188 PUBLIC LAW 86-459-JUNE 13, 1958 [72 ST AT. encouragement of the arts, science, or education through broadcasting on a nonprofit basis over a television station owned or operated by any such organization or association or for transfer between or among such organizations and associations for such use on a nonprofit basis, under such rules and regulations as the Secretary of the Treasury may prescribe." Appiicabuity. SEC. 2. The amendments made by the first section of this Act shall apply only with respect to articles entered for consumption, or with­ drawn from warehouse for consumption, on or after the date of the enactment of this Act, and, in the case of articles imported under subparagraph (b) of paragraph 1631, prior to July 1, 1960. Approved June 13, 1958. Public Law 85-459 June 13, 1958 .,,,,^ AN ACT [H.R. 11767] Making appropriations for the Department of Agriculture and Farm Credit Administration for the fiscal year ending June 30, 1958, and for other pur­ poses. Be it enacted hy the Senate and House of Representatives of the D e p a r t tn ent of Agriculture and United States of America in Congress assembled, That the following Farm Credit Ad- sums are appropriated, out of any money in the Treasury not other­ minis t ration Ap- propria tion Act, wise appropriated, for the Department of Agriculture and Farm 1959. Credit Administration for the fiscal year ending June 30, 1959, namely: DEPARTMENT OF AGRICULTURE TITLE I—REGULAR ACTIVITIES AGRICULTURAL RESEARCH SERVICE SALARIES AND EXPENSES For -expenses necessary to perform agricultural research relating to production and utilization, to control and eradicate pests and plant and animal diseases, and to perform related inspection, quarantine and regulatory work, and meat inspection: Provided, That not to exceed $75,000 of the appropriations hereunder shall be available for employment pursuant to the second sentence of section 706 (a) of the Organic Act of 1944 (5 U. S. C. 574), as amended bv section 15 58 StJBt. 742. of the Act of August 2,1946 (5 U. S. C. 55a) : Provided further, That. 60 Stat. 810. appropriations hereunder shall be available for the operation and maintenance of aircraft and the purchase of not to exceed two, of which one shall be for replacement only: Provided further, That appropriations hereunder shall be available pursuant to title 5, United 58 Stat. 742. States Code, section 565a, for the construction, alteration, and repair of buildings and improvements, but unless otherwise provided, the cost of constructing any one building (except headhouses connecting greenhouses) shall not exceed $10,000, except for five buildings to be constructed or improved at a cost not to exceed $20,000 each, and the cost of altering any one building during the fiscal year shall not exceed $3,750 or 4 per centum of the cost of the building, whichever is greater: Research: For research and demonstrations on the production and utilization of agricultural products, and related research and services, including administration of payments to State agricultural experi­ ment stations; $59,0441890: Provided^ That the limitations contained 72 STAT.] PUBUC LAW 86-469-JUNE 13, 1968 189 herein shall not apply to replacement of buildings needed to carry out the Act of April 24,1948 (21U. S. C. 113a); 62 st.t. i98. Plant and animal disease and pest control: For operations and measures to control and eradicate pests and plant and animal dis­ eases and for carrying out assigned inspection, quarantine and regu­ latory activities, as authorized by law; $47,132,000, of which $1,000,000 shall be apportioned for use pursuant to section 3679 of the Revised |4 st^i^ 7^6i». Statutes, as amended, for the control of outbreaks of insects and plant diseases to the extent necessary to meet emergency conditions; Meat inspection: For carrying out the provisions of laws relating to Federal inspection of meat, and meat-food products, and the applicable provisions of the laws delating to process or renovated butter; $17,326,000. STATE EXPERIMENT STATIONS Payments to States, Hawaii, Alaska, and Puerto Eico: For pay­ ments to agricultural experiment stations to carry into effect the provisions of the Hatch Act, approved March 2, 1887, as amended by the Act approved August 11,1955 (7 U. S. C. 361a-361iJ, including 69 st«t. 671. administration by the United States Department of Agriculture, $31,053,708; and payments authorized under section 204 (b) of the Agricultural Marketing Act, the Act approved August 14, 1946 (7 U. S. C. 1623), $500,000; in all, $31,553,708. eo st.t. io89. Penalty mail: For penalty mail costs if agricultural experiment stations, under section 6 oi the Hatch ^ti of 1887, as amended, ' "^^ 36if. $250,000. DISEASES OF ANIMALS AND POULTRY Eradication activities: For expenses necessary in the arrest and eradication of foot-and-mouth disease, rinderpest, contagious pleuro­ pneumonia, or other contagious or infectious diseases of animals, or European rowl pest and similar diseases in poultry, and for foot-and- mouth disease and rinderpest programs undertaken pursuant to the provisions of the Act of February 28, 1947, and the Act of May 29, 1884, as amended (7 U. S. C. 391; 21 U. S. C. 111-122), including st«t\ a?."