FORMAL SUPPLY ORDER BY REGD.POST No.024:01:1:01:18-107(Lathe Machine)Dated: 25.01.2018 Item Category Firm Category Tender Category Vendor Code Open Domestic 1/22/D/A/070 Lathe Machine GENERAL. Tender (ODT) To M/s S K Engineers, Katras Road Dhanbad, Jharkhand- 826001 Ph. No- 0326-2300285/09431121274/9798139639 [email protected] Sub: Procurement of Lathe Machine Heavy Duty of BED length 10500 -11500MM with set of tools for maintenance of Machine and accessories required to perform various operations. Reference N o: - Tender No. CCL/SM/VSS/LATHE MACHINE/024/16-17 tender Sl no 121/2016-17 opened on 11.08.2016 (Tender id: 2016_CCL_42799_1). Your Bid no- 121415 Dear Sir, With reference to the above, Central coalfields Ltd is pleased to place purchase order for supply Lathe Machine Heavy Duty of BED length 10500 -11500MM with set of tools for maintenance of Machine and accessories required to perform various operation as per scope of supply and technical specification enclosed herewith in accordance with the following terms and conditions, the general terms and conditions of supply enclosed as per Annexure A:- 1. SCOPE OF SUPPLY: SI NIT Material Item Description Qty. in Basic Rate Extended No SI No. Code Sets in Rs/ Sets Value in Rs 1. 1. 17801000000 01 4191501.00 4191501.00 To design manufacture supply and commissioning of new Heavy Duty Lathe Machine of BED length 10500 -11500MM with set of tools for maintenance of Machine and accessories required to perform various operations. MAKE : Rajindara Machines (P) Ltd. MODE L: RMPL 9000 Total Basic Order Valuein Rs 41 ,91 ,501.00 GST @18% Rs 754470.18 Total Rs.49,45,971.18 2. Total Order Value Rs.49,45,971.18(Rs. Fourty Nine lacks forty five thousands nine hundred seventy one and paise eighteen) 3. Price :- FOR Destination & FIRM basis No.024:01:1:01:18-107 (Lathe Machine) Dated: 25.01.2018 4. GSTIN :M/s S K Engineers ,Katras Road Dhanbad, Jharkhand, GSTProvisional ID (20AAGPW4659K1ZB). 5. Goods & Services Tax :GST (@18%) will be payable extra as indicated GST rate shall be @18% as intimated by you. Benefit accruing to seller due to implementation of GST, if any, shall have to be passed on to CCL by way of commensurate reduction in prices. In case of any increase in taxes and duties after expiry of the scheduled delivery period, the increase will be to supplier’s account and in case there is any decrease, the same shall be passed on to CCL. CCL GSTIN: 20AAACC7476RHZT While Supply and raising invoice, you shall comply with all provisions of the Goods & Services Tax Act 2017. 6. Packing & Forwarding Charges: Nil. If it becomes applicable later on, the same will be borne by the firm. 7. Freight & Insurance: NIL to be borne by the firm”. The safe arrival of the consignment at destination will be responsibility of the firm. 8. Delivery : -Within nine (09) months from the date of placement of the supply order. 9. Payment Terms: - a. 80%value of each equipment and the accessories and 100% GST will be paid within 21 days after delivery and receipt and acceptance andsubmission and acceptance of performance bank guarantee. The equipment should be accompanied with relevant dispatch documents like Challan, Maker’s Test Cum Inspection Certificate Warranty Certificate, Pre dispatch inspection certificate wherever applicable etc. b. Balance 20%payment shall be made within 21 days of successful completion of erection testing, commissioning and final acceptance of the equipment (along with accessories) at site upon presentation of a certificate from the project Officer the effect that the equipment has been erected and commissioned to their entire satisfaction. NO OTHER PAYMENT TERMS WILL BE ACCEPTED. No payment will be made for supply of incomplete equipment and no payment shall be released without submission of the performance bank guarantee. 10. Security Deposit: - You are required to depositSecurityMoney of Rs4, 94,598.00 , which is equivalent to 10% of the value of the awarded contract (landed value) ,in the form of DemandDraft or irrevocable Bank Guarantee issued by any scheduled Bank in the prescribed format (as given in the NIT at Annexure-E),within 15 days from the date of receiptof SupplyOrder.The Bank Guarantee submittedtowardsSecurityMoney shall be validfora minimum periodof 3(three) months beyond the stipulateddeliveryperiod.Failureto deposit the required SecurityMoneywithinthe specified periodmay entail cancellation of SupplyOrder and thecaseshall beprocessed toorderelsewhere and thefirm’s performanceistobekept recordedfor future dealingwith them. TheSecurityDeposit shallberefunded within 30daysofsatisfactoryexecution ofthe contract.For unsatisfactoryperformanceand/or contractual failure ,the Security Deposit shall b e forfeited .In caseofextension ofthe deliveryperiodthevalidity ofBankGuarantee submitted towards Security Depositshallbesuitably extended tocoverthe requiredvalidityperiod of3(three)monthsbeyondthe extendeddeliveryperiod. Security Money may be converted into performance bank guarantee (PBG) (wherever PBG is required as per the contract). However, in such case the amount of PBG should not be less than 10% (ten percent) of the landed value of the order. 