irena radić rossi — Sveučilište u Zadru, Odjel za udk: 902.034:001.4 arheologiju doi: 10.15291/archeo.1198 University of Zadar, Department of Archaeology Izvorni znanstveni članak, Original scientific paper Obala kralja Petra Krešimira IV., br. 2, HR-23000 Zadar Primljeno / Received: 2015-02-08 [email protected] OSNOVNA TERMINOLOGIJA BASIC NAUTICAL ZA POTREBE ARHEOLOGIJE ARCHAEOLOGY BRODA TERMINOLOGY Arheologija broda znanstvena je disciplina koja putem materi- Nautical archaeology is a scientific discipline that studies all types jalnih ostataka, te pisanih, ikonografskih i etnografskih izvora of ships from the past, based on material remains, and written, proučava sve tipove brodova prošlih vremena. Zdenko Brusić, iconographic and ethnographic sources. Zdenko Brusić, the pio- pionir podvodne arheologije u Hrvatskoj, započeo je intenzivan neer of Croatian underwater archaeology, started his intensive rad u podmorju šezdesetih godina prošloga stoljeća, u više na- underwater research in the 1960s, and on several occasions ex- vrata istražujući ostatke starih brodova. Sukladno suvremenoj plored the remains of old ships. In order to keep pace with mod- metodologiji, u novije vrijeme pokazalo se kako je standardizi- ern methodology, it has recently become clear that a standardi- ranje terminologije koja se koristi prilikom istraživanja prošlosti zation of the terminology used in researching historical wooden drvene brodogradnji neophodno za sustavno iznošenje rezultata shipbuilding is necessary to be able to systematically publish the istraživačkog rada, te poticanje znanstvene rasprave. U vrijeme results of research activities, and to promote scholarly discussion. dok je na Fakultetu strojarstva i brodogradnje Sveučilišta u Za- At the time when the subject Wooden Shipbuilding was still grebu još postojao predmet Drvena brodogradnja, Teodor Ber- taught at the Faculty of Mechanical Engineering and Naval Ar- nardi napisao je udžbenik Konstrukcija drvenih brodova, koji je chitecture of the University of Zagreb, Teodor Bernardi wrote u ovome radu, u nešto izmijenjenom obliku, poslužio kao osno- a textbook entitled Konstrukcija drvenih brodova (Wooden va za pripremanje osnovnog pojmovnika. Taj pokušaj rezultat je Ship Construction). His textbook served as the starting point sve intenzivnijih istraživanja ostataka drvenih brodova u hrvat- for compiling an initial Croatian nautical archaeology glossary. skom podmorju, koja nužno dovode do potrebe izvještavanja i This paper builds on his glossary, and is the result of intensive objave rezultata na hrvatskom jeziku. recent excavations of wooden ship remains in Croatian waters, which have necessarily involved the need to report and publish ključne riječi: brod, drvena brodogradnja, arheologija broda, results in Croatian. terminologija, standardizacija keywords: ship, wooden shipbuilding, nautical archaeology, terminology, standardisation 1. UVOD 1. INTRODUCTION Prema definiciji koju su u iscrpnom priručniku According to the definition offered in L’archéologie L’archéologie navale ponudili uvaženi stručnjaci Pa- navale, a comprehensive handbook written by the trice Pomey i Erich Rieth, arheologija broda1 znan- respected experts Patrice Pomey and Erich Rieth, stvena je disciplina koja putem materijalnih ostata- nautical archaeology1 is a scientific discipline study- ka, te pisanih, ikonografskih i etnografskih izvora ing all types of ships from the past from the tech- s tehničkog, funkcionalnog i društvenog stajališta nical, functional and social point of view, based on proučava sve tipove brodova prošlih vremena, bez material remains and written, iconographic and eth- ikakvih ograničenja po pitanju njihove funkcije i nographic sources, without any restrictions in terms geografskog podrijetla.2 Britanski arheolog Keith of the ships’ function and geographical origin.2 The 1 Eng. nautical archaeology; fr. archéologie navale; tal. archeologia 1 En. nautical archaeology; Fr. archéologie navale; It. archeologia navale. O arheologiji broda u terminološkom smislu vidi I. RADIĆ navale. On the term nautical archaeology, see I. RADIĆ ROSSI, ROSSI, 2012. 2012. 2 P. POMEY, E. RIETH, 2005, 10. 2 P. POMEY, E. RIETH, 2005, 10. Irena Radić Rossi: osnovna terminologija za potrebe arheologije broda / basic nautical archaeology terminology 416 Muckelroy definirao je brod kao oruđe namijenjeno British archaeologist Keith Muckelroy defined a ship transportu, svrsishodan funkcionalan element unu- as a machine designed for transport; a relevant fun- tar određenoga ekonomskog ili vojnog sustava i za- cional element in a military or economic system, and tvorenu zajednicu s jasno određenom hijerarhijom, a closed community with its own hierarchy, customs, običajima i pravilima ponašanja,3 a slavni njemački and conventions.3 The famous German philosopher filozof Johan Wilhelm Friedrich Hegel opisao ga je Georg Wilhelm Friedrich Hegel described it in the sljedećim riječima: „Brod, labud mora, koji hitrim following terms: “The Ship — that swan of the sea, i skladnim kretnjama presijeca valovitu površinu ili which cuts the watery plain in agile and arching povlači na njoj kružnice, jest oruđe kojega izum čini movements or describes circles upon it — is a ma- najveću čast kako ljudskoj odvažnosti, tako i njego- chine whose invention does the greatest honor to the vu razumu.