kristallnacht Musical message of hope By Bob Lane by children incarcerated in the system. camp at Terezin was tragically Terezin Concentration camp.” Most famous, perhaps, are just one of the many tools that Even the worst possible She felt that the poems the drawings and poems of the Nazis employed in that setting can be a birthplace of would connect with him in children, said Rochelle L. Mil- attempt. Millen says that the hope, beauty and inspiration. some special way. len, professor emerita of reli- poems by the children of Ter- That is the encouraging mes- “She appeared at my apart- gion at Wittenberg University. ezin written over seventy years sage of Gary William Fried- ment with a book entitled: I “It is testimony to the courage ago, bear witness that the Nazis man’s composition, Butterfly: Never Saw Another Butterfly of the children and their teach- failed in their attempts and also The Ohio Jewish Chronicle A Musical Journey of Hope. - a collection of works of art ers, who continued to live, to serve to inspire all of us today. Serving Columbus and the Central Ohio Friedman’s musical composi- and poetry by Jewish children teach, to paint, to learn, and to The Kristallnacht perfor- Jewish Community since 1922 tion will be premiered as a part incarcerated in the concentra- hope, despite the constant fear mance will be conducted by of the Columbus community’s tion camp Theresienstadt,” of violent death, a fear based the composer and will fea- VOLUME 92 October 30, 2014 Kristallnacht Commemoration Friedman said. “I was deeply on a realistic assessment of the ture Cantor Jack Chomsky of taking place Sunday, Novem- moved by these cries of af- ISSUE 24 6 CHESHVAN 5775 ber 9 at 4 p.m. at the Gloria Dei firmation and hope, written Worship Center of Trinity Lu- under such hopelessly horrible DEVOTED TO AMERICAN AND JEWISH IDEALS theran Seminary, 2199 E. Main conditions.” St. in Bexley. Friedman’s com- Shortly after that encounter, position, an orchestral cantata, Susan died in a fatal auto acci- Museum to is based on seven of the well- dent. “At that same time, I was known poems of children who dealt another tragic blow: the illuminate Poland were held prisoner in Terezin, death of my first wife, Barbara. page 3 a concentration camp in what is I put the book aside. That was now the Czech Republic. over sixteen years ago,” Fried- An excerpt from one such man said. poem, Fear, which was penned Later Friedman remarried. Israeli Americans by Eva Pikova, is a poignant “My life was artistically re- find their voice example of the hopeful confi- newed through the blessing of Cantor Jack Chomsky (r) working with gabbi Cohen (l) and marriage to my second wife.” Halley Dunn (2nd from right) and with accompanist martha page 4 After many years had passed Tepper in preparation for the upcoming premiere of gary from the time of Susan’s death, William Friedman’s Butterfly. Friedman says he was inexpli- Take the call! cably compelled to revisit I situation in which they found Congregation Tifereth Israel, page 6 Never Saw Another Butterfly. themselves.” along with teenagers Gabrielle His niece’s words about the “While Terezin was not Cohen of New Albany and Hal- poems connecting to him in a an extermination camp, as ley Dunn of Bexley, as well as special way became prophetic. were Auschwitz, Sorbibor, a 12-player musical ensemble “I knew the time had come Treblinka and several others, of outstanding local profes- SPECIAL PULLOUT - pp 9-20 for me to set them to music,” 33,000 persons perished there, sional musicians. The musical Friedman said. “These poems while 88,000 were deported to performance is made possible reflect the ceaseless spirit and Auschwitz,” Millen said. by funding from the Skilken courage of the children of Kristallnacht, “the Night of Family Foundation. Terezin.” Broken Glass,” refers to the The annual event is a collab- gary William Friedman Terezin was a concentration wave of violent anti-Jewish oration of the Jewish Federa- camp located 60 km northwest pogroms that took place on tion of Columbus and Trinity • Consider gifts of dence that existed among the of Prague. More than 150,000 November 9 and 10, 1938, Lutheran Seminary in present- stocks and securities children of Terezin, despite the Jews were sent there, includ- throughout Germany, Aus- ing programs on Kristallnacht frightening crucible in which it ing 15,000 children. Despite tria, and the Sudetenland. to mark this dark day in history. • Kane to head initiative was created: its appalling circumstances, it Instigated by the Nazis, rioters “How to remember, how to …Today a father’s heart beat somehow became a place of destroyed at least 267 syna- pass on connections to next page 7 tells his fright significant cultural life. The gogues, shattered shop win- generations—this is a grow- And mothers bend their distinctiveness of the camp- dows, and looted about 7,500 ing challenge,” noted Can- heads into their hands ghetto’s cultural life lies in the Jewish-owned businesses, tor Chomsky, who was