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Contents Sammanfattning xiii Abstract xiv 1 Introduction 1 1.1 Content Overview ......................... 2 1.2 Author’s Contribution ....................... 2 2 Theoretical Overview of the Standard Model 5 2.1 Introduction ............................. 5 2.2 Particle Classification ....................... 6 2.3 Electroweak Symmetry Group ................... 7 2.4 Electroweak Interactions ...................... 11 2.4.1 Charged Currents Interaction ............... 12 2.4.2 Neutral Current Interaction ................ 12 2.5 Strong Interaction ......................... 13 2.6 The Mass Generation Mechanism ................. 16 2.6.1 Global Symmetry Spontaneous Breaking ......... 16 2.6.2 The Higgs Mechanism ................... 17 2.6.3 Masses for the W ± and Z0 Gauge Bosons ........ 20 2.7 Experimental Confirmation of the Standard Model ....... 22 3 Beyond the Standard Model 25 3.1 Open Questions of the Standard Model ............. 25 3.1.1 The Hierarchy Problem and Naturalness ......... 25 3.1.2 Dark Matter ........................ 26 3.2 Supersymmetry ........................... 27 3.2.1 Status of the Experimental Search for Supersymmetry .28 3.3 Large Extra Dimensions ...................... 29 3.3.1 Consequences of the Kaluza-Klein Theory ........ 29 3.3.2 The Arkani-Hamed, Dimopoulos, Dvali Model ..... 30 3.3.3 Status of the Experimental Search for ADD ....... 31 4 Experimental Apparatus 33 4.1 The Large Hadron Collider .................... 33 4.2 The ATLAS Detector ....................... 34 4.2.1 The Coordinate System .................. 36 i 4.2.2 The Inner Detector ..................... 36 4.2.3 The Calorimeter ...................... 38 4.2.4 The Muon Spectrometer .................. 39 4.2.5 The Forward Detectors .................. 40 4.2.6 The Trigger System .................... 40 4.3 The 2015 and 2016 ATLAS Datasets ............... 40 5 Noise Studies with the Tile Calorimeter 43 5.1 Calorimetry ............................. 43 5.1.1 Electromagnetic Shower .................. 43 5.1.2 Hadronic Shower ...................... 43 5.1.3 Energy Resolution ..................... 44 5.2 The ATLAS TileCal ........................ 45 5.2.1 Signal Reconstruction ................... 46 Optimal Filtering ...................... 47 The TileCal Calibration .................. 47 5.2.2 Electronic Noise ...................... 48 Digital Noise ........................ 48 Cell Noise .......................... 49 5.3 The 2011 TileCal Run 1 Reprocessing .............. 50 5.3.1 Results ........................... 50 5.4 Time Stability ........................... 52 5.5 Conclusions ............................. 57 6 Objects Reconstruction for the Monojet Analysis 59 6.1 Primary Vertex ........................... 59 6.2 Track reconstruction ........................ 59 6.3 Electrons .............................. 60 6.4 Muons ................................ 62 6.5 Topocluster ............................. 62 6.6 Jets ................................. 63 6.6.1 The anti-k t Algorithm ................... 63 6.6.2 The Jet Vertex Tagger .................. 63 6.6.3 Jet Calibration ....................... 65 6.6.4 Jet Selection ........................ 66 6.6.5 Identification of b and c Jets ............... 67 6.7 Overlap Removal .......................... 67 6.8 Missing Transverse Energy ..................... 68 7 Search for Compressed Supersymmetry Models with 2015 AT- LAS Data 71 7.1 Missing Transverse Energy and SUSY Particle Masses ..... 71 7.2 Event Selection ........................... 74 7.3 Jet Veto .............................. 75 7.4 Sources of Background ....................... 77 7.5 Estimation of the Z + jets and W + jets backgrounds ..... 78 7.5.1 The Muon Control Region ................. 78 7.5.2 The Electron Control Region ............... 79 ii 7.5.3 The Di-Muon Control Region ............... 80 7.5.4 The Global Simultaneous Likelihood Fit ......... 81 7.6 Other Backgrounds ......................... 82 7.6.1 The Multi-Jet Background ................ 82 7.6.2 The Non-Collision Background .............. 83 7.7 Background Systematic Uncertainties ............... 83 7.7.1 Theoretical Uncertainties ................. 83 7.7.2 Experimental Uncertainties ................ 