w \ ■ MONDAY, NOVEilfiER 14, 1966 Areragg Dafly Ngt Preui Run The Weaflier ^ ' PAGE TWENTY For tfw Week Snded lEsfnittg Hfralb NovsmiMr IM I Fair sad eoo| toniiht, kwr lu 80a; moatiy fair and milder ' '' The Emma Nettletoh Group' Klwanls Club of Manchester,' Man Asks Town 15,104 morraar,' Ugh M-M. About Town of Center Congregational Church Inc., wUl meet tomorrow noon M anehester^A City of Village Charm will meet tomorrow at 8 p.ni. In at the li|ancbeBter Country Club, To Pay Damage M1b4 Dorothy Jacobson, the Robbins Room of the church. Fred Sbabel, basketball coach of (ClaadfM Adverttafaig on Pngo ITOCE SEVEN CKNTK daughter o£ Dr. and Ikbut Mrs. Doris Swallow will epeak the University of Connecticut, Stuart Welaa of 442 Spring VOL. LXXXVI, NO. 39 (TWENTY PAGES) MANCHESTER, CONN., TUESDAY, NOVEMRER 15, 1966 VI) ChuNea HS. Jaobbaon of 45 on her trip to Russia. will speak. S t has aMced the Town of Man­ WyUya St, has been selected chester to relffiburee him in the a member o t the chx^ and St Bridget Church will spon- Rotary Club qf Manchester sum of fl5.<M, for alleged dam-, chorus at fas tryouts at the sor a Turkey Bingo tomorrow will meet tomorrow at 6:30 p.m. ages to his VoUcawageh. Sunned Willard School, Troy, N. at 7:30 p.m. In the school cafe- at the Manchester Counti^Club. In a letter filed today. In the T. teria. There will be 20 turkeys Joseph Savard of Boston, Mass., town clerk’s office, Weiss given aWay. The proceeds of representative of the French claims that he incurred the WaUam A. Bayer of .281 the event will be used for the Line, will jqteak.'' Reudonatack St has been damage on Oct. 1 on Buckland aip-' purchase of an automobile for ------ pointed special gifts chairman \ St. when his car sank Into a iw the Hartford area for the the Sisters of Mercy in the par- K st Chiefs Club, Daughters large hole. 1967 Alumni Fund Campaign ish. of Scotia, will meet tomorrow He claims that rain, that ot the Massachusetts .Institute ----- '■ at 7:30 p.m. at the home of day, had caused k washout and of Technology. ’Th« Zipser Club AiudUary wtii Mrs. Howard Flavell, 88 Hamlin that no warning had been post­ meet tomorrow at 7:30.pm. at St ed by the town. Aviation Machinist’s hfete 3. the club. C. Dovtd Scott U.S. Navy, son ------ The Manchester Business and of Mrs. David Scott of 250 Main Koffee Krafters wlH meet Professional Womans Club will I Personal Notices I Corruption in Viet Nam Perfect Day Forecast S t, vras awarded the Navy Unit Wednesday at 9:30 a.m. at the l»ve an international potluck Citation for meritorious service Communtty Y, 79 N. Main , St., Wednesday at 7 p.m. at Mott’s to continue work on Christmas Community Hall. Eliseo Gatcha- In Memoriam off the ooest of Viet Nam as m loving memory of Franklin J. For Recovery Work a member of Recoonaissanoe figurines. Mm. Jesse Bannister Uan, government finance officer McCann who passed away Nov. 14, 'Attack Squadron Nine, a unit of is the instructor. Those attend- of Manila, Philippines; and Ab- 1966. Black Market Is Flourishing tng are reminded to bring cot- dul Khllki, governor of Logar CAPE KENNEDY, Fla. (AP)-r-The Gemini 12 astro­ the Attack Carrier Ah* Wing- The depUi ot sorrow In our hearts EDITOR’S NOTE — WHere champagnes, scotch and bonded eteers wwre in businese again, 14 aboard the aircraft carrier ton sheeting end trimmings. Province, Afghanistan, will No one can truly share nauts parachuted to a pinpoint landing this afternoon But it' comforts us to know there’e a war, there's uauatiy a bourbm, translator radios andi bored as Mdsalsslppi bootleggers in the Atlantic’s fabled Sargasso Sea, climaxing four Ranger. The award cited the Hostesses are Mrs. Richard speak after the dinner. Ha understsuids and cares. tape recorders, expensive cam­ with this tiresome, token exer­ Bushnell and Mre. Herbert ------ black market. And In Souto Viet record-shattering days in space and triumphantly end­ Ranger’s part in ext^isive aeri­ Nam, the back market'la large, eras and other photographic cise of power. Everything was \ | Hutchinson. The meeting Is open The Ladles Aid of the Luther- ' ' .Sadly Missed by His al day and night reconnaissance Brotners and Sisters flourishing and — In terms of wares; a fiffl line, of GI shirts, the same except the prices, ing America’s Gemini program. and air strikes in the face of in­ to all area wcmeiL an Women’s Missionary League U.S. taxpayers’ money — coet- socks and underwear,” and which had risen to meet the new The Sensational space adventure reached a blazing tensive hostile ground fire, and ----- of Zfon Evangelical Lutheran In Memoriam climax when Navy Capt. James A. Lovell Jr. and Air In loving memory of our', dear ly. Thia-is another in a series of enough cans of'tom and lima emergency. lauded the superb morale of of- Mrs. Yael Borovitch of New Church will meet Wednesday at brothers Jam es Lessely Lennon who articles on the ^tindings of an beans — the 0-ratlon item that Aqtually, the ambassador’s Force Maj. Edwin E. Aldrin Jr., plunged back through ficens end men. York City, a native Israeli, will 7:30 p.m. at the church Assem- passed away Nov. 14. 