Welcome to this week’s edition of the Knight Frank Town Planning update, a snapshot of the planning news for Canberra and surrounding NSW (Goulburn Mulwaree Council, Queanbeyan Palerang Regional Council and Yass Valley Council). ACT Development Applications New DAs this week include: Further information can be obtained from https://www.planning.act.gov.au/development_applications/pubnote 8 Hawdon Place (B25 S72) Dickson DA201936662 AMENDMENT (S197C) TO APPROVED DA201936662 (SUPPORTIVE HOUSING DEVELOPMENT). Proposed amendments include enlarged balcony size in 5 dwellings, update in regards to ACT heritage, increase awning at rear of building, inclusion of service infrastructure, amended and new storage areas, amended landscaping, external materials, windows and columns, amended north carpark design, reconfiguration of bicycle and car parking spaces, traffic calming island added to basement and associated works. 4 Hawdon Place (B22 S72) Dickson DA202037196 AMENDMENT (S197B) TO APPROVED DA202037196 (ON-STREET PARKING AND SITE SERVICES UPGRADE). Proposed amendments include removal of proposed on-street carparking on eastern side of Hawdon Place, removal of landscaping associated with on-street parking, changes to water service, changes to electrical services and associated works and relevant parts of NOD. 220 Melrose Drive (B17 S3) Phillip DA201833492 AMENDMENT (S197H) TO APPROVED DA201833492 (MIXED USE DEVELOPMENT – LEASE VARIATION). Proposed amendments include changes to development staging, addition of 48 hotel units, relocation of residential amenity to Building 2, basement reconfiguration, removal of above ground car park, ground plane landscaping, apartment mix updated, removal and replacement of onsite trees and associated works. 9 – 13 Irving Street (B9 S24) Phillip DA202037978 AMENDMENT (S114C) TO DA202037978 (COMMERCIAL DEVELOPMENT) STILL UNDER CONSIDERATION. Proposed amendments including provision of visual impact assessment, revised building setbacks, provision of additional solar access and overshadowing analysis, traffic advice in relation to revised development, response to entity comments in relation to heritage listed trees, response to TCCS and Icon entity comments and associated works. Pre-DA Community Consultations Further information can be obtained from: https://www.planning.act.gov.au/development_applications/pre-da-consultations Northbourne Avenue (B46 S6) Dickson 26 May – 23 June SOHO Precinct 3 2021 Draft Environmental Impact Statements Applications Further information can be obtained from https://www.planning.act.gov.au/development_applications/da_assessment/environmental_assessment/environmental_impact_statements#scoping Canberra Brickworks Redevelopment EIS201900047 Comments due Wednesday 21 July 2021 (Blocks 1, 7 & 20 Section 102 Yarralumla) In General NEW other • Approved Variation to Territory Plan V374 – Kaleen Indoor Sports Club. Rezone Block 4 Section 89 Kaleen from Parks and Recreation PRZ2 Restricted Access Recreation to Commercial CZ5 Mixed Use. Commencement date TBD. Further details can be found at https://www.legislation.act.gov.au/ni/2021- news… 371/ CONTINUING • Provisional Heritage Registration – Yeddung Dhaura, Forde. The ACT Heritage Council has decided to provisionally register Yeddung Dhaura (Block 1 Section 111) Forde. Comments due Tuesday 29 June 2021. Further details can be found at https://yoursayconversations.act.gov.au/preserving-our- heritage • Australian Building Codes Board – National Construction Code. The ABCB is seeking feedback on Stage 1 of the NCC2022 public comment draft. The first stage of consultation seeks feedback on all proposed NCC amendments except energy efficiency and condensation proposals that arise from project work. Comments due 11:59pm Friday 2 July 2021. Further details can be found at https://consultation.abcb.gov.au/engagement/ncc-2022- public-comment-draft/?utm_source=NCC+subscription+list+%5BAll%5D&utm_campaign=3b3c01aa47- EMAIL_CAMPAIGN_2020_11_30_01_10_COPY_01&utm_medium=email&utm_term=0_5e6389f8aa-3b3c01aa47-64539375 • Australian Building Codes Board – Involvement of Fire Authorities in Building Design. In response to the Building Confidence Report - Recommendation 8 – consistency with the International Fire Engineering Guidelines, each jurisdiction requires developers, architects, builders, engineers and building surveyors to engage with fire authorities as part of the design process. The ABCB has developed a discussion paper on the issue of fire authority involvement in building design. The paper proposes a Code of Conduct for Fire Safety Engineers and model guidance for states and territories on the minimum involvement of fire authorities in the building design process. Comments due 11:59pm Wednesday 7 July 2021. Further details can be found