t r ?- a . Schools offer new program for gifted A program for gifted children in grades three through live which w ill free, the youngsters from their textbooks was approved by the Board of £duca- *' tlon M ondayjight. Details on Page 4. A new collector will take your taxes Gerald Viturelle has been named the township's new tax collector, suc­ ceeding Alphonso j | Adinolfi. A change in state statute triggered Mr. Adinolfi's resignation from the post he had won in last November's elec- t tion. Story on Page 2. > , * Railroad station renovation decision due^ * A decision on the part of the Planning.Bbard is expected July 9 on the pro­ posal of Millburn Station Ltd. to renovate and enlarge the Essex Street .landmark. See Page 3. F IF E AND DRUMS — This fife and drum corps unit communities celebrated the bicentennial anniver­ Was but one of numerous contingents which march­ sary of the Battle of Springfield. Turn to Pages 8, 9 ed from ■Union to'Springfield to Millburn and then and 15 for additional photographic coverage of the back to Springfield Saturday afternoon, as the three celebration. Inside Classified........ Coming events. Editorial'......... Movies............ Obituaries....... Serving the township Social............ Sports ............. for 92 years OF MILLBURNAND SHOR T Thursday, June 26,1980 25 Cents per Copy, $12 per Year by Mail to Your D,oor Founded 1888, Vol. 92, No. 25 Member of Audit Bureau of Circulations Town kills Business center boost Gero. Park tickets moved by Committee With the exception nf the dotting nf ftiv Y — iiillUteTilexl meeting which will be held members that merchants along Millburn Approximately 40 parking tickets given July 1. Avenue have agreed to cooperate with the out to irate motorists Saturday afternoon on — wmch may have already been dotted The planned acquisition was described at municipality in improving the rears of their White Oak Ridge Road are being dismissed the Township Committee Tuesday night1 the meeting by Committeeman Alexander *| stores so that they would have attractive by Municipal J.udge. James Haggerty took a step which it believes can .be the first significant step to the revitalization of the B. Lyon Jr. as “the .first tangible step entrances from the proofed court area, "tfierequest of Township Committee Police township’s business center,. leading to die revitalization of the downtown Mrs. Bentivegna askedmpio,township h$d Chairman Earl W. Cryer. t The Committee gave its unanimous ap­ area” — a characterization which drew a received “binding coiM itments” for the The court reported that several'tickets * proval on final reading to a bonding or­ slight demur from' Florence Bentiyegna, improvements. given out Saturday in the parking lot of Gero dinance which would provide up to $180,000 who is a co-owrter of the property . Responding to Mrs. BentiVegna’s Park fog violations of parking lanes will also lor the acquisition of the Monaco property — • Referring to statements by Committee a iTZOO square foot tract running behind Judge Haggerty agreed to dismiss the Millburn Avenue stores from Main Street to illegal parking complaints Monday the Town Hall parking let. following an explanation by Police Captain It is the hope of the Township Committee' Philip Carlton that an order to waive the that the land can be transformed into a parking restrictions op White Oak Ridge shopping court or pedestrian plaza, as Last scenario due Road that afternoon had not been left at the recommended in the 1977 Zion and Breen police desk due to an oversight. report and partially used for providing The tickets were given out in the vicinity additional 'off-street parking for the center of Gero Park, where championship Little area. League games and family picnics were in The possibly undotted “i" occurs because . on movies at mall progress. The cars of baseball game of the Committee's hope to be able to adopt spectators and visitors to the municipal at least a portion of the Zion and Breen The final curtain is expected to fall body, overruled Mf. Sive's, "retail service" swimming pool and the Par 3 golf course at recommendations for the^tract. The or­ Monday night on the hearings being con­ argument and said the board was- not em­ the park created an overflow from the dinance, as drafted by the municipality’s . ducted by the Zoning Board of Adjustment powered to deal with the constitutional parking area there. bonding attorneys, speaks only of using the on an application by Pru-Taub of New question. As the result of complaints of White QSfk land for public parking. Jersey which, if approved, would permit If, as expected, Pru-Taub concludes its Ridge Road residents, Police Lieutenant During the course of the discussion on the that organization to operate six motion presentation Monday night, the remainder Robert Berstler ordered Patrolamn Charles ordinance which