NAUKA SCIENCE Mykola Orlenko* orcid.org/0000-0002-4154-2856 The system approach as a means of restoration activity effectiveness Podejście systemowe jako środek do zwiększenie skuteczności restauracji zabytków Key words: restoration of architectural monuments, Słowa kluczowe: restauracja zabytków architektury, system approach, problems of the emergency podejście systemowe, problemy złego stanu condition, restoration technologies, the House with technicznego obiektu zabytkowego, technologie Chimaeras restauracji zabytków, Dom z Chimerami INTRODUCTION Michael’s Golden-Domed Monastery, where a number From the standpoint of the system approach, archi- of trees, small architectural forms which obstructed the tectural monuments are perceived as integrity not only view of the visual axis, were demolished, and compre- as a “thing in itself”, but also as an element of integrity hensive landscaping was carried out, traffi c was sorted, of a higher order – the environment, which, as a rule, is billboards and other things were removed, Fig. 1. determined by the limits of the visual perception zone The experience of Samarkand is also well-known, of a monument. Within these limits, the places most where the areas around the monuments of the world suitable for sightseeing are determined. From these importance – the Gur-e Amir Mausoleum and the “points” the “views” are opened up, which in their restored Bibi-Khanym Mosque, were cleared from turn become objects of protection not only for the buildings that obstructed the visual perception and architectural monument, but also for its environment. limited the tourist activity. The expenses incurred Analysis of the visual perception zone of an ar- by the city in compensation for clearing the territory chitecture monument with the use of the modelling from the buildings were returned by replenishing and experimental design methods makes it possible to the Samarkand budget from international and do- determine the elements of the environment: build- mestic tourism and from an increase in the number ings, green spaces, advertising elements, kiosks, poles of pilgrims. of electrical networks, etc., which reduce the level This experience of Samarkand is an evidence of of perception of the monument and are defi ned as expediency to assess the conditions of perception of “dominant”. architectural monuments and, if necessary, to raise the With this approach, the tasks of restoration of archi- question of the destruction of dissonant objects. tectural monuments are expanding, and not only the The main feature of the object that determines the monument itself, but also its environment becomes an characteristics of its urban-planning location, architec- object of protection and restoration. tural and planning structure, the architectural image is An example of such approach is the space between the type of activity for which the building (structure) the bell towers of Saint Sophia Cathedral and Saint is designed. * Doctor of Architecture, Professor of Kyiv National Uni- * dr architektury, profesor, Kijowski Uniwersytet Budownictwa versity of Construction and Architecture, President of i Architektury, prezydent Korporacji Ukrrestavratsiia Ukrrestavratsiia Corporation Cytowanie / Citation: Orlenko M. The system approach as a means of restoration activity effectiveness. Wiadomosci Konserwatorskie – Journal of Heritage Conservation 2019;57:96-105 Otrzymano / Received: 08.11.2018 • Zaakceptowano / Accepted: 10.12.2018 doi:10.17425/WK57APPROACH Praca dopuszczona do druku po recenzjach Article accepted for publishing after reviews 96 Wiadomości Konserwatorskie • Journal of Heritage Conservation • 57/2019 dow, arch, balcony, bay window, loggia, portico, entrance, vehicular entrance; – fl oors – beam, logs, farm, waterproofi ng, vapour barrier, insulation, fl oor; – crown – attic, fronton, drum, dome; – roofs – spire, roof, bath, chimney, dormer win- dow, attic, parapet. These second-level subsystems are in turn divided into indivisible elements. The structural model of the architectural-planning system, depending on the functional purpose of the structure, is divided into main components, which are the basis of the functional-planning organization of the building, which should correspond to the main processes (rituals, rituals) for which the structure is designed. 