THIS WEEK IN TEXAS October 12-18,1990 TWTNEWS Montrose Crime Patrols COMMENT Dear President Bush HIGHLIGHTWestheimer Art Festival THEATRENew Fall Season TEXAS/OU WEEKENDCOVER FEATURE Tony Phillips and Jerry Motley In Concert JULIE BURRELL 21 NEWS Citizen Patrols Fight Montrose Crime 39 COMMENT Letters to the Editor 3-in-1 Cocktails 45 HIGHLIGHT Westheimer Colony Art Festival 59 THEATRE New Playsfor Fall Season Reviewed by Bill O'Rourke 62 BACKSTAGE Achtung! byMarcAlexander sue or Happy Hour Prices 65 CLASSIC TWT 4 Years Ago ThisWeek in Texas byBobDineen 68 HOT TEA Texas-OU Weekend in Big D All DayIAll Niuht 75 SPORTS Gay Games IV in New York City by Bobby Miller 77 STARSCOPE October New Moon by Milton von Stern 80 COVER FEATURE Tony Phillips& Jerry Motley at texcs-ou Weekend fllen's photographs by Graham 85 CALENDAR Special One-Time Only and Nonprofit Community Events 86 CLASSIFIED Want Ads and Notices 97 GUIDE Texas Business/ Club Directory TWT (ThIs Week In Texes) Is published by Texos Weekly Times Newspaper Co, of 3900 Lemmon Ave. In Dallas, Texes 75219and 811Westhelmer In Houston. Texes 77006. Opinions expressed by columnists are not necessarily those of TWT or of its staff. PubUcation of the name or photograph of any person or organization In ortlcles or advertising in TWT is not to be construed as any indication 01 the sexual orientation of sold person or organization 3903 CEDARSPRINGS Subscription rates: 569 per year, $55 per half year. Back Issues available at $2 each. Payment must accompany on orders. Copyright © 1990 by Texas Weekly Times Newspaper Co. All rights reserved. Partial or complete reproduction of any advertisement. news. article or feature. copy or photograph from TWT Isspecifically proobffed PROUDLY SUPPORTING THE BOYCOTT AGAINST by federal statute. (214)380-3808 MILLER BEER AND ALL PHILIP MORRIS PRODUCTS! TWT OCTOBER 12 - OCTOBER 18 1990 PAGE 11 NORMA KRISTIE, INC PR~e:NTSTHE 19TH ANNUAL MISS GAY AM leA PAGEANT OCTOSE 6-21, 1990 11PM. TUESDAY, OCTOBER 16, 1990 MISS GAY AMERICA IN REVIEW STARRING NAOMI SIMS. TASHA KOHL LADY BARONESSA. JIMI DEE LADY SHAWN. CHERRY LANE VICKIE VINCENT. LAUREN COLBY AND MISS GAY AMERICA 1990 BRANDI ALEXANDER PRELIMINARYFOMPETITION WEDNESDAY, THURSDAY, ~IDAY. OCTOBER 17, 18, 19 ItOllt~oln 3911 CEDAR SPRINGS 'pALLAS· (214) 380-3808 FINALS. 7:30 PM. *,NDAY, OCTOBER 21 IN THE THEATER OF THE oJ-LAS CONVENTION CENTER ADVANCE TICKETS ARE AVAlfBLE IN PERSON OR By MAIL THROUGH TWT IN DALLAS OR HARGE TO YOUR MASTERCARD OR VISA BY CALLI (214) 521-0622 \\\VI CLUB BODY THIS WEEK IN TEXAS Weekly Circulation: 20,000 Founded 1975 DALLAS OFFICE (214) 521·0622 Hours: 11am.-5 prn, CENTERS Closed Wednesday and Sunday 3900 Lemmon Ave. Dallas, Texas 75219 Dallas Fax Line (214)520- TWIT HOUSTON HOUSTON OFFICE (713) 527-9111 Hours: 9 am.-5 prn, Weekdays Closed Saturday 2205 FANNIN 811Westheimer, Suite 106 Houston, Texas 77006 (713)859-4998 Houston Fax Line (713)527-9305 PUBLISHER Chuck Patrick DIRECTOR Shane Ruff 838 MONTHLY ASSOCIATE ART DIRECTORS Richard Bong / Kent Edson Smith GRAPHIC ARTISTS' WORKOUT PASS William Parr, Steve Pardue, Gary Uribe ENTERTAINMENT EDITOR Marc Alexander 835 Tanning NEWS EDITOR Chuck Patrick Card-8 Sessons SPORTS EDITOR Bobby Miller CONTRIBUTING WRITERS Rain Laird, Bob Dineen, Phil Johnson, S8 for 30 