325 © Lonely Planet Index Bantu peoples 29 black rhinos 51 ABBREVIATIONS baobab trees 52, 133, 163 Blantyre (M) 270-9, 271, 273 M Malawi Barotseland 173 accommodation 274-6 Z Zambia bathrooms 190, 298 dangers 272, 274 bed bugs 312 drinking & entertainment 277-8 bee-eaters 51, 122, 143, 264 emergency services 272 A beer 48 food 276-7 abseiling 21, 150 Carlsberg Brewery tours (M) 274 history 270-1 accommodation, see also individual Bemba language 314 internet access 272 locations Bemba people 29-30, 40, 45 maps 271 Malawi 291-2 bicycle travel, see cycling, mountain medical services 272 Zambia 182-3 biking money 272 activities, see also individual activities Big Tree (Z) 163 postal services 272 Malawi 292-3 bilharzia 294, 310 shopping 278 Zambia 183-4 Billy Riordan Memorial Trust (M) sights & activities 274 aerial tours 150, 151 61, 256 telephone services 272 African skimmers 51, 264 birds & birdwatching 51, 292, see also tourist information 272 air travel individual species travel agencies 272 airlines 192-3, 196, 300, 303 Bangweulu Wetlands (Z) 103 travel to/from 278 airport services 83 books 51 travel within 278-9 INDEX airports 192, 300 Chembe Bird Sanctuary (Z) 93 Blue Lagoon National Park (Z) 134 climate change issues 193 Elephant Marsh (M) 288-9 boat travel 302, 304, see also boat departure taxes 83, 193, 196 Kafue National Park (Z) 175 trips, canoeing, ferry travel, to/from Malawi 300-2 Kasanka National Park (Z) 100 kayaking to/from Zambia 192-5 Kasungu National Park (M) 243 boat trips within Malawi 303 Liuwa Plain National Park (Z) 173 Cape Maclear (M) 255 within Zambia 196 Liwonde National Park (M) 264 Chirundu (Z) 142 All Saints Church (M) 245 Lochinvar National Park (Z) 133-4 Kasanka National Park (Z) 100 amoebic dysentery 311 Lower Zambezi National Park (Z) Lake Kariba (Z) 139 animals, see individual animals, 143 Lower Zambezi National Park (Z) wildlife Mt Michiru Conservation Area (M) 143 animism 44 279 Victoria Falls 152 antelopes 7, see also individual species Mt Mulanje (M) 281 Zambezi River 152 arts 45-7, see also individual arts Mutinondo Wilderness (Z) 104-5 Böhm’s bee-eaters 51, 264 ATMs Nkanga River Conservation Area Boiling Pot (Z) 159 Malawi 296 (Z) 135-6 books, see also literature Zambia 187 Nkhotakota Wildlife Reserve (M) history 33, 34, 35, 36, 37 247 overseas aid 59, 61 B Nyika National Park (M) 225 travel literature 20-2, 165 Balaka (M) 265 Senga Bay (M) 249 Victoria Falls 165 Banda, Hastings Kamuzu 34, 35-6, 37 Shiwa Ng’andu (Z) 106-8 wildlife 51 Bangweulu Wetlands (Z) 51, 54, South Luangwa National Park (Z) border crossings 195-6, 302-3 103-4 120, 122 Botswana 166, 195 banks Victoria Falls (Z) 150 Mozambique 302 Malawi 293 Vwaza Marsh Wildlife Reserve (M) Namibia 169, 195 Zambia 184 228 Tanzania 303 Zomba Plateau (M) 268 Zambia–Malawi 120, 195, 303 000 Map pages Bisa people 41, 119 Botswana, travelling to 83, 150, 166, 000 Photograph pages black lechwes 50, 103 178-9, 195 black market 188, 296 Broken Hill Man 29 33-index-zam1.indd 325 1/12/09 15:37:32 326 Index (B-C) buffaloes 51 caterpillars, fried 48 conservation areas Malawi 228, 243, 287, 288, 289 Cathedral of St Peter (M) 238 Mwanachingwala Conservation Zambia 103, 113, 121, 129, 