May 10, 1989 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD-HOUSE 8807 HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES-Wednesday, May 10, 1989 The House met at 2 p.m. APPOINTMENT AS MEMBERS OF f ense cooperation. The proposed FSX The Chaplain, Rev. James David THE COMMISSION ON THE fighter aircraft agreement between Ford, D.D., offered the following UKRAINE FAMINE the administration and the Japanese prayer: The SPEAKER. Pursuant to the Government raises broader concerns 0 gracious God, as Your loving spirit provisions of section 4(a) of title 5, of our economic survival in an increas­ has inspired people through all the Public Law 99-180, the Chair appoints ingly competitive world. Economic years to do the good works of grace, so as members of the Commission on the competitiveness is and must be a nec­ inspire us to be good stewards of that Ukraine Famine the following Mem­ essary component of our national se­ same grace by doing the deeds of jus­ bers on the part of the House: curity policy. tice and mercy in our time and day. Mr. HERTEL of Michigan, Chairman; This proposal sacrifices the long­ Make broad our vision, 0 God, so we Mr. DORGAN of North Dakota; term competitiveness of the U.S. aero­ see holy tasks, not only in temples of Mr. BROOMFIELD of Michigan; and space industry. It allows vital U.S. stone and glass, but in the concerns Mr. GILMAN of New York. technologies to be freely transferred before us, in the responsibilities of our to Japanese firms, greatly helping work, and by an attitude of respect their aircraft industry compete with with all those people we meet. Bless us PROFESSIONAL MILITARY EDUCATION REPORT American businesses. If this is the best this day and every day. Amen. deal the Pentagon could obtain, then I <Mr. SKELTON asked and was given would rather have no deal. permission to address the House for 1 THE JOURNAL At the earliest, the FSX will be oper­ minute.) able in 1997, but Japan's defense needs The SPEAKER. The Chair has ex­ Mr. SKELTON. Mr. Speaker, last are immediate. By purchasing F-16's amined the Journal of the last day's week the Committee on Armed Serv­ or other top of the line United States proceedings and announces to the ices, the Panel on Military Education, fighter planes, Japan can meet their House his approval thereof. of which I am chairman, issued the present national security goals and Pursuant to clause 1, rule I, the 206-page report calling for improve­ strengthen our bilateral relationship Journal stands approved. ment in the intermediate and senior by reducing the $55 billion trade defi­ level educational programs of the four armed services, the war colleges and cit that exists between our two coun­ PLEDGE OF ALLEGIANCE tries. Those huge trade deficits take command and general staff schools. jobs from Alabama and America. We The SPEAKER. Would the gentle­ Our charter was to assess the De­ should pursue agreements to reduce man from California [Mr. GALLEGLY] fense Department's ability to develop those deficits. please come forward and lead our col­ professional military strategists and to leagues in the Pledge of Allegiance. review the joint professional military The FSX agreement is a poor deal Mr. GALLEGLY led the Pledge of education requirements of the Gold­ for the United States. The time has Allegiance as follows: water-Nichols Act of 1986. Through come for us to stand up for America's the course of the 17-month effort the economic self-interest. Wake up, Uncle I pledge allegiance to the Flag of the Sam; American jobs and our competi­ United States of America, and to the Repub­ panel visited all 10 of the military col­ lic for which it stands, one nation under leges and held 28 hearing with 48 wit­ tiveness are at risk. God, indivisible, with liberty and justice for nesses. all. Our effort was the first congression­ LEGISLATION EXCLUDING TAX­ al review of our professional military ATION ON SALE OF PRINCIPAL MESSAGE FROM THE SENATE education. While the American mili­ tary system is basically sound, im­ RESIDENCE A message from the Senate by Mr. provements can be made. We have a (Mr. SCHULZE asked and was given Hallen, one of its clerks, announced number of suggestions to strengthen permission to address the House for 1 that the Senate had passed without the system which will combine greater minute.) amendment a joint resolution of the operational competence in the mili­ Mr. SCHULZE. Mr. Speaker, a House of the following title: tary level with sound management and debate in the Congress is raging on H.J. Res. 135. Joint resolution to designate strategic thinking at the national po­ the proper tax treatment of capital the week beginning May 7, 1989, as "Nation­ litical level. Starting tomorrow, Mr. gains income. One central part of this al Correctional Officers Week." Speaker, I will give a