Local Government Quarterly Performance Report Vote: 556 Yumbe District 2013/14 Quarter 4 Structure of Quarterly Performance Report Summary Quarterly Department Workplan Performance Cumulative Department Workplan Performance Location of Transfers to Lower Local Services and Capital Investments Submission checklist I hereby submit _________________________________________________________________________. This is in accordance with Paragraph 8 of the letter appointing me as an Accounting Officer for Vote:556 Yumbe District for FY 2013/14. I confirm that the information provided in this report represents the actual performance achieved by the Local Government for the period under review. Name and Signature: Chief Administrative Officer, Yumbe District Date: 15/10/2014 cc. The LCV Chairperson (District)/ The Mayor (Municipality) Page 1 Local Government Quarterly Performance Report Vote: 556 Yumbe District 2013/14 Quarter 4 Summary: Overview of Revenues and Expenditures Overall Revenue Performance Cumulative Receipts Performance Approved Budget Cumulative % Receipts Budget UShs 000's Received 1. Locally Raised Revenues 445,012 388,750 87% 2a. Discretionary Government Transfers 2,212,045 3,136,261 142% 2b. Conditional Government Transfers 17,065,792 15,892,163 93% 2c. Other Government Transfers 5,006,243 4,987,974 100% 3. Local Development Grant 1,268,261 1,268,260 100% 4. Donor Funding 1,735,543 1,311,767 76% Total Revenues 27,732,896 26,985,175 97% Overall Expenditure Performance Cumulative Releases and Expenditure Perfromance Approved Budget Cumulative Cumulative % % % Releases Expenditure Budget Budget Releases UShs 000's Released Spent Spent 1a Administration 2,214,163 2,251,272 2,250,148 102% 102% 100% 2 Finance 435,962 564,063 563,831 129% 129% 100% 3 Statutory Bodies 749,750 1,072,575 1,072,213 143% 143% 100% 4 Production and Marketing 2,868,765 2,429,250 2,428,837 85% 85% 100% 5 Health 4,915,853 4,334,037 4,299,475 88% 87% 99% 6 Education 10,776,279 10,612,418 10,600,268 98% 98% 100% 7a Roads and Engineering 2,922,222 2,790,632 2,790,040 95% 95% 100% 7b Water 1,736,764 1,757,798 1,756,868 101% 101% 100% 8 Natural Resources 218,303 128,911 127,711 59% 59% 99% 9 Community Based Services 372,037 416,728 416,079 112% 112% 100% 10 Planning 457,568 382,633 382,633 84% 84% 100% 11 Internal Audit 65,231 46,953 46,952 72% 72% 100% Grand Total 27,732,896 26,787,268 26,735,054 97% 96% 100% Wage Rec't: 11,841,250 11,598,367 11,598,368 98% 98% 100% Non Wage Rec't: 4,856,655 4,977,908 4,972,970 102% 102% 100% Domestic Dev't 9,299,448 9,010,730 8,963,454 97% 96% 99% Donor Dev't 1,735,543 1,200,263 1,200,263 69% 69% 100% Summary of Cumulative Receipts, disbursements and Expenditure for FY 2013/14 The District realized a total revenue of Ugshs26,985,175,000 out of the annual budget of Ugshs 27,732,896,000 by the end of Q4 (June 30th 2014) representing 97% revenue performance. Of the total fund received/realized 1% was Local revenue, 12% was discretionary government transfer, 59% conditional grant, 18% other CG transfer, 5 % LDG and 5% was Donor funding. The very good performance by end of the FY2013/14 was because of the good release from Central Government especially the Discretionary Government transfer which performed at 142%, LDG (100%), and other CG transfers performed 100%. The discretionary government transfer over performed because of over performance of District Unconditional wage (performed at 200%). This performance was because many staff on conditional were paid out of this fund. This includes Health staff, Agricultural extension workers and town council staff. Other CG transfers performed Page 2 Local Government Quarterly Performance Report Vote: 556 Yumbe District 2013/14 Quarter 4 Summary: Overview of Revenues and Expenditures very good because of release of DLSP fund for road works (paid direct to contractor) and NUSAFII fund for sub projects. The NUSAFII fund performed above the budgeted figure. The conditional transfer performed below 100% because staffs on conditional payroll were paid from unconditional therefore conditional wage sources underperformed i.e. PHC wage, Agricultural Extension wage, DSC chair salary. The main sources of local revenue realized in Q4 were markets, local service tax, and urban local revenue. The performance was below target because the service providers did not timely and efficiently start the management of the revenue sources (in quarter one) since awards delayed. Not much was done in terms of revenue mobilization at all levels. There was no close supervision of revenue collectors by LLG. Records are not properly kept by revenue collectors and over quotation of tender prices by service providers also affected local revenue performance. The donor performance was below threshold because in Q3 some partners did not release funds for the planned activities. Of the total revenue received 99% (i.e. a total of Ugshs 26,787,268,000) was transferred to operational