11 Julie 2019 Prys: R5,80 Weekliks meer as 23 400 lesers WomanWoman rapedraped Drug CJCJ learnerslearners atat dumpingdumping busts in backback atat sitesite (3)(3) Fochville (3) schoolschool (5)(5) The wreckage of the car damaged in the accident on the R559 that left two people dead. Photos: Leander Venter of ER24 TwoTwoTwo diediedie ininin weekendweekendweekend accidentsaccidentsaccidents Adele Louw found that all six people from the minibus had sustained minor to Two people died and several were moderate injuries. severely injured in numerous seri- The driver of the tractor was ous accidents in the area during the lucky to escape injury. past week. Other accidents occurred on the According to a paramedic of R501 near East Driefontein and at a ER24, Mr Leander Venter, this crossing between Fochville and emergency service provider, alone, South Deep, among other places. attended to more than 10 accidents According to Venter, paramedics over the weekend. from all EMRSs are meeting with In one of the crashes over the provincial traffic officers to identify weekend, two people were killed and dangerous routes or sections of road 16 others injured when a taxi and The scene of Monday morning's accident near Fochville. in the area where serious accidents car collided head-on on the R559 are most likely to occur. road between Carletonville and Friday. As far as could be determi- condition. Some of the accident hotspots that Randfontein at around 19:00 on ned, she lost control of the bakkie There was another serious acci- have been identified in the Carleton- Sunday. Two of the injured patients after swerving for another vehicle. dent on Monday morning when a ville area so far are the Bank Road, had to be airlifted to hospital due to She sustained multiple injuries and minibus rear-ended a tractor on the the P111 road and the road between the extent of their injuries. was transported to Carletonville R54 outside of Fochville. ER24 and Welverdiend and Potchefstroom. In another serious accident, a Hospital, which offered a better other paramedics arrived on the In the Fochville area, the R500 to teacher of Laerskool Jongspan, Ms landing place for the helicopter that scene at 08:35 to find the minibus Parys, the N12 between Fochville Leonie Burger, was critically injured airlifted her to Milpark Hospital. At in the middle of the road and the and Potchefstroom and the road when she rolled her bakkie on the the time of the newspaper going to tractor parked on the side. from Potchefstroom past the silos Bank road just before 20:00 on print, she was still in a critical Medics assessed the patients and are also known to be dangerous. Dorado’sDorado’s laatlaat weerweer diedie katrollekatrolle singsing (16)(16) 2 www.carletonvilleherald.com Carletonville Herald 11 Julie 2019 Drie mans op slag dood in gru-botsing Die Herald het weer oor verskeie De Meillon gesê. ‘n Werknemer van Oos-Driefon- gebeure in sy uitgawe van 20 jaar Sy en hul oudste seun, Hennie tein goudmyn het die vorige gelede berig. (12), was voor die polisie op die Dinsdag in die stort op die myn ‘n Tragedie het hom die vorige toneel, maar haar man, sy vriend en inmekaargesak ná hy vir ‘n Vrydag op die Potchefstroom /Johan- die bestuurder van die motor waar- mediese ondersoek was. nesburgpad tydens ‘n gru-toneel mee hulle gebots het, mnr. Charles Volgens mnr. Archie Kemm afgespeel toe drie families se gelief- Smit (21), is op slag dood. (52) se seun Ernest, was die onder- des in ‘n oogwink deur die dood van Volgens ‘n vrou wat glo om 18:50 soek om 08:00 voltooi en het hy van Die Carletonville Deurgangshuis hulle weggeneem is. voor mnr. Smit gery het, was hy van pyn in sy bene gekla. was een van 20 inskrywings en is Me. Alida Meillon en haar man Johannesburg af in die rigting van Hy is egter weer ondersoek en sy met dié toekenning vereer. Marcelle (30), het by ‘n perseel langs Potchefstroom onderweg toe die bloeddruk is ook geneem, waarna Weens die groot getal werklose die hoofweg vir ‘n motorfietsbyeen- tragedie hom afgespeel het. aan hom gesê is alles is in orde en persone asook hawelose gesinne wat koms bymekaargekom toe hul Smit het, volgens die vrou, glo hy kan maar gaan stort. daagliks by die gesinsorgkantoor op vriend, mnr. Jacques Botes (21), op telkemale probeer om voertuie verby Enkele minute later het ‘n werker Carletonville aanmeld, is verdere Fochville wou gaan geld trek. te steek, waarna hy haar na bewe- in die stort op hom afgekom waar navorsing in dié verband gedoen. Dié twee mans is sommer op die ring later van die pad af probeer hy ineengestort en oorlede is. Statistieke is ook van ander motorfiets weg en kort daarna het sy dwing het om vinniger vorentoe te Die SAVF-gesinsorgkantoor op welsynsorganisasies, skole, verskeie gehoor daar was ‘n ongeluk, skaars beweeg. Carletonville het tydens ‘n provinsia- kerke en die landdroskantoor het 15 km van Fochville. Hy was glo egter besig om haar le SAVF-konferensie in Gauteng met verdere ontnugterende syfers van “Ek het onmiddellik ‘n gevoel verby te steek toe hy met die aanko- die toekenning vir Projek van die werklose en hawelose persone gehad dat dit my man is,” het me. mende motorfiets gebots het. Jaar weggestap. opgelewer. Ishashalazi Theatre Auditions Master Drilling focuses on support draws many Adele Louw Kagiso Segone Master Drilling in Different theatre production Fochville put in extra companies from Khutsong show- support for its cased their plays at the Ishasha- employees’ welfare lazi Theatre mini-auditions in the during Corporate Khutsong hall on Sunday, 7 July. Wellness Week from These auditions served as the 1 to 5 July. The social workers and students who organized last regional round of auditions to According to one of week’s action are Mss. Zelda Sithole (Unisa select theatre productions houses two social workers student), Ntombi Mabaso, Chanel van Staden, Marisé for the annual Gauteng Ishasha- now employed at the Papke (NWU) and Francinah Mokgethi (NWU). lazi Theatre Awards. The Ubizo MaAfrika Theatre Production durng the Ishashalazi Theatre auditions. company full-time, The Ubizo Ma Afrika Theatre Ms Chanel van Productions was first up. They have received two awards so far. Lucky Noholoza, the Staden, the company paid extra attention to its employ- director, won the best actor award and they were also nominated for the best supporting ees’ physical and psychological welfare. actors at the Ishashalazi 2019 Awards in Soweto. Lucky Noholoza received the awards on As part of the event, employees could use the oppor- the company’s behalf. He will soon be gracing national TV in the popular series, Rhythm tunity to learn about substance abuse and listen to a City on eTV. The group is at it again with their new play and have their eye on being talk from members of the AA (Alcoholics Anonymous) in nominated for the 2020 Theatre Awards. The auditions will take place throughout Mera- Carletonville on Thursday. Substance abuse is a big fong, where other theatre production companies will also showcase their plays. problem all over the Merafong City Local Municipality and the company realised that some of its employ- ees,their families or friends could very well be affected. Social work students from the North-West University in Potchef- stroom and Unisa are also honing their skills by assisting the perma- nent social workers at Master Drilling. The company improves its em- ployees’ welfare through monthly themes and assists others in the community, too. One of its welfare projects is Huis Kompas in Foch- ville, a place of safety for abused children who have been removed from their own homes. 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