
f f Bi''w vx. ^ \ \ l Q r v PU BUS ■Hi SENIOR. \^C _kA S S NEW PHI LA tl'rrPK jX HIGH SCH OOL^ NEW PHILADELPHIA OHIO LDelphian Staff ELEANOR LIMBACH HOWARD BRADLEY Edit or-in Chief Business Manager ALBERT AUER HELEN WADDINGTON GLENN BEABER Sports Editor Literary Editor Circulation Manager REA RITTER JACQUELINE ELIZABETH FINDLEY HAROLD EVERETT Asst. Sports Editor JACQUETTE Asst. Art Editor Photograph Editor Art Fiditor JEANNE THOMAS WILLIAM MOFFIT JULIA SNYDER Asst. Literary Editor Asst. Circulation Manager Asst. Photograph Editor MARGARET COLEMAN ALVIN MARSH Asst. F.ditor Asst. Business Manager SF acuity Sldvisers Chairman of A d v isers_________________Miss B a k e r Clubs and Seniors__________________ Miss B a r to n Classes and Athletics__________________ M r . P f e if f e r Photography _______________________ Miss B earer F in a n c e _____________________________ M r . W il l ia m s TTITT-nrTlTTTTTTTTT'rrTTTTTT"^ oreword Assembled in this volume for you to have, to hold, and enjoy—not we hope too costly to have, nor too unwieldy to hold, nor too light to enjoy—are certain infusions made by the pen and the camera. This book covers as the screen covers a story, the action and the back­ ground of a high school life. We have shown you in pictures and in words the outstanding and interesting events of the year. You have your favorite magazine and your favorite book. You know the best sellers, fic­ tion and non-fiction. You also have your pet novelist, poet, or philosopher, but it is possi­ ble that your stock of literature needs some revision and activation. If there is a gap to ^ is with unusual pride and enduring gratitude that the class of 1942 dedi­ cates this, its Annual, to Miss Felton, whose devotion and unselfish service to our high school has been unsur­ passed. C o n t e n t s Producers . Board of Education Directors ..... Faculty News Reel . Activities Parade of Sports . Athletics Extras Snaps Cast of Characters . Classes Prevues of Coming Attractions Class of ’44 and ‘43 Stars ...... Seniors PRODUCERS AND DIRECTORS A D M I N I S rTTTTTT'TT"TTlTTT-iTTT7-rrTTTT7-rrrrTTTTrn T H E L M A E. BUSBY Secretary to the Superintendent RATION MARY JANE GRAFF Secretary to the Principal Left to right—Mr. J. R. Lukens, Mr. R. F. Tucker, M r. W . R. Ritter, Mr. A. O. Stonebrook, Mr. YV. Y . Buchanan School dooard \ i c e r s P resid e n t------------------------------------ W . R. R itter Vice President----------------------A. O. Sto n eb r o o k Clerk-Treasurer------------------------- R. F. T u c k e r C om m ittees Education Finance Buildings and Grounds J. R. Lukens A. O. Stonebrook YV. V. Buchanan A. (). Stonebrook R. F. I ucker J . R. Lukens Physical Education and Athletics R. F. Tucker YV. Yr. Buchanan B. C. HOLLINGSWORTH R. S. SMITH C. B. CURTIS Assistant Superintendent of Schools in Charge of Custodians Buildings, Maintenance, and Operation F. B. FUERST H- B- STURM ,/,» i Custodian Attendance Ufficer M A E BAKER BEULAH M. BARTON A. B.; M.A. A .B .; M .A . Otterbein College Western College Columbia University Columbia University English 12 English xO RUSSELL A. BENDER A. B.; B.S. in Ed.; M.A. Wooster College FLORENCE BEABER Kent State College Ph. B. Ohio State University Wooster College Public Speaking Ohio State University World History Business En glish Sociology SUE E. FELTON PAUL V. BLISS Ph. B. A. B.; B.M.E. College of Wooster Hiram College Boettingerstudienhaus Northwestern University Berlin Band German Orchestra Plane Geometry HELEN FISHER A B EVELYN D. FONDELL Wittenberg College B. S. Ohio State University University of Minnesota Columbia University Typing II Home Economics Shorthand I and II LEILA HELMICK PAUL HOERNEMAN A. B. A. B. Wittenberg College Heidelberg College Chemistry Director of Physical Ed. Phvsics Basketball Coach HUGH M. HOWEY B. S.; M.of Ed. University of Pittsburgh CHARLES KNISELY Wooster College Mathematics A- B- : M’ A' Social Studies University of Cincinnati ADM INIS T R A I O N T T TT T T TT n rTTTTTTTTI GLENN JORDAN B. S. in Ed. ROY LADRACH Kent State University A. B. Ohio State University Akron University Industrial Arts Typing I FRANCES MYER B.E.; B. A.; M. A. Newberry College RANDALL NEAR University of Pittsburgh B. S. M . University of Colorado Capital University Business Arithmetic Ohio State University Plane Geometry Vocal Music PAUL PFEIFFER B. A. DELBERT E. PHILLIPS Wooster College B. S. in Ed. American Government Ohio University Commercial Law Typing I English 1 1 Bookkeeping I 14 STANLEY PLUMMER PEARSON PUGH B. S. in Ed. Wittenberg College B. S. in Agr. American History Ohio State University Football C oach Industrial Arts STELLA RUTLEDGE HAZEL RENNELS a . B. B. S. in Ed. Ohio Wesleyan University Kent University Latin Home Economics English 10 L O IS S H A W B. S. M . PAULINE SHUMAKER Cincinnati Conservatory A. B.; M. A. of M usic Ohio Wesleyan University University of Cincinnati