Revista de Biología Tropical ISSN: 0034-7744 rbt@cariari.ucr.ac.cr Universidad de Costa Rica Costa Rica Quijano-Scheggia, Sonia; Barajas-Gonzalez, Maribel; Chang Lim, Hong; Pin Leaw, Chui; Olivos-Ortiz, Aramis; Gaviño-Rodriguez, Juan; Blanco Pérez, Juan; Bates, Stephen S. The inhibitory effect of a non-yessotoxin-producing dinoflagellate, Lingulodinium polyedrum (Stein) Dodge, towards Vibrio vulnificus and Staphylococcus aureus Revista de Biología Tropical, vol. 64, núm. 2, junio, 2016, pp. 805-816 Universidad de Costa Rica San Pedro de Montes de Oca, Costa Rica Available in: http://www.redalyc.org/articulo.oa?id=44945722027 How to cite Complete issue Scientific Information System More information about this article Network of Scientific Journals from Latin America, the Caribbean, Spain and Portugal Journal's homepage in redalyc.org Non-profit academic project, developed under the open access initiative The inhibitory effect of a non-yessotoxin-producing dinoflagellate, Lingulodinium polyedrum (Stein) Dodge, towards Vibrio vulnificus and Staphylococcus aureus Sonia Quijano-Scheggia1, Maribel Barajas-Gonzalez1, Hong Chang Lim2, Chui Pin Leaw2, Aramis Olivos-Ortiz1, Juan Gaviño-Rodriguez1, Juan Blanco Pérez3 & Stephen S. Bates4 1. Centro Universitario de Investigaciones Oceanológicas, Universidad de Colima, Carretera Manzanillo-Barra de Navidad Km 19.5, Colonia El Naranjo. C.P 28860, Manzanillo, Colima, Mexico; quijanosonia@gmail.com, maribel_barajas@ucol.mx, aolivos@ucol.mx; gavinho@ucol.mx 2. Bachok Marine Research Station, Institute of Ocean and Earth Sciences, University of Malaya, 16310 Bachok, Kelantan, Malaysia; hclim24@gmail.com, chuipinleaw@gmail.com 3. Centro de Investigacións Mariñas, Pedras de Corón s/n, Apdo. 13, 36620 Vilanova de Arousa, Spain; juan.carlos. blanco.perez@xunta.es 4. Fisheries and Oceans Canada, Gulf Fisheries Centre, P.O. Box 5030, Moncton, New Brunswick E1C 9B6, Canada; stephen.bates@dfo-mpo.gc.ca Received 03-VI-2015. Corrected 17-XI-2015. Accepted 09-XII-2015. Abstract: The increased bacterial resistance to antibiotics has caused global concern, prompting the search for new compounds. Because of their abundance and diversity, marine phytoplankton are an important potential source of such compounds. Research on dinoflagellates has led to the discovery of inhibitors of bacterial growth. The marine dinoflagellate Lingulodinium polyedrum blooms in different regions of the world, including Mexico, and is also known to regulate the growth of other species in coastal waters. Here, we investigated the taxonomy of this dinoflagellate and characterized the ability of its extracts to inhibit the growth of two bacteria of medi- cal importance (Vibrio vulnificus and Staphylococcus aureus). Taxonomic characterization was performed by PCR and gene amplification of ITS, and confirmed that the species isolated off the Pacific coast of Mexico was L. polyedrum. To prove the inhibitory effect of L. polyedrum extracts, cultures were harvested by centrifuga- tion. Pellets from three cellular abundances were extracted with water, methanol, hexane and chloroform. The experiments on V. vulnificus showed a high growth inhibition for the four extracts, ranging from 77 to 98 %. Surprisingly, the growth inhibition was lower when the extracts originated from a higher L. polyedrum cell abun- dance, ranging from 0 to 34 %. For S. aureus, the growth inhibition was also high, but not statistically different for all extracts and cell abundances, ranging from 62 to 99 %. This study obtained promising results for future pharmacological applications. Our Mexican strain of L. polyedrum did not produce any detectable yessotoxins. Rev. Biol. Trop. 64 (2): 805-816. Epub 2016 June 01. Palabras clave: proliferaciones algales, antibiótico, resistencia bacteriana, Lingulodinium polyedrum, fitoplanc- ton, Staphylococcus aureus, Vibrio vulnificus, yessotoxina. Since the discovery of antibiotics in the already clinically proven (Stach, 2010). Cur- early 1940s, their clinical use has resulted in rently, the resistance of pathogenic bacteria greatly improved health care. Human deaths to multiple drugs is a global problem, causing from bacterial infections have been reduced increased concern in health care institutions and life expectancy has increased. After the (Klevens et al., 2007; Fischbach & Walsh, emergence of antibiotic resistance in the 1970s, 2009). One possible solution is to discover research has been focused principally on modi- and introduce new antibacterial medications. fications to semisynthetic compounds that were Marine eukaryotic microalgae are a potential Rev. Biol. Trop. (Int. J. Trop. Biol. ISSN-0034-7744) Vol. 64 (2): 805-816, June 2016 805 source of these new compounds; they offer when raw or undercooked shellfish, especially a high genetic diversity and constitute an oysters, are consumed (Strom & Paranjpye, untapped resource of novel natural products. 