US 2011 0014248A1 (19) United States (12) Patent Application Publication (10) Pub. No.: US 2011/0014248 A1 Castiel et al. (43) Pub. Date: Jan. 20, 2011 (54) COSMETIC USE OF MICROORGANISM(S) Publication Classification FOR THE TREATMENT OF SCALP (51) Int. Cl. DSORDERS A6IR 8/02 (2006.01) 46R 8/99 (2006.01) (75) Inventors: Isabelle Castiel, Nice (FR): A6II 35/74 (2006.01) Audrey Gueniche, Rueil A69/68 (2006.01) Malmaison (FR) A6IR 9/00 (2006.01) A69/48 (2006.01) Correspondence Address: A6IR 9/28 (2006.01) OBLON, SPIVAK, MCCLELLAND MAIER & A6IP 7/4 (2006.01) NEUSTADT, L.L.P. A61O 5/02 (2006.01) 194O DUKE STREET A61O 5/06 (2006.01) ALEXANDRIA, VA 22314 (US) A61O 5/10 (2006.01) A61O 5/12 (2006.01) (73) Assignees: LOREAL, Paris (FR); NESTEC A61O II/00 (2006.01) SA, Vevey (CH) (52) U.S. Cl. ..................... 424/401; 424/93.45; 424/93.4: 424/93.3; 424/93.44; 424/93.51; 424/93.46; (21) Appl. No.: 12/659,597 424/48; 424/439: 424/484; 424/456; 424/474; (22) Filed: Mar. 15, 2010 424/50: 424/70.1; 424/70.6 (57) ABSTRACT Related U.S. Application Data The present invention relates to a use of an effective amount (63) Continuation of application No. 12/509,756, filed on of at least one probiotic microorganism and/or a fraction Jul. 27, 2009, now abandoned. thereof and/or a metabolite thereof for preventing and/or treating dandruff disorders of the scalp, as well as a cosmetic (60) Provisional application No. 61/084,582, filed on Jul. process for preventing and/or treating a dandruff condition 29, 2008, provisional application No. 61/213,517, including the administration a first cosmetic active agent and filed on Jun. 16, 2009. of at least a second cosmetic active agent, topically, the said first and second cosmetic active agents being formulated in (30) Foreign Application Priority Data separate compositions, the first cosmetic active agent being chosen from probiotic microorganisms, and mixtures thereof, Nov. 19, 2008 (FR) ...................................... 08 57865 and the second cosmetic active agent being chosen from Jun. 2, 2009 (FR) ...................................... O953611 antidandruff active agents. Patent Application Publication Jan. 20, 2011 Sheet 1 of 4 US 2011/0014248A1 Rando 12 IA IB D1 D15 D29 D43 D57 D64 TIME Fig. 1 Patent Application Publication Jan. 20, 2011 Sheet 2 of 4 US 2011/0014248 A1 Rando I A 12 b IB D1 D15 D29 D43 D57 D64 TIME Fig.2 Patent Application Publication Jan. 20, 2011 Sheet 3 of 4 US 2011/0014248 A1 Rando IA 8 IB 6 4. D1 D15 D29 D43 D5, D64 TIME Fig. 3 Patent Application Publication Jan. 20, 2011 Sheet 4 of 4 US 2011/0014248 A1 Rando IA 1,80 I B S 1.50 : 120 s 0.90 0.60 0.30 D1 D15 D29 D43 D57 D64 TIME Fig. 4 US 2011/0014248 A1 Jan. 20, 2011 COSMETIC USE OF MICROORGANISM(S) sensations of itching or pruritus, resulting in scratching FOR THE TREATMENT OF SCALP behaviour which amplifies the phenomenon of appearance of DISORDERS the dandruff. 0009. The dandruff conditions of the scalp may be of CROSS REFERENCE TO RELATED greasy or oily type or of dry type. APPLICATIONS 0010. The dry dandruff conditions of the scalp are more 0001. This application claims priority to French Patent frequently manifested and are amplified during skin hydra Applications No. 08 57865, filed Nov. 19, 2008, and No. 09 tion disorders, and especially during Substantial dryness of 53611, filed Jun. 2, 2009, and U.S. Provisional Patent Appli the epidermis of the scalp. Thus, the treatment of dry dandruff cations No. 61/084,582, filed Jul. 27, 2008, and No. 61/213, conditions, and the Solving of the unattractive manifestations 217, filed Jun. 16, 2009, the disclosures of which are incor thereof, involve being able to sufficiently rehydrate the scalp. porated herein by reference in their entireties. 0011 Besides, as indicated above, the scalp is rich in BACKGROUND OF THE INVENTION sebaceous glands. It has been observed that dandruff develops more easily in the excessive presence of sebum and is more 0002 1. Field of the Invention readily pruritic. Sebum secretion is a normal phenomenon 0003. The present invention aims principally to propose a which is useful for the skin and for the head of hair. Sebum new active agent for the prevention and/or treatment of scalp protects the scalp and gives the haira sheen by lubricating the disorders, especially aesthetic disorders. In particular, the cuticle. However, hypersecretion of sebum, or seborrhoea, present invention relates to dandruff disorders of the scalp, in may lead to disruptions, annoyances, sensations or feelings of particular of a greasy scalp. The present invention is also discomfort, aesthetic disorders, or even a skin pathology. directed towards proposing a novel cosmetic process for pre Thus, an excessive secretion of sebum promotes the appear venting and/or treating a dandruff condition of the scalp. The ance of a greasy or oily dandruff condition of the scalp or present invention also relates to an assembly or kit that is greasy or oily dandruff. suitable for use in a process of the invention. The present 0012. It has also been recently demonstrated that yeast of invention also relates to the field of topical products, food Malassezia type have a Substantial lipase activity, resulting in Supplements or functional foods intended for Scalp care. the hydrolysis of sebum triglycerides so as to give fatty acids. 