ninutes- Brian Keever. David Meunier, Bill O'Rourke, Tanning Sessions Milton von Stern. WW. Wells III TYPOGRAPHERS Richard Hebert, Bobby Miller " DISTRIBUTION Clifford Plummer COMPTROLLER Steve Miles STAFF PHOTOGRAPHERS Borry Boss, Carl Davis. Graham, Julie Hollingsworth. GW. King, Michael McKinney, Chris Zimmerman SALES NATIONAL ADVERTISING DIRECTOR Alan Gellman (214) 521-0622 • FAX 520- TWIT Advertising rates are available on request by tele- phoning the salesperson in your nearest city. DEADLINE FOR ALL ADS: Friday. one week prior to publication. AUSTIN Chris Zimmerman ,Digital Beeper (512) 320-6249 DALLAS Alan Gellman , (214) 521-0622 FORT WORTH Steve Miles , (214) 521-0622 HOUSTON Jerry Ahlman , , (713) 527-9111 SAN ANTONIO / CORPUS CHRISTI DALLAS Joe Virjan , , (512) 828-7072 TWT © 1990 2818 SWISS AVE. • (214)821-1990 Texas Weekly Times Newspaper Company PAGE 14 TWT OCTOBER 12 - OCTOBER 18 1990 Come join the thousands of out-of-town guests The following businesses in the Westheimer / Montrose traveling to Houston to spend a weekend Arts District encourage you and your friends to of glorious fun in the outdoors attend this autumn's Westheimer Colony Art Festival ART·PHOTOGRAPHY·POTTERY BABA YEGA CAFE MONTROSE MINING COMPANY MUSIC • FOOD • FUN • DRINKS • GAMES 2606 Grant 805 Pacific Street Open Weekends Frozen Margaritas & In The Westheimer/Montrose Arts Distri 11 am-l l pm Beer Bash on the Patio • r ~. ,,-,~> ·WI? "" . '" -", i CHAPULTEPEC RESTAURANT MOTHER'S 813 Richmond 402 Lovett at Taft Come to Chapultepec $1.25 Well Vodka Drinks Now, Better Than Ever Sat. & Sun. Opening-8 pm COUSIN'S RICH'S 817 Fairview 2401 San Jacinto Shows Fri/Sat/Sun Local Fun-Rich's Way New Cast, 10:30 pm Sun. 10121 Grey Party DEPOE STATION RIPCORD 534 Westheimer 715 Fairview Opening Next Weekend Leather, Levi, Art Festival Shows Uniform HEAVEN 611 HYDE PARK PUB 810 Pacific Street Hyde Park at Stanford Sunday 'l-Dance with Happy Hour 8 am-If pm Daily River Oaks Boys Club Special Happy Hour 8 am-Noon JR'S BAR & GRILL STUDIO 13 808 Pacific Street 1318 Westheimer Sunday-90C All Well Vodka Weekend Shows Juice Drinks Noon Until 10 pm 3,5 & 6:30 pm MARY'S NATURALLY TRAXX 1022 Westbeimer 534 Westheimer The National Bar After Hours Dancing of Texas Friday & Saturday While strolling Westheimer, MISS KITTY'S VENTURE-N come view over 300 artists (acrylic to wood sculpture) at 710 Pacific Street 2923 Main Montrose & Lovett in the fenced parking lot. FrUSat.: Texas Heartbreakers Dancers Rough, Leather & Stuff $2 donation benefits scholarship programs Sunday Super Sbow, 9 pm Yea! Party! in the arts and funding of nonprofit organizations. Last weekend's quilt display in Houston was one of five going on simultaneously across the nation as similar displays were also held in Atlanta, Chicago, Los Angeles and Washington, D.C. At the Houston display, opening cere- monies were held Saturday morning. It took all three days for readers to read the At Names Project opening ceremonies, founder Cleve Jones (c) is joined by Michael Bongiorni (I) and James names of persons, memorialized in the McKinley (r)-both of the Houston chapter of the Names quilt, who have died of AIDS in the South- Project. TWTNEWSphotos by Barry Bass. west region. THE SOUTHWEST REGIONAL AIDS QUILT DISPLAY Thousands Visit Houston's Brown