This document is made available through the declassification efforts and research of John Greenewald, Jr., creator of: The Black Vault The Black Vault is the largest online Freedom of Information Act (FOIA) document clearinghouse in the world. The research efforts here are responsible for the declassification of hundreds of thousands of pages released by the U.S. Government & Military. Discover the Truth at: http://www.theblackvault.com co o_o 1s3 9 s . "'-:' ·f __ _~- '--·· - - . '• .. ... ' .• ~· !i 1\UG 19i6 ·. • t-lft-tORANDUl-f FOR: SUBJECT Agency Castro Assassination Plotting (Sam Giancana and Santo Trafficante) 1. Reference is made to the Senate publication "Alleged · Assassination ~lots Involving Foreign Leaders (An Interim Report of the Select Committee to Study Governmental Operations With Respect to Intelligence Activities, United States Senate)'' dated 20 November 1975. On page 79 of this report there is an extract from an 18 October 1960 memorandum from J. Edgar HOOVER, Di rector/FBr, to Ricfiara-JfiSSELL, Deputy Director for . Plans, which states as follows~ • "During recent conversations with several friends, (Sam) GIANCANA stated that . Fidel· CASTRO was to be done away with very shortly. When doubt was .expressed regarding this statement, GIANCANA reportedly assured those present that CASTRO's assassination would occur in November. Moreover, he allegedly indicated that he had already met ~ith the assassin-to-be on three occasions *** GIANCANA claimed that everything has been perfected for the killing of CASTRO, and that the 'assassin' had arranged with a girl, not further described, to drop a 'pill' in some drink or food of. CASTRO' s~" : 2. The Senate Select Committee apparently included this extract in their report to suggest that the Agency itself may .have instituted a.wire tap (Las Vega~ wiretap/Arthur J. BALLETTI) to determine whether GIANCANA was le~king information about his involvement in an assassination attempt against CASTRO • . - 3. The da"te of- fhe- a~bove mcnti oncCJ mcnior:indum extract I • • • coupled with a fe"\ispecitic1tems··-ri1fil.eextrnc"f;-·would suggest ·.2: ¥-­ .that---the .FBI report on GI ANCANA' s cony~r~a.l~cm_Rab .!!.2!... con~!_!JL_ ,_ - ~·\:.: the Telationship this Agency developed through o ert •iAJIEU ·,-··--·-.- · · "'to .Johnny ROSELLI to Sa11 GIANCANA, to Santo TRAFFICANTE·, and ·£inally to~ This particular assassination .atte•pt is referred~se I in the Senate Select Co ..tt~ee ~port · _... and the term Phase I will be used hereinafter. $.· • APPROIDJ fll I 1£UAS£ . Dats It Bf;e . .. - f9stJ . I/ -- ·· - .. ·-·--·--·- .. --- ----- .· .. .. ... .. '•. ... .. ~ - .. :- .:: .. ;; ·· ·_. · ~ ..... ·:: . : . • ·, :. - ! "! .: . : . .:~~:: · _~;_ : ·~ ..,. :·_,,- · 4. - . -~ Arguments s.uggesting that · ~11\NCANA's statements ..~ };<.-~·~·~·rep-orted '." to ..the ~BI are not related to Phase I are as follows: -fl. .. - ~· ·· .. •.:"! ·· . · .· - . .... ....~ } ' - · "' : . ... - ~:~~;'~i·· ·~:~ --' : <\' ;;)· __. a~ · · Th~ FBI memorandum 'riport-i._ng. GIANCANA' s · · statements"is dated 18 October 196 ereas the _ ·initial meeting when nd Robert A. ~IAHEU broac to ohnny ROSELLI took place on 14 September 1960, just one month before. Allowing for reporting delays, this would suggest that Phase I is too young at this stage for GIANCANA to make such finalized statements. It would be very pertinent to deter­ mine the precise date when GIANCANA made the statement, or even "the date the FBI source initially reported same •. b. According tq the FBI memorandum, GIAN­ CANA stated that the assassination would occur in November (1960) and would be accomplished by dropping a "pi 11 n in some drink or food of · CASTRO's. While Phase I did provide for the use of poison pills, these pills· were not given to ~OSELLI until circa February 1961. In this regard it s9ould also be noted that (according to the Inspector General's "Report on Plots to Assassinate Fidel CASTRO" dated 23 J.1ay 1967) the Agency first considered a gangland-style killing in which CASTRO would be gunned down. GIANCANA reportedly opposed the idea because it would be difficult to recruit someone for such a dangerous operation and GIANCANA suggested instead the use of poison. c. According to the F~I memorandum, the poisoning,of CASTRO was to be accomplished by a girl. However, according to the 1967 report of the Inspector General the poisoning in .. ·.~ - ·-· . Phnse I wa ._ .. ; .. ~:.:-~· • • ;o • • - ~ - .. 2 ·.· ., , . - .· ~· ... C00018395 -:---!·-·· .-·- . '•. .,. ...-· : _! 