March 3, 2021 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — HOUSE H1023 is reckless and dangerous for our po- Turner Wagner Wenstrup Messrs. SCHNEIDER, SHERMAN, Upton Walorski Westerman lice. Valadao Waltz Williams (TX) GARAMENDI, O’HALLERAN, and Mr. Speaker, because of H.R. 1, which Van Drew Weber (TX) Wilson (SC) MORELLE changed their vote from is a federalization of our elections, I Van Duyne Webster (FL) Zeldin ‘‘yea’’ to ‘‘nay.’’ also, today, will make a motion to ad- NAYS—222 Mrs. BOEBERT and Mr. LAMALFA journ so that Democrats can think a Adams Gottheimer O’Halleran changed their vote from ‘‘nay’’ to little bit harder. Aguilar Granger Ocasio-Cortez ‘‘yea.’’ The SPEAKER pro tempore. Mem- Allred Green, Al (TX) Omar So the motion to adjourn was re- bers are reminded to address their re- Amodei Grijalva Pallone jected. Auchincloss Haaland Panetta The result of the vote was announced marks to the Chair. Axne Harder (CA) Pappas Bacon Hastings as above recorded. f Pascrell Banks Hayes Payne Stated against: Bass Higgins (NY) Perlmutter Mr. CRIST. Mr. Speaker, due to an unfore- MOTION TO ADJOURN Beatty Himes Peters seen recorded vote, I was unable to leave a Bera Horsford Phillips Mrs. GREENE of Georgia. Mr. Speak- Beyer Houlahan previously scheduled engagement. Had I been er, I move that the House do now ad- Pingree Bishop (GA) Hoyer Pocan present, I would have voted ‘‘nay’’ on rollcall journ. Blumenauer Huffman Porter No. 56. The SPEAKER pro tempore. The Blunt Rochester Issa Pressley Bonamici Jackson Lee Ms. JOHNSON of Texas. Mr. Speaker, on Price (NC) question is on the motion to adjourn Bourdeaux Jacobs (CA) Wednesday, March 3, 2021, I was not able to Quigley offered by the gentlewoman from Geor- Bowman Jayapal Raskin make the recorded vote below. Had I been Brown Jeffries gia (Mrs. GREENE). Rice (NY) present, I would have voted ‘‘nay’’ on rollcall Brownley Johnson (GA) Rice (SC) The question was taken; and the Bush Jones No. 56. Speaker announced that the noes ap- Bustos Joyce (OH) Ross Ms. BARRAGA´ N. Mr. Speaker, I regret to peared to have it. Butterfield Kahele Roybal-Allard Ruiz inform you that I was unable to be present for Mrs. GREENE of Georgia. Mr. Speak- Carbajal Kaptur the vote for the motion to adjourn today. Had Ca´ rdenas Keating Rush er, on that I demand the yeas and nays. Carson Khanna Rutherford I been present, I would have voted ‘‘nay’’ on The SPEAKER pro tempore. Pursu- Cartwright Kildee Ryan rollcall No. 56. ant to section 3(s) of House Resolution Case Kilmer Sa´ nchez Mr. LARSEN of Washington. Mr. Speaker, I Casten Kim (NJ) Sarbanes 8, the yeas and nays are ordered. Castor (FL) Kind Scanlon rise to clarify my position on the Motion to Ad- The vote was taken by electronic de- Castro (TX) Kinzinger Schakowsky journ considered on the floor this morning. vice, and there were—yeas 182, nays Cheney Kirkpatrick Schiff I support full consideration of the For the 222, not voting 27, as follows: Chu Krishnamoorthi Schneider People Act and the George Floyd Justice in Cicilline Kuster Schrader [Roll No. 56] Clark (MA) Lamb Schrier Policing Act. I was unable to vote this morn- YEAS—182 Clarke (NY) Langevin Scott (VA) ing. Had I been present, I would have voted: Cleaver Larson (CT) Scott, David nay, on rollcall No. 56. Aderholt Gaetz Malliotakis Clyburn Lawrence Sewell MEMBERS RECORDED PURSUANT