PAGE B".6 — THURSDAY, MAY 1. 1997 UNIOlf COUNTY CLASSIFIED ^ AUTO FOR SALE AUTO FOR SALE AUTO FOR SALE AUTO WANTED v '1&96 FORD F250::RjOy'16aaea'new Mye>s ' 1965 MERCEDES BENZ. 'Oas* 22OSE, 2 .1994 PRCMlSf. 5-speW. AU/FM cassette, air AUTOMOTIVE ' condWoning. 43,000 maes. Polynesian green. Making changes On their toes Where are the jobs? plow, new easy dumper. Asking $24,000., Can door coupe, sunroof, 4 spaed on Door, runs/ ABLE PAYS TOP $$$ \H CASH Chris 201-669-1202. ' • tools good, $4500/ best otter. 20T-8S7-1730. gray Interior. $9500. CaH Kristin*. 201-560-2067 . • ' ' Cars, Truck* and Vans . County Manager Ann Baran says New Jersey Ballet Company will— Columnist Bob Rixon examines 1989 FORD MUSTANG ConvsrBble. Red with 1985 NISSAN 3O0ZX TurtX). Dark blue, T-ttps, 1087 SAAB 900S: 4-door. automatic, sunroof, white interior, white roof, 52.000 mites. 5-speed, 47K,good condMon; loaded. $4600 or and All 4'WhMl.Drlyn - power windows, locks. New brakes.140,000 • she'll leave the administration perform 'Sleeping Beauty* at Kean today's job market. AUTO FOR SALE 5-speBd, 4 cylinder. Asking $8500. Call best offer. Can 201-731-9040. -908-241-2784. • . - maes. some rust Dependable, runs-wen. College on Saturday, Page B3, 1986CHEVETTE 2 DOOR Hatchback, power 1966 NISSAN 300 ZX Turbo:' Gold, power • $1,250. 201-731-5799... ... FREE PICK UP 7 DAYS I for job. at.Kean College, Page- B1. See Page 4. brakes, steering, new extras. Greatworkand 1992 FORD TAURUS Wagon Gl_ Grey, steertng AM/FM cassette, 69K miles, leather town car $550. Mornings 908-381-9564, Ltaded. 3rd seal AM/ FM cassette, alr- interior.- air. 54,500 negotiable. Carlo 908-WO690. • : •'..•.. SEIZED CARS from $175. Pouches, C»dB- condWoner. ExceBtnt condition. Asking $7500. 201-399-3408/ 416-2257. lacs. Cnevys, BMWs, Coivwtes. Jeeps.-.' Ca8 908-686-8113: '• • 1985 AUDI TRESER Super 5000 Turbo. 210 1993 NISSAN ALTIMA. black,. 38K miles, 4WD!s. Your area. Ton tree 1-80CK218-9000 horse power, rare edition, convened by Treser 100.000'mile factory warranty. 5 speed, turfy extension A-7019 currant IMlngs.- • •908-688-2929 GMBH in Germany, 60Kmaes. loaded, special " 1990 FORD.TAURUS Wagon. V6, power everything, third seat root-rack, good con* . equipped. Very dean. $10.000,201-762-5295. SEIZED CARSfrom'$175.- Porsches. CadB- wheels, tins, spoilers, side vabirZo panels, YOUR AD couid appear here for as little as . ton runs well. 99K miles. $3000/ best offer.' lacs, Chevys,BMWs.Corvnnes. Abo Jeeps, 4 suspension, tenders, lights, exhaust never 1992 NISSAN PATHFINDER XE, gray. 4 wheel $14.00 per week. Call-for more details. Our' wheel drives. Your ajrea.. Toll free registered. Dan Jr. 201-743-7516 days or 201-762-5625. drive, air, excellent condition, 90,000 miles., friendly dassiBed department would be happy 201-857^55? evenings. $11,500.201-429-7477; Evenings, weekends, 1-800-218-9000" Ext. A-5139.,for current '1988 FORD TAURUS WAGON. V-6. automa- to hetfx you. Call. 1-800-564^911. '.. 609-466-2883. ' .• •• ' listings/directory. • ' AUTO SPECIAL - $24.00 for 10 weeks prepaid. tic. air-condition. 3rd seal 75K. runs wel. One Can Classified for details. 800-564-8911. - owner. Some rust. $2500, negotiable. 