AMERICAN BAPTIST MISSIONARY UNION. THIETY-SEVEN'TH ANNUAL REPORT: WITH IHK PROCEEDINGS OF THE ANNUAL MEETINGS, HELD AT BOSTON, MS., MAY 13-16, 1851. BOSTON: - MISSIONARY BOOMS, 33 SOMERSET STREET. 1851. INDEX. Thirty-seventh A nnual M eeting o f t h e B o a r d , .............................................. 3 Reports o f Committees :— Obituary notices, 7 ; Karen Missions, 8 ; German Mission, 10 ; Publications, 13 ; Siam and China Missions, 14 ; Finances, 15 ; Assam and Teloogoo Missions, 16 ; Bassa Mission, 17; Indian Missions, 18 ; Burmese Missions, 18 ; French and Greek Missions, 21 ; Retrospect of the Union and its Missions, 22 ; Supply of Missionaries,............................ 29 B rief Retrospect of the Missionary Union and its Missions,.................................... 23 A n n u a l Meeting of the U n i o n , ............................................................................................ 31 Members present,........................................................ ................................................................... 81 Report of the Board to the Union, ......................................................................................... 35 Report on changing the Time of holding the Annual Meeting, ............................... 38 Election of Officers and Managers, ...................................................................................... 41 Report on the Support and Education o f the Children o f Missionaries, ............. 43 Report on the loss o f Mission Premises at Bangkok, ..................................................... 45 The Prospect o f supplying the Missions with Missionaries, ...................................... 46 M e e t in g of t h e B o a r d fo r 1 8 5 1 -5 2 ,...................................................................... 52 Election o f Officers, ..................................................................................................................... 52 Report on Salaries, .......................................................................................................................... 53 T h i r t y - s e v e n t h A n n u a l R e p o r t , .......................................................................................... 63 Home Operations:—Missionary Rooms, 64; Finances, 65 ; Agencies, 67; Publications, 69 ; Missionaries appointed, 71 ; Membership of the Union, 71 ; Liabilities of the current Financial year, 71 ; Departure of Missionaries, • • 72 The Missions:—Maulmain Burman, 72; Maulmain Karen, 78 ; Tavoy, 81 ; Arracan, 84 ; Sandoway, 85 ; Ava, 87 ; Siam, 88 ; Hongkong, 91 ; Ning- po, 92; Assam, 95; Teloogoo, 96; Bassa, 98; French, 100; German, 104; Greek, 107; Ojibwa, 108; Ottawa in Michigan, 108; Shawanoe, 109; Cherokee,................................................................................................................ 110 Recapitulation, ....................................................................................................................... I l l Table o f the Missions, ......................................................................................................... 112 R e p o r t o f t h e T r e a s u r e r , .......................................................................................................... 113 A p p e n d ix .— Constitution of the Union, 118 ; Preachers at Triennial and An­ nual Meetings, 120; Officers of the Union, 121 ; Life Members of the U n io n ,................................................................................................................................ 122 AMERICAN BAPTIST MISSIONARY UNION. PROCEEDINGS OF THE BOARD. B o s t o n , T u e s d a y , M ay 1-3, 1851. At 10 o’clock, A. M., the Board of Managers of the American Baptist Missionary Union held its thirty-seventh annual meeting in the meeting house of the Bowdoin Square Baptist Church, Boston, Mass. Hon. Ira Hams, Chairman of the Board, called the meeting to order, and the business was introduced with prayer by Rev. N. W. Williams, of Maine. The roll of the Board was then called, and the following members answered to their names: Ministers. Ministers. Laymen. C aleb B. D avis, J. S. E aton, A sa W il b u r , E dmund W orth, E. E. Cummings, D . S anderson, D a n iel Sh a r p , P . C h u rc h , J. CONANT, J ohn J e n n in g s, S. B . Sw aim , J. B orden, E . E . L. T aylor, F . W ayland, J. A . G ault, J . G . Collom, B . M in e r , V . J. B a tes, C. A . T homas, J . L. H o d g e , D. M . W ils o n , S. W. A dams, M . J . R h e e s, A . D ay, L . R aym ond, A . D . G ill et te , I ea H a r r is, E . H utchins oir, D. B. C h en e y , D. S c r ib n e r , N . Colver, T. R. C kessey, W . Bucknell, Jr., R . H . N ea le, G. B. Id e , J. B a c h e l l e r , J. N. Granger, E