known. However, pegmatite dikes, possibly assignable McDougall, I., and G. W. Grindley. 1965. Potassium- to Ida Granite, intrude rocks of the Goldie Formation argon dates on micas from the Nimrod-Beardmore-Axel Heiberg region, Ross Dependency, Antarctica. New Zea- in the vicinity of Granite Harbour Intrusive plutons land Journal of Geology and Geophysics, 8(2) : 304-313. cast of the Beardmore Glacier (Oliver, in press). Murtaugh, J . G. 1969. Geology of the Wisconsin Rang The petrographic and chemical similarities between batholith, Transantarctic Mountains. New Zealand Journal the aplite dikes and the Ida Granite and between the of Geology and Geophysics, 12(2&3) : 526-550. tourmaline pegmatite dikes and the tourmaline-bear- Oliver, R. L. In press. The geology of an area near the mouth of the Beardmore Glacier, Ross Dependency, Ant- ing patches within the Ida Granite suggest that the arctica. In: Antarctic Geology and Geophysics. Oslo, Uni Ida Granite and at least some of the dikes are contem- versitetsforlaget. poraneous and were derived from the same magma. Shackleton, E. H. 1909. The Heart of the Antarctic The aplite and pegmatite dikes are therefore provi- Being the Story of the British Antarctic Expedition, 1907 sionally included as Ida Granite. 09. Vol. 1. London, Heinemann. 372 p. Williams, H., F. J . Turner, and C. M. Gilbert. 1954 The Ida Granite has been dated at 463 ± 7 million Petrography. San Francisco, W. H. Freeman and Co years (my.) by the whole-rock rubidium-strontium iso- 406 p. chron method (Gunner, 1971). The two dated sam- ples (576 and 719; see fig.) fit the same straight-line isochron as nine samples of Hope Granite. The ages of the Hope and Ida Granites are therefore not distin- Interpretation of geophysical data guishable by the whole-rock Rb-Sr isochron method. in the Pensacola Mountains, The Ida Granite and its associated aplite and peg- Antarctica matite dikes are here interpreted as late-stage differ- entiates of the magma from which the bulk of the JOHN C. BEHRENDT Hope Granite crystallized. The contrasts in chemistry U.S. Geological Survey and mineralogy of the two rock types and the close Denver, Colorado similarity of their initial Sr87 /Sr86 ratios support this conclusion. During the 1965-1966 austral summer, the U.S. The 463-m.y. date on the Ida and Hope Granites Geological Survey made aeromagnetic, gravity, and agrees well with other dates reported on rocks of the seismic-reflection ice-thickness measurements in the Granite Harbour Intrusives from the central Trans- Pensacola Mountains area. Preliminary reports on the antarctic Mountains (McDougall and Grindley, 1965; geologic and glaciologic interpretations of the geo- Faure 1968). The petrographic and geochrono- et al., physical data were published. Inasmuch as compila- logic similarity of the Ida Granite and the aplitic tion of 1:250,000-scale topographic maps has now quartz monzonite described by Murtaugh (1969) been completed, additional interpretation is being from the Wisconsin Range and dated at 479 ± 10 made in coordination with the compilation of geologic m.y. (Faure 1968), suggests that the two rock et al., maps by D. L. Schmidt and A. B. Ford, U.S. Geologi- units may be genetically similar. cal Survey. Aeromagnetic and Bouguer-anomaly maps This work was performed under National Science of 1:250,000-scale quadrangles corresponding to the Foundation grant GA-12315 to The Ohio State Uni- geologic maps are now completed. versity Research Foundation and -the Institute of Computer modeling and other analyses of magneti Polar Studies. Field work was carried out in the data over the Dufek mafic intrusion in the Dufe 1969-1970 season. Massif and Forrestal Range area have shown that the intrusive body extends over an area at least as great as References 24,000 sq km. Bouguer gravity anomalies suggest a Faure, G., J . G. Murtaugh, and R. J . E. Montigny. 1968. additional 10,000 sq km outside the area of the mag - The geology and geochronology of the basement complex netic survey. Where the associated gravity and ma g-- of the central Transantarctic Mountains. Canadian Jour- nal of Earth Sciences, 5: 555-560. netic anomalies extend beneath the ice sheet beyond Gunn, B. M., and R. I. Walcott. 