1987 NISSAN SENTRA. new clutch, new rear 1994 TOYOTA TERCEL DX.Uke new 2^toor. 201-669-1442. evenings. ^__ brakes, new exhaust, air conditioning, am-tm automatic, alr-condlbon. AM/FM cassette, Only. MOTORCYCLES FOR SAll 1994 BUICK REGAL 2 door. wWte. an lea-/ cassette, original qwner.. $2,000. 3.400 mUesi $9.995. Cai 201-258-0138... tures, one owner, 28K miles, $14,500 or best 1888 HONDA ACCORD Hatchback. Depend- 908-49»0868. 1985 KAWASAKI-700 VULCAN. Low mileage. ofler. Call 908-241-2209. ." ' . ' able.-Automatic gold, cassette, air, 56k. Re- 1988 TRANS AM GTA. 5 speed. anVhn cas- excelent condition. Recant tune-up. Piteedlo cords. Newer battery, tires, exhaust, brakes.. T99n-f»tYMOUTH LASER. Red, sunroof, many sette, 6 isc player, equalizer, .amptffier, air. • sen at $1800/ best offer. Can 201^69-1647. • 1985 BUCK RIVIERA; Good looking! Greywtth agger family. $5450. 201-761-O051. 30,000 miles'. .Garage kept. $12,500. grey interior, loaded, moon-roof, cassette ste- extras, one owner, 82K mites, mint condition, $5,900 or-best offer. Can 908-862-35B3. 201-373-5535. ... .- • • •' reo: excellent running condition, wen main-' 1986 HYUNDAI EXCEL GLS. S-Speed. AM/ FM" TRUCKS.FOR SALE tained: S3300. 201-736-5960. ' ..'., cassete, .11OK mites. Good condition. $750.00. 1985 PONTIAC FHERO GT: Red, black Interior, 1994 VOLVO 940 TURBO. Wagon. 30K. "Your Best Source For Community Information" Call 508-687-2024. • . 1 Excenent shape. $19,900. Whits/ tan. leather 1978 CAPRICE CLASSIC, 2 door coupe, runs fully loaded, auto, sunroof. Garage kept, excel- 1994 FORD M 50.6'bed, 5-speed. 6 cylinder, Manor. Cal John; days; 212-236-3285; attec sliding rear window. 24K rrtles.alrcondWoning, lent . condition. Asking $2450, negotiable. cww •jniTya7^w ' - power brakes, anvtm cassette, turbo Inter- CARS FOR S100 or best offer. Seized and Stereo cassette, bedliner. Beautiful-condition. A WORRAtL COMMUNITY NEWSPAPER RAHWAY, N.J., VOL.7 NOJ1—THURSDAY, MAY 8, 1997 auctioned by DEA, •'F$l. IRS. • All models, converter, air. 59,000, asking $4,500. Mr. Otto. 1988 PONTIAC GRANDAM, 2 door, blue. New AUTO WANTED $9,700. Can Vincent, 201-736-0224. ,' TWOSECTIO1 . 4WD's, boats, computers and more. Your area • 201-373-5535, • transmission, exhaust and battery, 76K miles. now! 1-800-451-0050 ext C198. • '. $2500 or-best offer, 908-651-0755. 1988 FORD F-150: ff bed, 5-speed. 6-cyHrxJer, 1994 MAZDA 626 LX. 4-dbor. air-condition. $$$WE PAY TOP DOLLAR$$$ 74K, air, power brakes/ steering, stereo cas- 1988 CHEVY CAMARO. 2.8, automatic, air- AM/FM cassette, 56.000 mBes. automatic, grey 1989.PONT1AC GRAND AM SE, 16V DOHC. sette, sliding rear window,'bedliner, chrome automatic, all options, new red, 87K. $3500. conditton, power, AM/ FM stereo, CD. Excellent Interior/ grey exterior. Mint condition. $9,200. For Your Junk Car wheels. Beautllul in/ out. $4,500. mnning condition. Dependable. Wen maln- 201-701-4371. -•', 908-27^6751. ' . 201-736-0224. ' . Craftyprogramwinners— -talned.iS200q-negotiable-20-1-736^560.^__ 24 Hour Servic*. Call: . Officials discuss 1992"MAZDA"MX3rpoW8rst9artng/- brakesr -1987 PORSCHE-RED 924.-5*peed,-alr,-AM/-- FM cassette. 55,000 miles. Original owner. 71979"3MC"PlCKUP"Tnickr78fl00-mll8sr(fB-- 1988 CHEVY CELEBRITY. Automatic, air.'AM/ windows, locks, AM/FM stereo cassette, air; 5 ' tachable snow plow, new battery and tires. FM cassette, grey Interior and extador. Needs speed manual, alarm. 