THETHE BUILDINGBUILDING Since 1952 TRADESMANTRADESMAN Official Publication of the Michigan Building and Construction Trades Council Serving the highly skilled men and women in Michigan’s building trades unions VOL. 70, NO. 10 May 21, 2021 SHORT ‘Right-to-work doesn’t, in fact, work’ CUTS New RTW study re-states the law’s Jobless numbers come up short lack of benefits WASHINGTON, D.C. (PAI) (From the IBEW) on state economies and worker – The nation’s economists were Long-shot efforts to roll back well-being. What they found underwhelmed with the latest right-to-work laws in Michigan paints a bleak picture. The 27 U.S. U.S. unemployment rate and job and Virginia aren’t likely to level states that have enacted right-to- gains in April – much stronger the playing field for working work laws (Michigan’s RTW law numbers were expected. people this year, but a new study was adopted in 2012) saw slower The U.S. gained 266,000 provides fresh ammunition for economic growth, lower wages, jobs in April: it was not a nor- pro-union lawmakers in the fight higher consumer debt, worse mally bad number, but disap- for repeal. health outcomes and lower lev- pointing given that economists The study, released earlier els of civic participation than were expecting a million jobs to this year by the Illinois Economic states that do not have such laws. have been filled as vaccines are Policy Institute and the Project for “This new study shows LOOKING UP from his installation of an atrium glass partition at the Beaumont Outpatient Campus- injected in arms and the nation’s Middle Class Renewal at the Uni- what we’ve known all along, that Lenox facility is Ken Watson of Glaziers and Glassworkers Local 357. He’s employed by Edwards Glass. economy emerges from its versity of Illinois at Urbana- right-to-work doesn’t, in fact, COVID restraints. Meanwhile, Champaign, lays out how, on a work,” said IBEW International the nation’s unemployment rate New option for health care number of metrics, states with President Lonnie R. Stephenson. inched up 0.1 percent to 6.1 per- right-to-work laws come up short. “It doesn’t help people and it cent in April. From lower wages to less com- doesn’t help states. Instead, “While the overall growth munity engagement, states with these laws prop up a corporate was far below expectations, lei- set to open in Macomb County these deceptively-named laws are bottom line – usually at the ex- sure and hospitality gained By Marty Mulcahy a daily basis, a number which is occupancy is expected to be is- failing working families. pense of the workers that make 331,000 jobs (offsetting jobs Editor expected to ramp up a bit as more sued June 9, with tenant occu- Researchers looked at data their profits possible.” lost elsewhere), a sign that in- LENOX TWP. – Construc- finish trades move in to do their pation of the building taking dating back to 2008 to determine That’s why labor-friendly creased demand has led to sig- tion of Beaumont Health’s new- work. A temporary certification of (Continued on Page 15) the impact of right-to-work laws (Continued on Page 4) nificant gains in employment in est version of a comprehensive that sector,” said Economic outpatient care facility is rap- Policy Institute Senior Econo- idly moving toward completion. Death on the Job report: mist Elise Gould. “Likely in re- The Beaumont Outpatient sponse to improving public Campus- Lenox facility brings some progress made, health metrics and increased to northeast Macomb County expectations of job opportuni- a new option for a full slate of ties, more and more workers are health care services, in a three- but struggle continues actively returning to the labor story, 109,650-square-foot By Mark Gruenberg stark reminder that workplace force in search of work.” building erected near the inter- Press Associates Staff Writer safety protections are absolutely COVID-19 cases are declin- section of I-94 and 26 Mile Rd. WASHINGTON (PAI) – In critical, and we still have a long ing in the U.S., but the virus is General contractor ERECTED NEXT TO a Meijer near I-94 and 26 Mile Road, the the five decades since the Occu- way to go. As a country, we must not done casting a shadow over Roncelli, Inc. is managing the Beaumont Outpatient Campus- Lenox will create a convenient op- pational Safety and Health Ad- renew our commitment to safe the nation’s health, and the project, which has been em- tion for a higher level of health care to residents of northeast ministration (OSHA) was estab- jobs for all workers and invest the nation’s economy. There are still ploying 80-85 tradespeople on Macomb County. Roncelli is the project’s construction manager. lished, there’s been a lot of resources to make that happen.” 