*' ''' " expenses in accordance with section 2 of said Act of February 28,1947, 21* use 1 i4c. the Secretary may transfer from other appropriations or funds avail­ able to the bureaus, corporations, or agencies of the Department such sums as he may deem necessary, but not to exceed $1,000,000 for eradi­ cation of vesicular exanthema of swine, to be available only in an emergency which threatens the livestock or poultry industry of the country, and any unexpended balances of funds transferred under this head in the next preceding fiscal year shall be merged with such trans­ ferred amounts: Provided, That this appropriation shall be subject to applicable provisions contained in the item "Salaries and expenses, Agricultural Research Service". EXTENSION SERVICE C00PERATI^^ EXTENSION WORK, PAYMENTS AND EXPENSES Payments to States, Hawaii, Alaska, and Puerto Rico: For pay­ ments for cooperative agricultural extension work under the Smitn- Lever Act, as amended by the Act of June 26, 1953 (7 U. S. C. 341- «7 st.t. 83. 348), and the Act of August 11,1955 (7 U. S. C. 347a), $52,220,000; and 69 8t.t. ess. payments and contracts for such work under section 204 (b)-205 of the Agricultural Marketing Act of 1946 (7 U. S. C. 1623-1624), 60 st.t. io89. $1,495,000; in all, $53,715,000: Provided, That funds hereby appro­ priated pursuant to section 3 (c) of the Act of June 26,1953, shall not 7 use 343. 190 PUBLIC LAW 85-459-JUNE 13, 1958 [72 STAT. be paid to any State, Hawaii, Alaska, or Puerto Rico prior to avail­ ability of an equal sum from non-Federal sources for expenditure during the current fiscal year. Retirement costs for extension agents: For cost of employer's share of Federal retirement for cooperative extension employees, $5,479,375. Penalty mail: For costs of penalty mail for cooperative extension agents and State extension directors, $1,868,480. Federal Extension Service: For administration of the Smith-Lever 67 Stat. 83. Act, as amended by the Act of June 26,1953 (7 U. S. C. 341-348), and 69 Stat. 683. the Act of August 11,1955 (7 U. S. C. 347a), and extension aspects of 60 Stat. 1087. the Agricultural Marketing Act of 1946 (7 U. S. C. 1621-1627), and to coordinate and provide program leadership for the extension work of the Department and the several States, Territories, and insular possessions, $2,096,540. FARMER COOPERATIVE SERVICE SALARIES AND EXPENSES 44 Stat. 802. For necessary expenses to carry out the Act of July 2, 1926 (7 U. S. C. 451-457), $578,000. SOIL CONSERVATION SERVICE CONSERVATION OPERATIONS For necessary expenses for carrying out the provisions of the Act 49 Stat. 163. of April 27, 1935 (16 U. S. C. 590a-590f), including preparation of conservation plans and establishment of measures to conserve soil and water (including farm irrigation and land drainage and such special measures as may be necessary to prevent floods and the silta- tion of reservoirs); operation of conservation nurseries; classification and mapping of soils; dissemination of information; purchase and erection or alteration of permanent buildings; and operation and maintenance of aircraft; $74,780,000: Provided^ That the cost of any permanent building purchased, erected, or as improved, exclusive of the cost of constructing a water supply or sanitary system and con­ necting the same to any such building and with the exception of build­ ings acquired in conjunction with land being purchased for other purposes, shall not exceed $2,500, except for eight buildings to be constructed or improved at a cost not to exceed $15,000 per building and except that alterations or improvements to other existing perma­ nent buildings costing $2,500 or more may be made in any fiscal year in an amount not to exceed $500 per building: Provided further^ That no part of this appropriation shall be available for the construction of any such building on land not owned by the Government: Pro­ vided further^ That in the State of Missouri, where the State has established a central State agency authorized to enter into agreements with the United States or any of its agencies on policies and general programs for the saving of its soil by the extension of Federal aid to any soil conservation district in such State, the agreements made by or on behalf of the United States with any such soil conservation district shall have the prior approval of such central State agency Restrictions.
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