June 24, 2005 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — Extensions of Remarks E1327 EXTENSIONS OF REMARKS TRIBUTE TO CAROLYN ALFORD born the following year. As Bill went on to She is a past board member at Ecumenical graduate from Pennsylvania State University Enterprises, the Jewish Federation of Greater HON. FRED UPTON in 1958, the couple decided to pursue the Wilkes-Barre, the Friends of Hospice St. John OF MICHIGAN promise of employment and a chance for a and Peoples National Bank. IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES new life together in San Diego, California. Mrs. Ufberg remains active with Hadassah, Thursday, June 23, 2005 Over the next few years, Bill and Joan were Wyoming Seminary Preparatory School, blessed with a son, William F. Jr. and two United Jewish Campaign, Osterhout Library, Mr. UPTON. Mr. Speaker, I rise today to more daughters, JoRae and Jodi. Junior League of Wilkes-Barre and B’nai B’rith pay tribute to Carolyn Alford, an outstanding While raising his family and beginning a ca- Women Green Circle Ethnic Diversity Pro- citizen and educator in Southwest Michigan. A reer as a materials engineer at Rohr Indus- gram. dedicated and committed individual, Carolyn tries, Bill continued his education at San Diego She has also given freely of her time to sup- first arrived in Southwest Michigan in 1969 as State College. During this time, Joan contin- port the Camp Committee, Teen Committee, a recent high school graduate from Mont- ued her service as a full time mother and Soccer Committee, Basketball Committee and gomery, Alabama. She came to visit her sister worked as an emergency room and maternity the Purim Carnival Committee for the benefit for a couple of weeks and, 36 years later, she ward nurse at Grossmont Hospital. Both Bill of children and teens at the Jewish Commu- has yet to leave! Carolyn is retiring from a and Joan retired with more than 75 years of nity Center long, industrious term of almost 16 years with service to their community and nation. Mr. Speaker, please join me in congratu- the Kalamazoo Public Schools Board of Edu- Bill and Joan now fill their time with friends lating Margery A. Ufberg on this notable occa- cation. and family, enjoying golf and being a vital part sion. Mrs. Ufberg’s contributions have suc- Throughout Carolyn’s tenure with the Board of the lives of their four grandsons, Jeb, ceeded in raising the quality of life in the she wore many ‘‘hats,’’ including President, Jayme, Jonathan and Willie. Throughout their Greater Wyoming Valley and her dedication is Vice President, Secretary and Treasurer, lives, Joan and Bill have faced life’s chal- an inspiration to all of us. among others. In her leadership roles, Carolyn lenges with a positive attitude and determined continually went above and beyond the call of spirits, and have raised their children to do f duty and could always be found outside of the likewise. I wish Joan and Bill many more office talking to parents and students regard- years of happiness together and in anticipation RECOGNIZING PAUL BERLANT OF ing their concerns, attending open houses, or of their fiftieth anniversary, I ask that my col- WINDSOR, CALIFORNIA representing the board at graduation cere- leagues join me in paying tribute to this mile- monies, retirement dinners, awards presen- stone. HON. MIKE THOMPSON tations and, especially, sporting events. OF CALIFORNIA However, Carolyn’s community work didn’t f IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES stop with the Kalamazoo Public Schools. As CONGRATULATING MARGERY A. someone who always felt a ‘‘calling to be in UFBERG ON THE OCCASION OF Thursday, June 23, 2005 public service,’’ she is very active in her BEING THE RECIPIENT OF THE Mr. THOMPSON of California. Mr. Speaker, church, has served in numerous leadership UNITED HEBREW INSTITUTE’S I rise today to recognize Paul Berlant who is positions with the NAACP, and tirelessly par- ANNUAL SHOFAR AWARD retiring after seven years as Town Manager of ticipates in the Northside Association for Com- Windsor, California. munity Development, YWCA Domestic Assault HON. PAUL E. KANJORSKI During his tenure, the Town of Windsor ex- Program, the Douglas Community Association, OF PENNSYLVANIA perienced a renaissance. The Town’s old Kalamazoo Northside Non-Profit Housing Cor- IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES downtown area was redesigned as a vibrant poration and many other organizations and thriving mixed use neighborhood. The throughout Kalamazoo and Southwest Michi- Thursday, June 23, 2005 Town Green was central to this redevelopment gan. All this while working full time as an ad- Mr. KANJORSKI. Mr. Speaker, I rise today and became the focal point for a farmers mar- ministrator at Kalamazoo Valley Community to ask you and my esteemed colleagues in the ket, Movies on the Green, holiday tree lighting, College. House of Representatives to pay tribute to