Acta Botanica Neerlandica 12 (1963) 58-63 Studies on Pseudonectria rousseliana J.L. Bezerra “ [Phytopathological Laboratory Willie Commelin Schölten”, Baarri) (:received November 23rd, 1962) Abstract Seaver is and the of Pseudonectria rousseliana (Mont.) fully described presence a hypostroma connecting this fungus to the host is reported. Volutella buxi (Cda.) Berk, is proved to be the imperfect stage of Pseudonectria. Pseudonectria. Verticillium buxi (Link) Auersw. is not a conidial stage of It is renamed Paecilomyces buxi (Link ex Fr.) comb. nov. Introduction the in During my stay at Phytopathological Laboratory Baarn, I received in August 1962 a collection of Buxus sempervirens L. composed of living and dead plants. The material was collected by Dr. J. A. von Arx in Oberbuchsiten (Switzerland), where Buxus sempervirens is a common forest shrub. It had been attacked by a number of fungi, which had to be identified. On the living leaves were found Puccinia buxi DC. and Mycosphaerella The limbalis (Pers.) v. Arx. latter fungus is the cause of white, distinctly margined leafspots. On dead leaves and stems were observed stromata Dothidea buxi or fructifications of puccinioides Fr., Ceuthospora (Fr.) Petrak, Macrophoma mirbelii (Fr.) Berl. & Yogi, and Dothiorella candollei (Berk. & Br.) Petrak. found Two hypocreacous fungi could be only on dead leaves, viz. Hyponectria buxi (DC.) Sacc. with perithecia immersed in the leaf tissues and Pseudonectria rousseliana (Mont.) Seaver with fructifications growing superficially. The latter fungus was chosen for a thorough and for culture On leaves could also be study pure experiments. some found two imperfect fungi, which were determined as Volutella buxi (Corda) Berk, and Verticillium buxi (Link) Auersw. These two fungi were regarded by Tulasne (1865), Fugkel (1869), Saccardo (1877) and others as the different conidial stages of Pseudonectria rousseliana. this However, supposition has never been proved by culture experi- ments. The fungus first described by Montagne (1856) as Nectria rousseliana because of Mont, was placed by Fugkel (1869) in the genus Stigmatea the superficial and isolated development of the perithecia on the leaves. Saccardo created for it the Nectriella. As later (1877) new genus a homonym of Nectriella Nits., this name could not be maintained and Clements Shear was changed by Seaver (1909) to Pseudonectria. & used (1931), on the other hand, did not accept this name. They as a Notarisiella of Nectriella Sacc. Von Arx genusname (Sacc.), a subgenus & Muller (1954) rejected the view of Clements & Shear and 58 STUDIES ON PSEUDONECTRIA ROUSSELIANA 59 Pseudonectria with the maintained the genus name P. rousseliana as single species. Description of the fungus The mycelium does not grow superficially except in a small area fructifications. the around the Generally germ tubes of the spores immersed penetrate the leaf through the stomata. The intercellular of mycelium is composed flexuous, septate, hyaline hyphae, the cells of which 15-30 and broad. In the substomatal are p long 2,5-4,5 p cavities the hyphae branch to form a parenchymatous mass of hyaline, cells. elongated, vertically arranged These “hypostromata” reach a diameter of26—44 The forms small of narrow and p. upper part plugs elongated cells, forcing apart the guard cells of the stomata and producing superficially both sporodochia and perithecia. This is the lower reason that these fructifications are spread uniformly over the surface of the leaf. Fig. 1. Pseudonectria rousseliana, cross section of a perithecium on a hypostroma, The perithecia are pear shaped, light orange to greenish, setose, 135-190 in diameter and 180-250 The conical beak of each p p high. perithecium is filled with hyaline, delicate periphyses; the wall is 18-25 thick and is of several of thick- p composed layers flattened, walled less and 7—19 The cells, more or hyaline p long. irregularly distributed setae are tapered towards their tips, septate, thick-walled, 60 J. L. BEZERRA 50-110 and 5-7 wide. The clavate asci hyaline, p. long fx cylindrical x Each has thin membrane and contains measure 50-70 8-10 /x. a 8 There but the asci ascospores. are no typical paraphyses, are surrounded of delicate by rows rounded, very thin-walled, cells, 9—14 The rounded at both fx long. ascospores are fusoid, ends, hyaline, thin-walled, 11-17 and 3-5 broad. one-celled, /x long fi 2. Pseudonectria section of the Volutella conidial Fig. rousseliana, cross stage. 