133, CCAP Church (M) 274 Area (Z) 133 143, 173, 175 cedar trees 52 Nkanga River Conservation Area (Z) bungee jumping 150 Central Malawi 240-60, 241 135-6 bus travel mini-itineraries 244 consulates to/from Malawi 302 Chamare Museum (M) 252 Malawi 294-5 to/from Zambia 83, 195-6 Chambeshi River (Z) 110 Zambia 185 within Malawi 304-5 Chaplin’s barbets 51, 136, 175 copper mining 66 within Zambia 196-7 cheetahs 51, 143, 173 Copperbelt 86-96, 88 Busanga Plains (Z) 49, 52, 175 Chembe Bird Sanctuary (Z) 93 Copperbelt Museum (Z) 87-8 bush walking, see hiking & trekking, Chete Island (Z) 137 cost of living 58 walking safaris Chewa people 29, 30, 31, 40-1 costs 19, see also money bushbabies 264 Chichewa language 313 crafts bushbucks 51, 100, 122, 133, 137, Chifundo Artisans Network (M) 265 Chifundo Artisans Network (M) 143, 248, 288, 289 Chikanka Island (Z) 137 265 bushpigs 216, 248, 289 children, travel with Falls Craft Village (Z) 163 business hours Malawi 293 itinerary 28 Malawi 293 Zambia 184 Malambo Women’s Centre & Craft Zambia 184 Chilembwe, John 33 Shop (Z) 59-61 Bwabwata National Park (Namibia) Chiluba, Frederick 35, 36, 37, 59 Malawi 47, 214, 297 179 Chimfunshi Wildlife Orphanage (Z) Mumwa Craft Association (Z) 94, 95 171 C chimpanzee sanctuary 94, 95 PAMET (Paper Making Education camel safaris 248 Chingola (Z) 93-4 Trust) (M) 274 camping Chingwe’s Hole (M) 268 Zambia 47, 81, 127, 188-9 Malawi 291 Chintheche Strip (M) 231, 235-6 credit cards INDEX Namibia 179 Chipata (Z) 118-19, 119 Malawi 296 Zambia 182 Chipoka (Phoka) people 30, 43 Zambia 187 canoeing 148, 150, see also kayaking Chirundu (Z) 141-2 crime 184-5, 294 safaris 139, 143 Chishimba Falls (Z) 102, 110 Crocodile Ranch & Wildlife Nature Cape Maclear (M) 231, 253-8, 254 chitenjes 81, 189, 297 Sanctuary (Z) 163 Cape to Cairo railway 66 Chitimba (M) 220-1 crocodiles car travel Chizumulu Island (M) 231, 239 Malawi 51, 294 border crossings 120, 169 Chobe National Park (Botswana) 150, Zambia 70-1, 113, 137, 163, car hire 19, 198, 305-6 178-9 164, 175 driving licences 198, 305 Choma (Z) 134-5 Cultural & Museum Centre Karonga fuel 198 Christianity 44 (M) 219 insurance 198, 306 churches cultural experiences road distance chart 197 All Saints Church (M) 245 itinerary 28 road rules 198-9, 306 Cathedral of St Peter (M) 238 Kachipu (Z) 117 speed limits 198 CCAP Church (M) 274 Kawaza Village (Z) 125 to/from Malawi 302 Niamkolo Church (Z) 112 Livingstone (Z) 155 to/from Zambia 195 cichlids 51, 111, 250, 255 Nakapalayo Tourism Project (Z) within Malawi 305-6 civet cats 248 102-3 within Zambia 83-4, 87, 118, 134, clay pigeon shooting 150 Njobvu Cultural Village (M) 168, 180 climate 17-18 264-5 carbon offset schemes 193 Malawi 18, 293 culture 39-48 carjacking 84 Zambia 18, 184 customs regulations Carlsberg Brewery tours (M) 274 climate change 193 Malawi 293-4 Carr, Norman 121 climbing, see rock climbing Zambia 184 community & family life 39 cycling, see also mountain biking 000 Map pages community school visits 175 bike rental 303 000 Photograph pages conservation 56, 100, 122, see also Malawi 227, 293, 303 environmental issues Zambia 165, 196 333-index-zam1.indd3-index-zam1.indd 332626 11/12/09/12/09 115:37:325:37:32 Index (D-H) 327 D Namibia 179 G Dag Hammarskjöld Memorial (Z) Zambia 103, 113, 121, 137, 143, galleries 90-1 170, 175 Henry Tayali Visual Arts Centre dance 45, 152 Elephant’s Walk Museum (Z) 163 (Z) 69-70 Ghost Dance 117 embassies Kungoni Art Gallery (M) 252 Gule Wamkulu 45, 252 Malawi 294-5 Namwandwe Gallery (Z) 70 makishi 45 Zambia 185 game drives, see wildlife drives dangers, see also individual locations emergencies, see inside front cover game management areas (GMAs) 55, carjacking 84 Emperor’s View (M) 269 143, 170 crime 184-5, 294 environment 49-57 gay travellers drugs 185, 186, 296 environmental hazards 311-12 Malawi 295 government travel advice 295 environmental issues 55-7 Zambia 186 hitching 199 air travel 193 genets 248, 264 Malawi 294 climate change 193 geography 49-50 mountain trekking 285 conservation 56 Ghost Dance 117 road conditions 198 land degradation 55-6 giardiasis 311 scams 207, 253, 294 overfishing 57 giraffes 50-1, 122 wildlife 294 responsible travel 19-20, 152 golf 44, 150, 209 Zambia 184-5 tourism 56 Gore-Brown, Stewart 107 David Livingstone Memorial (Z) 101 ethnic groups 29-30, see also gorge jumps, slides & swings 21, Dedza (M) 215-16 individual peoples 150-1 deforestation 55, 56 exchange rates, see inside front government travel advice 295 dental treatment 308 cover grasslands 52, 53 departure taxes 83, 193, 196 grassroots development 58-62 diarrhoea 311 F Gule Wamkulu 45, 252 INDEX digital photography 188 Falls Craft Village (Z) 163 Gwisho Hot Springs (Z) 133 diphtheria 308 ferry travel 302, 304 disabilities, travellers with festivals H Malawi 298 Kuomboka 172 Hammarskjöld, Dag 90-1 Zambia 190 Kusefya Pangwena 185 handicrafts, see crafts discount cards 185 Lake of Stars 251 hartebeest 100, 122, 175, 264 diving & snorkelling Malawi 21, 295 health 307-12 Malawi 232, 236, 238, 254-5, 292 N’cwala 185 dental treatment 308 Zambia 111, 114 Zambia 21, 185 environmental hazards 311-12 Domasi Valley (M) 269 films 38 first-aid kit 307-8 drinks 48 Fingira Cave (M) 223 infectious diseases 308-11 driving, see car travel fish 51, see also cichlids insurance 307 drugs 185, 186, 296 fish eagles 51, 100, 175 medical services 308 drumming sessions 151 fish farm tour (M) 250 traditional medicine 312 duikers 100, 216, 224, 248, 288 fishing travellers’ diarrhoea 311 Dzalanyama Forest Reserve (M) 215 Malawi 226, 242, 269, 292 vaccinations 307 Victoria Falls (Z) 150 heat exhaustion 311 E Zambia 100, 111, 113, 114, 133, heatstroke 311 Eastern Cataract (Z) 159 150 helicopter flights 151 Eastern Zambia 115-30, 116 fishing industry 137 Henry Tayali Visual Arts Centre (Z) economy fixed-wing flights 150 69-70 Malawi 39, 40-1 food 47-8, 185-6 hepatitis A 308 Zambia 38, 39-40 customs 48 hepatitis B 309 eland 84, 136, 137, 264 fried caterpillars 48 hiking & trekking electricity 183 nsima/nshima 47 Cape Maclear (M) 255-6 Elephant Marsh (M) 288-9 restaurant hours 184 Mosi-oa-Tunya National Park (Z) elephants 51, 152, 6, 8 Fossil Forest (Z) 142 151 Botswana 178 fossil sites 219 Mt Michiru Conservation Area (M) elephant-back safaris 150 Freedom Statue (Z) 69 279 Malawi 228, 243, 247, 264, 287 fruit bats 100 Mt Mulanje
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