MAY/JUNE 2001 VOLUME 32 N0.3 NEWSLETTER OF FELLOWSHIP OF FIRST FLEETERS 7;, Ii,•,· ,111 in th,· hc11rt,, 1111,I 111i11,I., ,1/l),•,,c,•wl,1111., ,;, 11e,•,·r t,, ,It;·!' PATRON: Her Excellency, Professor Marie Bashir, AC, Governor of New South Wales Pret1identd repQrt embership r,enewal forms are A reminder about the Soup and Damper Day included with this issue. There at FF House on 11 July next. Numbers are has been a slight increase in subs limited to about 45 members so you are advised M only for this coming financial year, to book in early . The charge will be $5.00 and I mainly to offset expenses that will be incurred in assure you, in all modesty, that I will give a good the purchase of a new computer, on line facilities 'run down' on our Norfolk Island trip! and the installation of a web site for the The Daytime Auxiliary will also run a meeting Fellowship. As a tinancial member y ou are a with a guest speaker on the fourth \Vednesday in shareholder in our main asset, being First Fleet August and September with a view to similar House, estimated value up to $500,000, but as far monthly meetings in the future. Executive as liquid assets are concerned we are just holding members Joy Pankhurst and Barry Roberts have our head above water! (see box below) The offered to help me in this venture. Balance Sheet available in the Sept/Oct issue of It is with deep regret that we record the Fowu)e1;1 this year will give you a clear picture. Our passing of two members over the past few months. biggest expense is the printing and postage ofour Ray Speakman and Garnet Dredge were proud newsletter. Your Executive has discussed options First Fleeters and I deemed it a privilege to have re our publication but is adamant that the six known both during my Presidency. Our deepest copies per annum should be maintained! sympathy to both families on their sad loss. I am pleased to report that two new Chapters (co11ti1111ed pn_9e 2) have been formed, one centred on Tamworth and district, and the other in Armidale. How far behind are you in the payment of Appreciation is due to Robyn Condliffe and Mary dues? Please take notice of this extract Kell, both members of the North Coast Chapter from the Articles ofAssociation. for their combined efforts in the setting up of these CESSATION OF MEMBERSHIP bodies. More information w ill be given in the INSIDE next issue of Fo1111oer,1. 4.1 If the subscription of a member shall remain 2 NEWS OF MEMBERS Member Pamela Hempel at my request has unpaid for a period of two calendar months after produced an interesting article on our recent it becomes due then the member may after J WHAT'S ON pilgrimage to Norfolk Island. I am still receiving notice of the default shall have been sent to him letters of appreciation especially ab~ut the bond by the Secretary or Honorary Treasurer be J DARTMOUTH of Fellowship which was so evident during the debarred by resolution of the Committee from REVISITED week's stay. As Pamela has written, 'we were all all privileges of membership provided that the virtually strangers to one another but that Committee mat reinstate the member on 4 NORFOLK ISLAND common thread which binds us all together' really payment of such arrears as the Committee A STEP BACK IN TIME came to the fore. Some time in the near future an thinks fit. album of photos and comment will be available 4.1.2 If the subscription of a member shall 8 JAMES SQUIRE OF at First Fleet House library. I might add that we remain unpaid for a period of at least eighteen PUTNEY already have a fairly full record of the Fellowship's months after it has become due then the involvement in 1988, the,ilgrimage that year to Committee may by resolution determine to 8 ANOTHER FIRST Tasmania and a record of the opening of First remove from that member such privileges of F LEETER HONOURED Fleet House by the then Governor, Sir James membership as the Committee shall determine. Rowland. · Price 50¢ Registered by Australia Post Publication No NBH 1271 PRESIDENT'S REPORT (conttillled from page I) I have nine speaking engagements, mainly to Probus Clubs, The Genealogical Society of Utah has been busy during between June and July, but I will be p rivileged to la unch, on the past few weeks preparing our records for computerisation. behalf of the J ane Langley/fhomas Chipp Family Society, a It would have been an impossible task for us to place tens of Family History of