ББК 81.2АНГ-922 Б64 Рекомендовано Міністерством освіти і науки України (Рішення Колегії Міністерства освіти і науки України від 28.02.2008 p.; Протокол № 2/2-19; Наказ Міністерства освіти і науки України № 179 від 17.03.2008 р.) ВИДАНО ЗА РАХУНОК ДЕРЖАВНИХ КОШТІВ. ПРОДАЖ ЗАБОРОНЕНО Художник Володимир Зельдес Биркун, Л . В. Б64 Наша англійська : підруч. для 8 кл. загальноосвіт. навч. закл. (7-й рік навчання). / Л . В. Биркун. — К. : Освіта, 2008.— 192 с. : іл. ISBN 978-966-04-0494-6. Цей підручник є складовою навчально-методичного комплекту «Наша англійська» для 8 класу загальноосвітніх навчальних закладів (7-й рік навчання). До комплекту входять також робочий зошит, книга для вчителя та аудіозапис текстів для аудіювання, начитаних носіями мови. Навчання за цим комплектом базується на системі комунікативно орієнтованого викладання англійської мови як мови міжнародного спілкування. ББК 81.2АНГ-922 © Л. В. Биркун, 2008 © Видавництво «Освіта», художнє оформлення, ISBN 978-966-04-0494-6 2008 DeAr friends, You All know this English proverb: A good beginning makes a good ending, so if from the very first week of your study you will stArt exploring this coursebook, you will make a greAt progress in English. First you are suggested to review the main themes you leArned last yeAr. Then you will leArn more about UkrAine And GreAt BritAin, their geogrAphicAl situAtion, landscApes, resources, climAte, plAnt And animAl world, the populAtion And the wonders of the nAture of both countries. You will speak more about everydAy life of teenAgers, about their relAtionships, work And leisure time, about types of schools And school life, about whAt your peers read, write, listen And tAlk about. You will also leArn how to compAre A lot of things, to dis­ cuss urgent issues, to Argue And express your points of view. FinAlly, you will hAve An excellent opportunity to improve your English by reAding about the Adventures of most famous And popular literAry heroes. A special flAvour in the process of your study will be received by you from the fAct thAt the heroes of this coursebook will stArt discovering A new plAnet. A ll this hopefully will help you build up your English — very special for you And for others around you to enjoy. HAve a nice time! Your author R E V IS IO N 1. a) Match the pictures with the names of places. What do you know about 1 these places? a Andriivskyi Uzviz, b Big Ben, c BuckinghAm PAlAce, d London Eye, e MAidAn NezAlezhnosti, f St SophiA CAthedrAl, g the Golden GAte, h TrAfAlgAr SquAre, і Tower Bridge b) Listen to two students talking about their summer holidays and find the pictures of the places they are mentioning. 1 Такі цифри позначають початок кожного уроку в розділі. c) Fill in the table in Ex. 1 from the WB and compare the two stories. Use the useful phrases and key words and word combinations from the lists below. Useful phrAses Key words and word combinations: sight / place of interest, cApitAl city, Both of them... centrAl square, oldest pArt of the city, Neither of them... entertainment, excursion, church, walk. One of them... but the other... - Work in pairs, a) Tell each other about your summer holidays. Describe where you went, what you saw, what you liked most of all, who you met, etc. b) Compare your summer holidays. Use the phrases from Ex.l. a) Read the following posters. What do you think will be discussed at each of the meetings? ThERElLSr-Ei 1M AR S? b) Read a newspaper report about a meeting. Which of the above posters adver­ tises this meeting? YesterdAy I was present At An extremely interesting meeting. Mr Spaceman from Starcity, Spaceland, was talking about A lArge project, which gAthered children from different pArts of the world in A special training school. The first stage of the project was very successful. Six best children from Australia, China, Egypt, Great BritAin, Ukraine And the USA were trained in the school for A flight to space. Their mission stArted A yeAr ago. W e informed our readers about all their adventures. As we reported, they met An Alien spaceship and studied all its sections. They found A lot of interesting things there. W e also know now thAt there Are other living beings in space. So the explorAtion of space hAs to continue. Now the training school is look­ ing for new candidates. Mr Spaceman told those who gAthered in the assem­ bly hall about the qualities necessAry to become An AstronAut, the training progrAmme At school And the life on the spaceship. He Added thAt this pro­ fession is full of dangers And surprises. Only those who Are reAdy for it can become A new teAm. John Curious c) Discuss the questions. • WhAt quAlities are necessary to become An AstronAut? • WhAt dAngers and surprises cAn an AstronAut meet during the flight? How can An AstronAut get reAdy for them? 2 Ї • a) Match the pictures with the names of sports on page 7. a baseball, b boAting, c cAmping, d cAr rAcing, e chess, f cycling, g figure skAting, h footbAll, і hockey, j horse rAcing, k mountain climbing, I scubA diving, m ski jumping, n swimming, o volleybAll, p windsurfing b) Sport is an integral part of your life, isn’t it? Discuss the following questions. 