HERE SOON Nfld. Skies DELUXE COMPACT By BAILEY R. FRANK BY BUICK SATURDAY, Octobe1· 8. THE DAILY NE Sunset today . • . ... 5:26 p.m. AT Sunrise tomorrow • . • • .. .. 6: U a.m Moonrise tonight .• , . , . 7.51 p.m. Nova Moton Ltd. TIDES i ,; High ..••• , .•.•.. 9:27 ~.m. 9.54 p.m. I· Vol. 67. No. 224 lHE DAILY NEWS, ST. JOHN'S, NFLD., SATURDAY, OCTOBER 8, 1960 (Price. t Cents) ~ : II Low .•••• , •. , •.. 3:21 a.m. 3:53 p.m. ,'I ' •I : 1: ; 1: I' • • : i: .I !·.- !i . ec1a 1sarm j, .:, . .I! , ___ ,........ -.~· ·~-- I' I usiness Go·es On Brief~ In Price ·For 'Hands '· '•. Absence Of Mr. K. World News • I' 'i l'tll:mt\ liiUl\'ER .' cry of government seems to do Off West Berlin l''' .\!' -1\ lw·~. mind- 1 tittle more t~nn coa~t. 'Copters Crash '"' lc! ,tore 11 htlc the: Anastas Mtko~·an, Ihe semor UNITED NATIONS. N. Y.-CP-Prcmicr Khrushchrv · ,,;,, , ;•:TW.• on at the first deputy premier, is seem· Alx ·L ES·BAINS France lAP• tl t d F 'd S • · 11 Two Fren h Tt' h r t Jrca enc n av to support ov~et rnterests outside the , \ct:n:1· · mgly away from Moscow. The collided ~n ~A~h~ry ne~~coph~~! United l'iations by replying on our ow.n strength." He 'I · ,;,. ,• 111 ,:, n.lt in Premier other deputy, Alexei Kosygin, is ~>·c: :: ;\:• .. l'nL't'. , on hnn<l. Thursday and six French soldi i demanded a Summit conference after the United States ers perished. Authorities at first election as his price for restraining Soviet action on isJ­ \. · '"''' !nmr•ll s routine But such is the mechanism of 1 - repo~ted one of th~ craft was rlatcd Wf'st Berlin's status. The original translation by Vik­ - ""=·'•'· "'' ;,, ~:;unl. the Soviet system that most de· 1,,1:;\u .. :·· .. t quirtly by ~, cisions of even a relati1•e!y rou· BelgJan, but later smd .both w~re ·tor Sukhodrev, Khrushchev's official interpreter, said that .• , 1 t.:~::t np in ~Jo;;cow' tine natut·e would be taken on a French. One was carrymg. a pilot Kh.-mhchev would uphold his interests outside the UN "by .. ;· ';,"'~' i•hl'' through 42 committee basis under a first! ~nd student, the other a ptlot and f f " b ff' · 1 · · · .. ·:·i , three mechanics. use o Mce. ut an o !Cia announcement sa1d th1s was m ·,.: ,,,,1111 n:::'n' deryuty's chairmanship. i i error and Khrushchev actually had said "by relying on our ., .. r.,., .,,,1: l1<wc been Familar now with how things .... : ;~. ";· ·,,,,, : 1: ~IHHI;1;· on this slack off. many diplomats reg. New Manifesto own strength." . hut 11 SPEED AND DARING-TI1is was whut the motor torpedo boat de­ I dUll 0: !> :1'''"' · h.m a ;;core ularly ~chedulc th~ir l'acations pended on, nnd t~c Royal Canadian Navy MTB flotillns it in large P~RIS (~e~tersl-.o\ "counter· I A Russian-speaking' u~ pre~s questions ~t . a UN ~orrespond· lltl~d ., c·•:·,,::.i ~' ma;tcr sales· , to coincide- with Khrushchev's had i lrupt . ,.. ,,,:nn::t!li>m ·uHI a hard tl·ips. measure during the Second World War. Operating in the English Channel, mamfesto" stgned by 260 lead· : ofhcer .agreed t~at .>ukhodrev s , ents Assoctatmn luncheon, called ing French men was issued: translatiOn was m error. for equal representation in the ·.~c IPI' ::·,· ~ol'i<•t line on His lir~t trip abroad. in Sep· these small boats were noted for their daring attacks on shipping along Thursday to denounce an intel·; SPECIAL SESSIO:'II' U:-l organization reflecting what cnres tcmbcr 1~5~. was to Red China. the enemy-held cousts, and for their running fight~ with the German u. lectuals' '"manifesto of the 121'' ! Khrushchev also demanded a he said was the division ol >light 'j:,'1 ':~' n· ,_., :r:1! lu~h of· · In th~ inten·al Khrushchev has bouts. Canadians also served with distinction in ~ITBs and motor gun boats supporting the right or French· ! s~cial U~ General Assembly on 1 pow~r in the ~·orld today-C~m· r~rt. ;.c 1 ,,, F111Ti~n ~linislcr made 10 trips outside the So1·iet in the Mediterranean and the Adriatic. men to refuse to fi~ht a"ainst ! disarmament-after the new U.S. I mumst. cap1tahst and neutralist. hrat. (;·,:;:., ·,,., ,,, 1~0 impot· llnion and as many or more :the Algerian people. The orlginal : president is installed.-bY April I . lDl\J~, .''