MASTER SPECIES LIST This is a map of Lan Su’s planting beds, as seen from above. Each planting bed is numbered and corresponds to the attached species list. As you stand facing the bed, the plants are listed from left to right. For further reference, each plant has been given the following code based on its type/growth habit: G = Groundcover S = Shrub T = Tree V = Vine H = Herbaceous Perennial B = Bamboo FLANDERS STREET TREE WELLS WATERFALL 3RD AVENUE TREE WELLS 2ND AVENUE TREE WELLS EVERETT STREET TREE WELLS Lan Su Chinese Garden Master Species List by Bed Botanical Name Common Name Chinese Name Pinyin Code BED 1N Indocalamus latifolius bamboo 箬竹属 ruò zhú shu B BED 1W Nandina domestica heavenly bamboo 南天竹属 nán tiān zhú S Trachelospermum asiaticum Asian jasmine 亚洲络石 ya zhou luo shi V BED 1E Clematis armandii 'Apple Blossom' evergreen clematis 小木通 xiao mu tong V Rhododendron maddenii rhododendron 隐脉杜鹃 yin mai du juan S Liriope spicata ' Silver Dragon' lilyturf 山麦冬属 shān mài dōng shǔ G Ophiopogon japonicus 'Nana' dwarf mondo grass 沿阶草属 yan jie cao shu G Lysimachia paridiformis var. stenophylla pearl vegetable leaf 珍珠菜属 zhēn zhū cài shǔ H Hydrangea aspera var. macrophyla velvet leaf hydrangea 绣球花 xiù qiú huā S Epimedium grandiflorum ' Rose Queen' goat plant: bishop's hat 淫羊藿属 yín yáng huò shǔ G Bletilla striata terrrestrial orchid 白及属 báijí shǔ H Begonia grandis var. evansiana Chinese begonia 秋海棠 qiū hǎitáng H Bletilla striata terrrestrial orchid 白及属 báijí shǔ H Loropetalum chinense var. rubrum Chinese fringe flower 继木属 ji mu shu S Magnolia dianica magnolia 木兰属 mù lán S Oxalis crassipes Chinese sorrel 酢浆草属 zuò jiāng căo shŭ H Osmanthus heterophyllus 'Variegatus' sweet oilve 木犀属 mù xī shǔ T Loropetalum chinense var. rubrum Chinese fringe flower 继木属 ji mu shu S Gardenia ' Kleim's Hardy' Kleim's hardy gardenia 栀子属 zhi zi shu S Gardenia ' Kleim's Hardy' Kleim's hardy gardenia 桅子属 zhi zi shu S Gardenia ' Kleim's Hardy' Kleim's hardy gardenia 桅子属 zhi zi shu S Bletilla striata 'Variegatum' terrrestrial orchid 白及属 báijí shǔ H Pinellia cordata miniature green dragon 半夏属 ban xia shu H Epimedium grandiflorum 'Okuda's White' goat plant: bishop's hat 淫羊藿属 yín yáng huò shǔ G Gardenia ' Kleim's Hardy' Kleim's hardy gardenia 桅子属 zhi zi shu S Loropetalum chinense var. rubrum Chinese fringe flower 继木属 ji mu shu S Magnolia mountain delavayi magnolia 木兰属 mù lán T BED 2N Camellia 'Taylor's Perfection' camellia 山茶属 shān chá shù S Musa basjoo hardy banana 芭蕉属 bā jiāo shu H Pyrrosia lingua 'Cristata' tongue fern 石韦属 shi wei shu G BED 2S Persea thunbergii yogurt pear 酪梨 lao li T Thalictrum rochebruneanun Chinese meadow rue 唐松草属 tao song cao shu H Podophyllum pleianthum Chinese mayapple 鬼臼属 gui jiu shu H Liriope muscari 'Lilac Beauty' lilyturf 山麦冬属 shān mài dōng shǔ G Magnolia maudiae var. platypetala magnolia 木兰属 mù lán T Fatsia japonica Japanese aralia 八角金盘属 ba jiao jin pan shu S Ophiopogon japonicus 'Nana' dwarf mondo grass 沿阶草属 yan jie cao shu G Podophyllum 'Kaleidoscope' Chinese mayapple 鬼臼属 gui jiu shu H Polygonatum humile dwarf Solomon's seal 小玉竹 xiao yu zhu H Nandina domestica heavenly bamboo 南天竹属 nán tiān zhú S Nandina domestica heavenly bamboo 南天竹属 nán tiān zhú S 1 Lan Su Chinese Garden Master Species List by Bed Botanical Name Common Name Chinese Name Pinyin Code Nandina domestica heavenly bamboo 南天竹属 nán tiān zhú S Asarum delavayi Chinese wild ginger 