51,000 miles. $8000. Excenent condition, garaged. $4,000/ best offer. Call 201-761-1263. 908-688-7420 Asking $1,800. 908-355-3636. Highlights some wortc. $500. of best ofler. 908-574-1484. 201-743-2708. Fiver 1986 CHEVY MONTECARLO; White, blue interior, 4.3V6, Good condition, great .transpor- tation. $1800, negotiable. 908-686-3735. • Anti-rabies clinic • By Sean Daily 1995.CHflYSLEB NEON. 4-door.' 5-speed, Staff Writer 7 On May -13.. the City of Rah- Anti-lock brakes, air-conditioning.iAMT M cas- Assemblyman Ricah/d Bagger, R-22, was a guest at the Rahway Yacht Club way will be. holding its'annual sette. 5.000 miles. $9,000-or best offer. on Monday. Bagger was there, among other things, to discuss a new committee 201-275-0182,6pm-i0pm, weekends anytime. free Anti-Rahies Clinic for dogs: for overseeing the Rahway River. -.-••'. •' ' ." • • ••'. .1989 CHRYSLER LeBARON Convertible fully and cats!-The., event will be held loaded, alarm system, air conditioned, arn-fm at the Main Street Firehouse on Called the Upper Rahway River Intergovernmental Cooperation-Committee,' stereo cassette, excellent condition. $3,000. it would create a voluntary committee with members, from the municipalities besl offer, 908-688-6123:.906-283-5317. • May 13. and 14 and at the Maple Avenue • Firehouse .on arranged along the Upper Rahway River in Essex and Union Counties. The bill 1.987 DODGE DAYTONA. Loaded. Excellent condition. Power everything,'sun roof. $2700 or May 15. The hours will be 6 to that would create this committee. A-665. is currently stalled in< committee. .best offer..Call 201-736-8895, • LINCOLN 7. p.m. Dogs must be on a This committee is supported by Cathy Papirnick of the Rahway Environmen- 1989 DODGE SHADOW.-siJver metallic, gray leash and cats must be in tal Commission. ' • •....••' interior, 4 door, 4 cylinder, auto. One owner,, carriers. • .. • • ."Ypii can't look at political boundarieSj''she said: "You have to look at pie excellent condition. $2200.' negotiable. 908^686-3735. -.-.. '. •• •'• -. - Mercury whole -riven"'. ' * .'...' . • ; Siicha committee could initiate river projects.thatindividual'towns would be DREAM MACHINES -got a picture of yourcar? Blanket on sale Run it for 4 weeks, only $40. Call Classified at reluctant to do because of a lack of information as to their results; 800-564-8911 for details. •• .-•'• ' Due to popular demand, the .One of these is a request from the City Council to have the Rahway River . Rahway Public Library is reor- cleaned and/or dredged by the state Department of Environmental Protection or ADVERTISE! dering more of the Historic the United States Army Corps of Engineers. ' ' -Siles-Wanket-whjch-has-soM-out- —Council Presid«ttJ»nvJoMS-had^ginally-sponiored-a-4eso)uUon-for-4his^- twice sincg, last November. The reque'st'but pulled it last month because of concerns raised by both Papirnick REE information! third weaving of the blanket and Bob Harsell of the Arthur Kill Watershed Association. Harsell could not be will be in cream and navy blue. CALL reached for comment. Anyone interested in buying one {908) 686-9898 When asked why he sponsored the resolution.
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