PDF Output of CLIC (clustering by inferred co-expression) Dataset: Num of genes in input gene set: 6 Total number of genes: 16493 CLIC PDF output has three sections: 1) Overview of Co-Expression Modules (CEMs) Heatmap shows pairwise correlations between all genes in the input query gene set. Red lines shows the partition of input genes into CEMs, ordered by CEM strength. Each row shows one gene, and the brightness of squares indicates its correlations with other genes. Gene symbols are shown at left side and on the top of the heatmap. 2) Details of each CEM and its expansion CEM+ Top panel shows the posterior selection probability (dataset weights) for top GEO series datasets. Bottom panel shows the CEM genes (blue rows) as well as expanded CEM+ genes (green rows). Each column is one GEO series dataset, sorted by their posterior probability of being selected. The brightness of squares indicates the gene's correlations with CEM genes in the corresponding dataset. CEM+ includes genes that co-express with CEM genes in high-weight datasets, measured by LLR score. 3) Details of each GEO series dataset and its expression profile: Top panel shows the detailed information (e.g. title, summary) for the GEO series dataset. Bottom panel shows the background distribution and the expression profile for CEM genes in this dataset. Overview of Co-Expression Modules (CEMs) with Dataset Weighting Scale of average Pearson correlations Num of Genes in Query Geneset: 6. Num of CEMs: 1. 0.0 0.2 0.4 0.6 0.8 1.0 Epn1 Ap2a1 Ralbp1 Ap2a2 Numb Ccnb1 Epn1 Ap2a1 Ralbp1 CEM 1 (13 datasets) Ap2a2 Numb Ccnb1 Symbol Num ofCEMGenes:6.Predicted655.SelectedDatasets:13.Strength:0.0 CEM 1,Geneset"[C]RalBP1-CCNB1-AP2A-NUMB-EPN1complex",Page1 Suv420h2 Tmem234 Atp6v0a1 Ranbp10 Smarcc2 Adipor1 Slc16a6 Fam76a Map2k2 Capn15 Ccdc97 Fbxo34 Ppp2r4 Ralbp1 Mknk1 Abhd4 Polr2a Atxn2l Wdr81 Ap1b1 Ccnb1 Gsk3a Pdpk1 Ap2a2 Ap2a1 Wdtc1 Mkrn1 Leng8 Tpcn1 Ncor1 Numb Cnot3 Actn4 Dctn1 Atg2a Tfdp2 Wbp2 Arrb1 Mavs Hagh Rgp1 Epg5 Epn1 Pcif1 Ssh1 Pef1 Slx4 Fzr1 Narf Cic 0.0 1.0 GSE48338 [8] GSE18042 [18] GSE35825 [9] Only showingfirst200datasets-Seetxtoutputforfulldetails. GSE17509 [57] GSE30056 [24] GSE27786 [20] GSE14891 [8] GSE35763 [6] GSE2197 [6] GSE32214 [6] GSE14499 [26] GSE47196 [6] GSE33942 [12] GSE18115 [8] GSE23119 [9] GSE11723 [9] GSE22381 [12] GSE46600 [44] GSE32328 [24] GSE7348 [6] GSE24614 [6] GSE5861 [6] GSE28830 [9] GSE37975 [8] GSE18587 [9] GSE46606 [30] GSE21902 [31] GSE30980 [6] GSE18148 [6] GSE15326 [10] GSE39897 [36] GSE6837 [8] GSE30083 [12] GSE13408 [14] GSE27378 [8] GSE8065 [18] GSE31702 [10] GSE15772 [8] GSE13693 [9] GSE26568 [6] GSE32015 [51] GSE20726 [9] GSE36237 [64] GSE46871 [6] GSE42591 [26] GSE22086 [6] GSE27987 [31] GSE25423 [10] GSE9044 [6] GSE43779 [6] GSE22927 [38] GSE14004 [9] GSE5425 [6] GSE53916 [6] GSE38304 [8] GSE4230 [8] GSE27901 [23] GSE24705 [33] GSE42548 [29] GSE31013 [12] GSE34126 [19] GSE41307 [8] GSE9809 [10] GSE54785 [6] GSE22448 [6] GSE11680 [10] GSE25737 [6] GSE54976 [17] GSE20391 [11] GSE47414 [18] GSE47959 [8] GSE23178 [6] GSE8555 [8] GSE14843 [6] GSE8621 [12] GSE7424 [8] GSE18660 [10] GSE6998 [32] GSE22005 [23] GSE17097 [20] GSE15894 [8] GSE20954 [14] GSE38277 [18] GSE41925 [8] GSE46443 [12] GSE22418 [8] GSE30247 [16] GSE43373 [130] GSE25286 [10] GSE38257 [14] GSE20562 [20] GSE9509 [18] GSE33156 [18] GSE43635 [9] GSE13306 [17] GSE13635 [6] GSE12950 [6] GSE11679 [25] GSE17263 [6] GSE8322 [12] GSE33770 [8] GSE40282 [6] GSE35106 [9] GSE16707 [6] GSE28731 [10] GSE37431 [6] GSE26461 [6] GSE22527 [6] GSE16801 [9] GSE43928 [12] GSE17553 [16] GSE32354 [35] GSE6383 [6] GSE12499 [10] GSE20696 [8] GSE7258 [17] GSE10639 [8] GSE35219 [6] GSE31972 [6] GSE9441 [36] GSE25637 [9] GSE40795 [50] GSE13707 [20] GSE41095 [6] GSE26668 [6] GSE35260 [21] GSE3293 [8] GSE13106 [10] GSE6867 [6] GSE36810 [16] GSE4193 [8] GSE41759 [14] GSE16266 [6] GSE13611 [8] GSE7596 [6] GSE39233 [40] GSE9247 [15] GSE25767 [6] GSE18800 [25] GSE34215 [6] GSE53299 [6] GSE39449 [6] GSE7838 [9] GSE43775 [32] GSE31244 [6] GSE30160 [6] GSE30767 [8] GSE27195 [6] GSE17383 [6] GSE11221 [9] GSE32287 [16] GSE11358 [8] GSE20372 [6] GSE5841 [6] CEM+ CEM GSE42008 [6] GSE3962 [8] GSE3843 [8] GSE25645 [17] GSE31570 [6] GSE46185 [6] 0.0 GSE21594 [12] GSE33688 [12] GSE5236 [8] Scale ofaveragePearsoncorrelations GSE13692 [8] GSE13553 [10] GSE56777 [8] GSE13225 [6] GSE19668 [50] GSE11982 [6] 0.2 GSE57425 [6] GSE26496 [6] GSE13753 [10] GSE11149 [8] GSE35761 [6] GSE48203 [9] GSE39030 [6] GSE42601 [6] GSE6632 [6] 0.4 GSE43381 [26] GSE16684 [6] GSE11120 [10] GSE4029 [10] GSE27972 [6] GSE39458 [6] GSE42103 [9] GSE51243 [7] GSE45430 [9] 0.6 GSE27092 [6] GSE36415 [14] GSE15541 [12] GSE22774 [6] GSE56542 [8] GSE27605 [8] GSE9804 [9] GSE21716 [28] GSE17404 [9] 0.8 GSE29241 [6] GSE27881 [16] GSE38283 [7] GSE54581 [21] Score 