- Assembly Held Todqy; Polls Open'T uesd dy, W ød nesdoy By BOBBIE BURTON Several candidates for student body offices at the Fresúo Junior College were nominated in an assembly today at 11 a.m. in the Fresno Memorial Auditorium. The student body election will be held January 10 on the FJC's Fresno State College campus. If there is need for a revote it will be held on January 13 at both campuses. Bert Ereman, the present student body president, opened the assembly and then turned the rneeting over to Fred Hall, GENE FRÄ,NCIS TERESA BÄRILE DONÄLD LOVELACE student body vice-president and chairman of the FJC election committee. This was followed by the nomi- nations of candidates. The assem- Phi Beta FBESTO JTIION GOT.I.EGE bly lasted 50 minutes and each candidate representative was given three minutes in which to tell W¡ll Elect of their qualifications. I'ollowing this nominations were made from ff. the floor. \JTlrCerS^ Three For President Phi Beta Lambda will elect new The candidates include three for the office of president, Teresa Ba- officers for the spring semester a,tu¡rarD ¡Y ü lssQo^to 5lrrD5xt¡ rile and Gene Srancis, freshmen, January 19. and Donald Lovelace, a sophomore. Candidates who were nominated THURSDAY, JANUARY I95ó NO. 13 vot. vill FRESNO, CAIIFORNIA, 5, Olga Hernandez and George and the offices theY seek are Don- Hubbard and RaY Hamilton' Thursby, sophomores are seeking na office vice-president; Alfre- president; MarY Lanotte and X'reda the of da Barton, a sophomore, and Lucre- Catauia, first vice President; Pat White Announces New Procedure tia DeBenedetto, freshman, the Spomer, PhiUiP Çolmenero, and office secretary; Dorothy Ru- Dorothy Rubald, second vice Presi' of bald, freshman, dent; Sally Bennett, Rochelle Har- and Stanley Tusan, ford, and Ellen Niere, secretary; New N¡sht Book Sales sophomore, treasurer. Audrey Willingham and RaY Pala- Those seeking the post of rep- cios, treasurer; and Pat Jones and Registration W¡ll Close resentatives-at-Iarge are Rochelle Lorraine Jacinto, reporter. Hartford, a freshman, and Eleanor FI .I tr'ranco, Alfred Copus, and James Campaigning will begin. JanuarY To Prevail FeÞrUary ¿ Barile, all sophomores, 'White, Bobbie Burton, editor of the FJC lnstallation As6embly Lydia Fhy, the second vice Presi- Stuart M. President of dent of Phi Beta Lambda, is in X'resno Junior College, announced yearbook, announced that Rambler Hall stated that the spring se- charge of an installation dinner a new procedure for the, spring se- Sales will close February 3. mester officers will be installed fol- the Rambler will planned for JanuarY 26 for the new mester registration of tr'JC's stu- She'said that lowing the electlon at an assembly sold during spring registratron officers, the time and. Place to be dents including â Procedure for be to be held in the Fresno Memorial and may now be bought from any decided later'. night class registration. Auditorium January 17. He also announced the revised staff member or from Franz Weins- To qualify for student body of- arrantements for sPring semester chenk, the adviser. fices, students must be members Burton also said that atl- Women Students pre-reg:istration, testing, and coun- Miss of the f'JC Associated Student seling for day students, and he an- ditlonal staff members are needed Body. They must have attended F\rT nounced the revised sPring semes- for the spring semester. tr'JC for one semester, except nomi- uecorate I fee ter schedule. the course, Jouranlism 10, meets nees for president, who must have oD. Tuesday and Thursday and The Associated Women Students . DaY Registration attended two semesters, and 'be 'White said. FJC's division heads STUART M. \MHITE offers two units. decorated the Christmas tree in the mainta.ining scholarship Iequire- and Mìss Burton said February 3 is main hall on the O Street campus. and. faculty will Preregister ments or at least tv¡elve units with counsel day students betweén Janu- definitely the last day. tr'lores and RaY Hamilton, a C average. Tom 9 and 20. Registration is Plan- March Of Dimes officers, ary The election committee which ap- Associated Men Studénts 31 between ned for January 30 and Vets' Certificotions Due proved the different candidates in- made arrangements for'purchasing 1 3 and Features Contest 8 and 11 a.m. and to P.m., Veterans are reminded by Mrs. cludes HaIl, Charles tr'ox, Lorene the tree. February 1' Hishlishting the three part drive classes start Louise Murphy, the veterans sec- Hughes, Vernald Kelzer, Rhea Students who helPed decorate Mock, Miss Ethel McOor- for March of Dimes funds at the John retary, that tomorrow 'is tþe last Eray; and Ruth Osterhouse. Ad- the tree are Mary HueY, ÄWS dec- Hansler, the di- Fresno Junior College is the con- mack, and