TO HOUSE Allen Garbarino Mann Cohen Lawson (FL) Sherman RESOLUTION 8, 117TH CONGRESS Armstrong Garcia (CA) Massie Connolly Lee (CA) Sherrill Arrington Gibbs Mast Cooper Lee (NV) Simpson Buchanan Kirkpatrick Neguse Babin Gimenez McCarthy Correa Leger Fernandez Sires (LaHood) (Stanton) (Perlmutter) Baird Gohmert McClain Courtney Levin (CA) Slotkin Ca´ rdenas Langevin Palazzo Balderson Gonzales, Tony McClintock Craig Levin (MI) Smith (WA) (Gomez) (Lynch) (Fleischmann) Barr Gonzalez (OH) McHenry Crow Lieu Soto DeSaulnier Lawson (FL) Payne Bentz Good (VA) Meijer Cuellar Lofgren Spanberger (Matsui) (Evans) (Wasserman Bergman Gooden (TX) Meuser Davids (KS) Lowenthal Schultz) Bice (OK) Gosar Miller (WV) Speier Deutch (Rice Lieu (Beyer) Davis, Danny K. Luria Stanton (NY)) Lowenthal Pingree (Kuster) Biggs Graves (LA) Moolenaar Dean Malinowski Rodgers (WA) Stevens Frankel, Lois (Beyer) Bilirakis Graves (MO) Moore (AL) DeGette Maloney, (Joyce (PA)) Strickland (Clark (MA)) Meng (Clark Bishop (NC) Greene (GA) Mullin DeLauro Carolyn B. Roybal-Allard Suozzi (MA)) Boebert Griffith Nehls DelBene Maloney, Sean Gaetz (McHenry) (Escobar) Swalwell ´ Bost Grothman Newhouse Delgado Manning Grijalva (Garcıa Moore (WI) Ruiz (Aguilar) Takano Brooks Guest Norman Demings Matsui (IL)) (Beyer) Rush Thompson (CA) Buchanan Guthrie Nunes DeSaulnier McBath Hastings Moulton (Underwood) Thompson (MS) Budd Hagedorn Obernolte Deutch McCollum (Wasserman (McGovern) Speier (Scanlon) Tlaib Burchett Harris Owens Dingell McEachin Schultz) Nadler (Jeffries) Vargas (Correa) Tonko Burgess Harshbarger Palazzo Doggett McGovern Huffman Napolitano Watson Coleman Calvert Hartzler Palmer Doyle, Michael McKinley Torres (CA) (McNerney) (Correa) (Pallone) Cammack Hern Pence F. McNerney Torres (NY) Wilson (FL) Carl Herrell Perry Escobar Meeks Trahan (Hayes) Carter (GA) Herrera Beutler Pfluger Underwood Eshoo Meng f Carter (TX) Hice (GA) Posey Espaillat Miller-Meeks Vargas Chabot Higgins (LA) Reed Evans Moore (UT) Veasey FOR THE PEOPLE ACT OF 2021 Cline Hill Reschenthaler Fletcher Moore (WI) Vela Cloud Hinson Rodgers (WA) Foster Morelle Vela´ zquez The SPEAKER pro tempore. Pursu- Clyde Hollingsworth Rogers (AL) Frankel, Lois Moulton Walberg ant to clause 1(c) of rule XIX, further Cole Hudson Rogers (KY) Gallagher Mrvan Wasserman consideration of the bill (H.R. 1) to ex- Comer Huizenga Rose Gallego Murphy (FL) Schultz Crawford Jackson Rosendale Garamendi Murphy (NC) Watson Coleman pand Americans’ access to the ballot Crenshaw Jacobs (NY) Rouzer Garcı´a (IL) Nadler Welch box, reduce the influence of big money Curtis Johnson (LA) Roy Garcia (TX) Napolitano Wexton in politics, strengthen ethics rules for Davidson Johnson (OH) Salazar Golden Neal Wild Davis, Rodney Johnson (SD) Scalise Gomez Neguse Williams (GA) public servants, and implement other DesJarlais Jordan Schweikert Gonzalez, Newman Wilson (FL) anti-corruption measures for the pur- Diaz-Balart Joyce (PA) Scott, Austin Vicente Norcross Womack pose of fortifying our democracy, and Donalds Katko Sessions Duncan Keller Smith (MO) NOT VOTING—27 for other purposes, will now resume. Dunn Kelly (MS) Smith (NE) Barraga´ n Fudge Ruppersberger The Clerk read the title of the bill. Emmer Kelly (PA) Smucker Boyle, Brendan Green (TN) Smith (NJ) AMENDMENT NO. 28 OFFERED BY MRS. LESKO Estes Kim (CA) Spartz F. Johnson (TX) Titus