Scientific and Social Program

Scientific and Social Program

Scientifi c and Social Program Friday, 9th 2011 Saturday, 10th 2011 Sunday, 11th 2011 Monday, 12th 2011 ataGlance Programme 43 REGISTRATION DESK (Registration Area) 8:30-19:30 EBBS - Meeting Seville (2011) BehaviourSocietyMeeting S2A Fear-based Anticipation: S4A It takes two to tango - specialization and S6A Brain oscillations and ontogenesis, networks and cooperation of the two cerebral hemispheres hippocampal memory processing mechanisms in humans and other animals Giralda I-II Giralda I-II Giralda I-II 9:00-11:00 S2B Neural processing of S4B Adenosine receptors as therapeutic S6B Neural bases of cognitive- rd SATELLITE Symposium communication sounds across the targets in brain disorders emotional interactions in humans European Brainand European on "Neurobiology of Time species Perception: from normality Santa Cruz Santa Cruz Santa Cruz 11:00-11:30 to dysfunction" Coffee break Valérie Doyère (FR), L2 Colegio de América Special Lecture L5 Elsevier BBR Lecture L7 Argiro Vatakis (GR) and Elizabeth Phelps Barbara Sahakian Tania Singer 11:30-12:30 Elzbieta Szelag (PL) Changing fear Depression and resilience: Insights Social emotions from the Lens of social from cognitive, neuroimaging and neuroscience (8:00-14:30) Giralda I-II psychopharmacological studies Giralda I-II Giralda I-II Poster Session #1 Poster Session #2 Poster Session #3 12:30-15:30 Santa Cruz Posters and Exhibition Area Posters and Exhibition Area Posters and Exhibition Area Welcome (15:00-15:30) Floor -1 and Floor -2 Floor -1 and Floor -2 Floor -1 and Floor -2 Giralda I-II L1 Opening Plenary Lecture L3 L6 Frontiers in Behavioral Neurosc. Lecture L8 Alan Cowey May-Britt Moser Yadin Dudai Andreas Meyer-Lindenberg 15:30-16:30 Aware or unaware: how does Brain mechanisms for computing Tinkering with the molecular machinery of Genetic and environmental risk the brain decide? space long-term memory in cortex mechanisms for psychiatric disorders Giralda I-II Giralda I-II Giralda I-II Giralda I-II 16:30-17:00 Coffee break S1A Hormonal Regulation S3A Complexity in the response S5 Prize Winner's Symposium S7A Impulsive and risk-taking of learning and memory to stress: the environment and the Selected presentations from EBBS members with behaviour: molecular and neural bases processes individual less than 10 years post-doctoral experience. Giralda I-II Giralda I-II -Areg Barsegyan, Univ. Medical Center, Groningen, Giralda I-II NL 17:00-19:00 -Jazmin I. Acosta, Arizona State U., Tempe, AZ, USA S1B Individual differences in S3B Non invasive transcortical -Lars Schwabe, Ruhr-Univ. Bochum, DE S7B Neural interactions between cognition and behavior, do electrical stimulation -Molly J. Crockett, Univ. of Cambridge, UK conscious and unconscious vision they interfere with measuring? -Patrizia Campolongo, Univ. Rome "La Sapienza", IT Santa Cruz -Rosamund Langston, Univ. Dundee, Scotland, UK Santa Cruz Giralda I-II Santa Cruz 19:00-19:30 EBBS - AGM & Podium Discussion: The Flamenco Concert L4 DANA Alliance Public Lecture XVH RI TXDQWLWDWLYH PHDVXUHV IRU VFLHQWL¿F FDUHHU (19:15-20:15) Francisco J. Rubia evaluation. Participants: de Gelder, Dudai, Langston, Giralda I-II 19:30-20:30 /DUHYROXFLyQQHXURFLHQWt¿FD Nadel and Treves Giralda I-II (19:15-20:15) Giralda I-II Closing ceremony (20:15-20:45) Visit to the EBBS Banquet Tapas tour Giralda I-II 20:30...24:00 Reales Alcázares Cortijo El Esparragal (20:30-24:00) (20:30-21:30) (20:30-24:00) Seville September, 9-12/2011 FLOOR PLANS "& & " 0& ' ' *- (& # *, (& (& / (&*. " (& " 1 " ' &! (& *) ' (&*+ (&** & &!