these two First Fleeters and descendants thousands of BDM s on CD Rom but in the near future they on 10 June 2001. Whilst on the subject of Family History may wiJl be kept for posterity. I hasten to add that names and I say that I was honoured recently to be a co-patron of th~ addresses of members are not made available in this exercise. H erbert Family Society. It will be a valuable genealogical plus fo r future descendants The Annual General Meeting of the Fellowship will he held of First Fleeters. at First Fleet H ouse on 9 November next. Any help on the Earlier this yea r our Archivist Coralie Kelly found it Executive would be personally appreciated, any budding necessary to return to South Australia leaving an importa nt Treasurer, I can assure you, wiJl be more than welcome. position to be filled within the Fellowshi p. We were indeed Finally may I appeal to members to think about contributing indebted to Coralie for her efforts over the past two years a nd a n article on his or her First Fleeter and/or any descendants. I am pleased to say that Pam Q uick, FF Jane Langley, has T here are some terrifi c stories, humorous or otherwise, about offered her services as Archivist to the Fellowship. Pam was our pioneers. I get quite a kick and so does my audience when Secretary to the Fellowship back in the 1980s and did sterling I relate the story of FF Phoebe Norton, who went to the toilet work during the hectic bicentennial year in 1988. whilst her convict vessel was in Cape Town Harbour. T he The Bonds of Friendship aka 'Missing Links' a re still toilets on the ships were suspended over the stern of the ship causing quite some concern to a vast majority, not only of First in a rather precarious position, we ll to the k nowledge of Fleeters, but to citizens of our country who take pride in its Phoebe, who fell into the harbour and was rescued by some heritage. I still aw~it, but not holding my breath, for a reply sailors. She was quite a lady, Phoebe, a nd it is very much to my letter on your behalf to our Lord Mayor. I believe one doubted that she would not in the least have been embarrassed of the reasons fo r the memorial's removal from the forecourt by her predicament! of the Customs House was, that it did not quite fit in from the aesthetic point of view! ! Q uite a lud icrous statement In Fellowship considering past and present efforts of the City Council with PETER regard to Circular Q uay precincts! BIRTHS DEATHS Welcome to additional First F leeters: Deepest sympathy is extended to the families of the follow ing: LILLIAN J ANICE KAY GORDON (FF Lucas - Gascoigne), born 9 N ovembe r 2000, at P EARL S IMMON S (#2107), passed away 13 Kempsey. Daughter for Myles (#5974) and Cindy April 200 1. Descendant of First F leeter Andrew Gordon. Second granddaug hte r fo r J udith Fishburn. Gordon (#5972) and Ala n. Eighth generation. RAYMON D B. G. SPEAKMAN (#6763), DENVER J ULIAN PRATE LLI (FF Edward passed away 30 April 2001. Descendant of First Humphreys), 26 April 2001. A son to Jodi and F leeters M atthew Evering ham, J ohn Small, N ick, a bi;,other for Dakota. Third grandson for Mary Parker. Darleen St~ berg (#6735). Seventh generation. ,0) ALBERT W. ROWE, passed away 29 M arch "t!!/ 2001, sp ouse of J oan Rowe (#1335) F F Nash/Haynes. PAT WARRE N (#6505), 5 Crummer Street, Port Macquarie, N SW, passed away 16 May 2001. D escenda nt of First Fleeter W illiam Wall. 0 s 10 m M ay CD JOHN AND MARY SMALL DESCENDANTS ASSOCIATION DAYTIME AUXILIARY The association known as the Small Family Association will be having two functions in 200 I. COMMITTEE The first function is a bus trip throug~ historical city of Ryde on Sunday, 26 August The Soup and Damper Day will be held on 2001. Wednesday, 11 July 2001, at First Fleet House. Ryde plays an important part in the Small The meeting w ill commence at 11.00am with the family history. First Fleeters John Small and soup and damper meal at 12 noon. Mary Parker established their first home in the After lunch President Peter Christian will area. The place was known as J(jssing Point. ta lk on the Fellowship's recent excursion to There will be two bus trips, one in the morning Norfolk Island. The Fellowship was involved in at 10.00am and one in the afternoon at 2.00pm, the Island's Foundation Day Celebrations on 6 both starting at Addington, Victoria Road, Ryde.
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