MUMKUw.'.-fldtoi'Va* 'MM^Y 1 '£;£O ;IJAWJIOK Norwalk GaZeTTE." w&.^#ae U'erma for AdvertisinK, . u Wished every Tuesday Alternoon at $8 per ^ ear arAA >;U ,*Uul*'X in Advance: Single copies 5 cts. Funiieted <Jh a^plicatiotf. Liberal; •..ifrirtq, iitei • a oi 'itnm*•-> w to long time arid' large space A<lVcrtl»oilr 1 The Oldes Wide) v(j « lo "sif? •asm •nb : and 14 Transient advs. 1 square (1 inch) 1 time 11.00 I of trie 1 this 1 1//0 fcaa . hn/wp •: Subsequent-Insertions, per !wSek, Hi, , mm ?Mj It is the rtisint 3'JT. A r-sa #•(! lo) l.'Kffi'j .« f Funeral and Obituary Notices, lamt rUM. .. t is read Jiff, I Births, Marriages and Deaths, Inserted fre» : "*»? T- ' j,; ' " -• IBest. iii-rinf" Questionable advrts. not inserted at anypric* _Jas2d class matter ami rostage prepaid to 0i! 0} all subscribers not served by carriers. 'EITIV! WIT** .I'I'TAH 3 Republican Journal, especiMy devoted to lK>cal News and Interests." r;** * Two Dollars a Year. All Bills Collectable Monthly and Yearin Established 1800 •Ti-'rrrrrtn-rr Accounts at pro rata Sates. Address Slips indicate time when Subscriptions by H mail expired! ' 4-E^ v'd^iwnoifl Jo^Hntinc'i^drMr "V«*1 tt _ s. BYIWOrTOTT, ,<j nt (si Ai\K-.i,;a r •• NORWALK, CONN., TUESDAY, SEPTEMBER 9,1884 scf bus i>v «felil I -T'/o «>. Number 37. RiuLT.'QonmTA Cum; of : Editor and Proprietor. Volume LXXXIY. '"'Aiir:T/ ^ - • •• ' - 1 qi. i • 1 1 'm /1 .8= IHS WtXl^ jUMWO, -/l ,!• BTTSTXESS ninECTOBY. ' *>*» gwwum oomeaip • —-- THE IAST OASP. ( i , t tr -L- *- 1 v * <" «wrfp REALESTATE. k 1 i* > ,!j n [Advertisements under this head $1.09 per line ana take possession of a rustic benoh oat- The hpu itself is it: rape made of 1 ; I vto • utM ?»r. JSW u.< per yew.], * side ; the ivy forms a complete screen, Qenkr^l Sheridan tells a very intdrWi- twisted flhtgof tke imgmf, br aloe, known: * f• Not unto evsry heart Is God's good gift i 9K For Sale Cheap. ATTORNEYS AT LAW. Of love and <mie§w allowed; ve mMt an^ Nuia is not aware of their proximity in Edropebn markets as Sisal hemp tu<N fii'tl ^ IEL be sold at a Barghn, If applied for soon JOHN S. SEYMOUR. -Sank Building \Wth Iov» in many aspects when we lift until the sound of voices warns her of it There is a greatidifferepoe in the quality ; W a small, neat Cottage, of six rooms, in good F.W.PERRY, Gazette « First to oar lips life's waters, bitter-sweet It will be rememtwed that^^^M^^^ 10 ifl neighborhood, and three mlnntea' walk' Of tbe BtfTTEK DSALBB. Thev are evidently* discussing soi the beat aildStrongest are twisted soex-a J. 13 Bridge. Apply st GAZETTE OFFICE. ' , LovsMmwwranJtoieJNihMtaiitlarfRnliifi' 1*$'* Lee at AJ^joiAattor Wurt House, and HO B. P. BEATTY, Cor. Wall and Water Sts. tremely tight thafc it-is: almost impocdi-/ SO cultured eleven trains of supplies whioh BOOKSELLER AND 8TATI05HR. _onl ble toiUntwist the. sfcanda. One .end is 5 &:!.t f For Sale* were'widting-Idr li^a thflf^ Wbii liM ANDREW SELLECK, 49 Wall St. the S&slii&'e." Bhe dowoJ io ub, worked into a small loop, lined itisidij ' ill sail:- tomi; mfiK elegant bnlldiog site at Norwalk, Connecti- r JL cut', belonging' to- the Estate of the late HOTELS. as a means of getting up a flirtation, and found out thAtljhehM ' iib stores ° am­ with leather, through which, when about' It come* with soothing power unto the heart otli TUX .