(l':''""; ;:,· kin;! taken within the Communist bloc. I "manifesto of the 121." now re-: at the latest. He sa1d Gene\'a, · "Th1s would mean au slates r bat· lie ~ot his first l'icw of the , ported signed by some 200 per .. ~loscow or Leningrad would be would ha1·e an equal op_Portunity : he r \lt~·t'O\\' diplo· canitali~t world when he visited 1 1 sons hore the names o£ Philoso· acceptable. tn the solulmn of quesllons," he nn 11 'I:,;,_ :1 h cw ahout Switzerland lor the 1955 Genc1·a Africa Fights Last pher' Jean·Paul Sartre actresses In Washington. the While: said, "anrt they would be re· .t~·s. s. : ··• '1::,. 1\hnt,hrhcr !'iummit mectin;:. ln :tddition to Simone Signot·et and Danielle De- House said it has no comment I sol red in a way not ~o harm th~ :::1· "" indlrd to a his two !rips to :'olew York, he has l'isited Britain, France, Iorme and no1·elist Francoise Sa· on the Kh,·ushchev rtemand. l interc:;ts o£ any one group of Ctll.'l.' · Auslt'ia, Finland ami south Asian gan. The "counter . manifesto' The So\·iet leader. answering· states.'' was signed hy ~tarslwl :\lphon~e · -------------- ~'·I:,,: L' :''"' 11hrn the nations ranging from Afghanis· Battle Of Boer War 1ppin~ c· ,, :·nl !1t·rr •he mal·hin· 'tan to Indonesia. ,Juin, France's top-ranking sol· To Hold Meet,·ng iioors ------·--------- B:v AI.A:"J Hl\ll\'EY ;\ll'ica's birth. · CJ.EAR WARNING dier among others. to th~ Canadian Press Stal! Writer The coincidence was that in· The nationalists may move ,. and • South Africa has finally fought the course of expanding her em- cautiously in seeking to clarify· Find Nazi letters 1ir in· the last battle of the· Boer War. pire and ins I i tutions Britain their status within the Common·\ 0 U f UlllSia 1 .m the May Join The referendum in which na- came into conflict with an a\. wealth. A pretty clear warning BERLIN' IAP - Construction n nemp 1oymen r~n to tionalist forces nanowly ob- ready i n d i genous, developing has already been giv~n by coun· , workers ha;·e. fo~nd secr.~t letters lained their republican ideal white nation that was engaged tries such as Malaya and Ghana · fr,om top ~azls 1 ~ 1 a bu.JJc~ sale. B~· JAMES :-.'ELSO~ . 22 bod i e 5, ~lr. Dicfenba';er · "" 1n ha!'ilt'd may be viewed as tne historical in creating ils own institutions. -and el'en by canada-that the \\est Berlm police said. fhurs: OTTAWA rCP J-l'dmc ~lin is· wrote: ~111 of Rebels climax of a conflict dating from "The fact that violence was J wa~· back into the Common-! day ..some of the .papeJs. be~t ter Die£enbaker has inrited 22 "I announced the 'nlcntion of Algerian 1110 5 .lay 1.. the end of the last century. employed in the first stages of 1 .,·ealth fold will not be an easy! the sJ.gnatures of of Ht.tlet national organizations to scn.J the go,·et·nment to seek the \'iews !trr is . .., k' f . The s t r u g gle between mon · the conflict and that the initial! one. ',· ~eputtcs: Ru~olf Hess .. scn:t~g a : represcntatil'es to a round-table or national or::anizations on fur· Tuni;,;~ ' .. ~uters \ - 1 see 'lllll support or 1Its forces b . hf entenc n the \lhed ]at! at 1ployed , , Habib Bou;guiba smd arter receiving a promise in Pe- archy and repu he symbolized decisions were taken with fore~ The slim tl'iumph [or republic· . e s ~ 1 : conference here Oct. 24·25 on ther measures that might be . k' f for many Afrikaners a contest , as the sole arbiter, bequeathed J anism in Thursda,.•s referendum ,,· Spandau. and ~~~rtm Bormann, · emplo,vment problems. taken rcgardin,~ emplov. ment in T·Jnisia mi~ hI umte wttn m," o Chinese Communist aid. ' h ! t t 11 1 u insur~rnl> to hasten DEMOCRATIC NORTH AFRICA between British institutions and a legae~ of. bitterness to t~e fu-1 may suggest that coo\ heads I w ose a e Js 5 1 . a .mys er~. : The indtations. sent out a Canada. I a111 writing . to .,.,""'"'" of l:geria and Bourguiba said his "idea" for their own legitimate aspirations. lure wh1ch m turn \lBI'e I'ISe to. hm•e already begun to ponder' Th~rc are also lettcts 110m .Jell·. week after he suggested the con· in\'ile your organization to send · ~~~ of the rnlct war. uniting with the Algerian insurg. It involved, in ot?~r wor~s, a racial antagonism." t the possible disad1•antagcs of batter Allred Rosenberg, hanged lercnce in a television address a representative to meet around 1 10:0 the :iilwn'l! Assembly ents was not yet a firm project. ~lash bet wee~ Br1hsh .Natt?nal- Seen against his ~ackground,. being excluded from the Com· after !)em~: condemned to ~eath. Sept. 21, asked each of the or·, a tahlc here in Ottawa with a 1 that Russinn ,1r Chinese The ·aim, he said, is to build .a Ism and Afrikaner nahonahsm.
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