US 20140257223A1 (19) United States (12) Patent Application Publication (10) Pub. No.: US 2014/0257223 A1 Henn et al. (43) Pub. Date: Sep. 11, 2014 (54) SUPER-ABSORBNG POLYMERS WITH Publication Classification RAPIDABSORPTION PROPERTIES AND METHOD FOR PRODUCING THE SAME (51) Int. Cl. A6IL I5/24 (2006.01) (71) Applicant: EVONIK DEGUSSA GMBH, Essen A6IL 5/42 (2006.01) (DE) A6IL 5/60 (2006.01) (52) U.S. Cl. (72) Inventors: Markus Henn, Gelsenkirchen (DE); CPC ................. A61L 15/24 (2013.01); A61L 15/60 Laurent Wattebled, Dusseldorf (DE): (2013.01); A61L 15/425 (2013.01) Peter Herbe, Kevelaer (DE); Jorg USPC .............. 604/370; 604/372:521/149; 156/60 Harren, Baesweiler (DE); Christoph Loick, Tonisvorst (DE) (57) ABSTRACT The present invention relates to a particulate absorbent poly mer material having: (73) Assignee: EVONIK DEGUSSA GMBH, Essen i) a maximum APCo values 1.6) for at least one number (DE) iselected from the group of integers from 2 to 12 (=APC (21) Appl. No.: 14/352,171 ii) a values 12 for the sum total of all APC values for all numbers i from the group of integers from 2 to 12 (=APC (22) PCT Fled: Nov. 12, 2012 sum); (86) PCT NO.: PCT/EP2012/072360 wherein the APCo value is: S371 (c)(1), APC-10s.-QI. Io evalue'xPI, lose-value (2), (4) Date: Apr. 16, 2014 where the QIo value is the Swell index and ix10 seconds after (30) Foreign Application Priority Data adding the 0.9% by weight NaCl solution, and the PI.ix1O see value is the permeability index and ix10 sec Nov. 17, 2011 (DE) ......................... 102O11086522.5 onds after adding the 0.9% by weight NaCl solution. Patent Application Publication Sep. 11, 2014 Sheet 1 of 5 US 2014/0257223 A1 s s SW--waxssssss-Wyssa -si s Sayasawa-awamamaw S st s's as S - SssswSSass SSseased as ser Patent Application Publication Sep. 11, 2014 Sheet 2 of 5 US 2014/0257223 A1 ss as a systs ss's --Y-s: 2.3%; z ? ·~~~~~ºzzzzzzzzzzzzz% as a ra's ·&##~~~~~~~~~~~;~~~~~~. Patent Application Publication Sep. 11, 2014 Sheet 3 of 5 US 2014/0257223 A1 s s s S. 8 s 8 S S & s S 8. S $ 8 s & 8 S. S. S. S s: 8 S 8 s : s sysSaaSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSXX-XSaaS Patent Application Publication Sep. 11, 2014 Sheet 4 of 5 US 2014/0257223 A1 Fig. 4 Patent Application Publication Sep. 11, 2014 Sheet 5 of 5 US 2014/0257223 A1 Fig. 5 ***** -, ××××××××××××××××××××× ASN Maxarra-Wa-WWYYY--Ya-ya, US 2014/0257223 A1 Sep. 11, 2014 SUPER-ABSORBING POLYMERS WITH same time the amount of unbound urine in the diaper is RAPIDABSORPTION PROPERTIES AND minimized. Advantageous Superabsorbents also have good METHOD FOR PRODUCING THE SAME transfer properties and so ensure optimum utilization of the 0001. The invention relates to a particulate absorbent entire hygiene article. polymer material, a process for producing aparticulate absor 0006. However, prior art superabsorbents are insuffi bent polymer material, an absorbent core containing a par ciently suitable for use in the above-described new generation ticulate absorbent polymer material, a hygiene article, a pro of cellulose-free diaper designs. cess for producing an absorbent core and also an absorbent 0007. The problem addressed by the present invention was core obtainable by this process. therefore that of overcoming the superabsorbent-related dis 0002 Superabsorbents are water-insoluble, crosslinked advantages that Surrender to the prior art. polymers capable of imbibing and retaining, under pressure, 0008 More particularly, the problem addressed by the large amounts of aqueous fluids, especially bodily fluids, present invention was that of providing Superabsorbents that preferably urine or blood, by Swelling and forming hydrogels. are particularly advantageous for use in absorbent cores hav In general, these imbibitions of fluid amount to not less than ing a low cellulose fiber content, for example in the cellulose 10 times or even not less than 100 times the dry weight of the free designs described in WO-A-2008/155722, WO-A-2008/ Superabsorbents, or Superabsorbent compositions, for water. 155711, WO-A-2008/155710, WO-A-2008/155702, WO-A- Owing to these characteristic properties, these polymers have 2008/1557O1 or WO-A-2008/155699. their main application in the absorbent cores of hygiene 0009. Another problem addressed by the present invention articles Such as baby diapers, incontinence products or sani was that of providing a selection process for selecting, from tary napkins. A comprehensive overview of Superabsorbents the multiplicity of currently known superabsorbent materials, and Superabsorbent compositions, their use and their produc those superabsorbents capable of being reliably used in the tion is provided by F. L. Buchholz and A.T. Graham (editors) cellulose-free designs described in WO-A-2008/155722, in “Modern Superabsorbent Polymer Technology'. Wiley WO-A-2008/155711, WO-A-2008/155710, WO-A-2008/ VCH, New York, 1998. 