84 7.8 Signal Systematic Uncertainties .................. 85 7.8.1 Parton Distribution Function Uncertainties ....... 85 7.8.2 Scale Uncertainties ..................... 87 7.8.3 Matching, Tune, Initial and Final State Radiation Un- certainties .......................... 88 7.9 Results and Interpretations .................... 89 7.9.1 The Statistical Procedure ................. 89 The CLS Method ...................... 92 7.9.2 Expected Limits ...................... 93 7.9.3 Model Independent Limits ................. 95 7.9.4 SUSY Compressed Spectra Interpretation ........ 95 8 Search for Large Extra Dimensions with 2015 and 2016 ATLAS Data 97 8.1 Phenomenology of the ADD Model ................ 97 8.2 Validity of the Effective Field Theory ............... 100 8.3 Event Selection ........................... 102 8.4 Background Estimation ...................... 103 8.4.1 The Muon Control Region With b-Jets .......... 103 8.4.2 The Muon Control Region With b-Veto ......... 104 8.4.3 The Electron Control Region ............... 105 8.4.4 The Di-Muon Control Region ............... 106 8.4.5 Corrections to The V + jets Processes .......... 107 8.4.6 Fit Strategy ......................... 108 8.5 Systematic Uncertainties ...................... 109 8.5.1 Experimental Systematic Uncertainties .......... 110 Luminosity ......................... 110 Jets Nuisance Parameters ................. 110 b-tagging Nuisance Parameters .............. 110 Electron Nuisance Parameters ............... 111 Muon Nuisance Parameters ................ 111 Missing Transverse Energy Nuisance Parameters .... 112 Pileup Nuisance Parameters ................ 112 8.5.2 Background Theoretical Systematic Uncertainties .... 113 V + jets High Order Corrections ............. 113 V + jets Parton Distribution Function Uncertainties . 114 V + jets Matching Uncertainties ............. 115 Diboson Background .................... 115 Top Quark Background .................. 116 8.6 Signal Theoretical Systematic Uncertainties ........... 117 iii 8.6.1 Parton Distribution Function Uncertainties ....... 117 8.6.2 Scale Uncertainties ..................... 118 8.6.3 Tune, Initial and Final State Radiation Uncertainties . 119 8.7 Results and Interpretations .................... 119 8.7.1 Signal Region Yields After Background Fit ....... 120 8.7.2 Model Independent Limits ................. 122 8.7.3 ADD Model Interpretation ................ 123 9 Conclusions 127 Bibliography 128 iv Si sta, come d’autunno, sugli alberi, le foglie. [G. Ungaretti, Soldati] Acronyms E T transverse energy. 36 η pseudorapidity. 36 miss E T missing transverse momentum. 68 p T transverse momentum. 36 pp proton-proton. 33 ADC Analog to Digital Converter. 47 ADD Arkani-Hamed, Dimopoulos, Dvali. xiv, 1–3, 30, 31, 41, 73, 97–103, 109, 117–120, 123, 125, 128 ALFA Absolute Luminosity For ATLAS. 40 ATLAS A Toroidal LHC apparatuS. 1–3, 22, 28, 31, 34, 36, 67, 71, 72, 75, 86, 88, 95, 97, 98, 102, 110, 115, 119, 122, 127, 128 BG background. 81 BIB Beam Induced Background. 83 BSM Beyond Standard Model. 25, 73, 77, 82, 95, 99, 122, 127 CB Combined. 62 CERN European Organization for Nuclear Research. 1, 33 CIS Charge Injection System. 47 CL Confidence Level. 92, 120, 122, 127, 128 CMS Compact Muon Solenoid. 1, 28 COOL ATLAS Condition Database. 48 CR Control Region. 78, 81, 82, 106, 109 CSC Cathode Strip Chambers. 39 vii CST Calorimeter Soft Term. 68 CT Calorimeter Tagged. 62 EB Extended Barrel. 45 EFT Effective Field Theory. 30, 100, 102 EM electromagnetic. 38, 65, 66 EW Electroweak. 107, 108, 113, 114 FCal LAr Forward Calorimeter. 39 FEB Front-End Board. 61 FSR Final State Radiation. 116, 119 GCW Global Cell Weighting. 66 GR General Relativity. 29 GS Global Sequential. 66 HEC Hadronic End-cap Calorimeter. 39 HFN High Frequency Noise. 48 HG High Gain. 47 HGHG High Gain - High Gain. 49 HGLG Hig Gain - Low Gain. 49 HLT High Level Trigger. 40, 41 HS Hard Scatter. 59, 64, 75 HV High Voltage. 61 IBL Insertable B-Layer. 38 ID Inner Detector. 36, 61, 69 IOV Interval Of Validity. 52 IP interaction point. 34 ISR Initial State Radiation. 93, 116, 119 ITC Intermediate Tile Calorimeter. 46 JES Jet Energy Scale. 65, 66,
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