If you have issues viewing or accessing this file contact us at NCJRS.gov. • ANNUAL REPORT OF THE COURTS OF WASHINGTON 1984 OFFICE OF THE ADlVIINISTRATOR FOR THE COURTS OLYMPIA, WASHINGTON 109131 U.S. Department of Justice - Nationallnstftute of Justice This document .ha~ been reproduced exactly as received from the pers?n or organization originaling it. Points of view or opinions stated In thIs document. ~re tho.s.e of the authors and do not necessarily repr~sent the offIcIal posItion or policies of the National Institute of JuslJce. Permission to reproduce this copyrighted material has been granted by Washington State Office of the Adminjstrator for the Courts to the National Criminal Ju:otice Reference Service (NCJRS). ~urther reprodu~tion outside of the NCJRS system requires permis- sIon of the copYright owner. • • ANNUAL REPORT OF THE COURTS OF WASHINGTON 1984 OFFICE OF THE ADMINISTRATOR FOR THE COURTS OLYMPIA, WASHINGTON ...f ·f Published pursuant to Chapter 2.56, Section.030, subsection 10, Revised Code of Washington by Judicial Services and Activities Division, Office of the Administrator for the Courts. James R. Larsen, Administrator Cover photo; south west side of Mount Rainier/taken at Copper Creek Area by Dewey Ervin ANNUAL REPORT OF THE COURTS OF WASHINGTON, 1984 So that we may improve future annual reports for the courts of Washington, we would appreciate your answers to the questions below. A. USEFULNESS 1. How often do you refer to the annual report? __ About once a week __ Only when I first receive it __ At least monthly __ Never __ A few times during the year 2. How have you used past annual reports? (Check all that apply.) __ Budget justification __ Planning and administration __ Speeches and public presentations __ In response to questions from the press or public __ Research and analysis on court case loads __ Never use for any purpose __. First time I've received a copy __ Other - please specify: ______________________________ 3. Which chapter(s) of the annual report do you normally use? (Check all that apply.) __ Supreme Court __ Court Revenue and Expenditures __ Court of Appeals __ Judicial Administration __ Superior Court __ All __ Courts of Limited Jurisdiction 4. The chapters for each court level contain narrative descriptions of court caseloads and activity; tables showing trends for the state; graphs and maps; and detailed tables at the end of each chapter giving caseload data by division, county, or individual court. For the chapter(s) that you normally use, please indicate how llseful you find each of these features. PORTION VERY MODERATELY SLIGHTLY NOT USEFUL OF CHAPTER USEFUL USEFUL USEFUL AT ALL Narrative Tables which cover state as a whole Detailed tables by court and county Graphs and maps 5. We are contemplating changing the format of the annual report. What do you think about each of the following possible formats? GOOD BAD NO IDEA IDEA OPINION Keep same format as 1984 Reduce the number of tables and narrative describing state trends Publish only a condensed report on state trend highlights Publish a condensed report and a separate set of detailed tables on case loads for specific courts Comments and suggestions: _______________________________ B. QUALITY 1. Please rate the quality of the following aspects of the 1984 annual report. QUALITY HIGH MEDIUM LOW CONTENT: Accuracy of caseload data Description of court activity APPEARANCE: Cover Design Text Format Graphs and Maps 2. Please give us your ideas about (1) how to improve the usefulness of the annual report and (2) other ways you would like to receive statistics about the courts. (1) Improve the report: _______________________________ (2) Other ways statistics could be presented: _______________________ C. BACKGROUND INFORMATION 1. Please indicate the court level or organization for which you presently work or are most often involved. __ Supreme Court __ Courts of Limited Jurisdiction __ Court of Appeals __ Other __ Superior Court 2. What is your professional position? __ Judge __ Clerk __ Commissioner __ Prosecutor __ Court Administrator __ Private Attcrney __ Other - pleuse specify: _________________________ Please return this survey to: Research and Statistics Office of the Administrator for the Courts 1206 S. Quince Street (MS: EZ-11) Olympia, Washington 98504 TO: The Honorable Chief Justice and Associate Justices of the Supreme Court of Washington and The Honorable Governor of the State of Washington and The Honorable President of the Washington State Senate and The Honorable Speaker of the Washington State House of Representatives Like those produced in past years, this report is intended to provide leaders of all three govern­ mental branches and members of the public with accurate and pertinent information about the case­ loads, operations