February 18, 2021 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — Extensions of Remarks E143 IN RECOGNITION OF HONORABLE HONORING THE LIFE OF DREW taught not only with energy and positivity, but JANE HARMAN COUNTY DEPUTY, SGT. AC SIMP- with care and kindness. Eventually, Florence SON JR. and her husband, who served in the U.S. NAVY, moved to Connecticut where he was HON. C.A. DUTCH RUPPERSBERGER HON. BRUCE WESTERMAN stationed at the Subase New London. After the untimely passing of her husband, Florence OF MARYLAND OF ARKANSAS IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES chose to remain in Connecticut. Shifting her IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES career focus, Florence took a position with Thursday, February 18, 2021 General Dynamics-Electric Boat—contributing Thursday, February 18, 2021 Mr. WESTERMAN. Madam Speaker, I rise to building our nation’s dominant fleet of sub- Mr. RUPPERSBERGER. Madam Speaker, I today to celebrate the life of Sgt. AC Simpson marines. Florence, now a true Nutmegger, stayed at Electric Boat for more than 25 years rise before you today to recognize the Honor- Jr., a committed servant of the Drew County, before retiring to return to her passion of able Jane Hannan on the occasion of her re- Arkansas Sheriffs Department for over 35 years. Sgt. Simpson passed away on Sunday, teaching. She joined the East Lyme, Water- tirement from her role as President and CEO January 31, leaving behind a legacy of joyful ford, Montville and New London school sys- of the Wilson Center after nearly a decade in service to his beloved home. tems as a substitute teacher and became leadership. The Wilson Center is the nation’s Having first started his career as an auxil- such a renowned figure in the eastern Con- leading non-partisan policy forum tackling iary deputy in 1985, Sgt. Simpson worked full- necticut school system that in 2002 she was global issues through independent research time for the Drew County Sheriffs office since selected as the commencement speaker for and open dialogue. 2001. Noted as an avid bowler and fisherman, Waterford High School’s graduating class. As the Wilson Center’s first female Director, he was also an invested family man with three However, Florence’s service to the commu- President and CEO, Ms. Hannan leveraged grandsons and one granddaughter. His legacy nity went far beyond confines of our schools. her deep connections across the political of law enforcement continued in his grandson, The church was another vessel for which she inspired the action of others. In 1975, guided spectrum—including lawmakers, global lead- Xavier, who became an auxiliary deputy in by a deep-rooted mission to serve, Florence ers and foreign dignitaries—to ensure the Wil- Drew County in 2020. Remembered most for became an active member of Walls Temple son Center is poised for continued success his ability to brighten anyone’s day, Sgt. Simp- son’s service made him a friend to all in his A.M.E. Zion Church in New London. Her in- and growth. Under her leadership, the Wilson volvement with the church continued to grow Center was named the ‘‘number one’’ regional community. I take this time today to honor the life of and took a pivotal tum in 1997 when she be- studies think tank in the world. service exemplified by Sgt. AC Simpson Jr. I came an ordained pastor and organized Ms. Harman created the Global Women’s thank him and his family for their dedication to Clarke Memorial A.M.E Zion—at that time the Leadership Initiative, which works to accel- our fellow citizens and our beloved Fourth Dis- first new congregation admitted in the annual erate global progress towards equal participa- trict. conference in twenty years. Her journey within the ministry came full circle in 2014 when the tion in policy and political leadership among f women. She revamped the Center and suc- congregations of Walls Temple and Clarke cessfully oversaw the transition of the Wilson WISHING FLORENCE CLARKE A Memorial merged to become Walls Clarke HAPPY 80TH BIRTHDAY Quarterly from a print-only publication to an Temple A.M.E. Zion. With a humble spirit, Florence celebrated 40 years of service in all-digital, award-winning interactive publication Christian ministry in 2015 and retired from 20 reaching thousands of listeners and viewers HON. JOE COURTNEY OF CONNECTICUT years of pastoral ministry in June 2017. during the Coronavirus Pandemic. Florence is unabated in her fight against ra- IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES A native of Los Angeles and a product