WHA5 8/2005/REC/2 ~ 0 J-1 , ) WORLD HEALTH ORGANIZATION ORGANISATION MONDIALE DE LA SANTE FIFTY-EIGHTH WORLD HEALTH ASSEMBLY GENEVA, 16-25 MAY 2005 VERBATIM RECORDS OF PLENARY MEETINGS AND LIST OF PARTICIPANTS ' CINQUANTE-HUITIEME, ASSEMBLEE MONDIALE, DELASANTE GENEVE, 16-25 MAl 2005 COMPTES RENDUS IN EXTENSO DES SEANCES PLENIERES ET LISTE DES PARTICIPANTS GENEVA GENEVE 2006 WHA58/2005/REC/2 WORLD HEALTH ORGANIZATION ORAGNISATION MONDIAL£ DE LA SANTE FIFTY-EIGHTH WORLD HEALTH ASSEMBLY GENEVA, 16-25 MAY 2005 VERBATIM RECORDS OF PLENARY MEETINGS AND LIST OF PARTICIPANTS CINQUANTE-HUITIEME ASSEMBLEE MONDIALE DELASANTE GENEVE, 16-25 MAl 2005 COMPTES RENDUS IN EXTENSO DES SEANCES PLENIERES ET LISTE DES PARTICIPANTS GENEVA GENEVE 2006 PREFACE The Fifty-eighth World Health Assembly was held at the Palais des Nations, Geneva, from 16 to 25 May 2005, in accordance with the decision of the Executive Board at its 114th session. Its proceedings are issued in three volumes, containing, in addition to other relevant material: Resolutions, decisions and annex- document WHA58/2005/REC/1 Verbatim records of plenary meetings, list of participants - document WHA5 8/2005/REC/2 Summary records of committees, reports of committees- document WHA58/2005/REC/3 For a list of abbreviations used in these volumes, the officers of the Health Assembly and membership of its committees, the agenda and the list of documents for the session, see preliminary pages of document WHA58/2005/REC/1. In these verbatim records, speeches delivered in Arabic, Chinese, English, French, Russian or Spanish are reproduced in the language used by the speaker; speeches delivered in other languages are given in the English or French interpretation. The texts include corrections received up to 12 August 2005, the cut-off date announced in the provisional version, and are thus regarded as final. AVANT-PROPOS La Cinquante-Huitieme Assemblee mondiale de la Sante s'est tenue au Palais des Nations a Geneve du 16 au 25 mai 2005, conformement a la decision adoptee par le Conseil executif a sa cent quatorzieme session. Ses actes paraissent dans trois volumes contenant notamment: les resolutions et decisions et l'annexe qui s'y rapportent- document WHA58/2005/REC/1, les comptes rendus in extenso des seances plenieres et la liste des participants - document WHA58/2005/REC/2, les proces-verbaux et les rapports des commissions- document WHA58/2005/REC/3. On trouvera dans les pages preliminaires du document WHA58/2005/REC/1 une liste des abreviations employees dans la documentation de l'OMS, l'ordre dujour et la liste des documents de la session ainsi que la presidence et le secretariat de 1'Assemblee de la Sante et la composition de ses COlUllllSSIOnS. Les presents comptes rendus in extenso reproduisent dans la langue utili see par 1' orateur les discours prononces en anglais, arabe, chinois, espagnol, franyais ou russe, et dans leur interpretation anglaise ou franyaise les discours prononces dans d'autres langues. Ces comptes rendus comprennent les rectifications reyues jusqu'au 12 aout 2005, date limite annoncee dans leur version provisoire, et sont done consideres comme finals. - lll - llPE,[(liCJIOBIIE lliTh,necHT ce,nhMa51 cecciDI BceMMpiioH: