ANNUAL REPORT 2016 CHAIR’S REPORT Tēnā koutou, tēnā koutou, tēnā koutou katoa Greetings, greetings, greetings to you all The past 12 months have been highly ac ve for the Trust, As part of the Trust’s evolu on, on 1 April 2015, a new Group marked by signifi cant strategic developments, opera onal asset structure was introduced, to sustain and grow the improvements, and the strengthening of our asset base. Trust’s assets for future genera ons. This provides the Trust All laying stronger founda ons to support the success of with a diversifi ca on of assets, and in future years, access to Taranaki, now and in the future. greater dividends. This year the Trust adopted a new Strategic Overview, As well as all this strategic ac vity this year we have including a new Vision: con nued our community funding and investment, and To be a champion of posi ve opportuni es and an agent of have made a strong commitment to the success of Taranaki benefi cial change for Taranaki and its people now and in communi es, with $8,672,374 paid out towards a broad the future range of ac vi es, with a further $2,640,143 commi ed and yet to be paid. Our new Vision will guide the Trust as we ac vely work with others to champion posi ve opportuni es and benefi cial Since 1988 the Trust has contributed over $107.9 million change in the region. Moving forward the Trust’s strategic dollars, a level of funding possible due to the con nued priority will be Child and Youth Wellbeing, with a focus on success of the TSB Bank Ltd. We’d like to acknowledge the ‘the early years’ within a whanau/ family context. Evidence Bank and the many Taranaki people who have supported it shows targe ng investment towards this age group has over the years and con nue to do so. greater capacity for impact. Our new Vision is underpinned As we look ahead we’re very posi ve about the poten al we by Core Values to guide us as we move ahead to support have in Taranaki, to work together as a community to create improved wellbeing outcomes. Over the next 18 months opportuni es, and facilitate benefi cial change, for all those we will work with partners to explore opportuni es and that reside within our wonderful region. innova ons in this area. Ngā mihi Over the past fi ve years the Trust has been working with our community to change our southern boundary to extend to Patea. We are currently awai ng the outcome of our formal request to the Minister of Finance to amend the legisla on. Along with the communi es impacted, we are hopeful of a Hayden Wano, Chair posi ve outcome. TRUSTEES From top - le to right – Hayden Wano (Chair), Kelly Marriner (Deputy Chair), Harry Bayliss, Mary Bourke, Brent Schumacher, Jenny Gellen, Keryn Broughton, Te Aroha Hohaia, Ainsley Luscombe, Harvey Dunlop 1 CHIEF EXECUTIVE’S REPORT 2015 has been a highly produc ve year with a number of The coming year will see a new posi on introduced to signifi cant opera onal improvements implemented in the improve the capability of our Grants team to engage with past 12 months. Each of these will enable our organisa on Iwi and Māori community organisa ons. to operate more eff ec vely to achieve our strategic and In February 2016 the Trust implemented the second phase opera onal goals. of our grants database management system, with the April and August 2015 were two key months for changes launch of an online grants portal. This has made it easier within the Trust. In April we implemented a new staffi ng for our applicants to apply to the Trust, and also enabled structure, a new grants database management system and more eff ec ve engagement with our communi es. The new most visible to our communi es, a new set of grant types system has been taken up in record me, with over 75% of including Opera onal, Capital and Programme and all applica ons in March 2016 submi ed online. Event Grants. The Trust’s new Strategic Direc on with a focus on Child The next big changes took place in August 2015 with the and Youth Wellbeing will provide us with an opportunity to; launch of our colourful new Brand and our new website, engage with communi es of interest, develop innova ve refl ec ng the energy and passion we have for our region and exci ng new ini a ves and ensure that our region’s and communi es. Our new brand is inspired and expressed tamariki have the best start possible. As we increase our through a poem called 'Our Journey' (on the following focus on funding early years outcomes you can expect to page). It speaks of our vision of a united community and see a shi from