3. Pseudonectria coni- Fig. rousseliana, ascospore, ascus containing ascospores, conidia and the last from culture. diophores, chlamydospores, a pure The sporodochia are small, more or less hemisphaerical, light reddish to and 60-110 in diameter. The setae look like the pink /x perithecial The ones but can reach a length of 190 fx. basal parts are composed of elongated or rounded cells. The conidiophores are flexuous, branched. STUDIES ON PSEUDONECTRIA ROUSSELIANA 61 broad and 45-75 The conidia are formed septate, 2,5-3,5 fi u long. singly at the phialide-like apices of the conidiophores; they are fusoid, 8-12 and are united in a hyaline, smooth, one-celled, X 2,5-3 //, of pinkish-red, slimy mass spores. A fungus fitting the description of Verticillium buxi could also be found the material. It on produces a superficial mycelium composed of white broad hyaline, or yellowish, septate, branched, 2-3 hyphae. The erect are 65-110 and 3-5 broad, branched, conidiophores /t long // The branches bear and verticillate above. truncate, tapered phialides, 6-9 and broad. The contain two oil /a, long 2,5-4 /< phialospores drops, 5-8 and are catenulate, elliptical to fusoid, hyaline, // long 2-2,5 fi broad. 4. conidia the host Fig. Paecilomyces buxi, conidiophores and as found on plant. Pure culture experiments Cultures were obtained in different ways. To get pure cultures from of leaves fixed ascospores, fresh, wet pieces bearing perithecia were to the inner surfaces of of Petri dishes. The covers ejaculated ascospores fell onto the surface of the medium (potato-dextrose agar) and For the isolation of the conidial germinated. fungi, spore suspensions were made at different concentrations. These were seeded on potato- dextrose in Petri dishes. agar 62 J. L. BEZERRA The cultures were studied oat-meal The developing on agar. from of rousseliana cultures growing ascospores Pseudonectria agreed in all details with those obtained from conidia of Volutella buxi. The immersed in the and mycelium grows agar produces scattered, superficial, small, white, rounded or irregular sporodochia. These soon when the of change to a light orange color, slimy mass the conidia is produced. The immersed mycelium is composed of abundantly- often anastomosed broad. branched, septate, hyphae, 1,5-4,5 // Sporodochia, conidiophores and conidia look like those developed on leaves. Principally at the margins of older cultures an aerial mycelium also In the and there developed. it, hyphae were more septate was a great number of chlamydospores. These were elliptic to globose, one-celled, sometimes and 13-25 13-22 hyaline, terminal, intercalary X /u. On the with potato-dextrose agar fungus grew very abundantly an immersed and an aerial mycelium but no sporulation was observed. Verticillium buxi also obtained in culture. The was pure colonies obtained from spore-suspensions developed very well on potato- dextrose agar. The immersed in the and mycelium grows mostly agar produces which On older conidiophores sporulate very soon. cultures some of aerial mycelium is also present. Both types ofmycelium are composed abundantly branched, septate, anastomosed hyphae, 1,5-4,5 ij, broad. observed. form in Chlamydospores were not The conidia, which dry coloration masses, give a pink to the colonies. Conidiophores, phialides and conidia have the same characteristics as those produced on leaves. Conclusions It has been established culture that Volutella by pure experiments buxi is the conidial stage of Pseudonectria rousseliana. The fungus grows in Buxus leaves with an intercellular mycelium, which penetrates the stomata and produces superficially both perithecia and sporodochia. Pseudonectria rousseliana is a typical member of the Hypocreaceae, a family of the Sphaeriales, sensu Muller & von Arx (1962). The has the fungus following synonymy: Perithecial stage: Pseudonectria rousseliana (Mont.) Seaver Syn.: Nectria rousseliana Mont. — Syll. Crypt. 224 (1856) Stigmatea rousseliana Fuckel — Symb. Myc. 97 (1869) Nectriella rousseliana Sacc. — Michelia 1: 51 (1877) Pseudonectria rousseliana Seaver — Mycologia 1: 48 (1909) Conidial stage: Volutella buxi (Cda.) Berk.-Outl. brit. Fungi 340 (1860) Syn.: Chaetostroma buxi Cda. — Icon. fung. 2; 30 (1838) Tubercularia buxi DC. — FI. gall. 6: 110 (1815) Psilonia rosea Fr. — Scler. Sueciae, 6, no. 220 (1821) STUDIES ON PSEUDONECTRIA ROUSSELIANA 63 Verticillium buxi, on the other hand, does not participate in the life- cycle of Pseudonectria rousseliana. This fungus is not a typical member of the but it to this genus Verticillium, belongs Paecilomyces Bainier, as characterized Brown Smith This could genus was by & (1957). fungus not be identified as one of the species enumerated by these authors, especially because its phialides can produce phialospores also laterally. This character makes this distinct from the other species very species of this is the include Paecilomyces. However, genus most suitable one to this fungus. Therefore the following new combination is proposed: Paecilomyces buxi (Link ex Fr.) comb. nov. Syn.: Fusidium buxi Link — Spec. Plant. 2: 97 (1825) Fusisporium buxi Fr. — Syst. Mycol. 3: 447 (1832) Verticillium buxi (Link) Auersw. — Hedwigia 6: 9 (1867) ACKNOWLEDGMENTS Thanks are due to Dr. J. A. von Arx for his help and guidance throughout. REFERENCES & E. Muller. 1954. Die der Arx, J. A. von Gattungen amerosporen Pyrenomy- ceten. Beitr. Krypt. FI. Schweiz 11 (l):l- 434. A. H. & G. Smith. 1957. The Bainier and its Brown, S. genus Paecilomyces perfect Soc. 40: 17-89. stage Byssochlamys Westling. Trans. Brit. myc. F. & C. L. Shear. 1931. The of New York.
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