ap- And children choke and die proached by Friedman, a long- of typhus here time friend, about presenting A bitter tax is taken from the work in Columbus. their hands Friedman is an accomplished composer known especially for My heart still beats, inside his theatrical works, including my breast The Me Nobody Knows, an In The Chronicle While friends depart for OBIE Award winning musical At the JCC ............................. page 8 other worlds that is preparing for a Broad- way revival this spring. He Bowling ............................... page 21 Perhaps it’s better, who can say has written commissions for Than watching this, to die the Kennedy Center and the Community ......................... page 22 today Lancaster Music Festival, and written widely in jazz, film Deaths ................................. page 26 No, no my God, we want and symphonic areas. He is to live also the composer of American Federation ............................. page 6 Not watch our numbers melt Selichot Service, which has away been performed several times Foundation ............................ page 7 in Columbus. We want to have, a better The program will include Front Page ............................. page 2 world, Watercolor by eva Bulova who was brought to Terezin at the prayers from Jewish and Lu- We want to work age of 12 and died at auschwitz at the age of 14. theran traditions in memory Marketplace ......................... page 12 We must not die of the victims of Kristallnacht activities of thousands of pro- desecrated Jewish cemeter- and the Shoah, as well as re- Synagogues .................. pages 26-27 We want to live fessional and amateur artists, ies, brutalized thousands of marks on the historical context We must not die! their concerts, theatrical per- Jews, killing at least 91, and by Professor Millen. Cantor Taste This ............................ page 18 formances, artworks, poetry arrested up to 30,000 Jewish Bat-Ami Moses of Temple Friedman says that his en- readings, and, above all, the men, moving most of them to Israel and Rabbi Howard Apo- Viewpoint .............................. page 5 gagement with these poems composition of musical works. concentration camps. thaker of Temple Beth Shalom was brought about by fate. An article on the United States Kristallnacht represented will participate, along with World News........................page 3-4 “Out of the blue, my beloved Holocaust Museum’s website an essential turning point in Rev. Skip Cornett and Trinity niece, Susan, called me,” states that such an outpouring Nazi Germany’s persecution of President Rick Barger. Friedman said. “She had an of culture, under such unimag- Jews, which culminated in the The Trinity Seminary Choir inexplicable urgency to show inably difficult conditions was attempt to annihilate the Jews and members of KOLEINU me a book of poems, written unparalleled in the Nazi camp of Europe. The concentration see message, page 23 mymedicarequestion.com Medicare Questions? Answers Here! OJC - OCTOBER 30, 2014-1 F ROnT pagE ‘Happiness’ course to be taught here and worldwide By Ruth Sternberg for it. Ben-Shahar, who wrote messages within faith-based tra- course as about “how the sci- the books, Happier, and Be- ditions and their lasting effects ence of positive psychology is “Are you happy?” Many ing Happy: You Don’t Have on those who embrace them. now corroborating what Juda- people have been confronted To Be Perfect to Lead a Richer Kaltmann and Rabbi Levi ism has always known about with this deceptively simple Happier Life, now teaches the Andrusier, Schottenstein what makes us happy.” question. How they answer course worldwide online. Chabad education director, are Kaltmann said he is tre- says a lot about how they live Positive psychology advo- teaching a course created by mendously excited to offer the their lives, says Rabbi Areyah cates that happiness — con- the Brooklyn-based, Chabad- classes. Within Judaism, he Kaltmann, director of the Lori tentment and satisfaction with sponsored Rohr Jewish Learn- said, there is plenty of attention Schottenstein Chabad Center in one’s own life — is the most ing Institute. “How Happiness to the positive things in life. New Albany. important facet of living. Propo- Thinks” draws on classical For instance, each morning, Many people, he notes, might nents encourage people to reach Jewish and mystical teachings observant Jews pray: “I express answer that they are relatively forward in their “okay-ness” to focus on the science of posi- my gratitude before You, Living Isaac Nipert (center) portrays asher Lev in the columbus content, but are still looking for and flourish through reflections, tive psychology. and Eternal King, for You have production. something more – and therein meditations and other activities. The six-week course, taught returned my soul to me with lies the potential of positive It turns out that this way in two places at once — the compassion; how great is your psychology.
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