1962. The geology of the north and east edges of the surveyed area, the the Mount Markham region, Ross Dependency, Antarctica. Dufek intrusion appears to be at least half the size of New Zealand Journal of Geology and Geophysics, 5(3): the Bushveld complex of South Africa. Gravity an 407-426. magnetic data suggest a total section 6 to 7 km thick. Gunner, J . D. 1971. Age and Origin of the Nimrod Group and the Granite Harbour Intrusives, Beardmore Glacier Magnetic anomalies of 100- to 200-gamma amplitude Region, Antarctica. Unpublished Ph.D. dissertation, De- over the relatively nonmagnetic rocks of the southeri partment of Geology, The Ohio State University. Dufek Massif suggest the presence of magnetic rocks Lindsay, J . F., J . Gunner, and P. J . Barrett. In press. Re- (an ultramafic layer?) in the unexposed basal section connaissance geologic map of the Mount Elizabeth and Mount Kathleen Quadrangles, Transantarctic Mountains, Antarctica. U.S. Geological Survey Antarctic Geologic ' Publication authorized by the Director, U.S. Geological Map. Survey. 196 ANTARCTIC JOURNAL of the intrusion. An accurate depth to the base of the probably in regional isostatic equilibrium and that intrusion cannot be computed on the basis of the geo- there is an approximate +80-mgal anomaly associated physical data, but the data do suggest that the base with the Dufek intrusion. The Bouguer anomaly val- lies 1 to 3 km below the rock surface at the south end ues in the Pensacola Mountains area range from of the Dufek Massif, where the lowest exposed part of +100 to -90 mgal. Thus the anomaly amplitudes are the section was observed. greater than the terrain errors. (Terrain corrections A regression analysis of the Bouguer gravity data in were not possible because of insufficient topographic the Pensacola Mountains indicates that the area is control above and below the ice surface.) Isotope composition of strontium We have measured strontium- 87/ strontium- 86 ra- r in volcanic rocks from Deception Island tios and rubidium and strontium concentrations in a suite of volcanic rocks collected from Deception Is- G. FAURE, C. H. SHULTZ, and R. H. CARWILE land in 1969-1970 with the hope that these measure- Institute of Polar Studies ments will contribute to a better understanding of the The Ohio State University petrogenesis of these rocks. In addition, we have ana- lyzed a number of inclusions or xenoliths that occur in The geology of Deception Island and the petrogra- the tuffs associated with the lava flows on Deception phy and chemical composition of the volcanic rocks Island to test their relationship to the lavas. have been described by Hawkes (1961), Baker et al. The isotope compositions of strontium were meas- (1969), Baker (in press), and Baker and McReath ured by standard techniques using a model 6-60-S (1971). The basaltic rocks of Deception Island belong mass spectrometer built by Nuclide Corporation. Con- to the sodic branch of the alkali basalt-trachyte asso- centrations of rubidium and strontium were deter- ciation and include andesine-olivine basalt (ha- mined by X-ray fluorescence analysis using a molyb- waiites), andesine basalt (mugearites), and trachytes. denum target X-ray tube and a lithium fluoride Sr87/Sr ratios and concentrations of rubidium and strontium in rocks from Deception Island. Sample 87 Description and Sr Rb Sr Rb location of samples Sr° (ppm) (ppm) Sr VOLCANIC ROCKS 11D31.5A Basaltic andesite pumice bomb, N. end 1969 rift zone 10.7042 8.9 361 llD3l.5G 0.025 do 0.7042 9.5 359 35D119 0.026 Basaltic andesite dike intruding Fumarole Bay vent 0.7033 3.3 350 0.009 (K = 0.476%) 14D40 Autobrecciated microvesicular partially palagonized 0.7033 2.6 284 0.009 basalt glass, Cathedral Crags 2791 Vesicular olivine pyroxene andesite bomb, 1967 land 0.7037 16.1 314 0.051 eruption site 65D222 Slightly porphyritic high-Al olivine basalt lava, S. 0.7035 4.1 349 0.012 end Telefon Ridge, Telefon Bay 49 168 High-Al, olivine basaltic andesite flow, SE Pt, Nep- 0.7034 3.2 357 0.009 tunes Bellows 46 162 Slightly porphyritic oligoclase trachyte flow, Pendu- 0.7030 28.8 131 0.219 lum Cove Gr., Ronald Hill (K = 1.598%) 29D100 Slightly porphyritic oligoclase trachyte flow, Pen- 0.7037 29.7 138 0.215 dulum Cove Gr., Cross Hill Crater INCLUSIONS 32D 104 Olivine gabbro porphyry 0.7036 0.87 450 0.0019 323D105 Olivine basalt porphyry 0.7031 1.2 463 0.0026 24086 Quartz hornblende diorite 0.7035 37.9 412 24087 0.0920 Diabasic gabbro, cont. several percent of secondary 0.7031 2.1 339 0.0062 carbonate 21AD70 Porphyritic diabasic olivine gabbro 0.7034 5.1 367 0.0139 Eimer and Amend, Sr Carbonate Isotope Standard 0.7082 ± 0.0005 (cr) All Sr"/Sr8° ratios have been corrected for isotope fractionation to Sr/Sr = 0.1194. September-October 1971 197.
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