2000; Tortora Funke & Case, 2007; Horseman Their ability to withstand environmental stress & Surani, 2011). It has become resistant to and outcompete other marine organisms is various antibiotics (Kim et al., 2011; Shaw et related to their capacity to produce a vast array al., 2014). Staphylococcus aureus is a Gram- of secondary metabolites, which have consider- positive facultative anaerobe, which is widely able value in the biotechnology, aquaculture, distributed and capable of producing a broad health and food industries (Anderson, 1996). range of diseases, from skin infections to Likewise, several studies have reported anti- life-threatening illnesses. It, also, has become bacterial activity in the cell lysates or extracts resistant to several antibiotics (Lowy, 2003), of various microalgal species (Desbois et al., resulting, for example, in Methicillin-resis- 2009; Blunt et al., 2011; de Jesus Raposo et tant Staphylococcus aureus (MRSA) infection al., 2013). (Appelbaum, 2007). Dinoflagellates are a large group of flag- The present study was carried out to dis- ellate protists, belonging mostly to marine cover if cell extracts of L. polyedrum may phytoplankton, some of which are known to contain antibacterial compound(s) that may form harmful algal blooms that are an impor- inhibit the growth of the pathogenic bacteria V. tant source of marine biotoxins (Tomas, 1997; vulnificus and S. aureus. Gallardo-Rodríguez et al., 2012). Bioactive compounds from dinoflagellates have received MATERIALS AND METHODS increased attention because of their impact on the safety of seafood and their potential uses in Sampling and culturing: Phytoplankton biomedical, toxicological and pharmacological samples were collected with a plastic bottle research. Despite the many interesting bioac- during a bloom of L. polyedrum in May 2012, tive compounds isolated from dinoflagellates off the coast of Manzanillo, Colima, Mexico (Konishi et al., 2004; Camacho et al., 2007; (19°7’3.00” N - 104°22’23.52” W), and main- Blunt et al., 2011), only a few have led to tained at 4 °C. Single cells were isolated under commercial products. This is partly due to the a Motic AE31 inverted microscope (Ted Pella, limited amount of dinoflagellate toxin that can Inc., Redding, California, USA) with a glass be amassed for detailed clinical evaluation Pasteur pipette. They were then transferred to (Gallardo-Rodríguez et al., 2012). Neverthe- tissue culture plates (Assay Plate 96 Well Flat less, recent patents and patent applications Bottom, Corning, NY, USA) containing 0.4 mL related to dinoflagellate toxins have been pub- of L1 medium (Guillard, 1975) at a salinity of -8 lished (Selander & Pavia, 2008; Paul, 2011). 30, modified by addition of 10 M H2SeO3 and -8 One of the few examples of medical uses is by reducing the concentration of CuSO4 to 10 the dinoflagellate toxin, gonyautoxin (Garrido M (Band-Schmidt et al., 2005). After reaching et al., 2005). Lingulodinium polyedrum (Stein) a density of 104 cells/L, the non-axenic cultures Dodge is a dinoflagellate that blooms in coastal were transferred successively to 50, 250 and waters of Colima, Mexico (Quijano-Scheggia 1 000-mL flasks. All cultures were maintained et al., 2013). It is easy to isolate and maintain at 21 °C under cool-white fluorescent tubes in culture. Here, we probe its potential as (Phillips F96T12/TL865/EW, 60 W, USA) with source of antibacterial compounds against two an irradiance of 90 μmol photons/m2.s and a bacteria of medical importance: Vibrio vulni- 12:12 h light:dark photoperiod. Cell abundance ficus and Staphylococcus aureus. Vibrio vul- was determined at 200-400 x magnification nificus is a Gram-negative, oxidase-positive, using a Motic AE31 inverted bright-field light facultative anaerobe. In warm coastal waters, it microscope, according to Utermöhl (1931) and causes vomiting, diarrhea and abdominal pain, Throndsen (1995). 806 Rev. Biol. Trop. (Int. J. Trop. Biol. ISSN-0034-7744) Vol. 64 (2): 805-816, June 2016 Gene amplification and sequencing: The ITS rDNA sequences were aligned Cells were harvested during the late expo- using ClustalW (Thompson, Higgins, & nential growth phase by centrifugation at 2 Gibbson, 1994). The alignment included 593 000 ×g for 10 min, with a MAX RCT centri- positions. Separate analyses of ITS2 were also fuge (REXMED, Kaohsiung, Taiwan). The performed as in Koetschan et al. (2010). The ITS analyses were rooted with seven outgroup pellets were frozen at -20 °C and the DNA taxa (Table 1). was extracted following Lundholm, Moestrup, Neighbor-Joining (NJ) and Maximum- Hasle & Hoef-Emden (2003). The Internal
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