accounts. Nearly 100% of the funds transferred to operational accounts (i.e Ughs 26,735,054,000) were spent in different departments and LLGs. Of the total amount spent; 43% was spent on staff salary, 19% on non wage recurrent, 34% on development and 4% on donor activities. Salary released was spent 100% because this is actual payment to individual account. Development fund released to department was spent at 99%. This is because many projects were not completed on scheduled due to low capacity of some of the service providers. Donor released to departments was spent 100% because it is released based on implementation schedule of beneficiary department. The difference between the total transfer to departments and total actual expenditure is the unspent balances in the operational accounts. Most departments have minimum balance for maintaining the accounts. The difference between total collection and total transfer to operational account is the fund that remained in collection account HLG, program account and balances in LLG accounts. At HLG the bulk of the fund included Donor (UNICEF – Ugshs 97,949,136 ), DLSP, General Fund – Ugshs23,203,824. Most departments received funds within the threshold, but Finance, Statutory bodies and Roads performed exceptionally above. This is because high cost of accountable stationary in case finance. Statutory bodies received additional fund for LC bicycles. Roads performance was also above because of payment to contractors under DLSP. Page 3 Local Government Quarterly Performance Report Vote: 556 Yumbe District 2013/14 Quarter 4 Summary: Cummulative Revenue Performance Cumulative Receipts Performance Approved Budget Cumulative % Receipts Budget UShs 000's Received 1. Locally Raised Revenues 445,012 388,750 87% Miscellaneous 100,090 66,301 66% Application Fees 40,000 20,571 51% Local Service Tax 63,000 54,525 87% Market/Gate Charges 70,112 76,417 109% Miscellaneous(Yumbe TC) 63,810 75,181 118% Other Court Fees 6,000 1,496 25% Other Fees and Charges 90,000 83,449 93% Registration (e.g. Births, Deaths, Marriages, etc.) Fees 4,000 2,755 69% Sale of non-produced government Properties/assets 2,000 0 0% Business licences 6,000 8,057 134% 2a. Discretionary Government Transfers 2,212,045 3,136,261 142% Urban Unconditional Grant - Non Wage 124,095 124,056 100% Transfer of Urban Unconditional Grant - Wage 125,194 37,190 30% Transfer of District Unconditional Grant - Wage 1,012,104 2,024,364 200% District Equalisation Grant 156,762 156,760 100% District Unconditional Grant - Non Wage 766,099 766,099 100% Urban Equalisation Grant 27,791 27,791 100% 2b. Conditional Government Transfers 17,065,792 15,892,163 93% Conditional Transfers for Primary Teachers Colleges 284,104 284,104 100% Conditional transfers to Contracts Committee/DSC/PAC/Land Boards, 55,794 55,794 100% etc. Conditional Grant to PHC - development 548,905 548,905 100% Conditional transfers to Councillors allowances and Ex- Gratia for LLGs 114,600 108,120 94% Conditional Grant to DSC Chairs’ Salaries 23,400 17,000 73% Conditional transfer for Rural Water 774,280 774,280 100% Conditional Grant to PAF monitoring 85,246 85,244 100% Conditional Grant to District Hospitals 137,577 137,576 100% Conditional transfers to DSC Operational Costs 37,925 37,924 100% Conditional transfers to Special Grant for PWDs 37,508 37,508 100% Conditional transfers to School Inspection Grant 23,585 23,584 100% Conditional transfers to Salary and Gratuity for LG elected Political 140,400 97,466 69% Leaders Conditional Grant to NGO Hospitals 22,991 22,991 100% Conditional Grant to Secondary Salaries 693,842 652,241 94% Conditional Grant to PHC- Non wage 179,980 179,980 100% Sanitation and Hygiene 22,000 22,000 100% Conditional Grant to PHC Salaries 2,478,354 1,496,541 60% Roads Rehabilitation Grant 472,165 472,165 100% Conditional Grant to Primary Education 516,670 516,669 100% Conditional Grant for NAADS 1,275,055 1,275,055 100% Conditional Grant to Primary Salaries 6,743,264 6,716,832 100% Conditional Grant to District Natural Res. - Wetlands (Non Wage) 38,952 38,952 100% Conditional Grant to Agric. Ext Salaries 47,195 11,799 25% Conditional transfers to Production and Marketing 199,208 199,208 100% Conditional Grant to SFG 506,058 506,058 100% Conditional Grant to Tertiary Salaries 322,512 289,948 90% Page 4 Local Government Quarterly Performance Report Vote: 556 Yumbe District 2013/14 Quarter 4 Summary: Cummulative Revenue Performance Cumulative Receipts Performance Approved Budget Cumulative % Receipts Budget UShs 000's Received Conditional Grant to Urban Water 14,000 14,000 100% Conditional Grant to Women Youth and Disability Grant 17,966 17,964 100% Conditional Grant to Community Devt Assistants Non Wage 4,989 4,988 100% Conditional Grant to Functional Adult Lit 19,696 19,696 100% NAADS (Districts) - Wage 254,985 254,985 100% Conditional Grant to Secondary Education 972,587 972,586 100% 2c.
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