series of floor debate must not be ignored-the treat­ The message also announced that speeches during special orders on our ment of real estate. the Senate had passed a joint resolu­ recommendations. We can make our For any capital gains proposal to be tion of the following title, in which military educational system even seriously considered by this body, it the concurrence of the House is re­ better, and as a result, have a stronger must be perceived as fair and benefi­ quested: national security. cial to all Americans. The Bush pro­ S.J. Res. 65. Joint resolution designating posal, while a good start, does not go June 12, 1989, as "Anne Frank Day." far enough in attracting middle The message also announced that PROPOSED FSX AGREEMENT income investors. It excludes deprecia­ Mr. ARMSTRONG be a conferee, on the SACRIFICES COMPETITIVENESS ble real estate. part of the Senate on the concurrent (Mr. ERDREICH asked and was Legislation I have introduced, H.R. resolution CH. Con. Res. 106) entitled given permission to address the House 1287, excluding 100 percent of the gain "Concurrent resolution setting forth for 1 minute and to revise and extend of the sale of a principal residence the congressional budget for the his remarks.) from taxation, would bring the Bush United States Government for the Mr. ERDREICH. Mr. Speaker, we proposal the public support it needs to fiscal years 1990, 1991, and 1992," vice cannot judge defense sales entirely on gain serious consideration. I urge my Mr. KASTEN, excused. issues of alliance management or de- colleagues to cosponsor my legislation D This symbol represents the time of day during the House proceedings, e.g., D 1407 is 2:07 p.m. Matter set in this typeface indicates words inserted or appended, rather than spoken, by a Member of the House on the floor. 8808 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD-HOUSE May 10, 1989 and protect the American dream of tic economic assumptions, spending demands for justice have been sup­ homeownership from the ravages of flipped between fiscal years, smoke, pressed. inflation. mirrors, and thoroughly cooked books, The outpouring of opposition to Any capital gains solution must in­ the plain answer to what we will do is Noriega was so massive that he had to clude real property-the backbone of nothing. resort to a total manipulation of the taxpayer investment in America. Mr. Speaker, this is government by results. It was not just a matter of poll. When we survey people and ask changing a few tallies here and stuff­ STOP THE FSX DEAL them if they want to pay more taxes, ing a few ballot boxes there. It re­ of course they say no. When we ask quired a complete disruption of the <Mr. LIPINSKI asked and was given them if, instead, they want less serv­ tabulation process-world class fraud. permission to address the House for 1 ices, they also say no. So what Con­ The evidence collected by independ­ minute and to revise and extend his gress does is simply reflect their pref­ ent sources including the Catholic remarks.) erences. No less services, no increase in Church suggests that the percentages Mr. LIPINSKI. Mr. Speaker, the taxes. This takes no leadership, no for the opposition were so high that FSX deal is another sign of the United courage, no tough choices, no responsi­ even large numbers of the Panama de­ States undermining its own economic bility for the bottom line, and no rec­ fense forces and Government employ­ competitiveness worldwide. ognition of what we are doing to our ees must have voted for the opposition If Japan is serious about sharing the young, who will ultimately be the ones as well. defense burden and relieving Ameri­ to pay. Now that Noriega's theft of the elec­ ca's massive trade deficit, it should This approach is definitely perpet­ tion has been carried out, it is impera­ buy F-16's directly. uating ourselves in office, with over 98 tive that the administration, the Con­ While America has poured tax dol­ percent of Members being reelected in gress and our allies in the region work lars into new weapons systems, Japan the last two elections. But, Mr. Speak­ together to devise a strategy to remove has invested in new products sold in er, this is definitely not governing. Noriega from power in Panama. The America. The United States needs a Panamanian people deserve better, comprehensive economic policy to ad­ and the United States national securi­ dress this inequity, not the FSX deal JOHN HINCKLEY'S MIRACULOUS ty interests demand it. to compound the problem. CURE Technology transfers are nothing <Mr. TRAFICANT asked and was new. Japan came here for VCR and given permission to address the House ABORTION semiconductor technology, and for 1 minute, and to revise and extend promptly destroyed American leader­ <Mr.
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