https://consultation.abcb.gov.au/engagement/fire-authorities/?utm_source=NCC+subscription+list+%5BAll%5D&utm_campaign=51efcffcfc- EMAIL_CAMPAIGN_2020_11_30_01_10_COPY_01&utm_medium=email&utm_term=0_5e6389f8aa-51efcffcfc-64539375 • Community and Recreation Facilities, Gungahlin. The ACT Government are considering how to better provide community facilities in Gungahlin and are undertaking a Community and Recreational Facilities Assessment for the Gungahlin District. As part of the assessment consideration is being given to developing a community centre for the Gungahlin Town Centre and the sale of 2 sites (Blocks 12 & 13 Section 132) in the Casey Group Centre (released for community, residential and commercial uses). Survey closes Friday 16 July 2021. Further details can be found at https://yoursayconversations.act.gov.au/gungahlin-community-facilities • ACT Planning System Review and Reform Project. The ACT Government is seeking community feedback on the planning system for Canberra. Engagement closes 5pm Sunday 18 July 2021. Further details can be found at https://yoursay.act.gov.au/act-planning-system-review-and-reform • Australian Building Codes Board – Guide on Evidence of Experience for Building Surveyor Registration. In response to the Building Confidence Report - Recommendation 4 suggested action on career pathways for building surveyors. The ABCB has developed a discussion paper on evidence of experience for building surveyor registration for public consultation. Comments due 11:59pm Monday 19 July 2021. Further details can be found at https://consultation.abcb.gov.au/engagement/evidence-of-experience-for-building-surveyor- rego/?utm_source=NCC+subscription+list+%5BAll%5D&utm_campaign=a87a1fc9b0- EMAIL_CAMPAIGN_2020_11_30_01_10_COPY_01&utm_medium=email&utm_term=0_5e6389f8aa-a87a1fc9b0-64539375 • ACT Parks and Reserves Visitor Survey. ACT Parks and Conservation Service are conducting a survey to understand who uses the reserves, forests and national parks, how they are used and how they can be improved. Survey closes Sunday 25 July 2021. Further details can be found at https://yoursay.act.gov.au/act-parks/act-parks-and-reserves-visitor-survey • Moncrieff & Taylor Commercial Sites Land Release. Three sites, forming the Taylor and Moncrieff Shopping Centres, are being released. The sites are Block 1 Section 22 Moncrieff (CZ1; 15,476m² block) and Block 2 Section 22 Moncrieff (CZ5; 9,264m² block) and Block 1 Section 60 Taylor (CZ4; 5,121m² block). The SLA is seeking comments from the Gungahlin community into how these sites will take shape. Engagement closes Friday 30 July 2021. Two community workshops will be held on Saturday 17 July 2021 (9-11am) and Thursday 29 July 2021 (5:30-7:30pm). A pop up will be held on Saturday 24 July 2021 (10am-12pm Moncrieff Park, O’Keefe Avenue). Further details can be found at https://yoursayconversations.act.gov.au/moncrieff-and-taylor • Sulwood Drive Improvements. Improvements are planned for Sulwood Drive to improve safety and access. Design options are now open for public comment. Further details can be found at https://yoursayconversations.act.gov.au/sulwooddrive • ACT Legislative Assembly o Planning, Transport and City Services Committee Inquiry into DV364 Gungahlin Town Centre. Submissions due COB Wednesday 30 June 2021. Further details can be found at https://www.parliament.act.gov.au/parliamentary-business/in-committees/committees/ptcs/inquiry-into-draft- variation-364-gungahlin-town-centre#tab1745147-1id o Planning, Transport and City Services Committee Inquiry into Draft Variation 365: Housing Choices – Co-Housing and Boarding House. Public hearings Thursday 15 July 2021 (9:30 – 10:15am) and Thursday 29 July 2021 (9:30 – 11:30am). NEW NCA • No new items CONTINUING • Works Approval – Canberra Southern Cross Yacht Club – Block 1 Section 42 Yarralumla. Works approval for Stage 1 site redevelopment works to the existing CSCYC. Proposed works include ground floor refurbishment, minor demolition works, minor alterations to building facades; construction of new pop up kiosk bar and gelato café, new waste enclosure, new gas meter enclosure, new external operable pergolas to rear paved and decking areas; installation of new outdoor fire place, external furniture and shade umbrellas; external lighting works; removal and replacement of 5 Malaleuca trees; associated mechanical upgrades, landscaping and associated site works. Comments due 5pm Friday 9 July 2021. Further details can be found at https://www.nca.gov.au/consultation/block-1-section-42-yarralumla-canberra-southern-cross-yacht-club-stage-1-site NSW Development Applications New DAs this week include: Further information can be obtained from https://services.qprc.nsw.gov.au/T1PRProd/WebApps/eProperty/P1/PublicNotices/AllPublicNotices.aspx?r=P1.WEBGUEST&f=P1.ESB.PUBNOTAL.ENQ
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