1. Which of the Above sports cAn you do during the summer holidAys? 2. Did you do Any of those sports during the summer holidAys? Which one? 3. Did you wAtch any sports competitions on TV? WhAt were they? Which teAm/sportsmAn did you support? 4. Did you wAtch any live competition? WhAt kind of sport was it? Who did you support? Who won it? 5. Did you take pArt in any sports competitions yourself? WhAt competition was it? Did Anyone support you? Who won the competition? Match the pictures with the names of sportsmen. Do you know anything about their lives and careers? What are they famous for? a Zinedine Zidane, b Andrii Shevchenko, c VitAlii and Volodymyr Klychko, d MichAel JordAn Listen to the story of a famous sportsman and discuss the questions. • Zinedine ZidAne says thAt fAme hAsn’t changed him. Is it true about All famous sportsmen? • How does fAme sometimes change people? Think about lifestyle, fAmily And friends. a) Read about Michael Jordan and fill in the table in Ex.2 from the WB. MichAel JordAn wAsn’t born A stAr. His strong fAmily bAckground And personal goAls helped to make him the success he is todAy. Michael was one of five children in the family. his parents were strict. But their children’s interests and activities were of great importance for them. Michael’s mother often said, “Outside this door all sorts of things will happen. Don’t let it affect you.” Because all of the Jordan children enjoyed sports, Michael’s dad made the back yard into a basketball court. The Jordan boys played against the neigh­ bourhood children for hours after school and on Sundays. At the age of 16, Michael, who was 180 cm tall, tried out for the University basketball team but he didn’t make it because they said he was too short. The next year, after growing 10 cm, he was taken. he practised with the junior and the regular teams and shot baskets on his own after school and on weekends in the school gym. In 1984, Michael’s road to success began: he was on a team that won a gold Olympic medal and started to play for Chicago Bulls. Since then he has achieved much more. Michael did have the natural talent and physical qualities of a gifted ath­ lete. But his success was a result of his family’s support and these two qualities: hard work and ambition. b) Using the table and phrases from Ex. 1 (Lesson 1), compare Michael Jordan and Zinedine Zidane. О 1 • Think whether you got stronger and healthier during your summer holi­ days. What did you do for it? Discuss the following questions. 1. Did you eat health food? What was it? 2. Did you eat fast food? how often did you eat it? 3. Did you eat junk food? What was it? how often did you eat it? 4. Who cooked food for you? 5. Did you get plenty of fresh air? 6. Did you do exercises regularly? 2. Look at the picture on page 9. Which of the products are rich in proteins? carbo­ hydrates? vitamins? minerals? fat? fibre? 3. From the list below, choose the foods you should eat more of and those you should eat less of. Explain why. bananas biscuits carrots dairy products fried potatoes jam ice cream nuts chocolate bars apples cakes sweets or candy meat fish honey vegetables 4. If you regularly do some sport and your diet is balanced, you are sure to feel fit. Discuss the following questions about your health. 1. When was your last medical checkup? 2. W hat doctors did you see? 3. how did they find out if you are healthy or not? 4. Where did they write down all the information about you? 5. W hat advice did they give you? 5. Match the doctors and medical problems they treat. A. soar throAt 1. surgeon b. broken arm c.toothAche 2. dentist d. earache e. heArtache 3. pediAtriciAn f . soar eye 4. heArt doctor g. stomachache h. backache 5. eye doctor i. pain in the knee j. Allergies 6. eAr doctor k. flu 1. headache 6. Look at the pictures and make up a story. Use the words and phrases in the box.
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