16.15 million Americans who are progress in cutting worker deaths The death rate has stalled receiving state or federal job- and injuries on the job, but there’s since 2017. And the 3.5/100,000 less aid – amounting to 11.6 per- still a long way to go. rate still translates into having 275 cent of all American workers. That’s a big conclusion from workers die every day from haz- And, the number of people in the data in the AFL-CIO’s 30th ardous working conditions, the the workforce, including those annual Death On The Job report, report says. who have work and the jobless released May 4, a week after Those figures actually un- who seek it, is 8.2 million below OSHA’s 50th anniversary. derstate the case, Shuler told the its peak in early 2020. The Occupational Safety Zoom press conference unveiling There were flat numbers for and Health Act, strongly pushed the report. “About 95,000 work- construction. which maintained by organized labor and particu- ers a year die from occupational a 7.7 percent jobless rate in the larly crafted by the late Tony illnesses,” often contracted long industry in April. That still left Mazzocchi of the old Oil, Chemi- before, she pointed out. And ill- 768,000 of construction workers cal and Atomic Workers, has ness and death disproportion- unemployed. In April 2020, the helped cut deaths on the job from ately hit workers of color, she absolute number was more than nine per 100,000 workers 30 years added. double that number, along with ago to 3.5 per100,000 in 2019, the The law’s weak penalties a 16.6 percent jobless rate in the latest available data, included in don’t help. The maximum federal building trades. the report, shows. fine for death of a worker on the “This year, we commemorate job is $12,788, though some Teamsters primed 50 years of OSHA and the lives states have higher fines. The to move on Amazon saved by ensuring workers are maximum jail time if a worker dies Labor unions are not HEFTING A DUCT ELBOW SECTION across second-floor shell space at the Beaumont-Lenox protected on the job,” said AFL- is six months. And combined state through with trying to organize Township facility are (l-r) foreman Chris Ratzel and Kody Gaffney of Sheet Metal Workers Local CIO Secretary-Treasurer Liz and federal OSHAs have fewer Amazon. 80. They’re employed by Limbach. Shuler. “COVID-19 has been a inspectors now, 1,798, than 30 Just weeks after the Retail years ago. “The problems are Workers union lost an organiz- structural,” Shuler said, adding ing drive at an Amazon ware- corporate opposition has ham- house in Bessemer, Ala. by a Ulterior factors restrain construction growth strung new worker safety rules for wide margin, Teamsters Presi- The U.S. construction indus- May 7 the index posted a strong buildings. 77 percent since January. Com- years. dent James Hoffa told the Off try appears to be primed for a 8.6 percent gain in April. Issued Dodge said April’s gain was mercial sector planning, however, “But we have some good the Record television program strong year, but some secondary by Dodge Data & Analytics, it’s the fifth consecutive monthly in- dropped for the month by less news: We have a pro-worker earlier this month that the factors may throw a wet blanket a monthly measure of the first re- crease in the momentum number, than one percent. That fault line president, a pro-worker vice presi- union is ready to start a cam- on any explosion in growth. port for nonresidential building and similar to February and and others taking place in a dent and a pro-worker majority in paign to organize Amazon truck The most recent Dodge Mo- projects in planning, which have March, it was due to a large in- COVID-affected economy – like Congress,” which gives workers drivers. Hoffa said: “We just mentum Index for U.S. Construc- been shown to lead construction crease in institutional buildings worker shortages and historic a chance to improve the OSH Act had a Zoom call yesterday with tion bore some glad tidings – on spending for nonresidential entering the planning stage – up (Continued on Page 4) (Continued on Page 4) all our leaders in the country. We’re about ready to launch.” By Rebekah Entralgo Viewpoint through window in Texas, accord- 8.1 million job openings across Hoffa added: “Amazon is Employers: The sudden shift from “we ing to a viral internet video. the country. a very tough company. love our essential workers” to lamenting that they are unable to These viral anecdotes, in But it’s not that people don’t They’ve got a lot of money and Want workers? “they’re living off the govern- fill positions as economies re- addition to a weaker than ex- want to work – it’s that they don’t they know how to fight dirty.
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