took place at Tuesday’s picture theaters at the Mall at Short Hills. of the evening will be devoted to statements . Cardali and John Goddard, who were on meeting, Mayor Maureen Ogden noted the' The zoning board has already heard more from the public. radio patrol car duty, to ticket-the offending failure of the measure to mention possible than 10 houre/of testimony stretching over Approximately 30 residents -flSVe been vehicles. use of the tract for a shopping court and three meetingsifrom witnesses representing attending each of the hearings on the theater Word at the park that the tickets were asked Township Attorney Roger Clapp if the shopping center's owners. A fourth proposal and the majority of them have being distributed drew protests from those that failure would “preclude” such a use of meeting on the application was devoted to indicated, through questions directed to the who had parked there. The patrolmen, the land. legal -arguments from Pru-Taub’s attorney, Pru-Taub witnesses, objections to the ap-. according td*- witnesses at the scene, Although Mr. Clapp indicated at that time David Sive, who maintained that if local plication, . “politely but firmly” continued issuing the that the municipality would face ho ordinances were construed to -prohibit Witnesses who have appeared before the summons. limitation due to the language of the or­ motion picture theaters, the zoning zoning board include, Robert Larson, Although' the tickets are being forgiven, dinance, after the meeting he’advised the restrictions of the township were un­ president of the Taubman Co., a partner of they must be returned to the court either ip Committee that the possible use of the land constitutional. Mr. Sive also argued that the Prudential Insurance Co.. in the person or by mail to Mary Wirth of the court for purposes other than parking should be motion picture theaters represented a. retail ownership of the shopping ,center and staff, who is processing them. PU N ISH M EN T FOR TRAITORS—The cold waters of the Rahway River called to the attention of the. bonding at­ service and thus were permitted in the manager of the facility, .several other Under edict of a .town ordinance, parking as it enters Taylor Park ponctprovide the dipping place for traitors to the torney who authored the ordinance.. .It was . regional shopping zone in which the Mall at Taubman executives, persons active in real is permitted on White Oak Ridge Road on Revolutionary cause. Township young people were given an opportunity possible, Mr. Clapp said, that the ordinance Short Hills is Icoated. Harry Stevens, attorney for the zoning Continued on Page 17 Sunday but banned the other six days of the to dunk the traitor at Friday evening's Taylor Park muster. would have to be amended at the Com­ week. Captain Carlton and Patrolmen Cardali and Goddard attendjjfcfMbnday’s conference with Judge Haggerty along with Com- mitteemarr-.'Cryer. Captain Carlton ex­ plained that police authorities had an­ August launch set fo r sub ticipated the parking overflow from Gero Park and had agreed to the waiver of White Oak Ridge Road restriction. He noted the By JOSEPTfa RUSH The submarine, which is. 13 feet long, four in the water at Lake Hopatcong thfe week, oversight occurrgj^MPday in which police feet wide and six feet high including its but reported that a legal opinion to the effect Five years ago at Deerfield School, two on-dllty were alsajjpcupfed with rerouting connirig tower for visibility, was built by the - that' the firm where the sub was .assembled sixth graders read an assigned book—Jules heavy traffic backups occasioned, by the local yquths during their free time in the hast could be held liable in theevent of a mishap Verne’s “20,000 Leagues Under the Sea.” Battle of Springfield parade through town., year. They are putting the finising touches cancelled the launch. Efforts will be made to The boys vowed that some day, when they_ ■ Hie issuance of the tickets sparked an on it now. .. - jg draft a legal document under which the grew up; They would-build a submarine and" outpouring of protest that reached, out tp . The craft was put together in a building at company would not be liable for injuries to put it in the water.- i ■ ■ -the Manhattan WClding Co. of Hillside, the minor pilots, they said. township officials, police headquarters and That “soriieday’’ is arriying this summer, this newspaper. which is owned by Mike’s father, Philip The construction of “Crustacean X-l” as Complaints were also heard Saturday that. with the submarine already built by Michael Talkow of 15 Mornitigside Court. It w as' Talkow arid James Burger, both 17, and the boys have named their vessel, was not municipal parking lots near the center of completed last Friday.' t the result of a fantasy of two rank amateurs.
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