-II Henry T. Mor - THE ARLINGTON, Cor. Main & WaU St That wdcomes it aright, or, sadder fate, I of course responded.mded. We weare together munition for hi& iariny, and tiiat his re-f to throw the lasso, the other end is life-time,- ni ti'e&t'WiUi out iWs&nt' si fliijj bf truiite,- FH/VS S.IF? tm dence, contt LIVERY STABLES. ItwingsAuib*ingj^thsod^cea.;a^nitf <7 J hllthd aft^ri! i,':aAd(t"iiaW oUledf on 6K, passed. The rope is atKtot thirty feet estoulve views of. Lobs Island Sound,- flue old That love, we say, more cruel is than hate. •xtt l,i GEO. S. GREGOBY, li Knight St her several times since. She—" which Custer received and; conducted to shades. Tnispiot Is capable of being subdivided And then.petehanoe when love has ceased to blM^ Ioua riSoBttoM tttail ttf it formed into a M .iviviiiii into seVMM siws of one or two acres eseh, ahd is PHOTO»GRAPHEE8. " There, Joe, I Mve heard enough, SheodanL^ ^fci^aEUUpB laid 0$ their^, noosfe Whieh'is grasped a littl^Ubbve ther located on theneen opposite the residence of the W. B. GLINE8, Main St. Our longing SeartB cry oat for teiidj^pea^ 7 •.mifyiti Ke+. S. B/R BBBell, and known as the St. John's iiv !•><. Nida'sMte sound of that well F. E. RE ADMAN, • Gazette Bnilding I long for tenderness like that wl^eli hung d.t loqjK—t ie., wh«re the ropeis double; the' Plsce., rain.prtpwty is highly r^ccommended for way to the front f WjUeman'Sfamily residence, and "Is within FANCY GOODS AND NOTIONS. About me lying on my mother's breast; known voice, and rises to leave the sum- l-r;--.-' r i: rdrt otitis eoiled round ^nd Heldinitiie' r;i:h -o - •••• .:k hourt Of NeWJVort; City, and in'one of the largest 8. STEPHENS, > Wall St. A selfless fooUng-tluUjLO amat toiumt_ a -hflMfclwt'tfoMrttfMtnoe trans- la the meantinie Biiagidan and some of left, hud, teiuljr to letf gbi the extreme snjjaost Swjrisbbig towns In-Connecticut: price, •'• '"•59 Can e'er port A^r|je|^lnMt Jt| . Apply t6 F. ^T. JOHN LOCkM»OD, MILLINERY. »ftill delib- his stiiff sWted ^tb oVitt towilPd eitd baing kept s^snte, aiui of ooune ; £S5feI<lScl,9rty ^brwalk, Conn., or HOMEK A love as far rc^ref f^U&Wf|h<Jtl [MORGAN, No. 8 rine St yew York City.' tflS MISSE8 ST. JOHN, 33 Main Stree M [telfMUSf thVaitStftidn ofa stranger pomattox Court Howtiwhen: they nrye feeWaU. Tbe 'nOoee shpuld> hang well/ ? As from the embers of its dying fin; r GKOCEB8. .J fireditponMgmie&tof rsbelsbalf iB: stiT A lore to lean on when my weary feet —'get up a flirtation,' as yon expreas it— idaafc ef the grouad wheh held le^el with ! ^NNEY ^ BENEDICT. .u 11 41 Wall St concealed among some underbritfK. Thei Begin to tremblo and my eyes to tire. A public a place as an excursion ^boat; ,thS iwMw, «rid^*rhan; efM^.'