funding more tradi onal capital projects to our commitment to working together with our community a greater emphasis on programme funding in this area. towards posi ve outcomes. The Trust could not achieve all that it does without the Another big change in August 2015 was the move to our work of a dedicated team of staff . I’d like to take this brightly renovated offi ce space in New Plymouth. The opportunity to acknowledge our team for all that they do shi was very posi ve and is enabling greater community to support the community, the board and myself. Without engagement. Our new facility also includes mee ng them we wouldn’t be able achieve so much for and with the rooms which can be used free of charge by not for profi t communi es we serve. community groups, when available. This resource has proven Finally, I would like to acknowledge the community workers popular with an average 38 hours use per month by external and volunteers, your reless contribu on to our community groups this year. makes it a be er place for us all! The past year has seen growth in the Trust’s staffi ng team. Thank You As part of the new staffi ng structure, in August 2015 we appointed a new leader for our funding and community investment team, and in November a new posi on to assist with the management of the Trust’s new Group structure. Maria Ramsay, Chief Executive STAFF From top - le to right – Maria Ramsay (Chief Execu ve), Danae Etches (Strategy and Research Leader), Leighton Li lewood (Funding, Facilita on and Programmes Leader), Steve Taylor (Business and Opera ons Leader), Tania Pirini (Personal Assistant to Chief Execu ve), Sarah Birchler (Opera ons and Informa on Advisor), Kathryn Grant (Grants and Programmes Advisor), Nadine White (Recep onist). 2 OUR JOURNEY Taranaki people, proud and resilient, People of the land and all corners of the earth, woven together, supporঞ ng each other, united in community. Together we are stronger. Posiঞ vity, opportunity, creaঞ vity, these are the gi[ s of our ancestors, for here under our mounga, anything may be possible. Join us in our journey. Breathe in the fresh mountain air and walk down with us along the grey scoria. As we stride, we reach our beauঞ ful naঞ ve bush. Embrace the harmony and new life of this naঞ ve community with its charming green koru. Feel the posiঞ vity of the yellow karaka berry. As we come to the river we are inspired by the strength and creaঞ vity of the kereru as she swoops past, low and strong displaying her elegant violet feathers. The river stones are a plenty. Their closeness and abundance display partnerships within their community. There are so many colours, greys, blacks and river stone brown. As we merge upon the foreshore we watch the sunset refl ecঞ ng pink hues on the swaying harakeke. We reach the blue ocean... It’s so vast and beauঞ ful. Is it too deep? Too cold? Be brave... You never know unঞ l you try.... 3 STRATEGIC OVERVIEW OUR VISION To be a champion of posi ve opportuni es and an agent of benefi cial change for Taranaki and its people now and in the future Kia tū hei kaihāpai ki te whakatairanga i ngā kōwhiringa, ā, hei COMMUNITY FUNDING kaiwhakawhanake i ngā iwi o Taranaki ki ānamata ASSET INVESTMENT & INVESTMENT WITH A FOCUS ON CHILD AND YOUTH WELLBEING We will be an active and responsible asset owner, adopting investment strategies to sustain and grow our assets for our We are committed to helping our communities achieve their goals. We aim people today and future generations. to do this through a proactive, evidence based approach, investing in people CORE VALUES and communities and facilitating opportunities for positive change. To meet our responsibili es and resource our strategies In the years to come these assets will provide a COMMUNITY FOCUSED and communi es long-term, an equally important focus stronger founda on from which the Trust can resource COMMUNITY of the Trust is its role as an asset owner. community aspira ons and make a benefi cial diff erence. We invest in people, community groups and Through our grant making programme we support RESULTS ASSET organisa ons providing posi ve opportuni es, and community groups of all sizes, from large regional This role involves a signifi cant level of responsibility Developing our organisa on to carry out this role making a benefi cial diff erence within our region*. organisa ons with big aspira ons, to small local FUNDING INITIATIVE and accountability as an asset owner and investor.
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