# &$(% Floor 1 +& (&$ %&-& "&&' Floor 2 " ' . ( (&) # (&* (&/ " & & &&!# (&+ &$(% &$% *& (&$ %& ,& ( (&, - rd 43 European Brain and Behaviour Society Meeting Contents Programme at a Glance .............................................................................................. 1 Floor Plans .................................................................................................................. 2 Welcome ..................................................................................................................... 4 Committees ................................................................................................................ 6 :JPLU[PÄJ*VTTP[[LL,)):*V\UJPS Local Organizing Committee @V\UN3VJHS6YNHUPaPUN*VTTP[[LL Lazarillo Committee General Information .................................................................................................... 7 Satellite Symposia ....................................................................................................... 9 :JPLU[PÄJ7YVNYHT Friday. September 9th, 2011 ............................................................................ 9 :H[\YKH`:LW[LTILYth, 2011 ...................................................................... 12 :\UKH`:LW[LTILYth, 2011 ........................................................................ 16 Monday. September 12th, 2011 ....................................................................... 19 Poster Presentations :H[\YKH`:LW[LTILYth, 2011 ...................................................................... 23 :\UKH`:LW[LTILYth, 2011 ........................................................................ 30 Monday. September 12th, 2011 ....................................................................... 37 Social Program ............................................................................................................ 44 Sponsors ..................................................................................................................... 45 ,_OPIP[VYZ .................................................................................................................... 46 -PYZ[(\[OVY0UKL_........................................................................................................ 47 Notes ........................................................................................................................... 