J,.uary--Marc ,ss.] PS l'Ctt1. [3675-3683] 255 BIBLIOGRAPHICAL RECORD. Autkors and societies are requested to forward Ntelr works to tke editors as soon as publisked. Tke date of tublication, given in brackets [], marks tke time work was received, unless an earlier date of ublication is known to recorder or editor. Unless otkerwise slated eack record is made directly from tke work tkat is noticed. A colon after initial designates tke most common given name, as: A: Augustus; B: Ben- /amin; C: Ckarles; D: David; E: Edwar@ F: Frederic; G: George; It: Henry; I: Isaac; : okn; K: Ifarl; L: Louis; 2V[: Mark; 2V: Nickolas; O: Otto; t: Peter; R: Rickard: S: Samuel; T: Tkomas; W: Villiam. Tke initials at tke end of eack record, or note, are tkose of tke recorder. Corrections of errors and notices o omissions are solicited. Anderson, Joseph, jr. Urticating properties Briggs, T. R. Archer. On the fertilization of of lepidoptera. (Entomologist, Feb. 885, the primrose ()6rlmula vulgaris, Huds.). v. 8, p. 43-45.) (Journal of botany, 87o, v. 8, p. 9o-9.) Discussion of stinging hairs of larvae of bomb.ycidae; The writer does not agree with C Darwin in his "On quotation of the part of G: Dimmock's On the specific dfferences between primula veris, Br. FI., glands which open externally insects" (Psyche, t0. vularis, Br. FI., and/, elatior, Jacq (Journ. Sep.-Oct. xSSe [x Mar. x884], 3, P. 387-4o)[ Rec., e985] Linn. Sot., Bot., 9 Mar. x868, o, p. 437-454) [Rec., which pertains to this subject. G: D. (3675) a377] in believing that primula vulgaris is fertilized ahnost exclusively by moths. He finds the flowers vis- Anderson, Joseph, jr. The urticating prop- ited by anthopkora acervorum, andrena wynana, o- erties of the hairs of some lepidoptera. nepteryx rhamni, and bombylhts medius. W: 2". (368o) (Entomologist, Dec. z884, v. 7, P. 275- Brongniart, C Sur un gigantesque neuror- 76.) thoptre, provenant des terrains houillers Reports that the imagos well the larvae of li- de Commentry (Allier). (Comptes-rendus paris possess urticating properties, and discusses the G: D. Acad. sci. France, 3 Mar. 884, v. 98 p. probable (3676) 832-833.) Balding, G: Urticating properties of lepi- Brief account of the discovery of dictwoneura golden- doptera. (Entomologist, Feb. 885, v. r8, bergi, and notice of its affinities with other fossil ortho- ptera. G: D. P. 4'43.) (368) Discusses cause of urtication produced by the larvae Camerano, Lorenzo. Ricerche intorno alla of certain bombycidae; quotes portions of G Dimmock's struttura "On glands which open externally insects" dei peli-ventose dei tarsi dei (Psyche, Sep.-Oct. x88 [i Mar. 884] 3, P. 387-4o) coleotteri. Laboratorio del Regio museo [Rec., 95]. G: Z). (3677) zoologico di Torino. (Atti Accad. sci. di Torino, I879, v. 4, P. I48-64.) [Bertkau, Philipp.] Duffapparat an schmet- Separate. Torino, t.-p. cover terlingsbeinen. ("K61nische zeitung"... t879. + 2o p., pl., 24 X t6, X (Entom. nachrichten, Sept. 879, jahrg. 5, . 9" Notice. (B.RTAU, P. Bericht... der p. 23-24.) entom, f. 88, p. 6o.) Abstract, by E: Burgess. (Psyche, March I879, Describes and fiures the tarsal hairs of species [I May] 1880, V. 3, P. 3 2.) chosen from twelve families of coleoptera. G: l). (368) Describes glandular apparatus the posterior tibiae of he_pialus hecta, to be used in conuection with another Canalize, Ernest. Les moyens d'attaque et apparatus the first abdominal segment to distribute de d&ense chez les insectes. odor for sexual purposes. G: 13. Lecture faite (3678) t la sance publique annuelle de la classe Bessey, C: Edwin. A new species of insect- des sciences de l'Acadmie royale du z6 d6- destroying fungus. (Amer. nat., Dec. 28 cembre 874. (Bull. Acad. roy Belg., Nov.] I883, v. I7, p. I28O-I28I.) 874, s. 2, v. 38, p. 787-86.) Reprint in H. Osborn's Notes on locust Separate. Bruxelles, F. Hayez, 874. parasite" (Bull. Iowa agric, coll., Aug. t.-p. cover, 3 2 p., 22 X 5, 5 X 8.7. 884, no.-.), p. 84-85. Notice. (Naturaliste canadien, Mar. 875, Describes the tatichiutn stage of entomo2Mtthora cal- v. 7, P. 92-93 .) [Rec., 764 species of fungus parasitic in caloplenus Popular lecture the of attack and of defense oiffetenirentt'alis. G: Z). (3679) employed by insects. G: D. (3683) 256 [3684-3694 PSCttE. January--March I885. Carlet, G. Sur les muscles de l'abdomen de Choloclkowsky, N. Sur les vaisseaux de l'abeille. Comptes-rendus Acad. sci. Malpighi chez les ldpidopt6res. (Comptes- France, 2 4 Mch. 1884, v. 98, p. 758-759. rendus Acad. sci. France, lO Mar. I884, v. Nomenclature proposed for the ab.dominal muscles of 98, p. 63-633.) atis; these muscles, with the exceptmn of the aliform Tineola biselliella (? tfnea 25ellfonella) and tfnea which aid circulation, have respiratory movements rusNcella have only two Malpighian vessels, while their their function these movements take place in the di- larvae have tbur; this reduction of number of Malpi- rection of all three diameters of the abdomen. ghian vessels in the imago is regarded kind of peri- G: dg. (3684) odic atavism. G: sD. (3690) Carlet, G. Sur le venln des hym6nopt6res et Clemen, Brackenridge. American micro- ses organes sdcr6teurs. (Comptes-rendus lepidoptera. (Proc. Entom. soc. Philad., Acad. sci. France, 1884, v. 98, p. Mar. 863, v. 2, p. 34.) 