The NATIONAL HORTICULTURAL ' . MAGAZINE JOURNAL OF THE AMERICAN HORTICULTURAL SOCIETY JANUARY, 1946 The American Horticultural Society PRESENT ROLL OF OFFICERS AND DIRECTORS Ap.ril, 1945 OFFICERS President, Major David V. Lumsden, U. S. Army First Vice-President, Mr. Wilbur H. Youngman, Washington, D. C. Second Vice-President, Mrs. Robert Woods Bliss, Washington, D. C. Secretary, Dr. V. T. Stoutemyer, Washington, D. C. Treasurer, Mr. J. Marion Shull, Washington, D. C. DIRECTORS Terms Expiring 1946 Terms Expiring 1947 Mrs. Walter Douglas, Chauncey, N. Y. Mrs. Robert Fife, New York, N. Y. Mrs. J. Norman Henry, Gladwyne, Pa. Mrs. Mortimer J . Fox, Peekskill, N. Y. Mrs. Clement S. Houghton, Chestnut Hill, Mr. B. Y. Morrison, Washington, D. C. Mass. Mr. Kenyon Reynolds, Pasadena, Calif. Dr. E. J. Kraus, Chicago, Ill. Dr. Donald Wyman, Jamaica Plain, Mass. Mrs. Arthur Hoyt Scott, Media, Pa. HONORARY VICE-PRESIDENTS Mr; Arthur E. Nelson, Pres., Mr. Arthur Hunt Osmum, Pres., American Begonia Society, American Rock Garden Society, 506 Leroy Ave., 57 Sandford Ave., Arcadia, Calif. Plainfield, N. J. Mr. Harry L. Erdman, Pres., Mr. Thomas J. Newbill, Pres., American Rose Society, American Delphinium Society, Hershey, Pennsylvania 234 S. Brainard Ave., Mr. Wm. T. Marshall, Pres. Emeritus, La Grange, Illinois Cactus & Succulent Society of America, 327 North Ave., 61 Dr. Frederick L. Fagley, Pres. , Los Angeles, Calif. American Fern Society, Dr. H. Harold Hume, 287 Fourth Ave., American Camellia Society, New York 10, N. Y. University of Florida, Gainesville, Fla. Mr. Jesse E. Wills, Pres., Mrs. John H. Cunningham, Pres., American Iris Society, Hel"b Society of America, National Bldg., 53 Seaver St. Nashville, Tenn. Brookline, Mass. Mr. Frank K. Balthis, Pres., Mr. George W . Peyton, Pres., Midwest Horticultural Society, American Peony Society, 3260 Maypole Ave., Rapidan, Va. Chicago, Ill. SOCIETIES AFFILIATED WITH THE AMERICAN HORTICULTURAL SOCIETY 1944 Akron Garden Center, California Garden Clubs, Inc., 226 South Main St., Mrs. J. A. Simmington, Akron, Ohio 870 Chida Vista Ave., American Amaryllis Society, . Pasadena, Calif. Mr. E. F. Smith, California Horticultural Society, 526 Central Ave., Miss Cora R. Brandt, Secretary, Palo Alto, Calif. 300 ' Montgomery St., American Fuchsia Society, SaB Francisco, Calif. Headquarters : Calif. Acad. of Sciences, Chestnut Hill Garden Club, Golden Gate Park, Mrs. Bryan S. Perman, Treas., 41 Crafts Rd., San Francisco, Calif. Chestnut Hill, Mass. Arlington County Garden Club, Canadian Lily Society, Miss Eleanor Swain, Secy., % Mr. Arthur Pfeiffer, 4712 N. 32nd St., 520 Duke St., Country Club Hills, Preston, Ontario Arlington, Va. Chevy Chase (D. C.) Garden Club, Bristow Garden Club, Mrs. Perley G. Nutting, Pres., Mrs. R. L. Jones, Pres., 3216 Oliver St., Box 660, Bristow, Okla. Chevy . Chase, D. C. Publication Office, 32nd St. and Elm AVll., Baltimore. Md. Entered as 'second-elass ml\tter Janna!,}, 27. 1932, at the Post Office at Baltimore, Md,. nnder the Act of August 24. 