An Overview of ”Developmental Robotics” M. Mahdi Ghazaei Ardakani [email protected] June 1, 2012 Abstract known as epigenetic robotics, that has the goal of creat- ing robotic models of psychological development. The The developmental robotics is a rather new field which models are synthesized to be experimented on robotic is gaining more credence in recent years. We have tried platforms which results in the evaluation of cognitive to present a clear definition of this field by comparison theories and building more human-like robots. Devel- with the related fields. The main challenges to find a opmental robotics and Epigenetic robotics share prob- computational model for the complex processes of de- lems and challenges, and have a common vision. Epige- velopment are discussed. We highlight some of the ex- netic robotics focuses primarily on cognitive and social isting approaches and present results of three recent pa- development. Developmental robotics encompasses a pers. Finally, we draw conclusion that unified theories broader spectrum of issues, and investigates also mor- and tools yet to be developed. phological development, and the acquisition of motor skills [3]. The developmental robotics is related but differs 1 Introduction from evolutionary robotics, inspired by the Darwinian principle of selective reproduction of the fittest, which The developmental robotics is a promising paradigm seeks improved generations of artificial brains and mor- of research. The goal of this research is to create in- phologies. Developmental robotics also overlaps well telligent robots by allowing them to go through a de- with the study of humanoid robots, neurorobotics and velopmental process, rather than being directly pro- perceptual robotics [4]. grammed by human engineers. By endowing an embod- ied robot with an appropriate initial control architecture and adaptive mechanisms, it learns through continual 2 Motivation interactions with the world developing self-organized mental structures [1]. The following questions are con- Over the past several decades, scientists have taken cerned in this research. What should be innate in the one of three approaches to solve artificial intelligence robot? What adaptive mechanisms are needed? What (AI) problems: In the first, which is knowledge-based, motivates the robot to act? Would such a system need an intelligent machine in a laboratory is directly pro- emotions? grammed to perform a given task. In the second, According to [2], “Developmental robotics is an learning-based approach, a computer is “spoon-fed” emergent area of research at the intersection of robotics human-edited sensory data while the machine is con- and developmental sciences, in particular developmen- trolled by a task-specific learning program. Finally, by tal psychology and developmental neuroscience. It con- a “genetic search,” robots have evolved through genera- stitutes an interdisciplinary and two-pronged approach tions, mostly in a computer-simulated virtual world [5]. to robotics, which on one side employs robots to in- While none of these methods were capable of creat- stantiate and investigate models originating from devel- ing truly task-independent intelligence, developmental opmental sciences, and on the other side seeks to design robotics advocates a methodology allowing robots to better robotic systems by applying insights gained from develop their own understanding of the tasks. In fact, studies on ontogenetic development.” this is the consequence of one of the basic tenets of de- There is a sub-area within developmental robotics, velopmental robotics [2]: “The designer should not try 1 to engineer ’intelligence’ into the artificial system (in synthetic methodology”. An adequate research method- general an extremely hard problem); instead, he or she ology as well as a set of design principles supporting should try to endow the system with an appropriate set such a methodology are still open research issues. One of basic mechanisms for the system to develop, learn possible reason is the complex notion of development and behave in a way that appears intelligent to an exter- itself, which is multifaceted, non-linear, complex and nal observer.” yet to be fully understood [2]. Currently, neuroscien- As a matter of fact, studies show [2] that the tradi- tists, psychologists and engineers are collaborating to tional approach based on the computer metaphor for hu- discover computational principles of mental develop- man brain has ultimately failed to address the intimate ment [5]. In other words, the main challenge is to de- linkage between brain, body and environment. This sign a sufficient system which is able to autonomously suggests that the study of behavioral and neural changes bootstrap new skills. typical of ontogenetic development are important for In [3], the authors have attempted to classify different the emergence of cognition. The evidences from cog- directions in developmental robotics. They have chosen nitive science, psychology and robotic experiments [6] rather restrictive criteria for the selection of the papers asserts that there is no need to accurately model the en- that firstly the study had to provide a clear evidence for vironment for a particular behavior, but rather the be- robotic experiments (no simulation) and secondly the havior might emerge as the result of the interaction of a study had to show a clear intent to address hypotheses simple system with a complex world. put forward in either developmental psychology or de- According to [2], there are two driving forces for de- velopmental neuroscience. However, they could iden- velopmental robotics: 1- Engineers are seeking novel tify quite a number of research papers satisfying the cri- methodologies for construction of advanced robots teria. They proposed clustering of the selected papers which are more autonomous, adaptable and sociable according to their primary interest areas as follows: robotic systems. In that sense, studies of cognitive de- velopment can be used as a valuable source of inspira- 1. Social interaction: includes acquiring social be- tion. 2- Robots can be employed as research tools for haviors and different learning situation and tech- the investigation of embodied models of development. niques in social context. Low level imitation, Neuroscientists, developmental psychologists, and also shared or joined attention, social regulation, and engineers, may gain considerable insight from trying to development of language are among this category. embed a particular model into robots. This approach is also known as synthetic neural modeling, or synthetic 2. Sensorimotor control: deals with the coordination methodology. of action and perception e.g. visuo-motor. The new field of developmental robotics has an ambi- tious goal to provide a unified framework for many cog- nitive capabilities – vision, audition, taction, language, 3. Categorization: focuses on dynamic, interactive, planning, decision-making, and task execution. There and embodied view of how categories are formed. are encouraging evidences that developmental princi- pals are the same irrespective of modalities. Therefore, 4. Value system: as either an internal mediator of it is expectable that eventually developmental robots salient environmental stimuli and events, or as a “live” with us and become smarter autonomously, under mechanism to guide some sort of exploration pro- our human supervision [5]. The system based on men- cess. tal development is required to be non-task specific, be- cause the task is generally unknown at design time [3]. 5. Developmental plasticity: explores the experience dependency of brain development and its adapta- 3 Challenges tion to an environment and a body. Although the idea of relieving engineers from fitting 6. Motor skill acquisition and morphological robots to different tasks sounds appealing, it is not changes: includes self exploration of the sensori- straightforward how an artificial system should be con- motor space and how limitations during different structed through the application of a “developmental stages of morphological changes impact learning. 2 4 Ongoing Work sue of building internal representations. The new paradigm of developmental robotics stands in contrast to the mind-as-computer metaphor advocated 5 Recent Examples by the traditional cognitive science. Accordingly, the body was seen as an output device that merely executes 5.1 Some Basic Principles of Developmen- commands generated by a rule-based manipulation of tal Robotics symbols that are associated with an internal represen- tation of the world [2]. In the new approach, brain, The author in this paper [12], formulates five basic prin- body, and environment are reciprocally coupled and the ciples of developmental robotics as recurring themes cognitive process arises from the interaction between a in the literature. These principles are verification prin- brain with certain capabilities through a body situated ciple, embodiment, subjectivity, grounding, and incre- in the real world. In this section, we do not discuss mental development. He illustrates these principles and about classical approaches. It suffices to mention that explain how four of these principles follow logically the classical AI does not attend to the embodiment is- from the verification principle. The author believes sues and robotics has been mainly concerned with pre- that these principles could guide further research in this defined tasks. area. Early prototypes of developmental robots include
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