosevelt Junior High board, according to substitute teachers, were Board of Examiners into a •MbMc advisory meeting of Eitenmaafl, added that "that the complete plans of creased flow of traffic that School. First isptlsl Ckarck Superintendent of Schools approved by the board. Two Teacher Standards and •» Tswra CfcuneU Thursday wtteninc of one portion of Urn Union County Ptaimiog widening Central Ave. wilt His remarks followed - Laurence F. Greene. othfir policies dealing with Certification council whose Central Ave,would be a Board regarding surface deposit in the center of our complaints of large first textbook selection and "lever to widen (the street) tresapnrtatton in thfcs area town? Undersiie classes also are majority membership Player Alecaads : r i. would be nominated by the WOttaJM recalled previews from Clifton St. to Clark." should be made known be- "The Chnmber is witling New Jersey Educatioa •tome* by the county to Opposition to the widening fore any consideration be (Continued en MO* 4) Association. "We don't feel widen Westfteld streets, "No Commitment" on Citgo Property it is necessary to permit aetingIn particular the 9 teachers to police their own controversy oil Bast Broad Delay For Seniors Housing Units? The town has made no considered, will become the position, as Mayor, on the vitality. ranks," Richard Barker, St. when paying im- commitment to purchase order of the day. Or so I possible purchase of this "Nobody spends a large legislative chairman of the provements were Thomas A. Pluta, third preparation in September Jersey Housing Finance the Citgo property on Elm would Judge from an article property for off-street amount of public money board, said. threatened if permission dealing with the possible ward councilman and before weather conditions Agency to complete the St., Mayor Alexander S. parking? I am inclined to v/ithout careful thought, and Approved was the lease on was not granted for council liaison to the made access to the site financial arrangements for Williams told the Leader purchase of the Citgo station take this matter seriously. I have recommended the widening. The street has on Elm St., placed in last board offices at 305 Elm St. Westfield Senior Citiiens difficult. It was originally tthhe WtfilWestfieldd nroiecjt as soon today. He added, however, Westfield is first and hiring of a consultant (the at a rental of $4,800 a year Men ropsvod. • • . Housing Corporation, e«- estimated that the m unit «»western projeciaBBiion that he is recommending a week's Leader by the foremost a residential town. 'fee is much less than stated -.. OtyelSttoB to the widening Democratic candidates. It plus any increase in taxes pressedp ' his cWeVn'todYccr oday protect would be completed •• !?••»!• • He»l»o suggests consultant to look at the But this does not mean that in the article) to take a over the base year of 1963, efLaanbertsMUl Rd, to a «• ove"._^j-^.r_?^i-".,rrVr the recent decision of. i!n_ aboutSZ.* •«• months,.^tk. '>< that interested citiiens overall off-street parking has always puzzled me why we have no interest in the professional look at the fsot width aleo was voiced. intelligent men, who con- and the third year of a lease the New Jersey Housing Councilman Pluta will ask contact their legislators situation but dismissed maintenance of a healthy overall situation. If the on Columbus School Ray: Stene, who heads a _ requesting action on this publicity on the Citgo duct their personal affairs shopping and business zone. report calls for more off- Finance Agency to postpone the Town Council to take property to "politics." with prudence and which the board rents to the ctlon A Short Hills Mall, no - but a street parking, we then Union County Educational of. Central Avis, as financing of the Westfield • urging the New In his statement to the responsibility, somehow are first class high quality consider the purchase, impelled to swing from the Services Commission for Bicentennial project, tfiSi* RevueM Code For Sr. Houaing Project Leader, Williams said: shopping district, yes. This There is no present com- $30,000 this year, an in- questioned the value of "Now that municipal floor once they become is what exists today in mitment to buy this land. York is the basis for the Revised fireproof ing construction of the senior involved in a political crease of $3,000 over the widening only half the indefinite postponement, be standards were adopted as citiiens housing project on elections are at hand, it Westfield, and the town as a "True, I have advocated previous season. length of' Central Ave. Mid. an amendmen^t~ o the" town's BoyntonAve. would seem that politics, campaign. whole has a considerable the reduction of expenses, Environmental Impact, however silly or ill- "O.K., what is my true stake In itn continuing; A two-year contract with 'Any further delay to the zoning code at a special 10 Closing on final (Continued on page 4) the Westfield Association of safety naurds and speed westfield senior citizen minute meeting of'the Town agreement for funding by factors were mentioned in - Educational Secretaries housing project probably Counci-" "l -Tuesda y night• , the New Jersey Housing was approved. The opposition to stzeet means that the start of The new approved r Financing Agency was agreement calls for step widening, as well as the construction will be delayed material' ' •s meet• the stand- expected yesterday, but has Town Insurance Under Review attraction of more vehicles guide raises of $55,000 over about alx months until ards of the New Jersey been delayed. ., Garland C. As a result of recent complaint further alleges been divided by the broker presently nine members. (Continued on page 4) for a "speedway." spring," Pluta said. "The State Code and the amend- Boothe Jr., chairman of. the newspaper publicity In- that this distributed money as follows: 2-3 to the The Association makes an "The County Planning contractor originally ex- ment is expected to Senior Citizens Housing volving the Union Township resulted in an additional managing broker; 1-3 to trie annual contribution to the Board," Councilman pected to begin site facilitate initiation of Corp., said Tuesday night. Committee and its in- cost of premiums to the Westfield Insurance Agents Town's various safety Lawrence Weiss com- surance agent, the Westfield Township, •'••$&!&&$.; Association. Income to the programs. Between 1971 and Town Council, for the "Since IMS, the Town of association has therefore 1975 this contribution Univertml Menu public's Information, has Westfield has placed Its ranged from $4357 to 16175 (Continued on page 4) Expect Leaf Pickup Oct. 27 released the following Insurance 'through an during this period. Mem- Week statement on its insurance established local firm. The bership irt the association is Jormal response, to weather t, and commissions, which ranged open to any Insurance agent Adopt Pilot 7,<*> oS£ variable., *»dpi,n to •^Certain residents* of from f 13,071 to $i|,B35 located in the town of Dec. 17, but publish schedule revisions Union Township tiled a class between i«71 and l«7S, have Westfield, and there are e brilliant foliage of dictate an periodically." action suit on October 1 Project Policy It is expected'that the autumn ... and leaves. earlier date/In addition, Shade Trees Foreman Lou against the Township's Calling thv establishment Westfield public school Westfield's tree-lined budget restrictions prevent Mayersky, director of insurance agent. The Council Slates Street Renaming cafeterias In the three streets will soon be leaf- of clearly stated policies "a our using overtime to keep Westfield's Conservation complaint alleges that the Renaming of Spring St. to approval of an increase in secondary schools will offer lined, and Westfield's pace with a published Center, and orchestrator of critically important step," the "universal menu" agent, and mosfof the Union Watterson St. in honor of the Memorial Library Westfield Board of Department of Public schedule. We will do our the annual leaf collection, Township Committee 100-year-old Msgr. Henry G. suggested by the Bureau of Works has been gearing up best to maintain a flexible change fund, award of Education President Clark Pood . Program (Continued on page 4) members, in .
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