..............................................................................................................................The ICCA Handbook on Corporate .............................................................................Social Responsibility The............................................................................................................................ ICCA Handbook ...........................................................................................................................on Corporate Social Responsibility....................................................................................... Edited by Judith Hennigfeld Manfred Pohl Nick Tolhurst Copyright © 2006 John Wiley & Sons Ltd, The Atrium, Southern Gate, Chichester, West Sussex PO19 8SQ, England Telephone +44 1243 779777 Email (for orders and customer service enquiries): [email protected] Visit our Home Page on www.wiley.com All Rights Reserved. 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Library of Congress Cataloging in Publication Data The ICCA handbook on corporate social responsibility / [compiled by] Judith Hennigfeld, Manfred Pohl, Nick Tolhurst. p. cm. Includes bibliographical references and index. ISBN-13: 978-0-470-05710-0 (cloth : alk. paper) ISBN-10: 0-470-05710-6 (cloth : alk. paper) 1. Social responsibility of business—Handbooks, manuals, etc. I. Hennigfeld, Judith. II. Pohl, Manfred, 1944– III. Tolhurst, Nick. IV. Institute for Corporate Culture Affairs. HD60.I23 2006 658.4′08—dc22 2006018008 British Library Cataloguing in Publication Data A catalogue record for this book is available from the British Library ISBN-13 978-0-470-05710-0 (HB) ISBN-10 0-470-05710-6 (HB) Typeset in 11.5/15pt Bembo by Integra Software Services Pvt. Ltd, Pondicherry, India Printed and bound in Great Britain by TJ International Ltd, Padstow, Cornwall, UK This book is printed on acid-free paper responsibly manufactured from sustainable forestry in which at least two trees are planted for each one used for paper production. Contents List of Contributors ix Foreword xxix Judith Hennigfeld, Manfred Pohl and Nick Tolhurst Acknowledgements xxxv PART I: INTRODUCTION AND BACKGROUND TO CSR 1 1 Why Do Companies Engage in Corporate Social Responsibility? Background, Reasons and Basic Concepts 3 Dirk Matten 2 Corporate Culture and CSR – How They Interrelate and Consequences for Successful Implementation 47 Manfred Pohl 3 CSR – The Way Ahead or a Cul de Sac?61 Sir Geoffrey Chandler vi..................................................................................................................................... CONTENTS 4 Why all Companies should Address Human Rights – and how the Business & Human Rights Resource Centre can help 69 Christopher Avery, Annabel Short and Gregory Tzeutschler Regaignon 5 The British CSR Strategy: How a Government Supports the Good Work 99 Margaret Hodge PART II: SHARING GOOD PRACTICES AND LESSONS LEARNED 113 6 Transnational Corporations and the Global Mindset 115 Walther Ch. Zimmerli and Markus Holzinger 7 Corporate Social Responsibility: Past and Present Practice at National Bank of Greece 127 Takis Arapoglou 8 The Reinhard Mohn Fellowship: Not-For-Profit and Business Learning from Each Other 141 Liz Mohn 9 CSR Implementation – How the Bertelsmann Foundation Supports the Implementation of Corporate Responsibility in Companies 147 Birgit Riess 10 Social Responsibility – a Sustainable Strategy for Business Success or Making a Profit with Non-profit 165 Peter Walter 11 The Body Shop: Living the Dream 181 Jan Oosterwijk 12 Translating Corporate Social Responsibility Policy into Practice in BT 201 Ben Verwaayen .....................................................................................................................................CONTENTS vii 13 The Business of Empowering Women: Innovative Strategies for Promoting Social Change 209 Barbara Krumsiek and M. Charito Kruvant 14 Corporate Philosophy – Seeking Harmony between People, Society and the Global Environment and Creating a Prosperous Society through Making Automobiles 223 Yoshio Shirai 15 The Kyosei Philosophy and CSR 235 Fujio Mitarai 16 A Decade of Environmental and Sustainability Reporting at Credit Suisse Group 241 H.-U. Doerig 17 Microfinance as Profitable Good Practice 263 Rolf-E. Breuer 18 Business Ethics as a Management Instrument – Vision, Values and Code of Conduct at Henkel 277 Ulrich Lehner 19 A Company’s Social Side 309 Markus Holzinger, Klaus Richter and Dirko Thomsen 20 In the Driver’s Seat: Implementing Sustainable Management Around the Globe 331 Katja Suhr and Andreas von Schumann 21 What Gets Measured Gets Done 347 Anita Roper PART III: RANKING AND AUDITING 367 22 The ‘Good Company Ranking’ of the Manager Magazin 369 Arno Balzer and Michael Kro¨her viii .....................................................................................................................................CONTENTS 23 The Caux Round Table: Taking CSR from Aspiration to Action 385 Stephen B. Young and Frank Straub Index 401 List of Contributors Takis Arapoglou Chairman and CEO, National Bank of Greece, Athens, Greece; Member, World Corporate Ethics’ Council/ICCA’s Advisory Board Takis Arapoglou is chairman and CEO of National Bank of Greece, Athens. Prior to this he served on the board of directors of Egyptian American Bank, a subsidiary of American Express in Egypt (1994–6), and on the asset and liability committee of Citigroup Europe. Takis Arapoglou was a member of the supervisory board of Citibank Sweden (1984–5) and of the supervisory board of Chase Manhattan Bank Finland (1989–90) as well as of the Hellenic Bank Association (1991–3). In 2000, Takis Arapoglou returned to Citigroup in London as managing director and Global Banks Industry head after having served as general manager of Citibank/Citigroup in Greece in 1997. Christopher Avery Director, Business Human Rights Resource Centre, London, United Kingdom Christopher Avery is founder and director of the Business Human Rights Resource Centre. He worked at the International Secretariat of Amnesty International in London, as legal adviser, x..................................................................................................................................... LIST OF CONTRIBUTORS then as deputy head of the 130-member research department. His work included representing Amnesty at the United Nations. After leaving Amnesty, Christopher Avery conducted independent field research in Africa and Asia on companies’ involvement in development and human rights projects. He researched and wrote Business and Human Rights in a Time of Change, a report published by Amnesty International UK in 2000. In 1997 Christopher Avery was Stanford University’s seventh Visiting Mentor – a Haas Center for Public Service programme that ‘brings distinguished professionals in public service to a week-long residency on campus’. Christopher Avery was educated at Columbia University School of Law (LLM), University of California Davis School of Law (JD; Order of the Coif; Corpus Juris Secundum Award) and Stanford University (BA, Honours). Dr Arno Balzer Editor in Chief, Manager Magazin, Hamburg, Germany Arno Balzer, born in 1958 in Biedenkopf, was appointed the new chief editor of the Manager Magazin on 1 July 2003. After studying economics at the Mainz and Nuremberg universities, and obtaining his doctorate in 1986, Arno Balzer started his career at the German business magazine Wirtschaftswoche as an editor before joining the Manager Magazin in 1990. In 1999 Arno Balzer was made deputy chief editor for financial markets
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