2. SYSTEMATIZATION OF AUTHENTIC BUILDING MATERIALS AND STRUCTURES OF ARCHITECTURAL MONUMENTS For restoration activities, reconstruction and re- covery of the architectural monuments that have not Fig. 1. The axis between the St. Michael’s and St. Sofi a bell tow- been preserved, and the society considers it is neces- ers – the historical axis of Kievan Rus. Recreated in 1998–1999 sary to restore them, it is important to systematize the information about building materials that form the 1. THE SPECIFIC FEATURES OF basis of the building – the main construction and fi n- APPLICATION OF THE SYSTEM ish materials, materials for exteriors and interiors. In Ukraine traditionally for capital construction, bearing APPROACH AND STRUCTURAL constructions from ancient times to the present dif- MODELS IN THE RESTORATION ferent types of wood, natural stone, brick, concrete, INDUSTRY reinforced concrete, metal were used, each material has Taking into consideration the objectives and tasks of its advantages and disadvantages. Regarding the topic the restoration activity, it is necessary to explore a build- under consideration, it is important to determine the ing as a holistic object regardless of its function, from very fact of the application of building materials, as well the perspective of determining the main elements of as the historical period of the prevalent use of these or the restoration intervention, taking into account their other building materials, structures and technologies. importance in the building’s activities (supporting The main role in the functioning of an architectural structures, enclosing structures, exteriors, interiors, monument in proper condition is played by the statics elements of aesthetic and art decoration, etc.) of the “footing-foundation-building” system. In many The structural model of an architectural monument cases, the elimination of the emergency state of the presupposes that it is fi rstly a piece of architecture, and object of restoration begins with the strengthening of only then it is a landmark. The status of an architec- the footings and foundations. According to the types tural monument, as well as other monuments of the of structure and building materials foundations are immovable historical and cultural heritage, provides divided into the following: strip foundation, pier and for the restoration or conservation of the holistic post foundation, slab foundation and pile foundations. monument, or its individual component or element, At all periods, except for the beginning of the twen- which in essence are subjects of protection; provides tieth century, strip and pier foundations were used. In for the division of the whole into many parts. So, on princely times (10th – 13th centuries) they used founda- the basis of the architectural monument as an archi- tions of the type “opus mixtum” (mixed construction tectural-constructive system, in its model it is divided technique, masonry of boulders and plinthiform bricks into the following components: subsystems of the fi rst on lime-cement mortar), rubble of boulders, rubble level – footings and foundations, walls, fl oors, ceilings, concrete foundations, foundations of plinthiform bricks, crowning, roofs, each of which is in turn divided into limestone, sandstone, but in wooden structures (most of the following parts – subsystems of the second level; them, but they are not preserved) – from oak logs. which is described in detail below: During the Middle Ages and the Renaissance (14th – – the bases – a wall (trunk), a sole; 16th centuries) there were rubble stone foundations – walls – basement, gable, cornice, column, win- of boulders, of limestone, of sandstone and of oak Wiadomości Konserwatorskie • Journal of Heritage Conservation • 57/2019 97 logs. In the period of the 17th-18th centuries they used rubble foundations of the 9th-12th centuries, made of foundations of overburned brick, of stone combined sandstone, granite, quartzite or limestone, lime mortar with brick, rubble concrete foundations, foundations and lime with powdered brick mortar were used. Clay of limestone, of sandstone, and oak logs. At the end of mortar, lime or lime with powdered brick mortars were the 18th – the fi rst half of the 19th century there were used for the rubble foundations with wooden ground foundations of overburned brick, of limestone, rubble sills on the ground, fastened with stakes or crutches concrete (stone, brick) and of oak logs. In the second (the 9th-12th centuries). Those foundations were made half of the 19th century, there were foundations of over- of sandstone, granite, quartzite or limestone. For rub- burned brick, of limestone and rubble concrete (stone, ble foundations of sandstone, granite, quartzite of the brick). At the beginning of the twentieth century, with 10th – 12th centuries with rows of plinthiform bricks (of the invention of the pile system, besides the strip foun- the “opus mixtum” type), a lime mortar with powdered dations made of limestone, of overburned bricks and brick was used. Rubble concrete foundations of the 12th rubble concrete foundationds, the foundations of bored century of boulders with crushed plinthiforms were and cast-in-place piles were used. Thus, we
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