summer concerts, 4th of July celebration and We in Southwest Michigan are forever in- Margery A. Ufberg, of Kingston, Pennsylvania, other seasonal festivals. debted to Carolyn Alford for the good she has on the occasion of her being named recipient This was consistent with Mr. Berlant’s vision done in our community. Her lifelong contribu- of the United Hebrew Institute’s Annual Shofar for orderly development throughout the town. tions to students and families throughout the Award. The single-family homes in the Vintage Green Kalamazoo area have had great impact and Just as the Shofar has been used for mil- subdivision use recycled water for irrigation. will never be forgotten. I wish Carolyn and her lennia to sound the arrival of Rosh Hashanah, Keiser Park was expanded by leveraging fed- family all the best in retirement, and I sincerely the Jewish New Year, the Shofar Award sym- eral, state and local grants. hope she enjoys the extra time with her grand- bolizes the calling together of the community Mr. Berlant also oversaw the development children. to recognize and praise the good works and of the Shiloh Commercial Center, the town’s f accomplishments of an individual. new corporation yard, various housing projects TRIBUTE TO JOAN AND WILLIAM It is particularly fitting that Margery Ufberg is and the opening of the Arcata Lane/Highway F. INMAN the recipient of the Shofar Award this year. 101 interchange. She is well known throughout the community He will be remembered as a skilled nego- HON. DUNCAN HUNTER as a tireless advocate for the United Hebrew tiator who treated everyone fairly and with re- Institute and for the Wyoming Valley commu- spect and as someone who was able to inter- OF CALIFORNIA nity in general. pret the Town Council’s vision that, as the IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES Mrs. Ufberg’s contributions toward refur- local newspaper said, ‘‘turned a vast vacant Thursday, June 23, 2005 bishing the UHI library and its kitchen and lot into a thriving urban center.’’ Mr. HUNTER. Mr. Speaker, I rise today to classrooms have been invaluable. Mr. Speaker, Paul Berlant has spent 33 honor and pay tribute to Joan and William F. A teacher by profession, Mrs. Ufberg also years working for cities throughout California. Inman of EI Cajon, California. On June 25, serves on the board of directors and the Exec- He and his wife, Carol Ann, plan to spend 2005, Joan and William will celebrate their fif- utive Board of the United Hebrew Institute. time with their new grandchild and traveling. It tieth wedding anniversary. She also serves on the board of directors and is appropriate that we honor him today for his Bill and Joan met in 1952, married on June the board of trustees at the Jewish Community public service and to wish him well on his re- 25, 1955, and their first daughter JoAnn was Center. tirement. ∑ This ‘‘bullet’’ symbol identifies statements or insertions which are not spoken by a Member of the Senate on the floor. Matter set in this typeface indicates words inserted or appended, rather than spoken, by a Member of the House on the floor. VerDate jul 14 2003 05:48 Jun 25, 2005 Jkt 039060 PO 00000 Frm 00001 Fmt 0626 Sfmt 0634 E:\CR\FM\A23JN8.001 E24PT1 E1328 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — Extensions of Remarks June 24, 2005 PERSONAL EXPLANATION On June 17, 2005, Charles Barr died of can- throughout our community to work to bring the cer at Dominican Hospital in Santa Cruz at the American Dream to our neighbors is what HON. JOHN R. CARTER age of 81. Mr. Barr is survived by his wife Pa- makes both the Jimmy Carter Work Project OF TEXAS tricia; daughters Candy, Katherine, and Patri- and southwest Michigan extraordinary. cia; and his sons Chuck, Peter, Jeffrey, and I look forward to any opportunity to continue IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES Jonathan. this partnership with Habitat for Humanity in its Thursday, June 23, 2005 Charles C. Barr was born in Natick, MA on efforts to build more decent, affordable hous- Mr. CARTER. Mr. Speaker, on June 22, January 23, 1924. He was a third generation ing for all. 2005, I was unavoidably detained on official carnation grower, and pioneered the commer- I want to once again commend everyone business in my Congressional District. cialization of miniature carnations in the United who has worked and continues to work to On rollcall vote No. 293, if present, I would States. He joined the Navy and served our make homeownership a reality for people in have voted ‘‘nay.’’ country in the capacity of a pilot on an aircraft need. This is a great day for our communities On rollcall vote No. 294, if present, I would carrier during WWII. In 1963 he moved his in Michigan and I want to once again com- have voted ‘‘aye.’’ wife and seven children to Watsonville, CA mend both Jimmy Carter and Habitat for Hu- On rollcall vote No.
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