Convention Center to See Names Project Quilt. HOUSTON - Thousands of visitors from all over the southwestern United States traveled to Houston last weekend to see the Southwest Regional Display of Mourners proceed from Houston's downtown convention the Names Project Quilt. center to Root Park for last Sunday's AIDS Candlelight March. TWTNEWSphotos by Barry Bass. The show was organized by the local chapter of the Names Project. Volunteers had worked all summer in preparation Sunday evening there was a memorable New panels sewn this year were added Candlelight March from the convention to the display. In all, 1,920 quilt panels were center to Root Park. Mourners brought shown-the exact number which were dis- candles and banners. played in the nation's capital back in 1987 The quilt display closed last Monday at the inaugural exposition. after a third day of public viewing. Stroll- Nearly 2,000 panels of the Names Project AIDS Memorial Quilt, on display at Houston's George R. Brown Convention Center. P1)¥:'-: • Showcasing ~' , the latest Fall Fashions and ~ "" Men's Lingerie from Texans gather last Sunday at dusk in Root Park near Houston convention center for AIDS Memorial Candlelight Vigil. UNION JACK ing the pathways of the quilt were moth- related charities. None of the donations modeled by ers, fathers, grandparents, lovers and will leave the Houston area, it was friends. reported. The Men of Santa Fe Because the quilt was still on display Last weekend's display marked the sec- exclusively at last Monday at TWT press time, a final ond time the quilt has visited Houston. It's attendance figure was not available. other Texas displays have also included JR'S BAR & GRILL However, Names Project officials told TWT showings in Dallas, Austin and San An- NEWS that they were very encouraged by tonio during past years. last week's huge turnout. Special Although entrance to the quilt was free, Drawing for donations were accepted. All money raised is to be donated to area AIDS- ASAMAKES Union Jack STAFF CHANGE Gift Certificate Michael Garcia & Neena Miller Emcee Hired at AIDS Services of Austin; RANDY JOBE Also, Cathy Cook Gets New Job. AUSTIN - AIDS Services of Austin [ASA] made three Changes in the admin- istrative staff last month, including two shifts in position and one newly hired member. Michael Garcia was hired as office manager, replacing Cathy Cook, who has moved over to the new position of Volun- Among the dignitaries reading names were (above, t-r) teer Coordinator. Houston Mayor Kathy Whitmire and socialite Carolyn Farb, Cook, ASA's office manager since 1987, along with (below, I-r) host committee chairman Jackson Hicks and Mrs. Mickey Leland. has been selected to fill the new position i of Volunteer Coordinator. She will handle recruitment, retention and coordination of volunteer activities, according to the monthly ASA Messenger newsletter. Garcia has his business degree from UT- Austin and previously worked for Travis County in the tax assessor's office and the transportation department. He has also been a volunteer at ASA and active in local political work. 808 Pacific· 521-2519 TWT OCTOBER 12 - OCTOBER 18 1990 ty host and board member Jim Kronlage reported Richard Wiederholt, president of the Garden Party.
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