50 Seville September, 9-12/2011 Welcome +LHY-YPLUKZHUK*VSSLHN\LZ 0HT]LY`WSLHZLK[V^LSJVTL`V\[V[OLrd4LL[PUNVM[OL,\YVWLHU)YHPUHUK)LOH]PVY :VJPL[`,)): (Z`V\RUV^^LOH]LHYLHSS`outstanding programPUJS\KPUN13 symposia covering some VM[OLTVZ[L_JP[PUN[VWPJZJ\YYLU[S`PU[OLÄLSKVMIYHPUILOH]PVYPU[LYHJ[PVUZHUK[VWPU[LYUH[PVUHSS` prominent scientists offering the keynote lectures. Poster sessionZ WYVTPZL [V JVU[PU\L ILPUN H JLU[YHSWHY[VMV\Y:VJPL[`»Z4LL[PUN^P[O^LSSV]LY]LY`PU[LYLZ[PUNWVZ[LYZ[OH[^LHYLOH]PUN[OPZ year. 4VYLV]LY0^V\SKSPRL[V[HRL[OPZVWWVY[\UP[`[VWHY[PJ\SHYS`encourage you to join two new important activities[OH[^PSS[HRLWSHJLOLYLPU:L]PSSLMVY[OLÄYZ[[PTL! ;OLSpecial Young Investigators Prize Winner Symposium[OH[^PSS[HRLWSHJLVU:\UKH` at 5 WT0ILSPL]L[OL`HYLHSSV\[Z[HUKPUN ;OLPodium Discussion[OH[^PSS[HRLWSHJLPTTLKPH[LS`HM[LY^HYKZHSVUN^P[O[OL,)):(.4 TLL[PUNHSZVVU:\UKH`H[!WT,]LY`VULUV[VUS`,)):TLTILYZPZ^LSJVTL>L^PSS KPZJ\ZZ[OL]LY`PTWVY[HU[PZZ\LVMJ\YYLU[TL[OVKZ¶WHY[PJ\SHYS`IPISPVTL[YPJZ[VTLHZ\YLZJPLU[PÄJ PUW\[¶MVYJHYLLYHZZLZZTLU[0[^V\SKILNYLH[[VJV\U[^P[O`V\YVWPUPVUHUKWHY[PJPWH[PVU 0 Z[YVUNS` LUJV\YHNL `V\ [V NL[ PU]VS]LK PU HSS [OLZL L]LU[Z K\YPUN [OL TLL[PUN HUK TVYL NLULYHSS`PU[OL:VJPL[`»ZNVHSZHUKHJ[P]P[PLZ0[^V\SKILNYLH[PM`V\SL[\ZOH]L`V\YPKLHZHUKPUP[PH[P]LZ LP[OLYK\YPUN[OLAGMTLL[PUNVYTVYLNLULYHSS`[OYV\NOV\[[OLZLUL_[KH`ZOLYLPU:L]PSSL ;OL LOC, with Agnes Gruart as its Chair, has done an outstanding work organizing this TLL[PUNHZ^LSSHZW\[[PUN[VNL[OLY[OLTVZ[H[[YHJ[P]Lsocial program[OH[0HTZ\YL^LHYLHSSNVPUN to enjoy and never forget. 0^PZO`V\HNYLH[TLL[PUN^P[OSV[ZVMVWWVY[\UP[PLZ[VPU[LYHJ[PUHYLSH_PUNHUKPUZWPYPUN H[TVZWOLYLOLYLPU:L]PSSL0HTZ\YL[OH[[OLZ\YYV\UKPUNZPU[OPZLUJOHU[PUNJP[`^PSSHSZVOLSW )PLU]LUPKVZ Warmest regards, Carmen Sandi President, EBBS 4 rd 43 European Brain and Behaviour Society Meeting +LHYJVSSLHN\LZ 0[PZT`WSLHZ\YLHUKOVUVY[VPU]P[L`V\[VH[[LUK[OLYK4LL[PUNVM[OL,\YVWLHU)YHPU HUK)LOH]PVY:VJPL[`,)):^OPJO^PSS[HRLWSHJL:LW[LTILY H[[OL4LSPq:L]PSSH/V[LS PU :L]PSSL :WHPU (Z THU` VM `V\ WYVIHIS` RUV^ [OL ,)): PZ [OL VSKLZ[ ,\YVWLHU 5L\YVZJPLUJL :VJPL[`HUKP[ZWYPTLHPTPZ[VMHJPSP[H[L[OLL_JOHUNLVMPUMVYTH[PVUHUKPKLHZIL[^LLU,\YVWLHU UL\YVZJPLU[PZ[ZPU[LYLZ[LKPU[OLYLSH[PVUZOPWZIL[^LLUIYHPUTLJOHUPZTZHUKILOH]PVYHUKSLHYUPUN processes. ;OLOPNOX\HSP[`VM[OLWSLUHY`SLJ[\YLZZ`TWVZPHHUKV[OLYHJ[P]P[PLZPUJS\KLKPU[OL:JPLU[PÄJ 7YVNYHT^PSSJLY[HPUS`OLSW[VTHRL[OPZ4LL[PUNPU[LYLZ[PUNUV[VUS`[VTLTILYZVMV\Y:VJPL[`I\[ HSZV[VYLZLHYJOLYZVMKPMMLYLU[ÄLSKZPU[LYLZ[LKPUIYHPUHUKILOH]PVYYLSH[PVUZOPWZ:WLJPHSH[[LU[PVU ^PSS IL NP]LU [V VYNHUPaPUN SP]LS` WVZ[LY ZLZZPVUZ LUHISPUN `V\UN ZJPLU[PZ[Z MYVT HSS V]LY ,\YVWL [V WYLZLU[[OLPYYLZLHYJOYLZ\S[ZHZ^LSSHZ[VL_JOHUNLZJPLU[PÄJPUMVYTH[PVU^P[O[OLPYJVSSLHN\LZMYVT many different research centers. Moreover, the Meeting will provide many different possibilities for PUMVYTHSJVU[HJ[ZIL[^LLU`V\UNHUKZLUPVYYLZLHYJOLYZ 3HZ[ I\[ UV[ SLHZ[ :L]PSSL PZ H ILH\[PM\S JP[` M\SS VM TVU\TLU[Z T\ZL\TZ HUK PU[LYLZ[PUN WSHJLZ[V]PZP[0U[OPZYLNHYK^L^PSS[Y`[VTHRL`V\YZ[H`OLYLHWSLHZ\YL;OL:VJPHS7YVNYHTVM[OL 4LL[PUN^PSSPUJS\KLH]PZP[[VVULVM[OLTHPUTVU\TLU[ZVMV\YJP[`[OL(SJHaHYHZ^LSSHZV[OLY artistic and pleasant activities. -VYHSSVM[OLHIV]LYLHZVUZ[OL\WJVTPUN,)):4LL[PUNPU:L]PSSLWYVTPZLZ[VILH]LY` L_JP[PUNL]LU[;O\Z0LUJV\YHNL`V\[VQVPU\ZMVY^OH[PZL_WLJ[LK[VILH]HS\HISLHUKZH[PZM`PUN ZJPLU[PÄJLK\JH[PVUHSHUKWSLHZ\YHISLL_WLYPLUJL 0SVVRMVY^HYK[V^LSJVTPUN`V\[V:L]PSSLPU:LW[LTILY (NUuZ.Y\HY[ Chair, Local Organizing Committee 5 Seville September, 9-12/2011 Committees SCIENTIFIC COMMITTEE - EBBS

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