and administration of the state's judiciary. Narrative descriptions have been coupled with tabular and graphic displays to explain, on a state-wide basis, the trends experienced by our courts during 1984. Purely local data is a,lso dis­ played; these should be helpful to judicial and other governmental entities in need of comparative data for budget and workload assessment purposes. Much of the data used to produce this report came from the state's automated Judicial Informa­ tion System. Once again, we are grateful to the many county clerks, administrators and others who contributed data to this system or who otherwise assisted in the compilation of information necessary for the production of this report. I would also like to acknowledge the continuing support of the Supreme Court, the Court of Appeals, the Superior Court and District and Municipal Court Judges associations and the Washington State Bar Association. A ~~~1t~ a-::-. James R. Larsen, Administrator for the Courts OVERVIEW THE SUPREME COURT -- THE COURT OF APPEALS - THE SUPERIOR COURTS THE COURTS OF LIMITED JURISDICTION _ COURT REVENUES AND EXPENDITURES __ JUDICIAL ADMI~USTRATION '"- VI TABLE OF CONTENTS Overview, 1984 3 Overview 7 The Supreme Filings 7 Court Dispositions 8 Pending Cascload 8 Court Activity 9 Notices of Appeal 9 Filings 9 Dispositions 10 Pending Case/aad 10 Petitions for Review 10 Filings 10 Dispasi tions II Pending Olseload II Other Reviews 12 Filings 12 Dispositions 13 Pending CascIoad 13 Outlook 14 Oveniew 19 The Court of Filings 19 Appeals Dispositions 19 Pending Caseload 20 Court Activity 20 Notices of Appeal 20 Filings 20 Dispositions 22 Pending Ca.doad 23 Other Reviews 25 Filings 26 Dispositions 26 Pending Cascioad 28 Outlook 28 O\'cnicw 37 The Superior Filings 37 Courts Dispositions 38 P"oceedings 39 Court Acthity 39 Civil Cases 39 Filings 40 Dispositions 40 Proceedings 41 Criminal Cases 42 rl/ing.s 42 Disposi(ions 43 Proceedings 43 .J uvcnilc Cases 44 Filings 45 Dispositions 45 Proceedings 45 Other Cases 45 Filings 46 Dispositions 46 Proceedings 46 Judicial Workload 47 Outlook 47 TABLE OF CONTENTS Vll Overview 69 The Courts of Filings 69 Limited Dispositions 71 Proceedings 71 Jurisdiction Court Activity 74 Traffic Matters 74 Traffic Infractions 74 Driving While Intoxicated (DWI)/Physical Control 75 Other Criminal Traffic 76 Non-Traffic Criminal Cases 77 Non-Traffic Misdemeanors 77 Felony Cases 78 Civil and Small Claims Cases 79 Civil Cases 79 Small Claims 80 Domestic Violence Protection Orders 81 Other Activity 82 Appeals 82 Deferred Prosecutions 82 Revenue 83 Parking 83 Outlook 84 Detailed Caseload Tables 86 Court Revenue III Court Revenue Expenditures For Court Service~ 111 and Expenditures State Expenditures I J I Local Expenditures III Board for Judicial Administration 115 Judicial Judicial Information System 115 Administration Clerk of the Supreme Court 116 Reporter of Decisions 116 State Law Library 116 Judicial Administration Commission 117 Court Rules 117 Washington Judicial Conference 118 Board for Trial Court Education 118 Law-related Education 119 Appellate Indigent Defense 119 Judicial Qualifications Commission 120 Ethics Advisory Committee 120 Domestic Violence Protection 120 Sentencing Reform 121 Uniform Child Support Guidelines 121 OWl Impact Fund 121 Lay Judge/Commissioner Examinations 121 Jury Management 121 Bench-Bar-Press Committee 122 Limited Practice Board 122 State/Federal Judicial Council 122 IOLTA 122 Judicial Compensation 122 Statistical Reporting 123 Interagency Criminal Justice Workgroup 123 VIll LIST OF TABLES AND FIGURES Overview, 1984 Figures 1 Washington Court System, 1984 2 Figures The Supreme 2 Total Filed, Disposed, and Pending at Year End, Supreme Court, 1975-1984 7 Court 3 Distribution of Filings, Supreme Court, 1984 7 4 Distribution of Opinions Mandated, Supreme Court, 1984 8 5 Filing Trends in Criminal and Civil Appeals, Supreme Court, 1979-1984 9 6 Filing Trends in Criminal and Civil Petitions for Review, Supreme Court, 1979-1984 10 7 Other Reviews Filed, Disposed, and Pending at Year End, Supreme Court, 1979-1984 12 Tables 1 Filings by Type of Review, 1983 and 1984 7 2 Dispositions by Type, 1983 and 1984 8 3 Opinions Mandated by Type of Review, 1983 and 1984 8 4 Pending Caseload, 1984 8 5 Superior Court Dispositions vs. Filings of Appeals by Type of Case, 1979-1984 9 6 Appeals Filed by Source, 1979-1984 9 7 Appeals by Manner of Disposition, 1983 and 1984 10 8 Appeals Pending, 1984 10 9 Court of Appeals Opinions vs. Petitions for Review Filed by Type of Case, 1979-1984 11 10 Petitions for Review by Manner of Disposition, 1983 and 1984 II II Petitions for Review Pending, 1984 11 12 Other Filings by Type, 1979-1984 12 13 Other Reviews by Manner of Disposition,
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