M B I A ONION January, 2000 Volume 105, Number 1 fano*Fgaegg dames institutions Think HAROLD L. ,IiuNI0u . The driving force for a finished wort COL UM itor Monte Sahlin Editor , very congregation within the worldwide Seventh-day Adventist Denise Valenzuelo Editorial Director F Wilona Korimabodi Editorial Assistant Church has both a local mission and a global mission. It is in George Johnson Jr. News R Information Coordinator this context that the local church is envisioned in the Columbia Randy Hall Production Coordinator Union as the central focus and driving force of the Adventist mission George Johnson Jr. Advertising to carry the "eternal gospel to every nation, kindred, tongue and people" (Revelation 14:6-12). The VISITOR is the Adventist publication for people in the Columbia Union. It is printed to inspire confidence in the Saviour and His church We believe that this positive statement of vision represents our and serves as a networking tool for sharing methods members, chur- greatest force for change. The local church is the church! This is ches and institufions con use in ministry. Address all correspondence to: Columbia Union VISITOR. Free to Columbia Union members. Non- more than an evocative message about the future, it is the force of member subscription-57.50 per year. unseen connections that influence the behavior of individuals, con- COLUMBIA UNION CONFERENCE gregations and conferences for local and global mission. It is a fun- 5427 -. • damental Bible concept. (301) 196-0800 or (410) 997-3414 hflp://www.columbiansion.arg In the Seventh-day Adventist Church, the congregation, unlike congregations in some denominations, is essential to the entire international network of ADMINISTRATION Harold Lee Presidest ministries and institutions. It is the foundation upon which the entire system rests. No Edward Hotschiedler Secretary single congregation or institution, nor any level of the denomination, however large, can of Dale Beoulieu Treasurer itself achieve the mission of the church. It takes each unit, witnessing and working where it VICE PRESIDENTS is located, to finish the task. Hamlet Corms° Education Robert Patterson General Counsel Although some congregations struggle just to survive, others are strong and well. By Monte Sahlin Creative Ministries practicing the principle of interdependence in the Biblical Tithing system, the strong help OFFICE OF EDUCATION the weak, the gospel continues to go forward, and the purpose of God is preserved. Our Hamlet Conosa Director corporate vision culminates in the return of the creator of the universe, Jesus Christ. Ian Kelly Associate LaVono Gillhom Associate The congregation is the center for redemptive, transforming grace. It is the command Christine Greene Certification center for community mission, where the vision is cast and made to happen. It is in the con- SERVICES gregation where relational ministry is based, where family is made and where discipling Adventist Health(are Ron Vhsbey Board Chair takes place. It is in the congregation where the people of God do church, where the wor- Communication shiping, working and witnessing community meets the Creator, Redeemer and Sustainer of Denise Valenzuela Director George Johnson Jr. Assistant the universe. Management Information Services A local congregation is where a person goes for fellowship, where the gospel of trans- Harold Greene Director Durral Kindopp Assistant forming grace is preached and taught, where a person professes faith in Christ as Saviour Preethie Meesarapu Assistant Mont and Lord, where spiritual direction is given, where people experience God, where the dox- Don Settie Director ology is sung and the Lord's Prayer is prayed, where Tithes and offerings are given, where Revolving Fund Peggy Lee Secretary/Treasurer children are dedicated to God and marriage vows are made, and where baptism and the Peggy Jean Lee Assistant Lord's Supper are conducted. In the congregation, children learn Bible verses and adults Treasury Carol Wright Undertreasurer discuss their theological implications. It is in the congregation where beliefs are inextricably Deanna Trimarchi Assistant Trust/PARL woven into the imagination of individuals. The local church is the church! Robert Patterson Director The church is God's key institution on earth, and no part of the church is more impor- LOCAL CONFERENCES tant than the local congregation. It is the primary face of the church, the door to the com- ALLEGHENY EAST: Alvin M. Kibble, President; Robert Booker, Visitor Corres- munity of faith, a foretaste of the coming kingdom. It is the instrument of God's mercy, the pondent; P.O. Bon 166, Pine Forge, PA 19548. Telephone: (610) 326- 4610. theater of His grace, His shalom. ALLEGHENY WEST: Willie J. Lewis, President; Robert C. Lewis, Wsiror Correspon- Adventist congregations know Christ's transforming grace as it helps people find the dent; 1339 E. Brood St., Columbus, OH 43205. Telephone: (614) 252-5271. CHESAPEAKE: Kenna Harcombe, President; Rob Vandemon, Visitor (OF way of discipleship, live