5. The foregoing ~ould suggest that GIANCANA's statements .about an assassination attempt against CASTRO may very well not pertain to Phase I- It is interesting that GIANCANA's state­ ments ~trongly resemble a story which appeared in the 13 June 1976 edition of the New York Daily News in an article by Paul MESKI L. The articleconcerns the act1 vi ties of ~larie LORENZ (recently identified as Ilona t.tarita LORENZ, born on 18 August 1939 at Bremen, Germany) who was according to the story acting .. ·on behalf of Frank STURGIS in 1960 to attempt an assassination I of CASTRO. The article concludes, "Soon after her murder ..f mission failed, the CIA recruited Mafia mobsters .... to kill .•I CASTRO ••• ~ Attached to instant memorandum is a copy of an . i 1a ~une 1976 memorandum in the name of Frank Anthony STURGIS, aka: Frank FIORINI ~hich identifies Marie LORENZ and contains a copy ~erenced article. ,.,~;' - ~ · 6. If in fact GIANCANA's statements do refer to the : LORENZ/STURGIS matter, it can be logi~ally concluded that ~ i STURGIS was acting at the behest of GIANCANA and organized ~ , crime elements in this assassination attempt. This is in ;II direct contrast with STURGIS's allegations in the article, and · - ~ the other articles mentioned b~low that he was acting on behalf ·4 of this ~gency. ~ NOTE: In a book published in 1962, Counter- . : . ~~- Revolutionary Agent by H3ns TANNER, wherein TANNER ___ : ~- - - .·. -~ . j -··--- ··-- re-counts events. in Cuba .between Jnnuary. ~nd ..!u..Jy · ~-~ -----~l--!!941Ci-+? ,.--T.J\NNER---identi.fies __f.rank F-IORlNI.. ·lSTU~GJSj__ _ . -~ - . ·:::>·:tF:I - -~- (page 127) as Commander of the International Anti- . , -~.;~,?.~ . :r-- --~"7 :.-:~ .. ..,-·-communist-Brigade and then ~tates-~ .... 1 Jtqve.~~ .. ~;-: ' 1'fl'ij1 -:::-·~ <~ ._-·:.·· iidea the ~rigade is financed by dispossessed h~tC:l · :- : ~ --.-::-. -.~.:. '·:·;.. ~~. ~· ! . ·'- _and gambl1~g room owners who ~pera ted under :;:-;_. • _,:.\ · _: : · ~ _ . ~· ~,t 't-~:~~- :! · ti:~~~fr::- ·· . •.\TISTA... For the purp.ose' of the aeneral ~ - ~~ -.-: ... .. .. _ - ~- - ·· --'~ 1 :.:· of instant aeaorandum, it is also of note that" .•.:~ ::: .:; · : -~-~~~[pFf-4 ;i ~~~~~;:: ; . "·.;~ ~) :~ ~:. 3 ·~i·!t:;i!lt -;~;;~~ .~: .- .: ~~.:t~~~1lt;·~?~~~~ C00018395 ...._~~- - - .. '-- ---·-·- ••• . ~ ,. ... ~ - _., . ~ : o'.~ ; .. j.!i ·:~<-- >. _i: ·. ,-:.. ; • _:'. ,. ·.. .. according to several _d~f _ferent pu})l~c sources j~{/,~::~ --c~ : : ~~-,· ·shortly_ after ~.CASTRO came to power 1n Cuba on .-~-:: • :·· J" • ·_- _. 1 January 19S9. .. STURGIS became ...~omehow involved ~- · . · in re~:ulation of gambling for the·.. CASTRO government. Some sources have claimed that STURGIS was appointed Minister of Games of Chance, but this may be an exaggeration of his position. Hot~ever, STURGIS lo~as somehow in­ volved with the CASTRO government's control of gambling during the first half of 1959. It is also known that Santo Trafficante was a senior organizaed crime gambling representative in Cuba unti 1 he was .thrOlffl out of Cuba in mid- 1959. 7. Attention is also directed to additional attachments to instant memorandum, a series of artitles by Paul MESKIL for the New York Daily News appearing in the 20, 21, 22, 23, -24, and 25 April 1975 editions. For the most part the articles pertain to antr7rASTRO activities involving Fran~ STURGIS. It is noteworthy that these articles appeared one "year prior to . the aforementioned article concerning the STURGIS/LORENZ CASTRO assassination attempt. However, Marie LORENZ (Ilona Marita LORENZ) is mentioned in the 20 April 1975 article. It '~ould appear that this 20 April 1975 article generated Associate ~i Deputy Director for Administration interest in Marie LORENZ . and Frank STURGIS.inasmuch as the Director of Security directed j negative Office of Security results concerning f.tarie LORENZ to --11 th"e Associate Deputy Director for Administration on 28 April si 197S. It is also of note that the 23 April 1975 article con- . : -~ tains information concerning a possible relationship between · · : -:-:·: · ··. ~- ;::: Frank STURGIS and Santo TRAFFICANTE and also mentions one ;_,_:i.::>;·~~.:\..<.::·;~·::(:-,..J : Norman ROTHMAN as be tner of TRAFFI CAN ~~-.1:~--:d- 7 .:'!: . c . ~: :;:· ~ - -- ~ _ - ..: ~ - · .. ~ -: ·- ,. ... , ·.. .:: ' . ~ : -. .. ·-~... -· .~ : - .:j. :f~· t; • .· c 0 0 0 18 3 9 5 ·"'--...-. __,_ _ ~ - · · -· -· .;. - ..·_ , . .. _ . -.. Office of; Security;;, memorandum to tJ:te ,inspectcir .General dated . 'f .. ~ · :~ 11 April 1975, captioned "Rockefell~r;.commission Request ·for .: ~ . FBI Documents", reflects th~t on : 9 April ·1975 FBI Liaison· .:f.:·: ~ .. informally requested concurrenceyor release of certain ·infor­ mation a_nd documents to the Rockefe"11:et_.C.ommission showing a connection between CIA and known or suspected Mafia person­ alities. However, nothing concerning this matter appeared in the June 1975 Rockefeller Commission report. 9. Of extreme pertinence to instant memorandum is
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