川滇细辛 chuān diān xìxīn G Liriope muscari 'Lilac Beauty' lilyturf 山麦冬属 shān mài dōng shǔ G Roscoea sp. elephant tusk ginseng 象牙参属 xiang ya shen shu H BED 3 Hosta plantaginea plantain lily 玉簪属 yù zān shŭ H Hosta plantaginea plantain lily 玉簪属 yù zān shŭ H Liriope muscari 'Lilac Beauty' lilyturf 山麦冬属 shān mài dōng shǔ G Liriope muscari 'Lilac Beauty' lilyturf 山麦冬属 shān mài dōng shǔ G Liriope muscari 'Lilac Beauty' lilyturf 山麦冬属 shān mài dōng shǔ G Hypericum 'Hidcote' St. John's wort 金丝桃属 jin si tao shu S Hypericum 'Hidcote' St. John's wort 金丝桃属 jin si tao shu S Hemerocallis cv. daylily 萱草属 xuan cao shu H Trachelospermum asiaticum Asian jasmine 亚洲络石 ya zhou luo shi V Daphne odora 'Aureomarginata' winter daphne 毛瑞香 mao rui xiang S Magnolia x soulangiana saucer magnolia 木兰属 mù lán T Clematis montana var. wilsonii clematis 绣球藤 Xiu qiu teng V Sarcococca hookeriana var. humilis Himalayan sweetbox 清香桂属 qing xiang gui shu S Epimedium pinnatum var. colchicum goat plant: bishop's hat 淫羊藿属 yín yáng huò shǔ G Aspidistra elatior 'Variegata' variegated cast iron plant 蜘蛛抱蛋 zhī zhū bào dàn S Aspidistra elatior 'Variegata' variegated cast iron plant 蜘蛛抱蛋 zhī zhū bào dàn S Aspidistra elatior 'Variegata' variegated cast iron plant 蜘蛛抱蛋 zhī zhū bào dàn S Pinus parviflora 'Glauca' Japanese white pine 日本五针松 ri ben wu zhen song T Disporum cantoniense 'Night Heron' Chinese fairy bells 萬壽竹 wàn shòu zhú H Pyrossia hastata Chinese felt fern 石韦属 shi wei shu G Epimedium pubescens subsp pubescens goat plant: bishop's hat 淫羊藿属 yín yáng huò shǔ G Epimedium pubescens subsp pubescens goat plant: bishop's hat 淫羊藿属 yín yáng huò shǔ G Epimedium pubescens subsp pubescens goat plant: bishop's hat 淫羊藿属 yín yáng huò shǔ G Liriope muscari 'Lilac Beauty' lilyturf 山麦冬属 shān mài dōng shǔ G Sarcococca hookeriana var. humilis Himalayan sweetbox 清香桂属 qing xiang gui shu S Disporum cantoniense 'Night Heron' Chinese fairy bells 萬壽竹 wàn shòu zhú H Euonymus fortunei 'Wulong Ghost' winter creeper 扶芳藤 fu fang teng V Ophiopogon japonicus 'Nana' dwarf mondo grass 沿阶草属 yan jie cao shu G Epimedium wushanense ' Caramel' goat plant: bishop's hat 淫羊藿属 yín yáng huò shǔ G Epimedium wushanense ' Caramel' goat plant: bishop's hat 淫羊藿属 yín yáng huò shǔ G Pyrossia polydactyla Chinese felt fern 石韦属 shi wei shu G Thalictrum 'Black Stocking' Chinese meadow rue 唐松草属 tao song cao shu G Thalictrum 'Black Stocking' Chinese meadow rue 唐松草属 tao song cao shu G Thalictrum 'Black Stocking' Chinese meadow rue 唐松草属 tao song cao shu G Camellia sinensis 'Blushing Maiden' camellia 山茶属 shān cháshù S Epimedium leptorhizum goat plant: bishop's hat 淫羊藿属 yín yáng huò shǔ G Jasminum nudiflorum winter jasmine 茉莉属 mo li shu V Jasminum nudiflorum winter jasmine 茉莉属 mo li shu V Ophiopogon japonicus 'Nana' dwarf mondo grass 沿阶草属 yan jie cao shu G Edgeworthia chrysantha Chinese paper bush 结香属 jié xiāng shǔ S BED 4 Acorus gramineus 'Ogon' golden var. sweet flag 金钱蒲 jin qian pu G Saruma henryi upright wild Chinese ginger 马蹄香属 ma ti xiang shu H 2 Lan Su Chinese Garden Master Species List by Bed Botanical Name Common Name Chinese Name Pinyin Code Saruma henryi upright wild Chinese ginger 马蹄香属 ma ti xiang shu H Saruma henryi upright wild Chinese ginger 马蹄香属 ma ti xiang shu H Stewartia pseudocamillia stewartia 紫茎属 zi jing shu T Trachelospermum asiaticum Asian jasmine 亚洲络石 ya zhou luo shi V Edgeworthia chrysantha Chinese paper bush 结香属 