dward L a throp, W . G am m ell, C. P . S h e ld o n , C. E v an s, I saac D avis, J. S. B ac k u s, J. L. B u rro w s , A . Colby. H . L in co ln, L. F. Beecher, D. G. C o re y , D. B. S to u t, E. G. R o b in so n , E. C ushm an. 2 4 Thirty-seventh Annual Meeting of the Board. Letters accounting for absence from the meeting, were read, from Rev. W. R. Williams, D. D., Rev. E. Tucker, D. D., George James and Thomas Wattson, Esqs. A season of prayer was then observed for the blessing of God on the Board and the Union, and upon the missions under their care, and for his special presence during our present meetings. Rev. Messrs. D. Sharp, D. D., J. Smitzer and T. R. Cressey engaged in prayer. The Chairman made an appropriate address to the Board. The times of meeting were fixed at 9, A. M., and 3 and 71-2, P. M.; and of adjournment at 1 and 5 1-2, P. M. Rev. Messrs. P. Church, D. D., T. D. Anderson, G. W. Bosworth, S. Peck, D. D., and E. Bright, Jr., were appointed a committee to make arrangements for devotional exercises, and public missionary meet­ ings to be held during the week. The Treasurer, R. E. Eddy, Esq., read his annual report, showing the expenditure, during the year ending March 31,1851, of $93,973.58, and the receipt, during the same period, of $95,926.35, exclusive of grants made by the U. S. Government and coordinate Societies. The report of the Auditing Committee, Messrs. Charles D. Gould and Joshua Loring, was read. The reports were laid on the table. The Annual Report of the Executive Committee was read by Rev. E. Bright, Jr., and Rev. S. Peck, D. D., Corresponding Secretaries. After the reading of that part of the Report announcing the decease of missionaries, and of the senior agent of the Board, the reading was sus­ pended, and the Board united in prayer, offered by Rev. F. Wayland, D. D., in view of these bereaving visitations of Divine Providence. This Report, with that of the Treasurer and the Auditing Committee, was on motion referred to the following committees. On Obituaries.—F. Wayland, J. N. Brown, J. Smitzer, E. Nelson, B. N. Leach. On Finances. — M. J. Rhees, G. Colby, A. Day, P. Townsend, J. Conant. On Publications.—E. Worth, J. Stevens, D. G. Corey, J. R. Scott, D. M. Wilson. On Agencies.—W- Shadrach, T. R. Cressey, M. Stone, H. I. Parker. J. S. Sliailer. On Burm ese M issions.—H. Malcom, E. E. L. Taylor, S. L. Caldwell, D. W. Phillips, S. B. Page. On Karen Missions.—W- Gammell, S. A. Kingsbury, F. Snyder, C. W. Flanders, C. P. Sheldon. On Siam and Chinese Missions.— S. D. Phelps, G. C. Baldwin, J. D. Cole, A. P. Mason, W. F. Hansell. 1851.] Thirty-seventh Annual 2Let in g of the Board. On Assam and Teloogoo Missions.—J. S. Eaton, S. M. Osgood, D. B. Cheney, E. M. Levy, S. W. Field. On Bassa Mission.—E. Hutchinson, C. B. Davis, J. F. Wilcox, J. S. Backus, L. Raymond. On German M ission.— M. B. Anderson, A. D. Gillette, S. W. Adams, J. G. Collom, J. Jennings. On French and Grech Missions.—R. C. Mills, J. L. Burrows, V. R. Hotchkiss, G. W. Samson, R. A. Fyfe. On Indian Missions.— G. S. Webb, E. Lathrop, C. A. Thomas, A. Wilbur, B. Miner. Adjourned till 3 o’clock, P. M. Prayer by Rev. H. T. Love, of Ms. T u e s d a y A f t e r n o o n , 3 o'clock. The Board met. Prayer by Rev. B. Sears, D. D., of Mass. The Committee of Arrangements for devotional exercises, &c., re­ ported in part, as follows: 1. That a concert of prayer for Missions be held this evening at 7 1-2 o’clock, it being understood that our missionaries at all the stations meet at nearly the same time for the same object;—that at this meeting short addresses be made by Rev. Drs. Sharp, AVayland, and Ide, and Rev. E. G. Robinson. 2. That there be a prayer meeting every morning during the session, from 8 o’clock till 1-4 before 9 o'clock. Rev. J. II. Iiennard to lead the exercises to-mor­ row morning. Rev. S. Peck, D. D., read an interesting paper from the Executive Committee, presenting a “Brief Retrospect of the Missionary Union and its Missions,” which on motion was referred to a special committee. Rev Messrs. Daniel Sharp, D. D., E. B. Smith, D. D., J. L. Hodge, S. W. Adams, and H. Lincoln, were appointed the committee. Rev. E. Bright, Jr., read a paper on “ The Prospect of supplying the Missions writh Missionaries,” which was referred to a special committee. Rev. Messrs. B. Sears, D. D., G. B. Ide, D. D., and D. JSi. Sheldon, D. D., A. M. Beebee, Esq., and Rev. S. B. Swaim, were appointed the committee. Rev. J. N. Granger, from the committee appointed at the last meet­ ing of the Board on “ The subject of Salaries,” presented a report, which was laid on the table. Adjourned till 7 1-2 o’clock, P. M. Benediction by Rey. N. Colver, of Mass. 6 Thirty-seventh Annual Meeting of the Board.
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