of cial oppression and strives to empower those local public schools, Ms. Harman graduated Thursday, February 18, 2021 within her community. I am honored to have from Smith College and began her long and Mr. COURTNEY. Madam Speaker, it is with marched on State Street with Florence in cele- remarkable career in public service as a staff- great distinction that I rise today to observe bration of Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr, witnessed er for U.S. Senator John V. Tunney until she and celebrate the 80th birthday of Reverend her advocacy for children through the estab- transitioned to President Jimmy Carter’s Ad- Florence Dorothy Jeffries Gilliard Clarke. Flor- lishment of National Children’s Day, and stood ministration as Special Counsel to the Depart- ence is the epitome of an altruistic American. in solidarity with her as we tried to reconcile ment of Defense and as Deputy Secretary of A teacher, devout pastor, and community ad- the tragic acts of June 17, 2015, at Emanuel the Cabinet. vocate who has dedicated her life to enriching African Methodist Episcopal Church. Flor- the lives of those within our eastern Con- ence’s legacy will forever be ingrained in the In 1992, Ms. Harman was elected to rep- necticut community. fabric of Eastern Connecticut—influencing resent the constituents of California’s 36th Florence’s life began down south in generation after generation. Congressional District as a member of the Charleston, SC on February 21, 1941. Guided Madam Speaker, Fellow Colleagues—I ask U.S. House of Representatives where she be- by a strong spirit and support from loved ones, you to please join me in wishing Florence a came a pillar of bipartisanship and an inter- Florence overcame the tragic loss of her par- happy 80th birthday and aid me in showing nationally recognized authority on U.S. and ents at a young age. An astute student, Flor- appreciation to this outstanding citizen. Flor- global security issues. She served on all major ence won a scholarship to attend SC State ence, we wish you a joyous celebration on security committees, including six years on the College to pursue a degree in Business Ad- your special day and many more years of hap- Armed Services Committee and eight years on ministration. It was during her time at SC piness. both the House Intelligence Committee and State that Florence began to lend her voice to f the House Committee on Homeland Security. decry mass injustices across our nation IN RECOGNITION OF NED CRAFTS I became good friends with Ms. Harman when marching alongside our colleague U.S. House she was the ranking member of the Intel- Representative JIM CLYBURN to desegregate American public schools. Sixty years ago, HON. JOHN JOYCE ligence Committee and experienced first-hand OF PENNSYLVANIA Florence and JIM and 185 others were ar- her excellent leadership and mentorship as we IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES traveled to some of the world’s most dan- rested at a peaceful protest in front of the Thursday, February 18, 2021 gerous places. Representative Hannan re- state house in Columbia, South Carolina. De- ceived awards and accolades too numerous to spite its peaceful nature, they were convicted Mr. JOYCE of Pennsylvania. Madam Speak- mention in their entirety. of breach of peace and locked up for three er, I rise to congratulate Ned Crafts on his ap- days. They appealed this injustice all the way pointment to Huntingdon Borough’s newly- I am honored to call Ms. Harman a personal to the U.S. Supreme Court and the court ruled formed human relations commission. friend and proud of what the Wilson Center in their favor in a landmark first amendment The goal of the commission is to ensure has accomplished under her leadership. On case, Edwards V. South Carolina. equal access to employment, housing, and behalf of my constituents and all American citi- Florence remained in South Carolina after other public services to all people, regardless zens, I thank her for her service to our nation college and began her career as a teacher. of race, sex, ethnicity, and other protected cat- and I wish her the best of luck in all future en- Drawing from her life experiences, Florence egories. Local governments have a responsi- deavors. was a beacon of wisdom for her students and bility to ensure the constitutional and legal VerDate Sep 11 2014 06:30 Feb 19, 2021 Jkt 019060 PO 00000 Frm 00007 Fmt 0626 Sfmt 9920 E:\CR\FM\A18FE8.029 E18FEPT1 ctelli on DSK11ZRN23PROD with REMARKS.
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