Journal of the Proceedings of the Bishops, Clergy, and Laity of the Protestant Episcopal Church in the United States of America in a General Convention 1823 Digital Copyright Notice Copyright 2017. The Domestic and Foreign Missionary Society of the Protestant Episcopal Church in the United States of America / The Archives of the Episcopal Church All rights reserved. Limited reproduction of excerpts of this is permitted for personal research and educational activities. Systematic or multiple copy reproduction; electronic retransmission or redistribution; print or electronic duplication of any material for a fee or for commercial purposes; altering or recompiling any contents of this document for electronic re-display, and all other re-publication that does not qualify as fair use are not permitted without prior written permission. Send written requests for permission to re-publish to: Rights and Permissions Office The Archives of the Episcopal Church 606 Rathervue Place P.O. Box 2247 Austin, Texas 78768 Email: [email protected] Telephone: 512-472-6816 Fax: 512-480-0437 JOURNAL .. MTRJI OJr TllII "BISHOPS, CLERGY, AND LAITY O~ TIU; PROTESTANT EPISCOPAL CHURCH XII TIIJ! UNITED STATES OF AMERICA, Xif A GENERAL CONVENTION, Held in St. l'eter's Church, in the City of Philadelphia, from the 20th t" .the 26th Day of May inclusive, A. D. 1823. NEW· YORK ~ PlllNTED BY T. lit J. SWURDS: No. 99 Pearl-street, 1823. The Right Rev. William White, D. D. of Pennsylvania, Pre­ siding Bishop; The Right Rev. John Henry Hobart, D. D. of New-York, The Right Rev. Alexander Viets Griswold, D. D. of the Eastern Diocese, comprising the states of Maine, New­ Hampshire, Massachusct ts, Vermont, and Rhode Island, The Right Rev. Richard Cldlnl!ing ~IQore. D. D. of Virginia. The Right Rev. James Kemp, D. D. of Maryland. The Right Rev. John Croes, D. D. of New-Jersey. The. Right Rev. Nathaniel Bowen, D. D. of South-Carolina. The Right Rev, Philander Chase, D. D. of Ohio. The Right Rev. Thomas Church Brownell, D. D. LL. D. of Connecticut. ._ The Right Rev, John Stark Ravenscroft, of North-Carolina. N. B. Those whose names arc in Italics, were prevented from attending, HOUSE OF CLERICAL AND LAY DEPUTIES. N. B. The deputies whose names are in Italics, were not present. CLERICAL DEPUTIES. T hC Rev• .Ilbraham Bronson, The Rev, George Leonard, Vermont. { The Rev. Carlton Chase, The Hey. Joe! Clapp. (The Rev, John S. J. Gardiner, o. D. , The Rev. Samuel F. Jarvis, D. D. .:11aesachusetts, ) The Rcv• .d sa Eaton, \.The Rev. James Jl1ons. T he Rev. Salmon -Wheat.oll, The Rev. Nathan B. Crocker. Rliode-[sland, { The Rev. .lasper Adams, . The Rev. Lcmuet Burge. J oumal oftke General Conllmtion-182S. T he Rev. Ashbel BaldW.in, Connecticut. The Rev. Daniel Burhans, { The Rev. Harry Croswell, The Rev. Truman Marsh. T he Rev. David Butler, The Rev. Thomas Lyell, D. New· York. D. { The Rev. Benjamin T. Onderdonk, The Rev. Orin Clark. T he Rev. Charles H. Wharton, D. D. The Rev. John C. Rudd, N ew·Jerse!!. { The Rev. John Croes, Jun. The Rev. George Y. Morehouse. T he Rev. James Abercrombie, D. D. The Rev. Jackson Kemper, Pennsylvania. { The Rev. William A. Muhlenberg, The