5.34 5.36 5.38 5.45 5.46 5.53 5.54 5.57 5.66 5.71 5.71 5.75 5.80 5.83 5.86 5.88 5.89 5.89 6.06 6.09 6.14 6.15 6.17 6.22 6.34 6.39 6.40 6.46 6.47 6.50 6.53 6.79 6.84 6.88 7.16 7.20 7.20 7.22 7.38 7.97 8.19 8.95 9.54 9.69 1.0 Notes Symbol Num ofCEMGenes:6.Predicted655.SelectedDatasets:13.Strength:0.0 CEM 1,Geneset"[C]RalBP1-CCNB1-AP2A-NUMB-EPN1complex",Page2 Ppp1r16a Slc25a38 Fam104a Fam193a Fam134c Tbc1d17 R3hdm2 Ehbp1l1 Mospd1 Slc36a1 Gpcpd1 Vps13d Ccdc77 Zdhhc7 Tuba4a March2 Enthd2 Prkab1 Rnf167 Rnf123 Rbm38 Pxmp4 Kmt2b Ube3b Dedd2 Ubxn6 Ubac1 Vps11 Snx15 Lmtk2 Abtb1 Atg9a Dctn2 Dstyk Wbp1 Ypel3 Gps2 Dot1l Pnpo Bet1l Traf7 Pnkp Pdk2 Zfpl1 Tbx6 Gbf1 Ccnf Gclc Szt2 Gltp 0.0 1.0 GSE48338 [8] GSE18042 [18] GSE35825 [9] Only showingfirst200datasets-Seetxtoutputforfulldetails. GSE17509 [57] GSE30056 [24] GSE27786 [20] GSE14891 [8] GSE35763 [6] GSE2197 [6] GSE32214 [6] GSE14499 [26] GSE47196 [6] GSE33942 [12] GSE18115 [8] GSE23119 [9] GSE11723 [9] GSE22381 [12] GSE46600 [44] GSE32328 [24] GSE7348 [6] GSE24614 [6] GSE5861 [6] GSE28830 [9] GSE37975 [8] GSE18587 [9] GSE46606 [30] GSE21902 [31] GSE30980 [6] GSE18148 [6] GSE15326 [10] GSE39897 [36] GSE6837 [8] GSE30083 [12] GSE13408 [14] GSE27378 [8] GSE8065 [18] GSE31702 [10] GSE15772 [8] GSE13693 [9] GSE26568 [6] GSE32015 [51] GSE20726 [9] GSE36237 [64] GSE46871 [6] GSE42591 [26] GSE22086 [6] GSE27987 [31] GSE25423 [10] GSE9044 [6] GSE43779 [6] GSE22927 [38] GSE14004 [9] GSE5425 [6] GSE53916 [6] GSE38304 [8] GSE4230 [8] GSE27901 [23] GSE24705 [33] GSE42548 [29] GSE31013 [12] GSE34126 [19] GSE41307 [8] GSE9809 [10] GSE54785 [6] GSE22448 [6] GSE11680 [10] GSE25737 [6] GSE54976 [17] GSE20391 [11] GSE47414 [18] GSE47959 [8] GSE23178 [6] GSE8555 [8] GSE14843 [6] GSE8621 [12] GSE7424 [8] GSE18660 [10] GSE6998 [32] GSE22005 [23] GSE17097 [20] GSE15894 [8] GSE20954 [14] GSE38277 [18] GSE41925 [8] GSE46443 [12] GSE22418 [8] GSE30247 [16] GSE43373 [130] GSE25286 [10] GSE38257 [14] GSE20562 [20] GSE9509 [18] GSE33156 [18] GSE43635 [9] GSE13306 [17] GSE13635 [6] GSE12950 [6] GSE11679 [25] GSE17263 [6] GSE8322 [12] GSE33770 [8] GSE40282 [6] GSE35106 [9] GSE16707 [6] GSE28731 [10] GSE37431 [6] GSE26461 [6] GSE22527 [6] GSE16801 [9] GSE43928 [12] GSE17553 [16] GSE32354 [35] GSE6383 [6] GSE12499 [10] GSE20696 [8] GSE7258 [17] GSE10639 [8] GSE35219 [6] GSE31972 [6] GSE9441 [36] GSE25637 [9] GSE40795 [50] GSE13707 [20] GSE41095 [6] GSE26668 [6] GSE35260 [21] GSE3293 [8] GSE13106 [10] GSE6867 [6] GSE36810 [16] GSE4193 [8] GSE41759 [14] GSE16266 [6] GSE13611 [8] GSE7596 [6] GSE39233 [40] GSE9247 [15] GSE25767 [6] GSE18800 [25] GSE34215 [6] GSE53299 [6] GSE39449 [6] GSE7838 [9] GSE43775 [32] GSE31244 [6] GSE30160 [6] GSE30767 [8] GSE27195 [6] GSE17383 [6] GSE11221 [9] GSE32287 [16] GSE11358 [8] GSE20372 [6] GSE5841 [6] CEM+ CEM GSE42008 [6] GSE3962 [8] GSE3843 [8] GSE25645 [17] GSE31570 [6] GSE46185 [6] 0.0 GSE21594 [12] GSE33688 [12] GSE5236 [8] Scale ofaveragePearsoncorrelations GSE13692 [8] GSE13553 [10] GSE56777 [8] GSE13225 [6] GSE19668 [50] GSE11982 [6] 0.2 GSE57425 [6] GSE26496 [6] GSE13753 [10] GSE11149 [8] GSE35761 [6] GSE48203 [9] GSE39030 [6] GSE42601 [6] GSE6632 [6] 0.4 GSE43381 [26] GSE16684 [6] GSE11120 [10] GSE4029 [10] GSE27972 [6] GSE39458 [6] GSE42103 [9] GSE51243 [7] GSE45430 [9] 0.6 GSE27092 [6] GSE36415 [14] GSE15541 [12] GSE22774 [6] GSE56542 [8] GSE27605 [8] GSE9804 [9] GSE21716 [28] GSE17404 [9] 0.8 GSE29241 [6] GSE27881 [16] GSE38283 [7] GSE54581 [21] Score 3.96 3.97 4.00 4.01 4.01 4.02 4.03 4.06 4.08 4.08 4.13 4.14 4.15 4.18 4.23 4.24 4.24 4.28 4.28 4.29 4.30 4.33 4.33 4.35 4.35 4.40 4.41 4.42 4.44 4.51 4.52 4.57 4.58 4.68 4.70 4.70 4.72 4.79 4.88 4.89 4.90 5.02 5.05 5.08 5.08 5.09 5.15 5.27 5.27 5.28 1.0 Notes 8430419L09Rik Symbol Num ofCEMGenes:6.Predicted655.SelectedDatasets:13.Strength:0.0 CEM 1,Geneset"[C]RalBP1-CCNB1-AP2A-NUMB-EPN1complex",Page3 Tbc1d10b Mad2l1bp Map1lc3b Fam210b Tubgcp6 Hmg20b Slc22a4 Man1b1 Golph3l Cdkn2c St3gal2 Mcoln1 Golga2 Ctdsp1 Numa1 Ap2m1 Hectd3 Tnrc6b Sh3gl1 Tmub2 Incenp Myo9b Pbrm1 Ap3d1 Kmt2c Spsb3 Ap5s1 Mroh1 Bcl2l1 Naa60 Taok2 Mcm2 Atp9b Atg14 Atg13 Tpra1 Lin37 Tbcel Gclm Ago2 Add1 Napa Xpo7 Plin3 Brap Nat6 Crat Cir1 Rb1 0.0 1.0 GSE48338 [8] GSE18042 [18] GSE35825 [9] Only showingfirst200datasets-Seetxtoutputforfulldetails. GSE17509 [57] GSE30056 [24] GSE27786 [20] GSE14891 [8] GSE35763 [6] GSE2197 [6] GSE32214 [6] GSE14499 [26] GSE47196 [6] GSE33942 [12] GSE18115 [8] GSE23119 [9] GSE11723 [9] GSE22381 [12] GSE46600 [44] GSE32328 [24] GSE7348 [6] GSE24614 [6] GSE5861 [6] GSE28830 [9] GSE37975 [8] GSE18587 [9] GSE46606 [30] GSE21902 [31] GSE30980 [6] GSE18148 [6] GSE15326 [10] GSE39897 [36] GSE6837 [8] GSE30083 [12] GSE13408 [14] GSE27378 [8] GSE8065 [18] GSE31702 [10] GSE15772 [8] GSE13693 [9] GSE26568
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