accaM6neM 3,npaBooxpaHeHM51 rrpoxo,nMna BO ,[(Bopue HaQMH B )l{eHeBe C 16 IlO 25 Ma51 2005 r. B COOTBeTCTBMM C perneHMeM llcrronHMTenhHOrO KOMMTeTa, rrpMH51ThiM Ha era CTo ,nBeHa,nuaToil ceccMM. MaTepManhi ceccMM rry6nMKYIOTC51 B rpex TOMax, B KOTOpbiX, IlOMMMO ,npyrMX ,noKyMeHTOB, co_nep)l(aTC51: PeJoniOUMM, perneHM51 MrrpMnO)I(eHM51- ,noKyMeHT WHA58/2005/REC/1 CTeHorpaqmqecKMH OT'!eT o rrneHapHhiX Jace,naHIDIX M crrMCOK yqacTHMKOB - ,noKyMeHT WHA58/2005/REC/2 IlpoTOKOnhi Jace,naHMH KOMMTeToB, ,noKna,nhi KOMMTeTOB- ,noKyMeHT WHA58/2005/REC/3 CrrMCOK coKpameHMH, McrronhJyeMhiX B 3TMX MJ,naHMHX, M rrepeqeHh ,non)I(HOCTHhiX JIMU AccaM6neH 3,npaBooxpaHeHH51, TaK )l(e KaK M 'IJieHCKHH cocTaB KoMHTeToB, rroBeCTKa ,nHH H crrHcoK ,noKyMeHTOB ,nnH ,naHHOH ceccHH, rrpHBO,nHTCH B Ha'!ane ,noKyMeHTa WHA58/2005/REC/1. B CTeHorpaMMax Jace,naHHH BhicryrrneHH51 Ha aHrJIHHCKOM, apa6cKoM, McrraHCKOM, KHTailcKOM, pycCKOM H ci>paHUY3CKOM 513hiKaX rrpHBO,n51TC51 B OpHrHHane; BhiCTYITJieHM51 Ha ,npyrMX 513hiKaX _naHhl B rrepeBo,ne Ha aHrnHHCKHH MJIH cl>paHUY3CKHH 513hiKH. YKaJaHHhie TeKCThi BKJIIO'!aiOT HcrrpaBneHHH, rrony'IeHHhie CeKpeTapMaToM ,no 12 aBrycTa 2005 r., KaK o TOM 6biJIO o6n51BJieHo B rrpe,nBapHTenhHhiX rrpOTOKOJiaX, H IlOTOMY HaCT051II.J.a51 pe,naKQH51 C'IHTaeTC51 OKOH'IaTeJibHOH. INTRODUCCION La 58• Asamblea Mundial de la Salud se celebro err e1 Palais des Nations, Ginebra, del 16 a1 25 de mayo de 2005, de acuerdo con la decision adoptada par el Consejo Ejecutivo en su 114a reunion. Sus debates se publican en tres volumenes que contienen, entre otras cosas, el material siguiente: Resoluciones y decisiones, y anexos: documento WHA58/2005/REC/1 Aetas taquignificas de las sesiones plenarias y lista de participantes: documento WHA58/2005/REC/2 Aetas resumidas de las comisiones y de las mesas redondas e informes de las comisiones: documento WHA58/2005/REC/3. En las paginas preliminares del documento WHA58/2005/REC/1 figuran una lista de las siglas empleadas en estos volumenes, la composicion de la Mesa de la Asamblea y de sus comisiones, el orden del dia, y la lista de documentos de la reunion. En las presentes aetas taquigraficas Ios discursos pronunciados en arabe, china, espafiol, frances, ingles o ruso se reproducen en el idioma utilizado por el orador. De los pronunciados en otros idiomas se reproduce la interpretacion al frances o al ingles. Las aetas contienen las correcciones recibidas hasta el 12 de agosto de 2005, fecha limite anunciada en la version provisional, y par consiguiente se consideran definitivas. - lV- ~J ' i 0-a :; jall .) ~ ~YI ~ ~ ,,)_,....c.JIJ 4.l.aWI ~WI L.:......-11 ~ w~l I.A~~ ..foJ ,4-iWI ~ :;ytc. ~1)1 4.:i.JJ.:l ~ ',?~1 ~I~>.J.J W ~ ,-,. •• o J:!La j)yi ro :~ La ,~1 d~ i..SY.YI .:li_,.JI ~ ~J ~~)'~ ,~ wl~ ~ .) jY • • ojoAt~r ~)I- y~l ~~I A...uliJ ~)WIJ 4.:JIY.")'I d.J_)..JIJ d)_;ill ''/~ ~)I - ~-~ul j)l :; .J---:!~1 .:l...........JI _,.JI J 0~1 .J--:ul.i:iJ :; J.--..;.. _,.JI ~b...JI .if~ /Y • •ojoAt~r .~ ........ ll ~ '.' ;sQ ~L.ac.1J ~I ~\:iJ.} ~~I d)~'il A...uli ~ t)lb)UJ ~_,11 ~~I wl .... o.... l\ ~~ ,~\:i~ ~ljJ :;.JJ.:l.........JI ~1 JJ~J ~4-J ~yAcJ ·(',?~)'1 ~1) '/~ /Y. • ojoAt~r ~ ~~YI ) ~J)I ) ~.)11 ) ~~)'I ) ~I ) ~~~ ~1 ~~ wWSll .:l_}JJ ~_; .)