Rev. Levi BlIlI. The Rev. Ralph Williston, Delaware. The Rev. Robert Clay, ~ The Rev. Daniel Higbie• .. T he Rev, John Johns, JlCarylamI. The Rev. John P. I{. Henshaw, { The Rev. Gf~orge Weller, The Rev. Wilti~m Hawley," T he Rev. William H. Wilmer, D. D. Virginia. The Rev. William Me:lde, { The Rev. Edward C. M'Guire, The Rev. Oliver &rris. T he Rev. John Avery, . The Rev. William Hooper, North-Carolina, { The Rev, Richard S. Mason, The Rev. William M. Green, South-Carolina. 5The Rev. Christopher E. Gadsden, D. D. l The Rev. Milward Pogson, T he Rev. Edmund JlIalhe.cs, Georgi«. The Hev, .flbiel em'ler, { The Rev. Hugh Smith. • The fullowing note was handed to the Committee of Publication, with a request tl.at it might appear sttached to the List ofM,·mhers, The Rev. Mr. Hac-lev, or the western shore. was unanimously appointed by th.e delegation from the Diocese of Maryland. to fill the vacancy oeeasioned by the absence of the Rev. Mr. \\'ickes, because there was no Cleriaal gentleman IIttending from the eastern shore of that diocese. J 0UI'fUJ1 ofIhe Ge~eral CQn'Dention-182~. r. LAY DEPUTIES. J oshua Isham, George Clea'liewnd, Vermant. { .11exander Fleming, Joshua Sheldon. G ardiner Green, .Uassacoosetts. Joseph Head, { William Appleton, George Suiliiian, T homas L10Ju Halsey, Alexander Jones, Rhode-]sland. { Stephen T. Northam, Samuel Slater. Connecticut: Oliver Coles. Philip S. va,n Rensselaer, Richard H arisen, New-York. { Morris S. llIiJ!cr, John Wells. Peter Kean, Plunket F. Glentworth, N ew-JerspY. { Joseph V. Clark, George C. Thomas. "" Samuel Sitgrcaves, William Meredith, Pennsylvania. J I I" d { o In ...ca , Edward J. Stiles. Nicholas Ridge(,!, Delaware. 5~ Kensey J 011l1s, {.Daniel Rodney_ T ench Tilghman, John C. Herbert, NmylancZ. Sj Francis S. Key, ~Robert H. Goldsborouglt," William l\byo. Hugh.l\lerccl",· f'iTginia. S) .John Nelson, ~ Rouert Lew•.-. J olui /1. Cameron, v h C I' f .r,osiah Collins, . .:yort . aro ma."( J."foscs J.ar;JZS, . Alexander Caldcleugh• . ~ Al!l)ointed :lhrccn.bly.to rcguletlons o~ COl~.Yer.tij)'~ ill tll.l\j,o rC5~,:cfivc. ,::;t:lf "", pro.. ': ;~m~ III ('asp of .t~f'nce 10 the elected ~L·I~o:!~'~lfitl. '- (./:, '.": ttce n,l .J "nblicaticn, 6 Journal ofthe Gener al CQ7\vention-1823. South-Carolina. Governeur l\I. Wilkins. G e orge Jones, . Georgia. /Jnthony Barclay, ~ William W. Hazzerd. Clergy who attended the sittings ofthe Convention. The Rev. Henry Anthon, The Rev. William Barlow, The Rev, Thomas Brcintnall, 1 The Rev, George W. Doanc, 'l'he Rev, Manton Eastburn, The Rev. James Milnor, D. D. The Rev. Henry U. Onderdonk, 1\1. D. Nee-York; The Re\", Henri L. P. F. Penevcjre, The Rev. William Richmond, Thc Rev, Lucius Smith, The Rev, Samuel H. Turner, D. D. The Rev, Jonathan M. Wainwright, The Rev. Richard F. Cadle, The Rev, Ji,l1n M. \Vard, ) The Rev. William L. Johnson, IN eio-Jersty. The Rc\·. Jacob M. Douglass, 'fhe REv. Benjamin 1\lIclI, The Rev. Frederick Beasley, D. D .. The Rev, Gregory T. DedeH, The Rev. George Boyd, The Hcv, Samuel C, Brinkle, The Rev. Jehu C, Clay, 1 The Rev. Charles l\1. Dupuy, 'fhe Rev. Joseph Hutchins, D. D. >Pennsyh-atlw. The Rev. Joseph .Iaquett, The Rev, Richard U. Morgan, The Rev. Norman Nash, The Rev, Joseph Pilmore, D. D, The Rev. John Rodney, The Rev, William Thompson, I The Rev, Bird Wihon. D, D. The Rev. James \Villbank, ) The Rev, 'William E. Wyatt, D. D. The Rev, George l\l'Ellinney, 1 The Rev, Charles P. i\1'Ilvainc, lAfarYland. The Rev, Stephen H. Tyng, ·The Rev, Edward R. Lippit, Virginia • ·J(Jf,(rnal of the General Con.,ention-1823. '1 Students of the General Theological Seminary. Robert B. Croes, }. Ma.tthew Matthew!, F' t CI \Villiam T. Potter, Irs ass. William Shelton, Isaac Low, ~ • George A. Smith, Second Class. James L. Yvonnet, Danforth Billings, ~ Charles P. Elliott, Third Class. Philip Gadsden, Henry 1\1. Mason, Candidate for Holy Orders IQ PeIlD­ sylvania. JO·URNAL or TUB PROCEEDINGS OF THE HOUSE OF CLERICAL AND LAY DEPUTIES. -- Philadelphia, .May 20th, 1823. HIS being the day appointed for the meeting of the Gene­ T fill Convention of the Protestant Episcopal Church in the United States of America, several Clerical and Lay Deputies attended in St. Peter's Church, at 10 o'clock A. M. Morning Prayer was read by the Rev. John S. Ravenscroft, and a sermon was preached by the Right Rev. Bishop Croes, After Divine Service, the Rev. William H. Wilmer, D. D. was requested to take the Chair, and the Secretaries ofthe last Convention acted as Secretaries pro tem. The House then proceeded to read the testimonials of the Clerical and Lay Deputies, which were severally approved; and the following gentlemen took their seats in the House. CLERICAL DEPUTIES. 5The Rev. George Leonard, From Vermont. l The Rev. Carlton Chase. Massachusetts. The Rev. Samuel F. Jarvis, D. D. The Rev. Salmon Wheaton, Rhode-Istand. The Re~. Nathan B. Crocker, ~ The Rev. Jasper Adams. T he Rev. Ashbel Baldwin, The Rev. Daniel Burhans, Connecticut. { The Rev. Harry Croswell, The Rev. Truman Marsh. The Rev. David Butler, New.York. The Rev. Thomas Lyell. D. D. ~ The Rev. Benjamin T. Onderdonk. 2 )() J wmal of "~6 Gir&ual C0n1mdien-:l823. The Rev. Jobn C. Rudd, FJ&m New·]ersey. 'The Rev. John Croes, jun. ~ The Rev. George Y•.Morehouse. T he Rev. James Abercrombie, D.D'. Pennsylvania. The Rev. Jackson Kemper, . lThe Rev. ,William A. Muhlenberg. SThe Rev. Ralph Williston, Delaware. l The Rev. Daniel Higbie. Maryland. The Rev. John Johns, ' T he Rev. William H. Wilmer, D. D. Virginia. The Rev. William Mead, { The Rev. Edward C. M'Guire, The Rcv. Oliver Norris •. Th e Rev. William Hooper, ,Rorth.Caroliua. The Rev. Richard S. Mason, . ~ The Rcv. William 1\1. Green. The Rev. Christopher E. Gadsden, South-Carolina, D. D. ~ The Rcv. lllilward Pogson~ LAY DEPUTIES. f'roitl Rhode-lsland. 5Thomas Lloyd Halsey, ~ Alexander Jones. Connecticut. Oliver Coles. New-York. l\lorris S. l\'liIler. Peter Kean, ( Plunket F. Glentworth, New.Jersey. George C. Thomas, l Joseph V. Clark. Edward J. Stiles, Samuel Sitgreaves, Pennsylvania. { William Meredith, John Read. F ranci S S. Key, l\laryland. Tench Tilghman, ~ Robert H. Goldsborough. William Mayo, Virginia. Hugh Mercer, { John Nelson, Robert Lewis. Journal oftheGemrJll COR,ention~182~.
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