Columbia University Voca 1 M usic English 11 DEO G. STEFFEN MAT CARET STEINER B. S. in E d .; M . A. Bli SS College B. S. in Ed. Cincinnati University Columbia University Kent State University Denison University Bookkeeping II Northwestern University Typing I Ohio University Business Organization Salesmanship Typing I Faculty Manager Shorthand I BERNICE WICKS HERBERT STOUGHTON A. B. B. S. Hiram College Otterbein College Western Reserve University Ohio State University French Biology Spanish Senior Science English 11 CARL E. WILLIAMS A. B.; M. A. JEAN WRIGHT Ohio University B. S. in Ed. Ohio State University Ohio University Harvard University University of Colorado American History A rt Row 1— Mr. Bliss, Eileen Green, I.ois Browning, Mary Renneker, Dorothy Kneubuehl, Glenn Beaber, Richard Stew- irt, Donna Beans, Don Rutledge, William Moffit, Robert Winters, Mary McCullough, Robert Seibert, Rob- *rt Morrison, Gordon Singhaus. Row 2— obert Baker, Jack Wages, Mary Gopp, Elizabeth Miller, Iris Ryan, Doris Wages, Forrest Miller, Treva raft, Thelma Stevens, Leatha Stillwell, Maryan Fatig, Jeanne Collins, Richard Soulsby. Row 3— Robert Ryan, Robert Spring, Robert Waddington, Ilelen Phillips, Thelma Bitticker, Janet Hanson, Harold I homas, Dale Slough, Fred Ricketts, Jean Fowler, Gladys Williams, Catherine Blackburn, Richard Geib, Row 4- Delbert Perkins, Dale Ran ft, Jam es Robb, Jeanne Brown, Gerry Hassin, M argaret Meissner, M artha Mc- \eely, Margaret Morgan, Regina McGill, William Hanson, Edward Ohliger, Earl Fisher, Robert Rieker. Row 5- Kenneth Smith, Wilford Funk, Mabel Reip, Marian Walters, Dorothy Thomas, Jeanne Thomas, Sue Ray, orge Grubb, Bonnie Bailey. Joe Sullivan, Mary Jane Bair, Betty Halter, Coraline Kaylor, Richard Lindsay. Row 6 - Carl Hollingsworth, Robe Connell, Jam es Fishel, Reno Menapace, John Meissner, Donald Zimm erman, erry Schwab, Eleanor I >ach, Victor Jenkins, Jerry Winters, Carl Geib, Robert Sloe, Charles Porter- leld, Mary Buchanan. Row 7- -Donald Allensworth, Earl Kaylor, Lewis ers, Junior Byers, Robert Black, Kaye Kislig, Thomas Whit- man, Hartley Harrison, F obert Rohney. N o t in Allan Brc lurst, Joan McCarty, :>rothy Sever, Lois Walton, Kenneth Winters. 18' rTTTTT f" I I TTTTTTTTTTTTT D^otor Q- uar d and CD rum cdtaior s Row 1— Robert Black, Kaye Kislig, Lewis Byers, Thomas Whitman, Hartley Harrison Row 2— Earl Kaylor, Donald Allensworth, Junior Byers. O f. (P. <=£. sA ids the Oxled ross In keeping with the spirit of unity, which war has effected throughout the nation, school music organizations decided to give up participation in the Eastern District Contest this year. Previous years have found the band, chorus, and orchestra repre­ sented there. The necessary expenses for the trip have been defrayed by local business men and the members of each musical organization. Music had been purchased, rehearsals scheduled, and practicing begun before the na­ tional emergency brought forth the decision to stay at home. Again in the spirit of unity, school officials and music directors worked out a plan. On March 24th in the Junior High School Auditorium, the Senior High School Band, Chorus, and Orchestra presented a concert for the benefit of the American Red Cross. It was a disappointment to the music students not to make the usual out of town trip and have among other things, one day of “hot-hog stuffing.” But what a satisfaction to be giving and helping others to give of their talents! Each member of the student body had part in making the necessary arrangements. The art department made post­ ers and helped to decorate the stage. Students wrote and delivered addresses before professional and business organizations in order to p’ace the plan before the public. Stu­ dents sold tickets and distributed hand bills which were printed by the Industrial Arts department. The Red Cross sent part of the proceeds direct to the war front. A portion of the pro­ ceeds was used to buy supplies which our students turned into necessary war materials. W e think the band, chorus, and orchestra should be given three cheers for making it possible for so many people to help with and receive help from this concert. T. hey have truly followed the slogan: “Music for Morale. i i 19 ' ' Orchestra Row 1—Keith Abies, Gaynor Fitzpatrick, Lillian Edwards, Nancy Sever, Virginia Fagley, Shirley Mitchell, Janice Hiller, Colleen Williams, Floyd Stine, Charlotte Eckert. Row 2—Eileen Green, Glenn Beaber, Kenneth Smith, Gypsie Lee Billups, Jeane Utterback, Jean Kappeler, Jeanne Fritche, Marjorie Jackson. Row 3—Regina McGill, Martha McNeely, Dale Slough, Margaret Morgan, Don­ ald Zimmerman, John Meissner, Jeanne Thomas, Mabel Reip, Carl Geib. Row 4—Mary Buchanan, Mary McCullough, Gordon Singhaus, Gladys Williams, Jean Fowler, Jeanne Collins, Treva Graff, Thelma Stevens, Forrest Miller, M r.
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