1912. Chevy Chase (Md.) Garden Club, Kendall Garden Club, Mrs. Frederick W. Connolly, Pres., Miss Edith M. Edgerton, 4437 Reservoir Rd., Rt. 3, Box 568, Washington, D. C. P ortland 6, Ore. Chicago Horticultural Society, Longmont Garden Club, 135 So. La Salle St., Callahan House, Terry St., Ohicago 3, Ill. Longmont, Colo. Community Garden Club of Bethesda, Men's Garden Club of Phoenix, Mrs. Arnold BUff, Mr. Maurice J. Bradford, Pres., Bell's Mill Road, Rt. 1, Box 826, Rockville, Md. Phoenix, Ariz. Dallas Garden Club (Founders' Group) , Michigan Horticultural Society, Mrs. Sam B. Dickinson, Mr. Earl Bailey, Exec. Sec'y, 1218 N. Clinton, 2631 Woodward Ave., Dallas 8, Texas Detroit, Mich. Elmira Garden Club, Midwest Horticultural Society, Miss Mida D. Smith, Secy., 100 North Central Park Blvd., 743 W . Clinton St., Elmira, N. Y. Chicago 24, Illinois Fauquier & Loudon Garden Club, Northern Nut Growers Assn., Mrs. Warren Snider, Pres., Mr. Carl Weschcke, Pres., Leesburg, Va. 96 S. Wabash St., Federated G.c. of Cincinnati and Vicinity, St. Paul, Minn. Mrs. Charles Bosworth, Pres., N.R Garden Club, 2425 Ingleside Place, Miss Essie K. Hurff, Hort. Com., Cincinnati, Ohio Suffolk, Va. Forest Hills Garden Club, Ohio Association of Garden Clubs, Mrs. Richard V. Mattingly, Pres., Mr. Victor Ries, . 3701 Cumberland St., N. W ., Ohio State University, Washington, D. C. Columbus, Ohio. Fort Belvoir Garden Club, Rock Garden Society of OhiG>, Mrs. James N. O'Neil, Pres., Mrs. Frank Garry, Librarian, Fort Belvoir, Va. Montg.omery Station Post Office, Garden Center of Greater Cincinnati, Montgomery, Ohio Walnut and Central Parkway, Takoma Horticultural Club, Cincinnati 10, Ohio Mr. J . Mark Albertson, Pres., Garden Center of Greater Cleveland, 606 Aspen St., N. W ., East Boulevard at Euclid Ave., Washington, D. C. Cleveland 6, Ohio The Pittsburgh Garden Center, Garden Center Institute of Buffalo, Schenley Park, 1500 Elmwood Ave., Pittsburgh, Pa. Buffalo 7, N. Y. The San Francisco Garden Club, Garden Center, Room 133, Fairmont Hotel, Youngstown Public Library. San Francisco 6, Calif. Youngstown 3, Ohio The Valley Garden Center, Garden Club of Alexandria, 16 East Culver, Mrs. Richard P . Williams, Phoenix, Ariz. Episcopal High School The Trowel Club, Alexandria, Va. Mrs. Robert M. Hinckley, Garden Club of Fairfax, 4655 Garfield St., N. W ., Mrs. Craig Hunter, Treas., Washington, D. C. Vienna, Va. Tulsa Garden Club, Garden Club of Virginia, Mrs. Louis N . Dibrell, Pres., Mrs. Allen Henry, Pres., 124 Broad St., 1301 South Yale, Danville, Va. Tulsa 4, Okla. Garden Club of Morristown, Twin Falls Garden Club, Mrs. Warren Kinney, Mrs.- R. C. Scott, Treas., Chairman of Ha rt., Twin Falls, Idaho Lee's Hill Farm Wayside Garden Club, Morristown, N. J . Mrs. S. M. Sisley, Pres., Georgetown Garden Club, 2224 S. Indianapolis, Mrs. Carroll Greenough, Pres., Tulsa, Okla. 1408 31st St. , N. W., Washington Garden Club, Washington, D. C. Mrs. Fred E. Evans, Pres., Greeley Garden Club, 3811 T St., N. W., Mrs. Asa T . Jones, Jr., Washington, D. C. 1703-11th Ave., Woodlawn Garden Club, Greeley, Colo. Mrs. A. F. Schwichtenberg, Sec'y, Home Garden Club of Denver, 4845 N. 16th St.. Mrs. William P. Mellen, Pres., Arlington , Va. 4864 Tennyson St., Woodridge Garden Club, Denver, Colo. Mr. George Targett, Pres., Indian Head Garden Club, 2948 Carlton Ave., N. E., Mrs. Frank