jié xiāng shǔ S Paeonia 'Chinese Dragon' tree peony 芍药属 sháo yào shǔ S Trachelospermum jasminoides star jasmine 络石 luò shí V Hosta 'Royal Standard' plantain lily 玉簪属 yù zān shŭ H Hosta 'Royal Standard' plantain lily 玉簪属 yù zān shŭ H Hosta 'Royal Standard' plantain lily 玉簪属 yù zān shŭ H Hosta plantaginea plantain lily 玉簪属 yù zān shŭ H Hosta plantaginea plantain lily 玉簪属 yù zān shŭ H Hosta plantaginea plantain lily 玉簪属 yù zān shŭ H Rhododendron asterochinoum rhododendron 杜鹃花属 du juan hua shu S Jasminum nudiflorum winter jasmine 茉莉属 mo li shu S Paeonia 'Golden Sovereign' tree peony 芍药属 sháo yào shǔ S Koelreuteria paniculata golden rain tree 栾树属 luan shu shu T Paeonia 'Golden Sovereign' tree peony 芍药属 sháo yào shǔ S Forsythia x intermedia 'Lynwood Gold' forsythia 连翘属 lián qiào shu S Jasminum mesnyi primrose jasmine 茉莉属 mo li shu S Liriope spicata 'Silver Dragon' lilyturf 山麦冬属 shān mài dōng shǔ G Trachelospermum asiaticum 'Aurea Nana' dwarf Asian jasmine 亚洲络石 ya zhou luo shi G Rhododendron rex var. fictolacteum rhododendron 杜鹃花属 du juan hua shu S BED 5N Liriope spicata 'Silver Dragon' lilyturf 山麦冬属 shān mài dōng shǔ G Asarum splendens Chinese wild ginger 青城细辛 qing cheng xi xin G Rosa chinensis 'Mutabilis' China rose; butterfly rose 月季花 yue ji hua S Ophiopogon japonicus 'Nana' dwarf mondo grass 沿阶草属 yan jie cao shu G Ginkgo biloba 'Heksenbezem Leiden' dwarf maidenhair tree 银杏树 yin xing shu T Jasminum mesnyi primrose jasmine 茉莉属 mo li shu S Ophiopogon japonicus 'Nana' dwarf mondo grass 沿阶草属 yan jie cao shu G Pinus thunbergii black pine 黑松 hei song T Acorus gramineus 'Variegatus' var. sweet flag 金钱蒲 jin qian pu G Loropetalum chinense var. rubrum Chinese fringe flower 继木属 ji mu shu S Houttunyia cordata fishwort 魚腥草 yi xing cao G Daphniphyllum himalaense var. macropodum false daphne 西藏虎皮楠 xi zang hu pi nan S Loropetalum chinense var. rubrum Chinese fringe flower 继木属 ji mu shu S Trachelospermum asiaticum Asian jasmine 亚洲络石 ya zhou luo shi V Bletilla ochracea yellow ground orchid 白及属 báijí shǔ H Ophiopogon japonicus 'Nana' dwarf mondo grass 沿阶草属 yan jie cao shu G Rhododendron glanduliferum rhododendron 杜鹃花属 du juan hua shu S Magnolia grandiflora southern magnolia 木兰属 mù lán T Mahonia fortunei Fortune's mahonia 十大功劳属 shi da gong lao shu S Podophyllum pleianthum Chinese mayapple 鬼臼属 gui jiu shu H Aspidistra elatior cast iron plant 蜘蛛抱蛋 zhī zhū bào dàn S Aspidistra elatior cast iron plant 蜘蛛抱蛋 zhī zhū bào dàn S Podophyllum pleianthum Chinese mayapple 鬼臼属 gui jiu shu H Aspidistra elatior cast iron plant 蜘蛛抱蛋 zhī zhū bào dàn S Acer palmatum 'Bloodgood' Japanese maple 鸡爪槭 jī zhuǎ qì T 3 Lan Su Chinese Garden Master Species List by Bed Botanical Name Common Name Chinese Name Pinyin Code Forsythia x intermedia 'Lynwood Gold' forsythia 连翘属 lián qiào shu S Forsythia x intermedia 'Lynwood Gold' forsythia 连翘属 lián qiào shu S Rhododendron coelicum rhododendron 滇缅杜鹃 dian mian du juan S BED 5S Liriope muscari 'Lilac Beauty' lilyturf 山麦冬属 shān mài dōng shǔ G Ophiopogon japonicus 'Nana' dwarf mondo grass 沿阶草属 yan jie cao shu G Nandina domestica heavenly bamboo 南天竹属 nán tiān zhú S Nandina domestica heavenly bamboo 南天竹属 nán tiān zhú S Asarum splendens Chinese wild ginger 青城细辛 qing cheng xi xin G Schizophragma hydrangeoides 'Moonlight' climbing hydrangea 钻地风属 zuan di feng shu V Acorus gramineus 'Variegatus' var.
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