155702, WO-A-2008/155701 or WO-A-2008/155699 for 0003 Superabsorbents are generally prepared by free example. radical polymerization of acid-functional, usually partially 0010. A contribution to solving the problems defined at neutralized monomers in the presence of crosslinkers. By the beginning is made by a particulate absorbent polymer varying the monomer composition, the crosslinkers and also material having at least one of the following properties: the polymerization conditions and the processing conditions 0011 i) a maximum APC values 1.6, preferably 2.0 for the hydrogel obtained after polymerization, polymers and more preferably c2.4 for at least one numberi selected having different absorption properties can be prepared. Fur from the group of integers from 2 to 12 (APC value), ther possibilities are offered by the production of graft poly wherein an APC value of preferably 14.0, more prefer mers for example by using chemically modified Starch, cel ably 12.0 and most preferably 10.0 is not exceeded; lulose and polyvinyl alcohol as described in DE-A-26 12846. 0012 ii) a value a 12, preferably 18 and more preferably 0004. The current trendin diaper construction in particular 224 for the Sum total of all APCo values for all num is to produce ever thinner absorbent cores having a reduced bers i from the group of integers from 2 to 12 (=APC): cellulose fiber content and an increased Superabsorbent con wherein an APC, value of preferably 55, more preferably tent. The advantage of thinner designs manifests itself not 50 and most preferably 45 is not exceeded; only in an improved wearing comfort, but also in reduced wherein the APC. value is defined as follows: costs for packaging and stockholding. The latest generation ix1O see of absorbent cores, which is described for example in WO-A- APC. Iose-QI. Io evalue 2 xPI, lose-value 2008/155722, WO-A-2008/155711, WO-A-2008/155710, where WO-A-2008/155702, WO-A-2008/155701, WO-A-2008/ 155699, EP-A-1 225 857, WO-A-01/15647, WO-A-2011/ 0013 the QI value is the value of the Swell index 120504, DE-A-10 2009 049 450, WO-A-2008/117109, determined as per the herein described test method ix10 WO-A-97/11659, EP-A-0 826 349, WO-A-98/37846, seconds after adding the 0.9% by weight NaCl solution, WO-A-95/11653, WO-A-95/11651, WO-A-95/11652, and WO-A-95/11654, WO-A-2004/071363 or WO-A-01/89439, 0.014 the PI value is the value of the permeability is essentially cellulose-free (and hence the diapers of this type index determined as per the herein described test method are also referred to as fluffless diapers). Superabsorbent par ix10 seconds after adding the 0.9% by weight NaCl ticle immobilization, effected in cellulose-containing absor Solution. bent cores by the cellulose fibers, can beachieved in this latest 0015. In a particular embodiment of the particulate absor generation of absorbent coresby, for example, thermoplastic bent polymer materials of the present invention, these have a fibers immobilizing the superabsorbent particles on a sub WSP241.3 (test method of the Worldwide Strategic Partners strate surface. EDANA and INDA) centrifuge retention capacity (CRC) of 0005. The trend towards ever thinner diaper designs and not less than 22 g/g, preferably not less than 24 g/g, more the disappearance of the temporary fluid-storing and conduct preferably not less than 26 g/g and most preferably not less ing function of cellulose fibers has resulted in a distinct than 28 g/g. change in the performance profile required of Superabsor 0016. In a further particular embodiment of the particulate bents. What is of decisive importance now is the ability of the absorbent polymer materials of the present invention, these hydrogel to prevent leakage of urine directly in the course of have a WSP242.3 absorption under pressure (AUP) of 0.7 psi micturation. This is achieved by the property of the superab of not less than 16 g/g, preferably not less than 18 g/g, more sorbent/hydrogel whereby the fluid is sufficiently imbibed, preferably not less than 20 g/g and most preferably not less and dispersed in the gel layer, during Swelling while at the than 22 g/g, US 2014/0257223 A1 Sep. 11, 2014 0017 Particulate absorbent polymer materials preferred polymer materials is brought into contact with aluminum according to the present invention are fibers, foams or par salts before, during or after the postcrosslinking. ticles, of which fibers and particles are preferable and par 0027. In process step i) initially an aqueous monomer ticles are more preferable. Solution containing a polymerizable, monoethylenically 0018 Polymer fibers preferred according to the present unsaturated acid-functional monomer (C.1) or a salt thereof, invention are dimensioned Such that they can be incorporated optionally a monoethylenically unsaturated monomer (C2) in or as yarns for textiles and also directly in textiles.
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