23 June B. The tineia of I5,O-I55 I.) Reprint. (CLemeNs, Abstract. (Journ. Roy. micros, soc., Oct. North America. Stainton. Lond., 187 2 884, s. , v. 4, P" 739.) p. 207-221.) The of the sting of hymenoptera, altho acid, Re-describes the genera coleolShora, rl,vtsh@teryx, poison grractTart'a, grelec..hia; describes the genfis is the product of mixture of secretions from two of of which the other and 6 specaes of tineina; description of habits glands, produces strongly acid, strob[sia mines of larvae weak alkaline secretion the presence of both these imago of lev@edella sp., of cretions is necessary for the toxic effect of the sting. of parectotOa robim'ella, saliclella, thyllo- G: 39. cnfstfs Ifrodendronella and lchert'a quercitella, and (3685) larvae and larval habits of of the species discusses the species named anacaml,st robfn/ella and argyro- Chambers, Vactor Tousey. On the changes mies pseudaciella by Asa Fitch. 13: P..1/. (3691) that take place in the mouth-parts and legs Clemens, Brackenridge. American micro- of some leaf-mining lepidopterous larvae. lepidoptera. (Proc. Entom. soc. Philad., (Amer. entom., Nov. 88o, v. 3, n. s., v. 1, Aug. I863, v. 2, p. i19-29. p. 255-262, 316 cm., fig. 24-137, 39-44.) B. The tineina of C: V. entitled Reprint. (CLEMENS, Supplement, [by Riley], North America... Stainton. Lond., 1872. Mandible of 1/lhocolle/is ffz//iySb/della." p. ciX., Dec., p. a94, cm., fig. 222-236. (o. 7 38.) Re-describes the genera y2solophus, delSressaria, eni- Description and figures of mouth-parts of larvae of costoma?, and chauliodusP; describes the new_ genera several genera of tineina; description of chauges that kolcocera, brachiloma and homosetia (group of tt'nea), take place in these mouth-parts and iu the legs, and ap. and species of tinct'ha; gives synoptical table of of fitcts observed to the plication the theory of ewfiution. 19 species ofgrdechia; remarks larval habits of de- 13: p. r. (3686) 2hressaria. 13:2. 1/[. (3692) Chambers, Vactor Tousey. Wandering habit Olemens, Brackenridge. Micro-lepidopterous of larvae belonging to the genus buccula- larvae. Notes on a few species, the imagos undescribed. trfx. (Amer. entom., Feb. 88o, v. 3, n. s., of which are probably (Proc. Entom. soc. Nov. v. I, V. I, p. 5o, 9 cm.) Philad., I86, p. 75- Larvae of bucculatrix have the habit of wandering 87.) away from their food.plants, frequently, to impate, Reprint. (CLEMENS, B. The tineina of that fiuding the tmpae plant is not evidence that North America... Stainton. Lond.,872. such is the food-plant; of b. pomifoliella found p. sambucus; b. thuidla and b. ambrosiaeella may not I6-I78.) feed thuja and ambrosia respectively. Remarls the characteristic appearance of the 13: P. 21//. (3687) mines of leaf-miners, aud the and interest of ing leaf-niners directions for collecting, observing and rearin these insects; nonthly calendar showing when Chapman, A. W. On the preparatory stages the larvae mentioned should be sought; descriptions of of certain Florida butterflies. (Can. entom., mines and habits of larvae of species of coleothora, Oct. 1879, v. , p. lfthocolletis, asdidfsca, x4 nelSticula, omt[x, cata- 189-193. 13: P. M. (3693) Describes larva and pupa of lSamphila pkyleus, p. sierra. brettus, p. accius, p. maculala, t% a,a, ). delazvare, Clemens, Brackenridge. New American larva of p. tSalatka and eudamus proteus, and egg of micro-lepidoptera. Entom. soc. to. brellus, with notes food-plants; introductory note (Proc. and comparisons of these descriptions with those based Philad., Jan. IS6, v. , p. i3t-37. Abbot's figures, by W: tI Edwards. Reprint. (CLEMENS, B. The line/ha of 13: P. M. (3688) North America... Stainton. Lond., 1872. p. I79-88.) Chapman, I: Some observations on the Describes the genera oposlegra, solenobiaP, lyonetia, hessian fly; written in the vear 797. (Me- tenaga g., hybroma g., and the species moirs Phil. soc. promot, aric., 86, v. 5, tegra alboq'alerielda, trt'cholapke alacdla, solenobda? p. I43-53.) walshella, nelSticula scotibt'ella, bifasciella, jala- tanella, lyonelia speculella, tenagra pomtTt'ella, hybroma History of ceddomy/a destrttctor, in Bucks co., Pa., servulella, dysodta marowarz'tana; remarks the larval from 786 to '79o; its natural history and seasons" de- habits of the solenobfaP and those of phyllocnistis?' scription of it in all stages; precautions against it.' elechia flavocostclla is trichotaphe.
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