1960 and Jo­ Associated Press team that Gle most detept — to cator a ■troU had taken him to only one the atmosphere and splashed into the sea at 2:20 p.m. speak and show slides tomorrow bly Room. There will be a topic seph Lennon who passed away Nov. 26, 1966. looked into graft, dlvendon and summer of plcnica. of Saigon’s four Uack markets. EST. Airman Edward D. SSeiser^ son a t 8:15 pm . at T'emple Beth dlscua^on. Members are re- other irreguleurltlea hi Viet The ambassador got the Navy The main one, which deals of Mr. and Mrs. Robert E. Zeis- Nothing can ever take away Sholom. Her topic will be “Cur- minded to briiig quarterlies for The love a heart holds dear. Nam. on the phone and demanded that exclusively in military wares— er of 265 6ienry St, has beeth rent Israeli Art.’’ She wUl have a use In the discussion. Hostesses Fond memories linger every day something' be done. The Navy ponchos, knapsacks, combat CAPE KENNEDY, Fla. (AP)—In jovial spirits, the Remembrance , keeps them near. selected for technical display of articles, which will , are Mrs. Louise Mertens, Mrs. ' SAIGON, South Viet Nam called the Vietnapnese Econom­ boots and similar government Gemini 12 astronauts swept into their last orbit of the at Keesler AFB, M ^, as a also be for sale. Refreshments Raymond Miller and Wolf- Sisters Jsme and Ellen (AP) On a recent muggy ic Ministry and suggested that issue items ranging in size all globe today, heading for home and end to America’s oanununicaticiis electronkM spe- wUl be served. The event is open gang Mueller. morning, Ambassador Henry someting_ be done. The. ministry. the way up to gasoline genera­ Gemini program. ------------------- ----------- aaiiat He recratly completed to the public. ...__ Card of Thanks tors end air-conditioning units— We are moat grateful to the cabot Lodge took a short stroll ^ o^led the police and ordered a There was a lot of good-na- power-producing fuel oelta,.-- basic air .forM^tMdning a t Lack­ ----- “Galapagos, Wild Eden,” Is parishes of St. Bridget and the around the rom er f i ^ hla U.S. crackdown. is located across from the 2nd tured bantering with ground '^^oh requited frequent purgea land AFB^^x. He is a gradu­ Martha Circle, Emanuel Lu- the title of the Audubon Wildlife Church of the Assumption, our Embassy down a narrow, stall- Precin>ot police headquarters in atationa as Navy Oapt. James of hydrogen end oxygen to i»e-' ate of hidnehester IBgh School. many friends and neighbors for all The sirens wailed; the contra­ tiieran Church, wUl meet for fUm-lecture Saturday at 8 p.m. acts of kindness shown us at the lined street with the quaint band was oonftscatod. Odprits a building owned by the city. A. Lovell Jr. and Air Force vent pressure buildup. sovring Thursday at 10 a.m. at at Bailey Auditorium, Manches- time ot the death of Marion Armo- name of "PX Alley.” sullenly paid their finee, which Inscrutable women in conical Maj. Hldwln E. Aldrin Jr. - Tto voltage to the eleotrical ,J5auglaughters of Liberty, No. 17, the church. There wiU be a ter High School. ’This is the Idda. We Would also like to thank hats and baggy pajemap oper­ the ladies of the Church of the As­ What he saw oauapd him to amounted to 100 per cent of the prepared to fire their retrorock- system also dipped and the az- will install officers tomorrow at meeting at 2 p.m. on the same fj^gt of a series of five Audubm ate shabby, crowded stalls and sumption and the Rosary Society of blow his ct^derahle diplo­ value of the goods — and then ets. tronauts were told to turn off T pm. at Orange Hall. Mrs. day. Mrs. Hedwig Earn vriU lead «im-lectures sponsored by Lutz St. Bridget Church tor the Mass If.' can produce a Jeep clutch as­ "You sound pretty chipper up certain equipment, Elizabeth Gray of the Hartford cards. matic cool. arranged for the appropriate devotions. Hostesses are Mrs. Museum and the Man- Mrs.
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