~ 1..5~1 w~ ~1 ~~ wWSll t...i ~w~l ~ ~ ~~ w~ ~yJI ~b...JI I>~ ~_,.JI JAJ ,-,. • • o ~1 jyl 'Y ~ ~ ~ ~~ w4:i~l ~ ~J .~_)11) ~~)'I .4.:J'+i _# Jt:ll~ ~J ,~_;.JI ~~.) ~~ ~4-lll ~-~ff~~~---~~~~~~~' -~~A~~~~~*~fW~~5A 16B~25B~B~E~OOt#ffo~~~~~~~ili~o ~~t•*##*,~~~ ~t6: ~~, ~~5ft.JMf1tf: - X1tf WHA58/2005/REC/1 ~~ ~ ~ti*i~iE~R~~ ~~tit% - Y:1!f WHA58/2005/REC/3 ~~o/~m~~~m~,~~*~~~~R~~~~~~m~,~ttR~~x#m ~, ~X 14: WHA58/2005/REC/1 jt ff Yf o fflfr~x, o/*, ~x, ~x,•x~w-~*~~~~*~~,m~~A~m~ *~~-; ~t*~~~~m~x~~x~x~•o~®~~~*AATW~~sA12 B~ ~ t&_j~ ~~.IT:., ~?~:l!ili at j:?-js: o/ WW ~ i;J!: B!tA, g) iTiJ t 1J'J ;it :lf§- s~ ;t?-js:o -V- CONTENTS Page Preface . 111 VERBATIM RECORDS OF PLENARY MEETINGS First plenary meeting 1. Opening of the Assembly ..................................................................................................... 1 2. Address by the Representative of the Secretary-General of the United Nations .................. 2 3. Address by the Representative of the Conseil d'Etat of the Republic and Canton of Geneva .................................................................................................................................. 3 4. Address by the President of the Fifty-seventh World Health Assembly .............................. 5 5. Musical interlude .................................................................................................................. 7 6. Appointment of the Committee on Credentials .................................................................... 8 7. Election of the Committee on Nominations ......................................................................... 9 8. First report of the Committee on Nominations .................................................................... 9 9. Second report of the Committee on Nominations ................................................................ 10 Second plenary meeting 1. Presidential address .............................................................................................................. 13 2. Adoption of the agenda and allocation of items to the main committees ............................. 16 3. Announcements .................................................................................................................... 24 4. Reports of the Executive Board on its !14th and !15th sessions ......................................... 25 5. Address by the Director-General. ......................................................................................... 28 6. Invited speakers .................................................................................................................... 33 7. Announcements .................................................................................................................... 39 8. Address by the Director-General (resumed) ........................................................................ 40 Third plenary meeting Address by the Director-General (continued)....................................................................... 49 Fourth plenary meeting Address by the Director-General (continued)......................................................................
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