“4 boldness of man as well as to his understanding.”4 Polovicom 19. stoljeća termin archéologie nava- In the mid-19th century, the term archéologie na- le prvi je u stručnu literaturu uveo Augustin Jal.5 vale was first introduced into the professional litera- U suvremenom smislu, metodologija arheologije ture by Augustin Jal.5 However, the modern method- broda u Mediteranu razvila se, međutim, tek više ology of nautical archaeology in the Mediterranean od jednog stoljeća kasnije, kao posljedica naglog did not develop until more than a century later as a razvoja podvodnih arheoloških istraživanja. Iako consequence of the sudden development of underwa- su podvodna otkrića pozitivno djelovala na razvoj ter archaeological exploration. Although underwater arheologije broda, ona su uzrokovala i stvaranje discoveries had a positive impact on the development iskrivljene slike o njezinu stvarnom sadržaju. Ne of nautical archaeology, at the same time they also ulazeći u obimnije rasprave o pogrešnim predodž- caused a distorted image concerning its actual nature. bama koje nastaju kad se arheologija broda nastoji Without entering into a comprehensive discussion on poistovjetiti s podvodnom arheologijom, na koje the misperceptions, which are the consequence of the upozoravaju i autori Pomey i Rieth,6 spominjem attempt to identify nautical archaeology with under- samo činjenicu kako je u slučaju arheologije broda water archaeology, as anticipated by Pomey and Ri- riječ o terminu kojim se označuje znanstvena dis- eth,6 I would like to point merely to the fact that the ciplina s jasno definiranom metodologijom rada, term nautical archaeology denotes a scientific disci- koja predmete istraživanja pronalazi kako na ko- pline with a clearly defined methodology. Its objects pnu tako i pod vodom te se time bitno razlikuje od of research are found both on land and under water, tehničkog izraza kojim se uobičajeno označuju sva making it essentialy diferent than a technical expres- arheološka istraživanja provedena u posebnim uvje- sion to denote archaeological campaigns conducted tima pod vodenom površinom. under special conditions under the water’s surface. 2. ZDENKO BRUSIĆ I ZAČETCI RAZVOJA 2. Zdenko Brusić AND THE BEGINNINGS ARHEOLOGIJE BRODA U HRVATSKOJ OF THE DEVELOPMENT OF nautical archaeology IN Croatia Zdenko Brusić, često zvan pionirom podvodne ar- heologije u Hrvatskoj, započeo je svoj intenzivan Zdenko Brusić, often called the pioneer of Croatian rad u podmorju šezdesetih godina prošloga stoljeća, underwater archaeology, started his intensive under- te ga nastavio tijekom čitavog životnog vijeka. U water research in the 1960s, and continued through- svojoj istraživačkoj karijeri bavio se podmorskim out his lifetime. During his excavation career, he ex- nalazištima iz svih vremenskih razdoblja, u više plored underwater sites from all time periods, and on navrata istražujući upravo ostatke starih brodova. several occasions excavated the remains of old ships. Prvi u nizu njegovih projekata koji pripadaju dome- The first in a serious of his projects in the field of nau- ni arheologije broda bio je istraživanje dvaju sred- tical archaeology was the excavation of two medieval 3 K. MUCKELROY, 1978, 216. 3 K. MUCKELROY, 1978, 216. 4 J. W. F. HEGEL, 1966. 4 G. W. F. HEGEL, 1966 (Lectures on the Philosophy of World His- 5 A. JAL, 1840. tory, translation by H. B. Nisbet, 1975). 6 P. POMEY, E. RIETH, 2005, 10. 5 A. JAL, 1840. 6 P. POMEY, E. RIETH, 2005, 10. archaeologia adriatica ix (2015), 415-453 417 Sl. 1. / Fig. 1. Zdenko Brusić i supruga Desanka s modelom rekonstruirane srednjovjekovne brodice iz Nina (foto: I. Radić Rossi). Zdenko Brusić and his wife Desanka, holding the model of the fully reconstructed mediaeval boat from Nin (photo: I. Radić Rossi). njovjekovnih brodova u Ninu.7 Danas poznati pod ships in Nin.7 Now known as Condurae Croaticae, imenom Condura Croatica, brodovi su 1974. godi- the ships were recovered from the sea in 1974, and ne izvađeni iz mora, a potom konzervirani i izloženi subsequently conserved and exhibited at the Muse- u Muzeju ninskih starina.8 Ono što taj projekt čini um of Nin Antiquities.8 What makes this project dis- osebujnim za hrvatske
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