11. Performance Bank Guarantee: You are required to deposit PBG amount of Rs4, 94,598.00, PBG issuedbyany scheduledBank inthe prescribed format(asgiven i nthe NITatAnnexure-F) valid for 21 months from the date of receipt and acceptance for 10% value of the material including taxes and duties etc to the FOR Destination price of the equipment on order must be submitted before execution of supplies or along with supply bills. No payment shall be released without submission of the performance bank guarantee. “The PBG will be released after successful completion of Performance guarantee period/criteria. On completion No.024:01:1:01:18-107 (Lathe Machine) Dated: 25.01.2018 of Performance guarantee period/criteria, the firm should submit a written request to the supply order signing authority for release of PBG” The Bank Guarantees (BG) issued by issuing bank on behalf of the supplier/s in favour of “Central Coalfields Limited” shall be in paper form (Stamp Paper) as well as issued under “Structured Financial Messaging System”. The message will be sent to the beneficiary bank through SFMS. The details of beneficiary Bank of issue of BG through SFMS Platform are furnished below :- Particulars of Name Central Coalfields Ltd Beneficiary Hqrs/ Area Hqrs Department Materials Management Bank A/C No. 10106155123 Customer ID 80288731402 Particulars of Name of Bank State Bank of India Beneficiary Bank Branch & SME Branch, Doranda, Ranchi - 834002 Address SFMS/ IFSC SBIN0009620 Code Original copy of the Bank Guarantee issued by the issuing Bank shall be sent by the Issuing Bank to the Procurement Entity, Central Coalfields Limited 12. Guarantee/Warr anty: The tenderer/supplier shall furnish a guarantee against material, design, accuracy, workmanship and performance for a period of 12 months from the date of commissioning. In case of any fault the manufacturer/supplier shall replace the defective part/rectify it at site free of cost Bidder have to submit an undertaking along with each lot of supply, that the firm shall replace the defective Equipment/material / pre-maturely failed material free of cost within one (01) month upon receipt of intimation from the consignee, subject to acceptance during the normal joint Inspection held between authorized representative of firm and the concern Project/Area representative and on consignee store basis without any extra cost to CCL on account of freight etc. 13. Identification Mark :All the instructions plates (related to speed and gear selection etc during operation) should be embossed/engraved/punched/riveted in English or Hindi language and should be fitted on the machine at appropriate place which is not subject to wear and tear. 14. Modeof Dispatch & Delivery: The stores should be properly packed according to material/quantity mentioned in the supply order and challan for dispatch by road “Freight Paid” on door delivery basis. The necessary road permit (if needed) shall be furnished by the consignee after receipt of intimation from your side. The safe delivery of the consignment at destination will be your responsibility. 15. Road Permit: If required, the road permit shall be obtained from the consignee. 16. Transportation: It is incumbent on the supplier to transport the contracted materials/supplies through registered common carriers only and documentation should be done as per provision of the carriage by Road Act, 2007. Any transportation of goods through unregistered common carries is illegal." 17. Inspection: a. Pre dispatch Inspection and testing: The Supplier shall provide facilities to Purchaser or their authorized representatives for progress inspection and testing as the case may be, during manufacture at their works for quality control, both for bought out items and their own manufactured/fabricated items. b. The Purchaser or their agent, when so required by them, shall also be provided with samples of “bought-out” materials for the purposes of undertaking independent tests, which shall be at the expense of the Purchaser. c. Final Inspection will be carried out by the GM (Excv)/HOD or his authorized representative on receipt of materials at consignee’s end. Notice for inspection shall be given by the consignee immediately on receipt of the material .. 18. The Paying Authority & Consignee will be as under :- Sl.No Consignee Details Address of Paying Authority 1. Depot Officer, CCL, Central Stores, Barkakana, At The General Manager (Fin/HQ), CCL, & PO- Barkakana (NTS) Dist. Hazaribagh Ranchi. No.024:01:1:01:18-107 (Lathe Machine) Dated: 25.01.2018 19. SUBMISSION OF BILLS: :For claiming payment, bills in triplicate should be submitted to the Paying Authority for arranging payment. The following documents/certificate should also be submitted to the paying authority along will the Bill i. Self-Authenticated Copy of Consignment Note. ii. Self-Authenticated Copy of Guarantee / Warranty Certificate (if applicable).
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