consistently as they journey that path and faithfully invite others tc respondent, 6600 Martin Rd., Columbia, MD 21044. (410) 995-1910; Washington, D.C., area, (301) 596-5600. walk with them. This transforming grace is necessary to fulfill the church's mission, locally MOUNTAIN VIEW: Randy Murphy, President; Chen Hawkins, Visitor and globally. That grace cannot be purchased in a bookstore, learned at a seminar, down- Correspondent; 1400 Liberty St., Parkersburg, VP/ 26101. (304) 4224581. loaded from a website or borrowed from the surrounding culture. NEW JERSEY: Dowell Chow, President and Visitor Correspondent; 2160 Brunswick Ave., Trenton, NJ 08648. (609) 392-7131. Congregations are places of refuge and retreat for regrouping in the face of hurt, distress OHIO: Raj Attiken, President; Bette Toscana, Visitor Correspondent; P.O. Box 1230, Mount Vernon, OH 43050. (740) 397-4665. or injustice. Without the local church, there would have been no Martin Luther King Jr. to PENNSYLVANIA: Mike Cooley, President; Celina Worley, VisirorConespondent spearhead the civil rights movement. The church is the conscience of society; it is the source 720 Museum Rd., Reading, PA 19611. (610) 37443331. ABC, P.O. Box 3641, Hamburg, PA 19526. (610) 562-5156. of healing and hope in cities and towns. POTOMAC: Herbert Broeckel, President; Sue Kendall, Visitor Correspondent; What is God calling the church to be and do in this new century? The mission never 606 Greenville Avenue, Staunton, VA 24401. (540) 886-0771. ABC, 8400 Carrot Ave., Take= Pork, MD 20912. (3011439-0700. changes, but the world we must reach is changing constantly. I will continue with this ques Printed by the Review and Herald Publishing Association in Hagerstown, MO 21740. tion next month. Think about it! Volume 105 Number I Harold L. Lee is president of the Seventh-day Adventist Church in the eight-state region served by the Co- lumbia Union Conference. 2 VISITOR, January, 2000 Contents Bible studies on video Columbia Union God ci (ales us as unique individuals and calls us into the Adventist community of 15 College Gateway believers. Therefore, we celebrate our diversity in race, culture, gender and view- point yet are united in truth and the mission of Christ. uring this year, several church members from our region will play Adventist HeaIthlete starring roles in the long-running Bible study video series produced "Maryland health institutions D by the Pacific Press Publishing Association. Hosting the series is Jeff Scoggins, a member of Triadelphia Church in 69 face scrutiny, challenges" Columbia, Maryland. He has been with the project for three years and will- ingly takes time from his duties as communications manager in the General Conference Office of Global Mission to appear in the quarterly videos. The series is taped at the Adventist Church world headquarters in Silver Adventist Healtblare Spring, Maryland. Each show highlights the main topic of the current Adult "WAH cardiologist performs Sabbath School Lesson. During the series' 12-year production run, its guests state-of-the-art procedure" have included well-known church leaders, laypersons, pastors, secretaries, 10 teachers, and students, as well as other Adventists from all walks of life. "We ask our participants to dig deep into their own experience for in- sights and practical tips for Christian living," says producer Charles Mills. "I tell them to make the lessons real for our viewers, and they do just that 11-11 A Healing Ministry with amazing clarity and resourcefulness." The guest list for the four shows scheduled for release during 2000 in- 15-18 BMA Communiqué clude Bonita Shields, associate pastor of Spencerville Church; Hulda Romero, website editor at Sligo Church; Paul Virgo, a NASA computer ana- 19-26 Potomac People lyst and a Sligo member; Adan Saldafia, a graphic designer and other stu- dents of God's Word who work at the General Conference and North American Division offices. 27-30 Pennsylvania Pen A new feature of the video series is the presence of Clifford Goldstein as editor of the Adult Sabbath 31-34 Mission Ohio School Bible Study Guide. "With Goldstein on board, 35-38 Dateline New Jersey expect the unexpected," said Mills. "He has unique insights 39-12 Mountain Viewpoint and an exciting style that gets you thinking. The discussions he leads each quarter opens 43-16 Chesapeake Challenge doors for personal spiritual growth. He's an amazing tal- 47-50 Allegheny West Catch the Vision ent and brings additional im- pact and practical ideas to the Clifford Goldstein (right), generates 51-54 Allegheny East Exposé show." lively discussions on the major Bible For more information on themes with Carol Barron (center), a 55-57 Resource Guide these Bible study videos, con- member of Emmanuel Brinklow Church, tact your local Adventist and Jerry Lutz, pastor of Spencerville Book Center. Church. 58-63 Bulletin Board Columbia Union Conference resource & response line—you call, we listen and respond! METRO '99 has come and gone.
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