A. Bolton, Pres., Washington. D. C. Pomonkey, Md. \;\f orcester Co unty H orticultural Society, I. B. M. Country Club, 30 Elm Street, RR No.2, Johnson City, N . Y. W nr(,l'ster. Mass. [i] Tihe National Horticultural Magazine Vol. 25 Copyright, 1946, by THE A~!ERJCAN HOR,T1 Cl: LT1:R"L SOC}IETY No.1 JANUARY, 1946 CONTENTS PAGE The J oj" of Growing P lants. L. H . BAILEY ._________________________________________ ____ ____ ____ 1 Some Annuals in California. LESTER ROWNTREE____ ___ ____________ ____ _______ _______ ________ __ _ 3 The Royal Horticultural Society. COL. R. F. DURHAlIL ____________________ ______ ____ 15 Breeding Potatoes Resistant to Disease, F. J. STEVENSON ____ __ __________ _______ _______ 18 New Palms in Florida. H. f. LOOMIS .. ____ _____ __ __ ____ __ ___ __ _______ ____ ________ __________ __ 29 Bamboos in American Horticulture III. ROBERT A. YOUNG ________________ ___ _______ 40 Rock Garden Notes: Some Dependable P lants for the Rock Garden. lONE IV ATERS .. __________________ 65 Lily Notes: Raising Lilies from Seed. GlOORGE L. SLATE ______________ __ _______________ __ _____________ 70 Rhododendron Notes: Dexter's Hybrid Rhododendrons. CLEMENT GRAY BOWERS ___________________ 74 Narcissus Notes: N a rci ss us, F 0 rfa r _________________________________________________________ _____ .. ____________________________ 79 Cactus and Succulents: ,Christmas Cactus. VhLLIAl\1 G. MARSHALL ______________ __ _______________________________ 81 Cacti. CARL V LASA K ____ .... _______ .._________________________________ ____ .. _________________ __ .._______ 83 Some Decorative Small Agaves. J. R. BROv\' K ____________ . ___ _ _____ .. __ _ .. _________ 83 S ncc u len ts in Canada ____________________________ .. ____________ .. ____ ______ ____ .. ____________ ____ __ .. ___ 83 E chi /1 oc ere'/.( s D ela etii. ROBERT FLORES ____________ .. ________________________________________ 85 A Book 0 r Two ________ ~__________________________________________________________ ______ ____________________________ _ __ 88 The Gardeners Pocketbook: Pi11-guic~da v'Ulga'ris. SARAH V. COOMBS _________ ___ ______ __ __ ____________________ __ ________ -92 From the Midwest Horticultural Society. ELDRED GREENE.. ____________ __ ________ 92 F lo wering Peach ____________________________ .. __________________________________ __ _____ ______ _______ 92 Fl oweril~g Qui nce ______ : _______________________________________________ .________________________ 92 So 111 e Thou gh ts 0 n Cem eter i es .. ____________________________________________________ __ ______ 94 N ig ella d amas cena ______________________________________________________ ______ __________________ ____ ________ 96 11npatie I ~s B alsaYJnina ______ __ __________________________________ .. ____ __ ___ __ _____ __ ____________ ____ ____ ___ 98 Th e Ed i to r' S Page __________________________________ __ __________ .. _________ ____ _____ __ ______________________________ 102 Published qual·terly by The American Horticultural Societ.y. Publicatioll office. 32nd St, ancl E lm Ave., Baltimore, Md. Editorial office, Room 821, Washington l,oau and Trust Building. Washington,
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