.82 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD-HOUSE . NovEUBER 23, Sallie E. Saint Jacque to be postmaster at Higgins, Tex., in Robert C. Bulkley to be postmaster at Whitewater, Wis., place of F. K. Winsett. Incumbent's commission expired March in place of W. C. Kiernan. Incumbent's commis ion expired aw~ · January 24, 1922. James A. Aldridge to be postmaster at De"'9'ine, Tex., in place Fred J. Hurless to be po tmaster at Viola, Wis., in place of J. A. Aldridge. Incumbent's commissi-0n expired April 6, of L. L. Henthorn. Incumbent's commission expired September 19~2. 5, 1922. in Robert L. Jones to be postmaster at Celeste, Tex., place C. Amelia Knudson to be postmaster at Scandinavia, Wis., of W. E. Thomp on, 1·esigned. in place of A. L. Olson, resigned. UTAH. John D. Laughlin to be po ·tmaster at l\Iarion, Wis., in place of J. D. Laughlin. Incumbent's commission expired September l\Iary W. Hall to be postmaster at Hurricane, Utah. Office 5, 1922. became presidential April 1, 1922. Glen A. Jensen to be postmaster at Manti, Utah, in place of William l\!artin to be po tmaster at Campbellsport, Wis., N. II. Felt. Incumbent's commission expired September 5, 1922. in place of A. F. Fleischmann, declined. Clarence B. Jensen to be postmaster at Oambridge, Wis., '\"ERMONT. in place of W. B. Telyea, resigned. William T. l\Iead to be postmaster at Underhill, Vt. Office Robert Luchsinger to be postmaster at BelleYille, Wis., in became presidential October 1, 1922. place Of 1\1. M. Wilson. lncumbent's commission expired April William J. Wright to be postmaster at Montgomery Center, 30, 1922. Vt. Office became presidential October 1, 1922. WYOMING. Alvi T. Davis to be postmaster at Marshfield, Vt. Office be­ Hubert S. Ladd to be vostmaster at Hud on, Wyo. Office came presidential January 1, 1921. became presidential January 1, 1921. VIRGINIA. Charles G. Rowell to be postmaster at Surry, Va. Office be­ came presidential January 1, 1921. HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES. barles V. Tucker to be postmaster at Phenix, Va. Office be­ came presidential July 1, 1921. THURSDAY, N overnl;er ~3 19r.12. Augustus R. Morris to be postmaster at JetersYille, Va. Office became presidential July 1, 1920. The Hou e met at 12 o'clock noon. The Chaplain. Rev. James Shera .Montgomery, D. D., offered harlie R. Fisher to be postmaster at Wytheville, Va., in the following prayer : place of C. N. Otey. Incumbent's commi. sion eb.-pired Septem­ ber 13, 1922. 0 . God, Thou art all in all; to Thy power tbere is no limita­ Jacob H. Furr to IJe postmnster at Waynesboro, Va., in place tion and Tby mercy en<lureth forever. We are unwortlly of of J. T. Cooke. Iucumbent's commission expired September Thy ministry, but have mercy upon us and magnify Thy strength 13. 1922. according to our weakness. Forgive us our sin . and remember Joseph W. tewart to be postmaste1· at Richmond, Va., in us at our best. Dwell with us; be Thou our guide, our gue t, pJace or H. T. Thornton. Incumbent's comruission expired nnd continue to be our constant benefactor. Enable us always September 13, 1922. to keep in mind that goodne s and petsonal integrity can never Pa.trick J. Riley to b postmaster at Port mouth, Va., in place fail. In the ame of Je ·us. Amen. of S. T. l\lontague. Incumbent's commission expired September The Journal of the proceedings of resterday was read and 13. 1922. apprm-ed. Philip L. Hurrington to be postmaster at Independence, Va., in place of C. W. Rudolph, resigned. RETl'RN OF BILL TO THE SEN.ATE. Walter C. Franklin to be postmaster at Pamplin, Va., in place The SPEAKER. Tlle Chair lays before the House the fol­ of L. N. Ligon, re igned. lowing message from the Senate. Manley W. Carter to be postmaster at Orange, Va.. in place The Clerk read as follows: of II. G. Shackelford. Incumbent's commission expired January Resolved, That the House of Repre e.nt.atives be r quested to return 24, 1922. to the Senate the bill (8. 3855) to ascertain and . ettle land claim of persons not Indian within pueblo Indian land, land grants, and reser­ Ira D. Baker to be postma ter at Lovettsnlle, Ya., in place vations in the State of New ~lexico. of C. F. Shumaker. Incumbent's commission expired July 21, The SPEAKER. Without objection, the ommittee on Indian 1921. Affairs will be discharged from the consideration of the bill, Georgie H. Osborne to be po tmaster at Keysville, Ya.. in and the request of the Senate will be granted. [After a pau e.] place of W.. EJ. Hailey. Incumbent's commission expired July The Chair hears no objection. 