0004 2. Discussion of the Background These fatty acids are then capable of causing dandruff condi 0005. The scalp is an epidermis that undergoes continual tions in sensitive individuals, i.e. individuals having an renewal, like the rest of the cutaneous tissue, and that is rich impaired barrier function, and therefore more particularly in Sebaceous glands. Normally, the scalp is renewed by susceptible to the destructive action of fatty acids on the imperceptible, non-visible elimination of the superficial skin cutaneous barrier. cells. However, excessive renewal of the cells of the stratum 0013 Thus, the greater the presence of sebum, the more corneum of the scalp, for various reasons, may result in the readily oily dandruff develops. Moreover, it has a tendency to formation of large, thick patches of cells which are visible to be more readily pruritic. the naked eye, known as "dandruff. 0006 Various factors may promote the onset of dandruff. 0014 Dandruff conditions generally respond to various For example, mention may be made of stress, the winter local or systemic treatments. For example, various prepara period, an excess of sebum, a hydration defect or colonization tions comprising antimicrobial agents or keratolytic agents or of the skin or of the hair follicles by yeasts of the Malassezia keratinization regulators are commonly proposed for treating spp. type. These factors especially have the common feature dandruff conditions. In particular, preparations combining of causing or promoting skin inflammation. Such an inflam antifungal and anti-seborrhoeic agents have been proposed in mation reinforces the appearance or even increases the pres order to treat severe dandruff conditions, in particular greasy ence of dandruff. or oily dandruff conditions. The antifungal-based treatments 0007. The Malassezia sp. genus is constituted of lipophilic demonstrate certain effectiveness on oily dandruff condi yeast normally present on human skin and on the skin of tions. certain warm-blooded animals. The distribution thereof 0015. However, the efficacy of these treatments is only depends on age, on Sebaceous gland activity and on certain Suspensory and demands rigorous adherence on the part of pathologies. The Malassezia sp. yeast represents approxi the user (frequency of use and Sufficient application time). mately 45% of the normal commensal flora at the surface of Now, daily and long-term use of these treatments may lead to the scalp in individuals without dandruff, but can represent a phenomenon of dependence that reduces their efficacy. The 75% of the flora in the case of dandruff, and up to 85% in the dependence may be associated with a rebound phenomenon case of associated seborrhoeic dermatitis. The other microor occurring when the treatment is stopped. The rebound phe ganisms present at the Surface of the scalp are micrococci and nomenon is generally manifested by hyperseborrhoea or pru Propionobacterium. Imbalance of the scalp ecoflora is a fac ritus, which are paradoxically liable to worsen the dandruff tor that promotes or even reinforces the presence of dandruff. condition by impairing the barrier function of the scalp. 0008 Dandruff conditions are chronic, frequent, recurring 0016. Moreover, the aggressiveness of certain antidan conditions that are socially incapacitating Owing to their obvi druff active agents with respect to the epidermal cells or the ous unattractive nature. Many factors can amplify these phe Scalp ecoflora may also affect the scalp's barrier functions and nomena and result in the appearance of additional disorders, lead to worsening of the dandruff condition. Such as inflammatory conditions of the scalp. These dandruff 0017. Unpleasant side effects, such as heating or irritation conditions and/or inflammatory conditions of the scalp are phenomena, may also be manifested during the use of these reflected by an impairment of the barrier function of the treatments. These side effects may also be reflected by poor epidermis. What is more, these conditions may give rise to adherence to the treatments, thus reducing their efficacy. US 2011/0014248 A1 Jan. 20, 2011 0018. In addition, most of the active agents usually used 0035 Finally, there is still a need for a treatment for dan for treating dandruff often have an unpleasant odour that also druff conditions that is efficient and simple, and that can be reduces the adherence to the treatment.
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