Rgbert day to sign up for the montlily visers are Miss Willa Marsh, the oration chairman; Bobbie Burton, vision chairmen, are in charge of test between the aptivity clubs certification for December. (Continued on Page 2) Geuny SchellenburS, Olga Hernan- counseling and programmingí Stu- from January 3 to 20. dez, Mary Lanotte, and Marcia dents nov¡ enrolled wishing to Dre- A, plaque engraved with the Lambardo. register next week should start winners name will be presented The AWS ¿lso sPonsored a with their dÍvision chairman. to the group ralsing the most Chirstmas basket which was Placed 'White saitl that for the first time money in proportion to its meqber near the library in the main hall in FJC's historl a registratiol peri- ship. Cecil Lane, the contest chair- to collect canned goods, candies, od will be set aside for the evening man, said each organization will be and toys. Tbe box was given to the students to enroll. Previously,.they allowed to sponsor whatever form Catholic Welfare Organization. have sirirply registered the first of activity the group chooses, in- Irene Mclaughlin, welfare chair- night of attendance. cluding dances, cake sales, or pea- man, r¡¡as in charge of the box. The night students will register nut sales. Phi Beta Lambda for four evenings from Monday, Miss W'illa Marsh, dean of stu- January 30, through ThursdaY, Feb- clents, announced that a chart in Phi Beta'Lambda, FJC's ChaPter ruary 2. White said there will be the main hall near the business the Future Business Leaders of of no registration in classes. office on the FJC campus rilill be held annual Chirst- .{merica, their Test New Students postecl with daily standings of the mas party December 15 in the Vlhite saitl that Archie Brad- participating groups and that she High School Washington Junior shaw, the guidance director, will will supervise the contest Cafeteria. began testing of new students who Classroom contributions will be The admissiôn to the Party was will register for daY classes on solicited at 10 a.m., January 10 and a 35 cent toy. The toys cbllected January 5, when he will give'the 11 antl night classes will bê con- at the party lvere turned over to English placement examination at tacted at the three FJC basketba[ the Rev. Harold tr'oster, who con- 1 p.m., games held during January. ducts a ministry for the mig¡ânts Brad.shaw will give the college The other part of the FJC drive for the tr'resno Council of Churches. aptltude and reading tests daily will be the student peanut sale in Jo Ann Monfort, FBLÄ Presi from 10 a.m. to 12'noon and 2 to cooperation with the Fresno high dent, said that the Rev. Foster 4 p.m. from January 6 to 31' IIe schools on tr'ulton Street between distributed the toys to children in will also gfve the English tests a Mariposa and X'resno Streets from migrant labor camps. second time JanuarY 10 at 7 P.m., January 7 to 74, between 10 a.m. The committee chairmen includ- and he will give the basic math and 1to 4 p.m. I ed Pat Spomer, general chairman. aptitude test as requirecl bY tli The committee in charge of Diana Avila, refreshments; Eu- visioD chairman. classroom and basketball solicita- gene Johnston, arantements; and Application ls NecessarY tions includes Fred Hall, Eleanor Donna Askew and Corinne Blume, George C. Holstein, dean of ad- tr'ranco, Olga Hernandez, Alfreda games. Miss Spomer led the com- missions ancl records, said for ad- Barton, George Thursby, Barbara munity singing and Lucretia De- mission to FJC, students must sub- Wilkinson, Glynn Bryant, lMilma Benedetto played the piano. mit an application on a form Pro- Koenig, Ann Sirabian, Teresa- Ba- ÃID ïROM,STUDENTS Bert Eremcrn, student body presi- Campus Activity Club held a vided by his office; file with his rile, Fred Garcia, Tommy Flores, dent, crrd Carol Bqrsotti- are the co-chcrirmen of FJC's polio (Continøed on Page 2) (Continaed on Page 2) Gene trl'ancis, and Bert Ereman. drive. Thursdoy, Jonuory 5, 1956 Poge Two RATIT PA G E tnDslt0 JIIÍI0I t0f.LEs[ Fresno Ventures To Modesto flMPHEE i¡mfil@ffi Rams Compete Publishert weekly by the journalism students of the tr'resno Junior College, 1430 O Street, Fresno, California, and composed at the Central ln La rgest California Typographic service, phone 3-3001' unsigrretl e'litorials are the expression of the editor. T pbrton-------- ----'----------"¡'L coPUS I OU tnA men. BOBBIE' BURTON threB ASSISTANT EDITOR..--..-. .WILKINSON Already the .victims of dUSINESS MANAGER... ---............-BARBARA tournament losses, tr'resno Junior College u'ill venture to Modesto to take part in the 18th a.nnual Mo- desto State Tournament Thursday Red Key Members Donote in which 16 top teams will partici- pare.
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