Anais da Academia Brasileira de Ciencias (2017) 89 (2): 1360-1371 (Annals of the Brazilian Academy of Sciences) Printed version ISSN 0001-3765 / Online version ISSN 1678-2690 http://scielo.br.com/en/scielo.php/script=sci_serial&pid=0001-65&nrm=iso www.scielo.br/aabc Development of the piano performing school in the Republic of Kazakhstan (1980-2016) MAIRA SAPIEVA1, SALTANAT JAKAEVA2, KUNSULU ZHAKAEVA3, SULUSHASH AJSINA4 and LILIYA SAYATULEKOVA5 1Candidate of Pedagogical Sciences, Head of the Department of Arts, Кostanay State Pedagogical Institute, 110000, Kostanay, Taran Str., 118, [email protected], 8-771-429-64-08 2Associate Professor, Candidate of Pedagoogical Sciences, Management chief on socially- educator work of КSPI, Department of Arts, Кostanay State Pedagogical Institute, 110000, Kostanay, Taran Str., 118, [email protected], 8-775-822-50-78 3Senior Lecturer, Department of Arts, Кostanay State Pedagogical Institute, 110000, Kostanay, Taran Str., 118, [email protected], 8-705-450-75-55 4Senior Lecturer, Department of Arts, Кostanay State Pedagogical Institute, 110000, Kostanay, Taran Str., 118, [email protected], 8-777-279-35-97 5Senior Lecturer, Department of Arts, Кostanay State Pedagogical Institute, 110000, Kostanay, Taran Str., 118, [email protected], 8-705-109-42-17 ABSTRACT The piano school in the Republic of Kazakhstan began to be formed in the 30s of the last century, in connection with the accession of Kazakhstan to Russia. Prior to this period, the piano education was of a nature of amateur music making, and learning to play the instrument was carried out privately. For less than 100 years the piano school of Kazakhstan has reached a high level: the names of Kazakh pianists - Guldana Zholymbetova, Zhaniya Aubakirova, Amir Tebenikhin, Yerzhan Temirzhanov, Gulzhamilya Kadyrbekova and others - are known abroad. Pianists perform in the most prestigious concert halls in the world. Key words: mortality rate, disability rate, arterial hypertension, diabetes mellitus, atherosclerosis, coronary heart disease. INTRODUCTION E. Brusilovsky (composer from Leningrad), G. Matsutsin (graduate of the Tchaikovsky Moscow In 1932 in Kazakhstan, in Almaty, the first musical State Conservatory) and others. Later, a music and drama technical school was opened, in 1955 it college was opened in Uralsk (1944). was renamed Tchaikovsky Alma-Ata Music In 1944, the State Conservatory was opened in College. To work in the school teachers of the Alma-Ata (Almaty). The first piano pedagogues former Soviet Union’s best conservatories were were G. Petrov, M. Burdanova, Z. Ivanova, V. invited - P. Chugunov (professor of the Tchaikovsky Lazareva. Moscow State Conservatory), P. Preobrazhensky Formation of the piano school in the Republic (professor of the Sverdlovsk State Conservatory), G. of Kazakhstan at the initial stage is connected with Petrov (professor of the Minsk State Conservatory), the name of Eva Benediktovna Kogan (1928-1985), An Acad Bras Cienc (2017) 89 (2) DEVELOPMENT OF THE PIANO PERFORMING SCHOOL 1361 representative of the Koganovs’ musical dynasty, Thus, in the basis for the formation of the Kazakh Honored Artist of the Kazakh SSR, professor of the piano school was laid the traditions of the Russian Kurmangazy Kazakh National Conservatory piano school. Until the 1980s, the Kazakhstan piano (Almaty). E.B. Kogan graduated from the school was in a stage of formation and development. Tchaikovsky Moscow State Conservatory (class of Since 1980, domestic piano performance has gained Professor G.R. Ginzburg). She continued the worldwide fame. A great role in this was played by pedagogical traditions of her outstanding teacher. the teaching staff of the Conservatory and Gaziz This involved work on the piece as a whole, Akhmetovna Zhubanova, who worked from 1975 to fingering, pedal, sound production, and repertoire 1987 as the rector of the Conservatory. G.A. politics. For 20 years, E.B. Kogan headed the Zhubanova paid great attention to the growth of Special Piano Department of the Conservatory. Her professional skills of both teachers and students: she high level of performing skills, pedagogical talent, invited leading teachers of the conservatory of the organizational skills, relentless educational activity former Union, organized a trip of a delegation of allow us to speak of her as an outstanding musician students and teachers to master classes and and person. Her students are N.Y. Bayakhunova, consultations to teachers of the Moscow D.Z. Begimbetova, M. Vartanyan, A.Z. Dosayeva, Conservatory, intensified the work of teachers in G.B. Zholymbetova, S.V. Kostevich, A.K. Kusanov, various concerts, Competitions. Thanks to her S.A. Massover, A.K. Mukhitova, G.E. Uzenbayeva efforts, there is a qualitative leap in the professional and others