Atv\ERICAN BoTfoNICAL COUNCIL MEDICINAL PLANTS OF FIELD GUIDE TO EASTERN/ r------, FIELD GUIDE TO VENOMOUS WEST AFRICA J'r:l ERSO:\ F!ELO Gl !Df); CENTRAL MEDICINAL ANIMALS & POISONOUS by Edward Ayensu. 1978. 187 PLANTS, species of reported medicinal by Steven Foster ond James Duke. i;~iLJ PLANTSby Steven Foster ond Roger Caras. plants and their uses, 127 1990. Pocket size guide to i 1994. Pocket size guide to safety in illustro~ons, that occur in West medicinal plant use, iden~fying 500 the field. Features 90 venomous Africa, local names and the medicinal plants, their uses, animals and over 250 poisonous standard scientific binomials. remedies, line drawings, over 200 plants and fungi. 340 line drawings Bibliography, glossary of medical color photos. From the Peterson and 160 color photos. From the terms, medical and botanical Field Guide Series®. Hardcover, Peterson Field Guide Series®. indexes. Hardcover, 330 pp. 366 pp. $24.95 #B096 Hardcover, 244 pp. $24.95 #B097 $39.95 #B094 NEEM, A TREE FOR SOLVING ETHNOBOTANY AND THE OUTLINE GUIDE TO CHINESE GLOBAL PROBLEMS I:J:"fl:fi~~...:. .....w.n SEARCH FOR NEW DRUGS, HERBAL PATENT MEDICINES BOSTID, Notional Academy Press. IJSIIA!II~IIL.li1~\t.l.l!!'l Cibo Foundation Symposium 185. IN PILL FORM 1992. This book contains the 1994. This book examines how by Margaret Neoser.1991. 2nd medicinal uses, chemical ethnomedicol reports perform when edition. Over 17 5 potent medicines cons~tuents, growing and judged by scientific standards and ore explained. Organized with propogo~on, habitats, insec~cidol ways to develop the discipline of Chinese characters and English use, cultural use, safety tests, ethnobotony for o more quontito~ve tronslo~on and Pinyin spelling, reforesto~on, industrial products, and approach. 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