|om>s » Fbi Sale or to Let. B.P.MATOY, Cor. Wall AWater Sts. is rtoworthy the name of woman." cWeof fearotifti^feetin diMifeter GEO. WARDSELLECK, WWallSt. In youth's brief hey-day fiercest love you seek. fllBE Keal Estateknown as the.W. c. street prop- SELLECK Bnos., 14 St. 1C Wall St. The reddest rose you grasp; but when it dies "Now, Cameron, you always did have | -TiMlaifnisl kwnng oisr ttMikaad nid I -§. .erty, U5feet frontOrg on High St. and 125feet lott'MsUi' St.,- bebig 8*0- feet deepJ 'With -splendid BOOTS AND SH9ES. Ood grant tbatlEM^fc*fli|f*i^®hto0b tSfrl ^estiOPaibofiaMNId^ is one left shoBfld?«i:aad baok':ov« the right |HQMg«, Banitcand other^out taUdintgs with nice, [rtiaaeand fruit frees-, Sdjoinlng the property of 8.' A. H. HOYT, WaU St. 'May springYorybu bou'eatli life's autumn shiest of them. Why, my dear fellow, they all tions to sheulder,.» peodliar tum of ithe idrM as ; _ ± sramoaivyiHT .tsaiiBiSai Then may some loving ones be near to blest j Ollmtesd.. EUGENE FANCHEB, 17 Main Street it!" terious it begins to return: keeping the noooe do-SfS^ Absol utelf Huie^ ! jAlso one other,tract of about forty acres on Riv- M8AT, FISH AND I'KOVISIpN MARKETS, Tour weary way witlvlb$>knd taftterni ! ; eraae avenue fronting oh Riverside avenue and Finally,' the .1 • • ; •••.! .• ' u A ANN 18 Noij^yjcj^pcgii ; "I am well iopSb.' It is thua piade to cirole round . Tms RUWIUT never varies. - _A marvel. <». pur running through to the Spring Hill Toad, au nicely w m^SSJ^ ' ^sin Street broljghl thi 1 located for bunding rots,' all located in tUfi' Borough W. M. BATES, " ' 19 Wall Street aware that a great many do; but I con­ and rdund his hpad by thb thrower until 1 • , fiirnum; (HQ* f ^ T.'s) WHITK C«^)Klephant. atre&ftlL ^anu whoiesomefiesg. Moi^ ecawwi of Norwalk and almost u the center of the business JEWELLER ANO WATCTIMAKEE. tend that no woman can engage in this Shei his is within distanoe of his object Whbii/I I Bariium.—i<a^ies anl Gentiemeri, this is the Sacred White Elephant of history, ion. Contemplated railroad ^within short dl»- weight, allum or pbogphate nioi !e. For further ptttiomim enqufrifrof' LEGRAND JACKSON. • l6flWaHSt. «ort fiflUBl jbdm^ the it-iS lesaUied, aMNBesoff;at"«riangent,' j There exists some doubts as to its genuineness, which I can assure you is a mistake, 3tf ITH, Agent. v - a gl-J, iJI.J-K'.# ^ ROYAL BAKING PowdebC<\. 106 \jraU st.^^ HAMS, BEEF, ETC. ! ffira«rthaeling nersBn Tew re. the noose aasuming a circular form, and lira ffl gentlemen, 1 regret to Th^T as I caught him myself in the wilds of the jungle. iioiw* i inn f>t( sJiiefts 9if ;Moff v)r. • B. P. BEATTY, Cor. Wall and Water St spected even by tke man who responds ment, whose colonel, in a grandiloquent settling quietly around the object aimed say that wo shall be detained here some i You will.perceive some irregular pink spelts on his body, which have the appearance ftM Ii wiZ.
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