21, 1921. Ollie 1\1. Colbert to be postmaster at Gretna, Va., in place of • MESSAGE FROM THE SEN ATE. W. E. Ramsey. Incumbent's commission expired September 13, A message from the Senate, by l\Ir. Graven, its Chief Clerk, 1922. announced that the Senate had passed with amendment the bill Gatewood L. Schumaker to be postmaster at Covington, Va., (H. R. 12859) to provide fOr certain expenses incident to the in place of F. H. Rinehart. Incumbent's commission expiretl third ession of the Sixty-sev.enth Congress, in which the con­ September 13, 1922. currence of the House of Representatives was requested. William H. Haney to be postmaster at Claremont, Va., in THE MERCHANT MARINE.· place of J. C. Hudgins. Incumbent's commission expired March 16, 1921. Mr. GREENE of Massachusetts. Mr. Speaker, I move that Ferdinand C. Knight to be postmaster at .Alexandria, Va., in the House re olve it elf into the Committee of tbe Whole House place of W. l\f. Smith. Incumbent's commission expired Jan- on the state of the Union for the consideration of the bill H. R. uary 24, 1922. • · 12817. The motion was agreed to. WASHINGTON. Accordingly the House resolved itself into the Committee Edward Van Dyke to be postmaster at Lake Stevens, Wa h. of the Whole House on the state of the Union for the consider­ Office became presidential April 1, 1922. ation of the bill H. R. 12817, with MI·. Trr.soN in the chair. WEST VIRGINIA. The CHAIRMAN. The House is in Committee of the Whole Charles B. Crawford to be postmaster at Cabincreek, W. Va. House on the state of the Union for the consideration of the Office became presidential January 1, 1921. bill H. R. 12817, which the Clerk will reportA Oscar G. Casto to be postmaster at Adrian, W. Va. Office The Clerk read as follows : became presidential April 1, 1921. A bill (H. R. 12817) to amend and supplement the merchant marine act, 1920, and for other purposes. WISCONSIN. Mr. GREENE of Massachusetts. Mr. Chairman, I ask unani­ Clarence W. Hebard to be postmaster at Sheldon, Wis. Office mou consent that the first reading of the bill be dispensed with. became presidential July 1, 1922. The CHAIRMAN. Is there objection? [After a pause.] The Marinus .Jensen to be postmaster at Mountain, Wis. Office Ohair hears none. The gentleman from l\Iassachusetts [Mr. became presidential January 1, 1921. GREENE]. [Applause.] Clara M. Johnson to be po tmaster at Ettrick, Wis. Office Mr. GREE!'-.TE of Massachusetts. l\Ir. Chairman and mem­ became presidential July 1, 1920. bers of the committee, this bill (H. R. 12817) is offered. in ful­ Richard J. Hansen to be postmaster at Elcho, Wis. Office be­ fillment of reiterated solemn platform pledge of the Repub­ came presidential April 1, 1920. lican Party to help and upbuild the American merchant marin~ 1922. OONGRESSION AL RECORD-HOUSE. 83 ' But it is offered in no partisan spirit, because the Democratic policy is intrusted to the Commissioner General of Immigra­ Party also has. repeatedly pleuged itself in its national plat­ tion, under the Secretary of Labor, with necessary regulations, forms to restore the American tlag to the high seas. All of us subject to the approval of the Secretary of State. Americans-North, 8outh, Bast, and West-in the years before There is no subsidy in this immigration provision. It does the World War regarded with dismay the . weakness of our not cost the United States a cent. It will undoubtedly insure ocean can·ying trade and the fact that more than nine-tenths more humane care of immigrants on American vessels subject of the trade thut should ba·rn been our own was monopolized to our laws than would be possible on foreign vessels. It can by foreigners. not and will not be objected to by those who come here from The bill is the result of months of careful study by officials deliberate choice to become cHizens of this Republic. They will of the Shipping Board, followed by protracted hearings held rejoice to sail from their foreign homes to our ports under the jointly by the Committee on the :Merchant Marine and Fisheries flag that is to be their flag and the flag of their children, just of the House· and the Committee on Commerce of the other as it is yours and mine. Chamber. Those hearings were continued day after day and Two years ago the merchant marine act of 1920, reported to week after week, from April 4 to May 19, and ended only when the Senate and House as a nonpartisan measure and upheld there were no more persons to be heard. The record of these and enacted by our two great political parties working together, hearings exceeds in its printed pages even the exhaustive re­ provided in one of the sections for a revolving loan construc­ port of the Gallinger Merchant l\Iarine Commission of 1904-5.
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