Fallon Kustoff Stauber The SPEAKER pro tempore. It is now Brady Kelly (IL) Trone Feenstra LaHood Steel in order to consider amendment No. 28 Buck Larsen (WA) Waters Ferguson LaMalfa Stefanik Bucshon Lynch Wittman printed in part B of House Report 117– Fischbach Lamborn Steil Cawthorn McCaul Fitzgerald Latta Steube Yarmuth 9. Costa Mfume Young Mrs. LESKO. Mr. Speaker, I have an Fitzpatrick LaTurner Stewart Crist Miller (IL) Fleischmann Lesko Stivers DeFazio Mooney amendment at the desk. Fortenberry Long Taylor The SPEAKER pro tempore. The Foxx Loudermilk Tenney b 1032 Clerk will designate the amendment. Franklin, C. Lucas Thompson (PA) ´ Scott Luetkemeyer Tiffany Ms. JACKSON LEE, Mr. GARCIA of The text of the amendment is as fol- Fulcher Mace Timmons Illinois, Mr. WOMACK, Mrs. AXNE, lows: VerDate Sep 11 2014 06:09 Mar 04, 2021 Jkt 019060 PO 00000 Frm 00005 Fmt 7634 Sfmt 0634 E:\CR\FM\K03MR7.009 H03MRPT1 SSpencer on DSK126QN23PROD with HOUSE H1024 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — HOUSE March 3, 2021 Strike section 4208. free speech, triggers universal mail-in of this bill to provide increased trans- The SPEAKER pro tempore. Pursu- ballots, creates an election czar, strips parency in political advertising. Fun- ant to House Resolution 179, the gen- voter ID requirements, and so much damentally, Americans deserve to tlewoman from Arizona (Mrs. LESKO) more. know who is paying for online political and a Member opposed each will con- This bill jeopardizes the future of ads to ensure that they are informed trol 5 minutes. Americans’ freedom of speech with new voters. The Chair recognizes the gentle- requirements for public disclosure of Digital advertising can also have a woman from Arizona. support of political campaigns and can- far greater reach than broadcast adver- Mrs. LESKO. Mr. Speaker, I yield didates. tising. Online political ads are rel- myself such time as I may consume. Mr. Speaker, we cannot claim to be atively inexpensive to produce and can Mr. Speaker, I am here today to offer protecting the rights and freedoms en- be disseminated instantly to vast audi- an amendment to remove section 4208 shrined in our Constitution when this, ences across great distances without from H.R. 1. the For the People Act—more aptly regard to geographic boundaries. It is Section 4208 is a dangerous provision named the for the politicians act—is time for our disclosure and disclaimer of this bill that will put people’s pri- under consideration. laws and regulations to be updated to vate information on display and put Mrs. LESKO. Mr. Speaker, I yield 1 reflect how campaigns are run in the their personal security at risk. minute to the gentlewoman from Texas 21st century and how to keep pace with This section aims to forbid anony- (Ms. VAN DUYNE). changing technology. mous speech. Throughout American Ms. VAN DUYNE. Mr. Speaker, I ap- The online platform records require- history, anonymous speech about polit- preciate the gentlewoman’s amend- ments in this section are key to the ical matters has played a vital role. ment, and I will be supporting it. Honest Ads Act, which is a part of H.R. From the Federalist Papers, to those Mr. Speaker, I rise today in opposi- 1, designed to improve transparency in who supported the civil rights move- tion to H.R.
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