which are well-known musicians of the training of soloists-instrumentalists. Republic of Kazakhstan, who make a huge From the 1980s to the present - the stage of contribution to the development of the piano school. further development of piano education in the An invaluable contribution to the further republic - is most interesting for study. A huge development of the Kazakh piano school was made preparatory work was carried out on the origin, by Nelli Ivanovna Poteshkina (1936). N.I. formation, and development of piano education in Poteshkina graduated from the Kurmangazy Kazakh Kazakhstan. Since the 1980s, the piano school of National Conservatory (class of Professor E.B. Kazakhstan has entered into a competitive struggle Kogan). She passed an internship with professors to win recognition of the world community, Y.V. Flier (a student of K.N. Igumnov), Y.I. connoisseurs of academic music. Milstein (a student of K.N. Igumnov) and V.V. The period under study was conditionally Gornostayeva (a student of G.G. Neuhaus). N.I. divided into decades. Poteshkina had a special pedagogical gift - to see in 1980-1990. each student a gifted personality. All the pupils of The cultural processes that developed in this N.I. Poteshkina were noted for their bright period in Kazakhstan reflected the crisis of the individuality and great love for music, which the Soviet system, on the one hand, and the socio- teacher imparted to them. political renewal of the country, on the other. The In 1967, an organ was established at the events of the decade under investigation entailed a Kurmangazy Kazakh National Conservatory. For comprehension of the significance of the republic’s the work in the organ class, Vladimir Ivanovich independent existence in the world cultural space, in Tebenikhin (1942-1988), a graduate of the connection with which, the further development of Tchaikovsky Moscow State Conservatory, was the Kazakh pianistic performing school acquired a invited. V.I. Tebenikhin was trained in the piano new significance. In this perspective, the process of class of L.N. Oborin and in the organ class of L.I. gaining the status of an independent state, and at the Roizman. His active performing activity brought a same time the realization of new opportunities for noticeable revival to the concert life of the republic. the exchange of experience, creative contacts The pupils of V.I. Tebenikhin – E.A. Perebeyev, between instrumentalists of the CIS countries and A.E. and B.E. Serkebayev, E.I. Wangler, T.A. foreign countries, acquire special significance. Urmancheyev, V.T. Uzbekov and others - continue At the end of the 20th century, the piano the traditions of the teacher, concert, and education in Kazakhstan reached its peak. This is pedagogical activity. due to the international recognition of the national piano school of Kazakhstan - the victories of G.B. MATERIALS AND METHODS An Acad Bras Cienc (2017) 89 (2) 1362 MAIRA SAPIEVA, SALTANAT JAKAEVA, KUNSULU ZHAKAEVA ET AL. Zholymbetova, Z.A. Aubakirova, and G.I. Moscow State University, the class of G.B. Kadyrbekova at international competitions, their Akselrod), Z.Y. Aubakirova (a graduate of the tours at the world's leading stages. Moscow Tchaikovsky State Conservatory and an Since the end of the 1970s, the enrollment of alumnus with Professor L.N. Vlasenko), N.T. musical schools, colleges, students of the Alma-Ata Izmailov (a graduate of the Moscow Tchaikovsky Conservatory has been carried out on a competitive State Conservatory, class of V.I. Nosov, N.P. basis: the number of those who wish to receive Emelyanova, assistant-traineeship of the Moscow piano education considerably exceeds the number of Tchaikovsky State Conservatory, class of E.G. allocated seats. The piano education in the country Gilels), A.K. Kusainov (graduate of the is considered prestigious. The annual republican Kurmangazy Alma-Ata State Conservatory, class of contests of young musicians open new names. E.B. Kogan, assistant internship, Moscow Based on the results of republican competitions held Tchaikovsky State Pedagogical University, the class during this period, it is necessary to emphasize the of S.S.Alumyan), R.Z. Yermekov (graduate of the student’s level of preparation in musical schools in Moscow Tchaikovsky State University, the class of Almaty, Karaganda, demonstrating the high G.B.Axelrod), etc. Thanks to the efforts of the professional skills of the teachers of the Bayseitova teaching staff of the Conservatory’s Department of Musical School, Republican Kazakh Zhubanov the Special Piano in this difficult period of change, Specialized Music School for the Internet for gifted work was continued to preserve and increase the children, specialized music boarding school of traditions
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